
A/N: words: 951. and here we are. the final piece of this fanfic. this is the longest fic i've ever written, a bit over 50k words, and oh my god do i love it. i have loved writing it, i've loved looking at all of yalls comments, and it is my favourite thing i've ever done. i'm really glad people like it as much as i do (at least i hope). i'm really excited for the sequel and i just dfhdgfh- thanks to everyone for reading this. IM VERY SORRY IM A SAP (evidently). ANYWAY, enjoy! 

~In Wakanda~

Bucky watched as the jet sped away the second time this month in his little hut. Ever since Bucky was brought out of cryo, Steve, Nat and Sam stopped by every month for a few days. It was nice, it was calm. Not quite peaceful, but calm. "Sergeant Barnes?" Shuri called out, and Bucky peaked his head out of the door. "Hello." Bucky said, waving his hand as he exited his little home. "You miss him, don't you?" Shuri asked, with a sympathetic smile. Bucky nodded sadly, an equally sad smile on his face. Shuri always seemed to know what he was thinking.

"You know, I think to love someone is to watch them leave, even if it's just for a little while. And when it hurts, it shows how much you love them. When their absence causes you to break in pieces, it shows how much of a glue they were for everything that was cracked on the inside. The cracks on your heart. I see that look pass over Mr. Wilson every time he leaves, as well."

Bucky thought about what she had just said, and she was right. How can you know you love someone if you never leave? All good things must come to an end, but what about great things? What about that indescribable feeling that Bucky gets when Sam smiles, when Sam laughs, when Sam looks at Bucky with his perfect brown eyes that Bucky drowns in every time. No, that will never die. It's like a flame that lives in his heart, and the flame, when burnt down to its last spark, is Sam.

"I feel it within my family, after losing Baba." Shuri added.

Bucky bowed his head, still feeling guilt boil up in his gut when any of them mention King T'Chaka. "I'm very sorry for your loss." Bucky said sincerely. Shuri smiled sadly in thanks, nodding her head. "Thank you. And thank you for the support you've brought my family. My brother enjoys your company, as does Mother and I." Bucky smiled at her. "Of course. I like it here. It's calm."

Shuri chuckled. "Maybe out here." Bucky nodded, an amused smile on his face. "Oh, by the way, I have a surprise. It's for you and your friends." Shuri told him, gesturing him to follow her. He raised an eyebrow at her but followed her anyway, only slightly worried on where she's leading him. It doesn't take them very long to reach what she was showing him. Goats. One with a reddish brown tint, no doubt in reference to Natasha. An older looking one with a tuff of light brown, Steve. And an energetic dark brown one that looks like it has a small smile on its face. Sam. "They'll be thrilled." is all Bucky can say, because they will be thrilled. They'll also try to push each other in the pen. It's a win-win situation.

~The aftermath of the battle of Wakanda~

Sam felt an odd feeling run through his body, and felt like if he was falling, but not the good kind, not like the rush he gets when he's flying. No, no, this was ominous, never ending. But then, he was back in an instant.

"Bucky?" Sam muttered, lifting himself off the ground. "Buck." Sam called out, running through the trees and the shrubbery, desperate to find Bucky.

"Sam." he heard from behind him, and he looked to find Bucky standing there, a lost expression on his face. Sam raced towards him, pulling him into a tight hug. They were here, they were alright. Now, they had to figure out if the world was alright.

Sam woke up in a new world. A world where everyone had experienced loss, a world where for a moment, everything paused, and they all came together. Now, Sam doesn't know what to do. He lost Nat. He never even got to say goodbye. He has Bucky, he has Steve, he has Rhodey, but they have to process their own grief, too.

So, Sam sat on the edge of the bed he and Bucky shared, in their shared one bedroom, small as hell apartment in New York. It had been a week and a bit since the battle. He was still trying to process it all. God, he hoped Sarah was ok, his nephews, his community. They have to be ok. Sam wouldn't know what to do with himself if they weren't

"Sammy." Sam turned to see Bucky standing on the door frame, his hair pulled up in a ponytail. "Hi." Sam said softly, and watched as Bucky made his way over to him, a sad smile on his face. He felt the bed sink beside him and a vibranium arm wrap around his waist. "I just really miss her." Sam mumbled, ignoring the few tears dripping on his jeans. "I know you do, for what it's worth, so do I."

Sam took a deep breath, and leaned against Bucky. All he needed was this, this simplicity that Bucky had. He needed to know that Bucky wouldn't leave, not without a fight, at least.

"Promise me you won't leave me. Promise me you'll stay." Sam muttered against Bucky shoulder. Bucky nodded his head, leaning his head against Sam's.

"Of course doll, I'll always stay. I'll try."

Those words were either the biggest lie or the best promise Sam has every heard. He just prayed it was the latter. But there was something at the back of his mind telling Sam that not even Bucky could deliver on that promise. He didn't want to believe it, but somewhere he knew the promise wasn't true, could never be fulfilled in their lives. 
