On Friday Jungkook was woken up by someone constantly ringing his doorbell .He was about to yell until he saw who it was over the intercom.

"Hey mom"

"Don't just stand there.Help me carry these in"

"Yeah sure"

"Were you still sleeping?Don't you go to work anymore"

"I told you that I'm on leave"

"Right.I always forget that"

"Tell me did you take the evening train or something"

"I drove"

"Why would you do that"

"Why not when my son bought a car for me"

"What about the chauffeur .What did you do to him"

"I do have a license so i don't see what problem you have with me driving"


"Come and show me your outfit for tomorrow"

"But i sent you the pictures didn't i?'

"I want to see it in person.Your soon to be mother in law has a great fashion sense"

"I agree"

"We are going to the beauty parlor and the hair salon.You can't get engaged looking like that"

"Mom I'm not your daughter"

"It doesn't matter what you say but it's my duty to make sure that my only child looks smoking hot at his engagement"

Jungkook sighed.This was going to be a long day.


The engagement party was at the Kim's and it was held in the evening.Jungkook had the whole day sleeping.After the hell that his mother gave him on Friday he really needed the rest.

The ceremony began at seven.Jungkook had invited a few of his friends.The rest of the attendees were Taehyung's friends and colleagues,his relatives and his parents colleagues and friends.

Once the pair had exchanged rings and taken pictures with family and friends it was time for Jungkook to get introduced to Taehyung's extended family.Jungkook was nervous at first but knowing Taehyung was at his side made him feel better.The introductions went smoothly.

The tension had loosened a bit but Jungkook couldn't bring himself to eat when everyone else did.Taehyung noticed and grew concerned.

"Hey"he approached the omega with a smile.Jungkook was sitting on a table chatting with Seokjin ,Namjoon ,Jimin and Rosie.The group was both congratulating and teasing him.He had already introduced the older couple to his fiance.


"I can't help but notice that you didn't get yourself anything to eat.Perhaps the food is not to your liking"

"Tae you know i eat anything"

"Then what's the problem"

"I just feel uneasy and i don't feel like eating"

"You won't even eat for me"


"Okay I'm not gonna force you.Come and let me introduce you to my friends"

"But you have a lot of friends though.Do i have to meet all of them?"

"Just the important ones for now"

"Well how many are they?"

"Just two.Come on don't feel shy"Taehyung placed his hand on the omega's lower back and took him to where his friends where.

"Guys this is Jungkook"

"Hello guys"

"You look so much better in person"

"Thank you"

"I have heard so much about you"

"All bad i guess"

"No.Taehyung adores you.He can't stop talking about how he can't wait to finally marry and breed you"

"Really Tae"

"He is lying.I never said all of that.As a matter of fact i don't even tell them stuff because they can't keep things to themselves.I know them.They are my friends"

"I believe you"

"So the shortest one is Min Yoongi.He is a judge and my senior"

"Nice to meet you Judge Min"

"No need to be so formal.Just call me hyung"

"Okay hyung"Jungkook smiled

"He totally looks like Jimin's type doesn't he?"Taehyung whispered to the omega.

"Yeah i agree"

"Maybe we should hook them up.Kill two birds with one stone.Jimin is bitter and jealous because he is single and lonely.My friend here is single and seriously searching.The problem is he doesn't have much time on his hands to go on dates"

"Sounds like a plan.I can't believe he is older than you and still single"

"Judges always marry late.I guess it's a trend.Studying takes a lot of time"

"Taehyung i hope you haven't forgotten to introduce me.You guys are just whispering to each other and it makes me feel jealous"

Hoseok had spoken up after noticing the couple giggling and whispering to each other.

"Hyung i didn't forget about you.Baby this is Jung Hoseok.He is a prosecutor and yes he is my hyung.He is the deputy president of our singles club"

"Nice to meet you Hoseok hyung"

"The pleasure is all mine pretty thing.Tell me are all your friends pretty like you"

"Maybe even better"the omega smiled

"He is just being modest.Jungkook is the prettiest among his friends.Believe me i checked"Taehyung said

Jungkook nudge the alpha's to stop him from bragging.

"Can we meet them if you don't mind.Just trying to get to know them"

"I hope they are single "Hoseok winked

"But they can't know that I'm the one who sent you.Okay.They will kill me"

"Sure.We will come up with something"

Jungkook showed the duo the table where his friends were sitting and by chance Seokjin and Namjoon had vacated the table.Just perfect.

"Dance with me"

"Here.With everyone watching"

"No one is watching.They are all busy with their business.Come on"

"I don't dance"

"I don't believe that"

"You better believe it.I never danced at a party.Hell i have never danced with anyone.I don't know if I'm good or suck at it"

"There is a first for everything"


Taehyung placed his hands around the omega's waist and Jungkook secured his arms around the alpha's neck.Taehyung led them and Jungkook followed his movements.

"Are we doing it right"

"Who cares"Taehyung buried his face in the omega's neck and inhaled his scent.

