Good day

A/N: words: 1607. Heyyyy. I'm back. I've been procrastinating (surprise) and have done like two things that took up time, I guess. I don't know, but this chapter is here, and I'm going crazy. I also really need to stop projecting onto Sam.

A few weeks later, an idea popped into Sam's head. He had just started breakfast and peeked out the window. It didn't look horrible for the beginning of October, although they did get a downpour yesterday, so maybe he's wrong. Nonetheless, he will be following through with his plan.

A few minutes later, he heard Bucky clamber out of bed, and smiled. "Hey." Sam called out from the kitchen. "Hi." Bucky grumbled out, and Sam smiled wider, feeling Bucky's head on his shoulder. "I have an idea." Sam told him, and Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" Bucky said hesitantly, and Sam pushed the pan off the burner, turning to Bucky. "Like a week into looking for you alone, I found a nice spot by some river. I don't know, just thought I'd show you." Sam explained, and Bucky smiled, nodding. "Alright, I like that." Bucky told him, and Sam smiled. "Solid." Sam said softly, and turned back to the eggs.


They hopped into Sam's car shortly after breakfast, and took off into the streets of Bucharest. There weren't many people in town, as the air was getting colder, and it was pretty damp from the rain yesterday. Bucky eyes drift to Sam, his eyes focused on the road. Bucky tries to come up with words to describe Sam, but he can't. He was beginning to think Sam was too perfect for words, him and his beautiful laugh, his bright and happy smile that brightens up Bucky's world every time he sees it, his piercing eyes that Bucky could get lost in for days. The way he knew exactly what was wrong, every time. The way he cracks jokes so easily, he always has a quip back at Bucky in an 'argument'. The way he's not afraid to cry, not anymore at least, in front of Bucky. And he's stern when he needs to be, he knows his beliefs, and he defends them to no end. When they first started living together, if Bucky made a stupid comment towards someone while they went for walks, Sam wouldn't hesitate to throw a glare at Bucky, and probably mutter something under his breath. He still does this, it's just a lot less common. Sam just is a genuine, good, lovable person. Maybe angel really was the closest word to describe Sam. Still doesn't quite do him justice, though.

Sam feels Bucky's eyes on him and smiles, turning his head to the brunette. "Hi." Sam said, and Bucky smiled shyly. "Hello." Bucky replied, and Sam shook his head fondly, his eyes falling back onto the road.


They make it to the docks in a matter of minutes, and Bucky peered out the window. It is pretty. And empty, which is always a plus. They hop out of the car and make their way to the dock, hand in hand. It's nice. They sit beside each other, still holding each other's hand. Sam rested in his head on Bucky's shoulder. Now he really felt home. All he saw was the water, and all he felt was Bucky. This was a home.

"You know," Sam started after a few minutes of silence, "this place always kinda reminded me of my hometown. Now it really does. With you." Bucky smiled, kissing the top of Sam's head. "It's funny, when I first found this place, I immediately thought of taking you back home." Sam admitted, and Bucky smiled wider. "That was weeks before we met. You were thinking about me lots then, Wilson?" Bucky teased, and Sam rolled his eyes. "All the time, Barnes." Sam said cockily, and Bucky rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. Sam grinned.

"My point was, one day, wanna take a trip up to Louisiana?" Sam suggested, and Bucky shrugged. "Maybe. One day." Bucky agreed, and Sam grinned. "I'm definitely taking you up on that." Sam told him, and Bucky hummed. "I don't doubt that." Sam laughed, genuine and loud, like him. Bucky grinned, leaning his head on Sam's.


They stayed in complete silent for about 15 minutes, just enjoying each other's company, and the sound of the water splashing against the dock. That is, until, Sam had another idea. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and played an ABBA song, pulling Bucky up to dance. Bucky rolled his eyes. "You're incredibly annoying." Bucky grumbled, and Sam smiled. "Yep." Sam said, and placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky's hand slid down to Sam's waist. Sam smiled wider at Bucky, and Bucky smiled back, shaking his head. "You're an idiot." Bucky said pointedly, and Sam laughed softly. "Well, I'm your an idiot." Bucky rolled his eyes, feeling a blush creep up his neck. Sam grinned, spinning Bucky around abruptly.

