Jungkook watched in annoyance as Taehyung ate all the dumplings he had made.He didn't even leave one for him.Even though he was mad at the alpha he couldn't deny him food .He even sat with him on the kitchen counter and served him food.He even poured a glass of water for him when he was done.He even cut a piece of the cake he had made for the alpha so he could have it as desert.

"When did you start baking?"Taehyung asked

"Is it edible?"Jungkook asked instead

"One wouldn't know that it's your first time.It's really tasty"

"I just followed the recipe mom sent me.I wanted to make a cake for my fiance"Jungkook blurted out only to regret it a second later

"For me?"

"Eat and get lost Taehyung"

"I didn't just come here to beg for food"Taehyung said

"What then?"

"I want you to come to my place with me"

"Taehyung i have no business with you"the omega said

"Please give me a chance to apologize.Tell me how i can make things right"

"I have already told you that nothing will ever be the same"

"By the way i told my family about our fight"the older said

"You did.How did they take it?"

"As expected they were upset and disappointed.They told me to make things right"Taehyung said

"Good for you"

"Will you come with me?"

"I don't like repeating myself Judge Kim.For someone in the judiciary you are so slow"

"Since you refused to come with me then i will just stay here"


"I know you don't want me here but you have left me no option"

"Will going to your house make me suddenly forgive you?"Jungkook asked

"Considering the fact that you are a tough individual i doubt going to my house will make a difference"

"Then what's the point.It's clearly a futile exercise"

"You won't lose anything by coming with me.I promise you i will bring you back after an hour"

"Taehyung what exactly are you up to "

"You will see when we get there.Just trust me this once.For old times sake"

"This better be worth it or I'm calling off this damn marriage.Do you want to take the risk?"Jungkook arched a brow

"I'm taking the risk"

Jungkook was looking out the window on the way to Taehyung's house.The last thing he wanted was to make eye contact with the alpha.He was afraid doing so will only make him weak.Taehyung in attempts to make the atmosphere better he turned on his car radio and music came on.Suddenly he heard Jungkook sniffling besides him and thought maybe the song was too emotional.When he switched it off he got glared it.

"I'm confused"the alpha whispered

"Who even asked you to turn it on in the first place?"the younger barked

"That's why i switched it off.I rectified my mistake didn't i?No one is perfect.We all make mistakes "

"Where exactly are you going with this?"Jungkook frowned

"Come on."

"I agree that we all make mistakes but when someone makes three mistakes in a row it becomes unacceptable.It might have been done intentionally "

"I have never hurt you intentionally Jungkook.It was never on purpose"


"Baby listen.I have made a huge mistake and i probably don't deserve your forgiveness but i don't want to lose you.You can call me selfish but that's how it is.If you leave me now i don't know how i will ever move on.All my life i have ever only loved one person and that's has only been you"

Jungkook looked away while fighting his tears.He didnt want Taehyung to see his tears.Why should he be the only one crying.

"If me cutting her off my life will make you feel at ease then that's what i will do.My friendship shouldn't be more important than my love"

"I have never asked you to do such a thing for me Taehyung.If i tell you to do that it will only take a short while for you to resent me for it"the younger whispered

"I understood what the situation looked like when it was already too late.I should have never prioritized anyone's happiness over yours.That was so wrong of me.And about last night and this morning.I have never been so ashamed of myself before.I'm really sorry Jungkook.From the bottom of my heart i really am"

Jungkook only swallowed and wiped his tears with his palms.He had no words for Taehyung.It didn't feel like the right time to be sassy or mean.Taehyung had tears in his eyes and he didn't want to make fun of the situation.Why did it pain him to see tears in the alpha's eyes when the said man was being insensitive to his tears and emotions that day.Was that a weakness or what.

They arrived at Taehyung's house in total silence.Jungkook literally waited for the alpha to usher him in as if he was there for the first time.His silence was killing Taehyung but there was nothing for the alpha to do.Saying anything at this point would make him sound ungrateful.Jungkook had agreed to come with him and that was important at the time.

Taehyung took Jungkook to the rooftop of his house.There he had set up a romantic dinner date next to the pool just like Jungkook had always wanted.He was sorry that it had taken him this long to do this for the omega.

Jungkook didn't even react.If Taehyung had planned this dinner date before their fight then he would have been moved.

