
A/N: words: 1619. Ok, so I'm projecting, which is great, just on this entire story honestly, it's ridiculous. But yeah, enjoy!

As the days went on, Sam couldn't stop smiling. This was real. This was it. He just felt happier. He got everything, and then he got more. He saw it on Bucky's face, too. He saw the permanent smile on his face, the way it looked like a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Right now, Sam lied on Bucky's chest, as Friends played on the laptop. Sam listened to Bucky's steady heartbeat, the pink and orange light coming through the window. He tuned out the show coming from his laptop, and instead focused on Bucky's soft breathing, the rise and fall of his chest. It was calming, and he almost fell asleep.

"Sam?" Bucky said softly, and Sam hummed in response. "This is real, right? We're- we're happening?" Sam smiled at Bucky's words. "Yeah, Buck. It's real." Sam told, and Bucky smiled. "Good".

Sam shut his eyes, thinking he might fall asleep. It was still early, early enough that the sun had just set, but he felt too relaxed to stay awake. After a few minutes, Sam fell asleep to the soft beating of Bucky's heart.

Bucky smiled down at him and shut his eyes. How the hell did he get here? How did he end up holding Sam Wilson in an apartment in Bucharest? Did he deserve it? He didn't really know. But he had it, and he would do everything in his power to keep it.


Sam's eyes flutter open to the sound of Bucky's soft snoring. Sam smiled and lifted his chin to rest on Bucky's chest. He sat like that for a good 5 minutes until Bucky woke. "Morning." Sam said softly, and Bucky made a noise of annoyance. "Morning." Bucky mumbled out, and Sam grinned. He let his head fall to the right, watching a small smile grow on Bucky's face.

Bucky felt Sam's eyes on him and raised an eyebrow, sitting up a bit. "Yes?" Bucky said, and Sam smirked. "Just enjoying the view." Sam stated, and Bucky rolled his eyes, head falling back on the pillow. Sam laughed softly, getting up to make breakfast. "Dork." Bucky muttered, following Sam to the kitchen.

Once Sam started cooking, Bucky wrapped his arms around Sam's waist and just laid his head on Sam's shoulder. He had started doing this 2 days after they got together. Sam adored it, and was surprised how easy it felt. Bucky's soft breath tickling his neck as he made bacon. It all felt so normal. But that's probably a good thing. Sam smiled, his eyes travelling to Bucky for a second. "Hi." he said, his smile turning into a lazy grin. Bucky smiled, meeting Sam's eyes. "Hey." Bucky responded, a grin taking over his lips. Sam pressed a kiss to Bucky's head and returned to his cooking.


Once Sam finished breakfast, they sat down at the table, once again talking about nonsense. "So, we're halfway through Friends, thoughts?" Sam said, and Bucky rolled his eyes, taking a sip from his orange juice. "I mean, it's good, but where is it going? The only relationship that actually makes sense is Monica and Chandler. And Ross is the most unlikable person I've ever seen. How did he get Rachel to fall for him? Or get two women to marry him. But it is- why are you laughing at me?" Sam was indeed laughing at Bucky as he explained his Friends analysis. Bucky leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms, looking at Sam expectantly. Sam just shook his head, laughter dying down. "It's just- you're very dorky. It's cute. That's all." Sam told him, and Bucky shot him a glare, in spite of the blush on his cheeks. Sam chuckled softly. "As I was saying," Bucky said pointedly, "it is good, kinda dull, but good." Sam nodded. "Fair enough."

After breakfast, they started where they left off, episode 8 of season 5, Bucky's head in Sam's lap. "How can you pay fully attention when you're watching horizontally?" Sam questioned, and Bucky huffed. "By tuning you out." Bucky quipped, and Sam scoffed. "Oh please, you love me." Sam said, rolling his eyes. "True, but, you make it very difficult to pay attention to things." Bucky smirked at the fact that he has left Sam speechless.

Sam played with Bucky hair, mindlessly running his fingers through it and twirling it around his fingers. Bucky smiled up at Sam, noticing every little thing about Sam. He noticed the small smile on his face, he noticed how each small scar and blemish was different, like stars in the sky. He noticed the loving look in the chocolate brown eyes, how he realized that no one had looked at him like that. And he loved being looked at like that.