"Do you know that our parents are watching."

"I know and i don't care"the alpha licked the omega's neck sensually.He was fighting the urges to claim the omega right there and then.His wolf was fighting to take control and mark Jungkook.He finally moved away from the omega's neck.

"Taehyung please behave.There are guests and some of them are already staring "

"I told you I don't care"

"Taehyung...your eyes"


"They have turned red"

Red?The alpha paused.This could only mean one thing.

"Crap.I'm sorry but i have to go.I don't want to hurt you"

"What do you mean?"

"I will explain later"


"Just trust me baby"

Jungkook was left there feeling confused.He swallowed dryly and looked around the room feeling nervous.After ten minutes he finally went after the alpha and found the door of his room locked.

"Taehyung are you okay"he called out from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry i left the way i did but i had to"

"What's going on?"

"My rut has started and it's not safe for you to be around me"

"Oh so what do you want to do?"

"Want something to pound into to"

"But we are not married yet.I'm not ready..I'm sorry"

"Don't think about okay.I left so i wouldn't pounce on you.I have always dealt with it on my own.Nothing has changed"

"What do you need.Is there anything i can do for you"

"I'm going to my house.Just tell my family what's up okay.I will handle the rest"

"Okay.Stay safe.Take care of yourself"

"I'm gonna leave through the window.If i go downstairs someone might try to stop me"


An hour later the party had ended and all the guests had left.Jungkook finally got the chance to talk to Taehyung's mother and tell her about her son's condition.

"I could see that he was ready to devour you in front of our eyes"

"It was his wolf"

"Kookie will you please do me a favor."

"Sure mother"

"Can you please take food supplies to his house.I just want to make sure that he has enough until his rut ends.He usually starves himself and i don't want that"


"Aren't you sending him to a lion 's den.If Taehyung gets hold of him there is no telling what he will do"

"I will be careful Somi"

"Just leave the food and get out of there as soon as possible.Take care"

"I will"

"Let me give you the address as well as the spare keys of his house"

When Jungkook got to the house he stocked the food as instructed.He was about to leave like a good boy but he thought he should take a peek maybe get a glimpse of his fiance.After looking around for ten minutes he realized that the house was empty.Taehyung wasn't home.Where was he then?

For some reason Jungkook couldn't sleep for three nights and the next day he found himself outside Taehyung's house.He went there despite knowing that the alpha was dangerous to be around.It was the third day of Taehyung's rut but Jungkook still took the risk.

With the keys he was given at the day of the engagement he let himself into the seemingly haunted house.Good thing he knew where the alpha's bedroom was so he didn't take any unnecessary detour.

He pushed the door open slowly.He didn't want to make any sudden noise and wake up Taehyung.Not yet.He removed his shoes and tip toed further into the room.He got to the bed and was immediately startled by the sleeping figure on the bed.Taehyung was topless while his lower body was covered with the blanket.He was sleeping like he was dead and no matter how much Jungkook called out to him he didn't wake up,move nor did his eyes flutter.At first the omega was confused then he grew worried.This man wasn't dead was he?

"Playing dead are we?"Jungkook smirked with his hands on his waist.There was something sinister on his mind.Something that was out of character.

Jungkook crawled ontop of Taehyung and sat right on his member.The size made his eyes bulge and asked himself what he was thinking.He thought that only that much would get a reaction out of Taehyung but it didn't work.

"Now what?"he thought out loud.Then he started roaming his hands all over the alpha's chest and at the same time he started moving his hips and before he knew it he was grinding on a man who wasn't awake.

When he realized that he was actually enjoying it his face went red with shame and berrated himself.He wanted to cry but at the same time he couldn't stop.He didn't want to.

"I'm sorry Taehyung.but i can't stop .This feels so good"he moaned

Before he could finish he felt himself being flipped over and pinned on the very same bed.When he opened his eyes Taehyung was hovering over him with red eyes.

"You are awake"he grinned nervously

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house"

"Is that supposed to be funny?"

Taehyung didn't respond and buried his face in the omega's neck.Jungkook was confused until he felt a sharp pain on his flesh.Was Taehyung doing what he thought he was doing.

"Taehyung please don't mark me.Not now?We talked about this.Please"

"Who started playing dirty?"

"I was just teasing you.You weren't responding so i had to do something and it worked"

"You are a slut"

Jungkook's face darked"Am i?"

"I don't even know who you are"

Without unknown strength Jungkook pushed Taehyung off him.While the alpha was busy being shocked the omega crawled on top of him again.Taehyung was frozen.

"You really don't know me Kim Taehyung?"Jungkook asked seductively and started moving his hips making their crotch grind against each other once more.

"I was just shocked by this side of you.So fucking naughty"Taehyung swallowed greedily.He was getting turned on and hopped that he wouldn't end up losing control and hurt the omega.

"Then I'm going to make it a point to keep shocking and surprising you"Jungkook whispered into the alpha's ear.He then sat up and intertwined both their hands.

