The next morning Jungkook woke up to a text from Taehyung telling him that he had reached the airport and was waiting for his flight.Jungkook wished the alpha luck and went back to bed.His heart was full after last night and his mind was in a better place.Forgiving Taehyung had made him feel at ease.

Five hours later Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat.He had a nightmare where Taehyung's plane had crushed.It felt too real to be just a nightmare.What made him afraid more was the fact that he hadn't heard from Taehyung since the last time they texted.

Taehyung should have arrived by now.It only takes 1 hour and twenty minutes to fly from Incheon International airport to Jeju International airport .Taehyung should have gotten in touch with him as soon as he arrived.Could it be that he had forgotten to tell him.Jungkook would be relieved if that were the case.At least the older would be safe

Just to be certain Jungkook wanted to check with with Yoongi and Hoseok.Surely the two would know of Taehyung's whereabouts.He dialed up Yoongi's number frantically.

"Hello Hyung"

"Hello Jungkook.How are you?"

"I'm alright.Have you arrived in Jeju yet"

"Yes.Hoseok and i arrived about two hours ago.We have already checked in but we heard Taehyung hasn't.Is he still there with you?"

"You three didn't go together?"

"No Taehyung went in first.Ours was delayed a bit.He should have arrived before us but he is yet to check in.His phone isn't reachable.I don't understand what's going on?"

"Hyung I'm really scared.I just had a nightmare and you guys don't know where he is.To top it off his phone can't be reached.What do i do?I'm worried"

"Jungkook please relax.We will try to verify if his flight landed in Jeju.We will let you know okay"

"Do you guys have a picture of his plane ticket.We will be able to know the plane as well"

"I'm afraid we don't.Maybe someone from his family knows where he is"

"No please don't tell them.They will be worried if they get know know that he is missing"

"So what can we do?"

"There is one thing i can do.I'm going to come there and look for him myself"

"Jungkook try to relax"

"I can't be calm in this situation.Im coming on the next flight.Please let me know if you get something from him"

"Okay we will stay in touch.Just be careful out there"

"Okay hyung.I have to go"

Jungkook only managed to change his clothes and grabbed his passport and wallet.He called for a cab on his way out.A few minutes later the cab arrived and he was on his way to the airport.On the way he texted Yoongi asking him about the name and the location of the hotel which they were staying in.

An hour and half later Jungkook landed in Jeju but didn't know where to start.Regardless he hired a cab and went to the hotel where Yoongi and Hoseok were staying in.He wanted to confirm if it was really true that Taehyung hadn't checked in.Just before he could get to the help desk Taehyung walked in.

Jungkook was relieved.He ran into the alpha's arms and caught him by surprise.

"Where were you Taehyung?Do you know how worried i was!"

"Baby how are you here?"Taehyung asked in surprise

"I had to find you"

"I had a bad dream and they told me you hadn't checked in .I was so worried sick that something might have happened to you.I couldn't stay still"he blurted out

"Who told you i hadn't checked in?"Taehyung asked

"Your friends?"

"The same friends i came on the same plane with.We literally walked into this hotel together and checked in one after the other.What exactly did they mean?"he asked in disbelief

"Did they prank me?"Jungkook frowned

"I can't believe them"Taehyung exclaimed

"If you had picked up your phone this wouldn't have happened.I asked you to let me know when you arrived didn't i Taehyung?"Jungkook frowned

"I lost my phone.I must have dropped it in the plane or at the airport.I don't know.I only realized that i didn't have it when i wanted to call you?"

"Again?You are super talented?"Jungkook teased

"I'm really sorry this happened baby.I promise you that i won't forgive them for tricking you"

"So where are you coming from?"the omega asked

"So when i checked in i was so frustrated that i lost my phone.I ended up taking a long nap.I then realized that i couldn't live without my phone so i had to go out and get one"

"You really have magic hands"

"Tell me about it.I can't even remember how many car keys i have lost up until now.You can say i have a special talent"

"I'm sorry"Jungkook pouted while looking down.

"For what?"

"For thinking all sort of things.In the dream i heard your plane had crushed and i got so worried.It got worse when i couldn't reach your phone.Now that i know you are safe and sound i feel at peace"

"Should i book your flight back home?"Taehyung asked

"Why?"Jungkook pouted

"Don't you want to go back?"Taehyung arched a brow

"Can't i say with you?"Jungkook pouted

"I'm staying here for a week Jungkook and most of the time you will probably be alone in that hotel room"

"I don't mind"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm afraid if i go back home without you i will have those nightmares again.Being with you will make my mind feel at ease.Please Taehyung.Let me stay.I won't bother you or complain about anything.You can even pretend that I'm not here"

"Fine you can stay"

"Thank you"

"Have you eaten?"the older asked

Jungkook shook his head hesitantly.

