
Johnny Ghost has always been a happy and cheerful person, who is always doing what his heart tells him without a single thought.

Johnny Toast is the complete opposite of him, however. He always carefully thinks out his actions, doing what's expected of him rather than following what he wants.

One day, these two complete opposites meet, and Ghost decides to befriend Toast. He drags Toast along on all of his adventures, getting the both of them in a lot of trouble and excitement, completely set on getting Toast to lighten up along the way. Will he succeed? What happens when along the way, the two get closer than they could have ever imagined?

~Coming soon~

Hello there! My name is Bob, for any new readers of this story, and I'm really excited for this book to finally get started!

For anyone who's just randomly found this, I plan to begin this story hopefully in around one to two weeks, as I'm still planning and going over things for it, and I've also got plenty to do outside of wattpad including schoolwork and other things.

I also have no idea on what to use for the cover of this book, so any suggestions for it would be amazing.

I can't wait for this adventure to start, and I really hope a lot of you will enjoy this story as much as my others. This is a completely fluffy story, with small amounts of drama thrown in to add to the story. It is a lot different from my last story, "I could die in your arms", but I really hope you will all enjoy it still.

Thank you for reading. Bye for now!-Bob