"Jesus!" Bucky cried, stumbling back into Sam, being thrown off by that spin. Sam laughed louder, steadying him, while subtly pulling him closer. "You're the dancing queen, Barnes." Sam told him, making reference to the song playing. "I hate you." Bucky muttered, and Sam grinned. "I'm sure you do, sweetheart." Sam quipped, swaying to the music.


Eventually, they got tired, so they sat back down on the dock, as small drops of rain fall from the clouds. Sam has his eyes glued to Bucky, he couldn't take his eyes off of him. Bucky met his eyes, and smiled. "It's pretty out, isn't it?" Bucky said, and Sam grinned. "Yeah, yeah, it is." Bucky smiled sheepishly, and Sam pressed a soft kiss to Bucky's cheek. Bucky felt a blush spread across his cheeks, let himself completely enjoy his life. Hell, it's a damn good life.


A little while later, around noon, they went to get some lunch, and Bucky convinced Sam to walk around. "C'mon, aren't you always saying how you hate driving in the rain?" that's the line that got it. A smirk of satisfaction spread over Bucky's lips as Sam sighed in defeat, and Bucky took Sam's hand in his.

They made their way through town, stopping to admire the little things in the city. Something metallic caught Sam's eye as they walked to the nearest subway, and he knelt down to pick it up. A ring. "What, you gonna propose?" Bucky joked, and Sam took this opportunity to mess with him. "Yes, actually, James Buchanan Barnes, will you join me in marriage to settle down in a crappy apartment in Romania?" Sam asked jokingly, getting fake choked up at the end. Bucky burst out laughing, shaking his head. "You're so stupid. C'mon, I'm hungry." Bucky pulled Sam up from the ground, not noticing Sam pocketing the ring. Sam swung their intertwined hands, a permanent smile on his face.

Sam didn't know what it was, but saying the words, it hit him how much he loved Bucky. Even though it was a joke, he felt something warm in his chest. He didn't know what it was, but he did know that it was Bucky who had that affect on him. That had been a trend these past few months.

Bucky smiled at Sam, sighing happily. He didn't know what it was, but an adrenaline pumped through his veins as Sam said the words. Again, Bucky didn't know what it was, but he knew it was something. Maybe one day, when everything settles, the words could be a reality. Bucky was out of his mind. One step at a time there, Barnes.


They got to subway shortly after that, and Bucky couldn't be more thankful. Once he and Sam got their sandwiches, they sat down at one of the tables outside. They sat in silence most of the lunch, as Sam was too busy pissing Bucky off by playing footsies under the table. It was working, "Sam." Bucky rubbed his temples, and Sam laughed loudly, taking another bite of his sandwich. "What is it with you and clichés, doll?" Bucky inquired, and Sam raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Bucky scoffed, shaking his head. "C'mon, we dance constantly, those cheesy lines, it's all very cliché." Bucky explained, and Sam rolled his eyes. "Ok, one, you participate in said cheesy lines, and two, I like clichés." Sam defended, and Bucky shook his head, taking a sip from his drink. "Clearly." Bucky muttered, and Sam chuckled softly as he took a bite from his sandwich.


They made their way back to the car once they finished their lunch, a little bit of pep in both their steps, and a bright smile on their lips. It was a good day. There has been a lot of good days these past few months. They got into the car, and Sam played more ABBA, and Bucky wouldn't admit this, but he didn't mind the music. Maybe it wasn't his taste exactly, but it was decent.


As they both got ready for bed, Sam slipped the ring into one of Bucky's bags. He didn't need it, but he figured that Bucky would want it, in case something ever happened. Sam shook the thought away and went into the bathroom to get ready.

Bucky noticed Sam slip the ring into his bag. He didn't ask why, he didn't need to know why. It was to remember, Bucky thought. To remember each other in a time that they couldn't find each other again. And Bucky was happy he had the ring. But he had a feeling that he wouldn't need it for the first reason. Or, at least that's what Bucky hopped.

He was snapped out of his thought when he felt the bed's weight shift, and saw Sam lying beside him. "Goodnight, Buck." Sam said, kissing Bucky goodnight. Bucky smiled into the kiss. "Goodnight, angel."