"Let's go to my room so you can get some rest.I will order something for us to eat"

"Thank you"

"You don't have to thank me.Rather i'm ashamed that my friends pranked you when you were already worried.I'm going to have a serious conversation with them.They should have known better .Here i thought i was dealing with adults"

"Don't be upset with them.Maybe they didn't have bad intentions behind this"Jungkook shrugged

"The timing was wrong.What if something had happened to you when you were in that state.This isn't some harmless prank you know"Taehyung sounded very upset and disappointed

"But i'm fine.No one got hurt.That's what matters right?"Jungkook grinned

"I'm not going to ignore this.Don't expect me to either.You might forgive them easily but i won't"

"Okay do what you will but please you need to calm down.Don't let this ruin your mood"

"Let's go to my room"Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and on the other he carried his shopping bag and Jungkook's traveling bag.

"You should take a shower.It will help you relax"Taehyung said as soon as the pair got to the room.It was a simple room with a double bed a closet, a tv set ,a water heater ,a desk and a chair.And of course a bathroom and a balcony.


"Before you go tell me what you want to have.I will order that"Taehyung said

"I will eat anything Taehyung"

By the time Jungkook was out of the bathroom he had digested everything and calmed his nerves.Their food had also arrived.Taehyung had lent him one of his t shirts and a pair of his shorts.The omega changed and sat down to eat with his fiance.

"Why are you silent?"

"Nothing.Just eat"

"I won't be bored if that's what you are thinking.I'm used to being alone.Besides you will be back in the evening right"Jungkook said

"Are you sure you will be okay?"Taehyung asked once more

"Taehyung no one is going to walk in here and kidnap me"the omega laughed lightly

"I will have to lock the door just to be sure"


After their meal they stood at the balcony side by side.

"It's beautiful up here"Jungkook started

"I promise you that we won't leave this place without having a tour of the island and of course swimming in the ocean .We should make time for ourselves too"Taehyung said

"The beach is calling my name"Jungkook exhaled deeply

"Don't you dare go out without me or without telling me.I will get worried"

"You understand that I'm not a kid right?"

"I know you aren't but this is your first time here.It's not safe.You might easily get taken advantage of and i don't want that"

"I understand.Trust me i don't have any intentions of leaving this hotel room without you"Jungkook said

"I understand"

"Why do i feel as though you don't want me to see other law makers from the whole country.This moment is not to be missed"

"Do you realize that most of them are older than me.Don't expect anything.There is nothing worth seeing.I'm the only handsome judge you will ever meet.Trust me"

"Well if you say so"Jungkook hummed

"I'm not gatekeeping you from them"

"I believe you Judge Kim"Jungkook smiled

"What shall we do now?"the older asked

"How about a nap?"Jungkook suggested

"No i overslept earlier"

"How about just cuddling?"the younger suggested

"I missed it.What are we waiting for

"Here we go"Taehyung picked up Jungkook bridal style and took him back to the room.He laid him on the bed and then held him from behind.

"I don't think i have ever been this scared in a while.I couldn't bear the thought of losing you.Not after we had just made peace last night.I felt like it would be unfair.Everyone deserves a second chance"Jungkook said lowly

"Well it didn't happen.You don't need to think about it.Just empty your mind"Taehyung said

"You were surprised to see me weren't you?"

"I got scared for a moment.You looked all shaken up"the older asked

"I hadn't been in my right mind since i woke up from the nightmare .Taehyung it felt so real.I felt like the heavens were punishing me for being upset with you for as long i did"

"Shh.Don't think about it anymore.Just try to think about our future.Something like the venue,cake,menu for our wedding"

"Why didn't you mention the honeymoon?"Jungkook frowned

"Do we need that?"Taehyung asked innocently

"Why not?Is it because we already had sex so it will be pointless.Is that what you think?"Jungkook asked,his voice raised

"I seriously didn't think that far"

"Who even said honeymoons are for virgins.That's low.Why are people so narrow minded?"Jungkook scowled

"You sound so bitter right now.Do you realize?"Taehyung teased

"Don't i deserve a honeymoon?"

"Of course you do.We will go wherever you want ,my love"

"You don't sound excited about it either.Let's just not do it.It will be pointless for us to go to a honeymoon if I'm already pregnant"the younger said

"What?Pregnant?"Taehyung almost screamed

"I said if Taehyung"

"And what even makes you think that?"the alpha had become unsettled

"My hormones"

"Is that all.Look at me and tell me you are serious Jungkook"Taehyung's tone was stern.