"You know, when I'm with you, I feel like I'm flying." Sam said out of the blue as he made dinner. Bucky raised an eyebrow as he made the salad, turning to Sam. "Uh, what?" Bucky asked. Sam sighed and put the chicken in the oven, now turning to the taller man. He grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him close. "When I'm flying, I get an adrenaline rush, a feeling of pure intensity. I feel like I'm on fire in the best way possible. I feel most like myself, in my own peace, but with a rush. I feel like I'm home. And that's what I feel like when I'm with you. Like- like I'm home." Sam finished with a breath, and Bucky brought himself closer. "That was random, I'm sorry I just-" Bucky smiled at Sam, shaking his head softly. "Sam. Shut up. That was beautiful, therefore, I'm going to kiss you, sound good?" Bucky told him, and Sam smiled. "Sounds perfect." so Bucky kissed him. Sweet and gentle, slow and meaningful.

As they pull apart, Bucky couldn't help but smile. "Just so you know," Bucky said, "you're my home, too." Sam grinned at him, and Bucky looked at him like he was the only person on the planet. Pure love and adoration, nothing more, nothing less. "C'mon, angel, the chickens gonna burn." Bucky said, but he didn't pull away. "See, your words are, one, hypocritical, and two, just plain wrong. But the thing is, you're not pulling away, so your words don't even match your actions." Sam quipped, and Bucky scoffed. "First of all, I only burned that egg like twice and-" Sam shook his head.

"The bacon, the chicken, the pancake, the coffee was burnt at one time, if my memory serves me correct." Bucky rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot." Bucky told him. "I'm your idiot, so, ha." Sam said, a smirk on his lips. He kissed Bucky's cheek and went to check on the chicken.

"That salad done?" Sam called out, closing the oven. Bucky shook himself from whatever daze Sam just put him and went back to the salad. "Almost." Bucky muttered, and Sam walked over to Bucky and rested his chin on his shoulder. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist. Bucky smiled brightly and finished up the salad. It was a good day. It was a very good day.

As they ate dinner, Sam got an idea. Bucky raised an eyebrow at the shorter man. "What are you doing?" Bucky questioned, and Sam just smirked. "I can't believe I've lived with you for over a month and I haven't forced you to listen to my music. Specifically, musicals." Sam explained, and Bucky shook his head. "Um, you have forced me to listen to your music." Bucky told him, and Sam scoffed. "Like two songs." Bucky rolled his eyes. Sam hit play on I'll cover you from Rent, and gets up from the table to grab Bucky's hand. "No." Bucky said simply, and Sam shook his head. "Hmm, yes." Sam said, as he grabbed the hand of a reluctant Bucky Barnes. Sam smiled, and Bucky couldn't help but smile back.

Sam spun him around, and Bucky couldn't stop the small laughs coming from his mouth. It made Sam's heart flutter, seeing Bucky like this. His face was lit up, his laugh almost drowning out the music. It made Sam smile wider.

After a few more songs, Sam decided that he'd give Bucky a break. "You're not half bad." Sam said as the songs stopped, his hands on Bucky's waist. Bucky looked away sheepishly, a blush creeping up his face. "I could say the same for you." Bucky told him, and Sam chuckled. "Thanks, sweetheart." the nickname alone made Bucky's heart pound. God, he loved Sam.


Bucky was curled up onto Sam's side, head on his chest. "This bed's too small." Bucky stated, and Sam smiled. "Yeah, I see that." Sam agreed, and promptly threw Bucky off the bed, into the lower one, that wasn't really used anymore. Bucky landed with a huff, and Sam began laughing, turning his head on the pillow to face Bucky. Bucky glared at him, shaking his head. "Rude." Bucky said pointedly, making Sam laugh harder. Bucky bit back a smile and got up. "Buck, promise me you're not starting to remodel at," Sam lifted his head to see the time on the oven, "11 pm." Bucky rolled his eyes. "Would you rather me do it at 3 am?" Bucky asked sarcastically. "I would rather you to just come here and sleep." Sam told him, and Bucky sighed. "Can't argue with that." he said, and Sam smiled, as Bucky curled back up on the bed, his head back on Sam's chest.

"I'll put it together tomorrow." Bucky told him, and Sam chuckled, nodding. "I don't doubt that."

A couple of minutes later, they both fell asleep, a smile on their faces. 