"What do you think?"Taehyung asked hopefully

"Am i supposed to be thrilled by this setup Taehyung"

"I can't tell you how to feel about it but please take a seat"Taehyung said as he pulled out a chair for the omega

"Okay"Jungkook whispered as he took his seat

Taehyung didnt know what he was thinking.What was the point of settling up this date when Jungkook didn't even want to talk to him.

"Did you do this all by yourself?"Jungkook asked softly

Taehyung was caught offgaurd by the question but he nodded regardless.

"It's beautiful.I didn't know you were this romantic"

"If you give me a chance i will do better in the future.Please trust me"

"You don't have to try so hard.No one will sue you"Jungkook laughed lightly

"Are you cold?"

Jungkook only shook his head.

"I will go and get the food"

"You cooked too?"Jungkook asked in surprise

"Yeah i had to get busy"the older grinned

"You didn't have to"

"I wanted to Jungkook.This isn't the first time i have cooked for you so it doesn't have to feel weird"

"It doesn't feel weird.I just wanted to say that you don't have to go out of your way to do this when you could be busy with something else.Something reproductive"Jungkook said

"Trying to get you to forgive me is not nothing.This exercise isn't useless.Even if i get nothing from it what matters is the fact that i tried"

"So what did you cook?"Jungkook asked.There was a hint of anticipation in his tone.Taehyung was shocked by the sudden change in attitude.

"It won't be fun if i tell you now"

"You are planning to shock me with something you haven't cooked for me before?"Jungkook asked with a smile

"Don't have high expectations.It's something simple but i know you will love it.It's not something people would normally eat on a date .I'm no master chef you know"

"Okay Judge Kim.Impress me then"

"Wait for it.Before i go let me pour you a glass of wine.Is that okay with you"

"Yes please"Jungkook picked up a wine glass that was in front of him and held it up for the alpha.

Taehyung poured a quarter of the wine into Jungkook's wine glass.

"Is that all?"the omega frowned

"That's not soju.Wine is meant to be so little so you can savour every sip"

"You are just stingy with it."Jungkook chuckled

"Will half satisfy you?"the older asked

"I want the whole bottle"

"I'm afraid that is not possible.This wine is not mine.I borrowed it from my dad and he wants it back"

"So you mean to tell me I'm getting married to a man who can't afford a bottle of wine?How did i get so unfortunate"Jungkook exhaled deeply

"This isn't just ordinary wine my love"

"You don't even drink wine so why are you pretending to know anything about it.In any case tell your dad that i will buy him his wine later"Jungkook said

"Do you know how much it costs.Have you ever drunk it before"

"I only have a rough a idea of how much it will cost.Just as long as i won't have to sell my kidneys to buy it"

"What can i say?You know more about these things more than i do"

"You are right"

"I will be back"

Five minutes later Taehyung returned with a food tray and presented it before the omega.

"Bon appetite"

"Pasta and meatballs.You are a star.How did you know i was craving for it"


Jungkook nodded his head rapidly

"I just thought of cooking something that won't take a lot of time.Taste it and tell me how it is"

Jungkook grabbed a fork from the table and tasted the meal.Taehyung watched him silently.After a while the omega gave him a thumps up"It's perfect.As always"

"And my reward?"

"Come here"Jungkook pulled the alpha closer and pecked his cheek.

"Is that all?"

"You are so greedy.Let's talk later.I'm hungry"Jungkook said

"I will wait"

Taehyung sat down on his side and watched how the omega didn't waste any time and dig in.All of a sudden he wondered if all this was a dream.What if this happiness he was seeing on Jungkook's face was all in his head.Without realizing it he became withdrawn and his smile faded.

"Why aren't you eating?"Jungkook asked and broke the alpha out of his reverie

"I ate a lot at your place remember.I don't have any space for more"

"So are you just going to watch me eat?"the smaller asked

"Yes.I don't see anything else for me to do"

"You have a raw talent you know"Jungkook started

"What talent"

"Cooking.You should make it a hobby"

"Only for you.I will be your personal chef if you want me to"

"And what will you ask for in return?"