The omega turned to the alpha with a poker face.From the inside he wanted to burst out laughing.He was enjoying the look on Taehyung's face.So there is something that the alpha is afraid of after all.He was going to play along and get the better of him.


Finally Jungkook burst out laughing.He couldn't hold it in anymore.It seemed like the older was having a midlife crisis.

"What's so funny?"Taehyung frowned

"Are you scared of being a father,Taehyung?That much?You should have seen your face"Jungkook laughed

"You were having the time of your life weren't you?"

"I should have known you aren't a man enough"

"What do you mean?If it really happens then our parents will kill me.Having a child before marriage wasn't part of the plan.What would they think about us?"Taehyung asked

"So if i was really carrying then would you have told me to have an abortion.All because you are afraid that our parents would be disappointed?That should be the least of your problems you know"

"I would never ask you to have an abortion.Be rest assured"

"Instead of having an abortion i would rather kill you instead"Jungkook said firmly

"No one has to die.Kids are a beautiful thing.They should be welcomed no matter the circumstances.They are not at fault for anything"

"Good.I'm glad we are on the same page.In any case we said we wouldn't be having anymore sex till and get married.We are still sticking to that"the omega declared firmly

"We said we would try.Nothing is for certain.Some things are easier said than done"Taehyung said

"Don't even entertain the thought.The last thing i want is you getting a heart attack on me when i suddenly fall pregnant"

"Then should we get separate rooms"Taehyung said out of spite

"And what would be the point of be being here.If you are going to get so piggy headed i might as well take the next plane and leave"Jungkook countered

"I was joking"

"As if"Jungkook rolled his eyes

"Is this the conversation a normal couple would have while cuddling?"Taehyung asked in amusement

"I don't think we are normal at all"Jungkook laughed lightly

While they were at it the doorbell rang.Taehyung detached himself from the omega and got up from the bed and walked to the door.He was met with Yoongi and Hoseok's faces.Suddenly he felt the like hitting them across the face.

"Has our surprise arrived yet?"Hoseok asked in excitement

"I'm suing you guys for mental distress"Taehyung said

"Are you sure about that?"Yoongi asked

"Jungkook are you there.Come to the door and let's talk.It's not as bad as it seems"Hoseok called out

"You can say that in court"Taehyung said instead

Jungkook appeared behind Taehyung with a smile.

"Why are you smiling at them.Are you okay?Anyone in your place would be upset right now"Taehyung gazed at his fiance

"I feel that they just wanted us to be together this week"Jungkook said in the older alpha's defense

"Are you serious?"Taehyung tilted his head

"I know the method was wrong but our intentions were pure.We know you guys have been fighting so we thought...I'm sorry if you guys feel we overstepped"

"No hyung.Please don't apologize.It worked out well.I'm staying here with him thanks to you guys.We could use the time to talk and bond"Jungkook said

"Talking you say.Weren't we arguing already?"Taehyung asked

"I'm still not going back home without you"Jungkook said firmly

"If you can't live without me then just move in with me already.Frankly it's long overdue.You know we have done everything else.The wedding will only be a formality"

"Done everything.Taehyung watch your tongue"Jungkook half yelled

"He has a point though.What are you waiting for.Do you need permission for your parents?"Yoongi teased

"It's not like we asked for permission either before we did the deed that is reserved for marriage"Taehyung smirked

"Taehyung...you are sleeping on the floor tonight"Jungkook whisper yelled

"The room is mine remember"

"Very well.I can sleep with either Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung .They are pretty much my brothers you see"

"Like on the same bed?"Taehyung asked

"I don't see why not"

Taehyung's left eye twitched momentarily before he decided to drag Jungkook back into their room.This was going to be a long week.

"Seriously?You are gonna annoy me like that ?"he charged at the omega when they got inside the room.

"You are the one to talk.Why are you hellbent on telling the whole world that we already had sex"Jungkook fumed

"Which whole world are you talking about?"Taehyung tilted his head

"Your friends"

"What's the big deal with that?Everyone has sex.It's not a curse word nor a taboo"

Jungkook felt at loss for words.He kicked the alpha in the shin and fled to the bathroom.He knew Taehyung would come for him so he locked himself in.

Taehyung had breakfast,lunch and dinner with Jungkook everyday.He would take him out whenever he was free.They toured Jeju like the alpha had promised.Every night they would walk and play at the beach.On the last night of their stay Taehyung had arranged a surprise dinner date at the beach.Jungkook was moved to the tears mainly because the alpha had a violin played for him.It was beyond perfect.