"Did you eat something weird?"Taehyung asked sensually ,keeping his eyes on the omega's hooded eyes.

"Maybe.I don't know"Jungkook then picked up his pace and released their intertwined hands.

"Feels so good.Ah"

Taehyung was impressed.Their sex life looked promising because Jungkook was eager.Taehyung wasn't going to be the one to do all the work.He placed both of his hands on the omega's waist to encourage him.He knew the omega was going to reach his high soon.

Suddenly there was a knot in the omega's stomach that was begging to be released.

"Ah"Jungkook only came back to his senses after he had finished in his pants.The pleasured face soon turned to an embarrassed one.

He got off the alpha with the intention of running away but Taehyung didn't let him.He grabbed him by the waist and pinned him on the bed.The omega became horrified when the alpha crawled on top of him.

"Where do you think you are going"


"Why?Do you think i will just let you go after using me like that.Do you think I'm something to get you off and then walk away"

"I didn't come here to do that.I swear it wasn't planned.I don't know what came over me.I'm really sorry.Please let me go"

"I can accept your apology but I can't let you go.Not today.You are staying with me"


"This is your way of making it up to me for the stunt you pulled"


"Good boy"

Taehyung's member was hard and hurting but he ignored it and went to kiss Jungkook's collarbone and neck.The omega was breathing heavily with his cheeks red and eyes shut.



"You are hard."

"I know"

"Are you just going to sit there and do nothing.I'm getting hard again"

"What do you want me to do"

"You are frustrating me.Move will you"Jungkook bit his lower lip and wrapped his legs around the alpha's waist.


Taehyung grinded on the omega hard and faster.Jungkook started moaning softly with his eyes shut.After what felt like an eternity Jungkook released for the second time and Taehyung for the first.

"I didn't use you this time.We helped each other out"

"Who was the one who got me hard in the first place"

"You were already hard"


"I spoilt my pants.I feel sticky down there.Can I get something to change into"

"There is a new boxer in my closet.Take them and go and wash up.I don't want you to go around smelling like jeez"

"You need the shower too.You are sweaty and smell like jeez too"

"Use this bathroom.I will use the one downstairs"

"You only have two bathrooms?"

"They are more than enough for a bachelor"

"But you aren't going to be a bachelor forever silly"Jungkook snorted.

"I will get the other bathrooms as well as their rooms furnished when the need arises"

"I see"Jungkook rolled out of bed and went to grab the boxer from the underwear drawer.He came back ten minutes later and Taehyung was gone.He felt a bit cold so he went back into bed with the boxer and his t shirt.

When Taehyung came back he was shirtless.He slipped into bed and held the omega from behind.Things were awkward for a while.They both knew that they had an issue to address.

"I'm not going to have sex with you until we get married"

"Did i say i want to have sex with you animal?"

"I'm just saying so you should know.Don't get your hopes up"

"But we can mess around like we did earlier"

"I'm cool just as long as you don't end up sticking your monstrous brother in my behind"

"I can live with that"

Jungkook suddenly turned around to face the alpha's side .

"What?Why are you staring at me like that'

"When i came to leave your food the day your rut started you weren't home.Where did you go in that condition"

"Why do you need to know"

"Is there someone you spend your ruts with?"Jungkook asked

"What do you think"

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to.I won't force you"Jungkook said and immediately faced away from the alpha.

"I didn't go to anyone.I had went for a run in the woods.If i have sex with someone else isn't that cheating.

"Its good to know"

"You sound like you don't believe me"

"No that's not it.I totally believe you"

After almost a six hour long nap Jungkook woke up first.Hunger was eating him.He hoped that he could get some food supplies in the alpha's kitchen and put together a meal.

Just ten minutes after he started he felt hands on his waist.Taehyung was back hugging him and pulling close to him.


"Tae I'm really hungry and you aren't helping"

Taehyung turned the omega to face him.Jungkook wanted to say something but the alpha shut him up his lips landed on the smaller's with a soft kiss.Jungkook gave in and kissed back,he even pulled the older close to himself.The kiss deepened and they were lost in their world because they couldn't get enough of each other.

Thats when they smelt something burning.

"Taehyung"Jungkook exclamied and pushed the alpha lightly.He leaped and switched the stove off.


"My onions got burnt because of you"

"If it's really my fault then why don't i take you out for brunch to make up for your burnt onion"

"Thats a lovey idea because I'm farmished"

"Let's go and change"

"Wait.Is it safe for you to be going outside.See i don't want you to pounce on people when I'm with you"

"You just have to keep me close so i won't pounce on anyone else"

"That's no fun"

While they were out the pair decided to make the most of it.They had brunch and went to relax in the park.Afterwards they went on a long walk just to kill time.When they got tired they went to watch a movie.By the time the movie ended it was time for dinner.They only came back afterwards.

They went to bed after taking separate showers.Taehyung held the omega as if he wanted to run away from him.When the morning came he was all alone.