"Lots of love and kisses"

"It's a done deal"Jungkook smiled

"And you are finishing everything on your plate"Taehyung ordered

"That can't be hard"

"You aren't having the whole bottle of wine.I didn't bring you here to get drunk.I can't handle you so please take it easy"Taehyung said

"Rodger that"

About an hour later they stood on the rooftop watching the stars.Taehyung had already cleared off the table after they were done with their meal.

"The stars are extra bright tonight"Jungkook remarked

"It's because of you"

"Don't start.Anyways i ate a lot today.Thank you for the wonderful dinner date"

"You are welcome.Would you like it if we do this again?"Taehyung asked hopefully


"I feel like floating in the air"

"You have a trip tomorrow right?Have you packed yet?"Jungkook asked his fiance

"Did you want to pack for me"

"I shouldn't do anything that should be done by a spouse.I don't want to be taken advantage of.I'm gonna get selfish"

"Okay.I will have time to pack after i drop you back home"Taehyung said

"What time is it?"

"There is still time.Relax"the older said

"It was already getting late when we left my apartment and i can only imagine how late it is now"

"Are you sleepy?"


"You know where my bedroom is don't you?"

"Don't push your luck,Kim"

"Fine.I will take you home.You can sleep on the way"


Taehyung took Jungkook home like the omega wanted.The younger was asleep the whole ride home.Taehyung woke him up when they had arrived.He took the omega up to his floor.After a while they both stood outside the omega's door.

"Thanks for the ride.Go home safely.It's getting late.Try not to fall asleep while driving.If it weren't because you have to take an early flight tomorrow i would have let you sleep here so you wouldn't have to drive back so late"Jungkook said

"If you didn't want me to drive so late you would have just stayed back at my house with me.I would have dropped you here before going to the airport"

"Stop being a smart ass darn it"

"So .."


"You don't want to see me off at the airport tomorrow?"

"No"Jungkook said plainly

"Then good night.I will see you when i get back"

"Wait Taehyung"


"You will call me when you arrive right?"

"I will try"

"Promise me.If you don't then i will worry"the omega said

"I will call you.Okay baby"

"Thank you"

"Can i go now?"the older asked

"I will miss you"Jungkook said out loud

"I will miss you more"

"If you don't text me at least once a day i won't marry you"Jungkook threatened

"I won't let you down"

"See you"

Taehyung turned his back towards Jungkook and the omega got emotional all of a sudden and called out to him.


"Yes baby"Taehyung turned around immediately

"I love you"

Taehyung was stunned.He never imagined Jungkook confessing his love to him so soon after what had went down recently.He thought the omega would never say those words because he was hurt and disappointed.Could he be dreaming?He had waited forever to hear those words from the younger.

Taehyung smiled with tears in his eyes and brought the omega into his arms and held him as tight as possible.His heart was pounding so fast as if it was going to escape the confines of his chest.This couldn't be real.

"I love you more sweetheart"

"You will take care of yourself for me right?"Jungkook asked

Taehyung nodded.

"I will be waiting for you.So come back soon"Jungkook said

"I won't be gone forever"the older chuckled

"I know.Sometimes i ask for a lot because i love you and i want you to try to understand me.I'm not perfect but..."

"Don't say anything.I understand"Taehyung said

"I was mean to you because i was hurt.I wanted to hurt you in return but i didn't work as well as i thought it would.I ended up forgiving you even though i didn't want to.I tried so hard"

"Thank you for forgiving me.You don't know how much that means to me.I swear on my love for you i will never ever take you for granted"Taehyung said

"No relationship is gonna be perfect but they are some things i won't ever take from you.Apart from being loved,i want respect as well"Jungkook said

"You got it.I will do better my love"

"I also want you to choose me in every situation.I want you to always be on my side.I don't want to ever compete for your attention with anyone.You won't ever lie to me again.You won't ever cancel our plans just to please someone else.I want you to be the man i can trust and lean on"

"Of course"

"No matter how ugly our fights gets i don't want you to ever call me disrespectful names.You won't ever dismiss the things i like or find joy in.You won't make me feel guilty for an argument that was caused by your lack of communication.I want there to be reciprocation in our relationship.I will be good to you if you are good to me.If you feel that I'm asking for too much then let me know before we get married.It won't be too late for us to go our separate ways"

"Everything you said is correct.You are right.I have no problem with anything you said and you weren't asking for too much.That's just the bare minimum"

"So we are on the same page?"

Taehyung nodded
