Chapter 8: Friday, 1st period

Toast walked drowsily into school, backpack hung over one shoulder, and stifling a yawn. He hadn't gotten very much sleep the night before. He couldn't stop thinking all night.

The second he stepped into his first period class, the teacher looked up at him. "Johnny, you're wanted in the principals office this morning."

That woke him up quickly. "Wh-what for, miss?" Toast questioned her, and the teacher simply shrugged.

"They didn't tell me what for. Just head up there, I'll have someone share notes with you for whatever you miss." They dismissed him, and Toast took a keep breath as he stepped back out of the room. He felt terrified. Had they found out about him skipping with Ghost?

That question was answered once he saw Ghost heading in the same direction as him. "H-hey!" Toast called, jogging to catch up with him. "D-did they call you to the office too?"

"Yeah, they did. I'm sorry Toast, I honestly didn't think we'd get in trouble for this." Ghost said. Toast nodded. He knew it wasn't Ghost's fault. That didn't stop him from being terrified of getting into trouble, though, and Ghost was quick to notice his fear.

"Hey.. it'll be okay." Ghost assures him, looking worried. "I'll be right there too. Just take a breath, we can get through it." He smiled, taking Toast's hand to calm him. It was working; Toast felt his nerves settle slightly, and he took another deep breath.

The walk to the office didn't take long, and once they got there Ghost dropped Toast's hand to open the door, Toast immediately felt his fears of getting into trouble come rushing back. He gulped, and took one more incredibly shaky breath as the two stepped inside.

"Ghost, Toast." The principal greeted as the two stepped into his office. "Please have a seat. I'm sure the two of you know why you're here."

"Well, I know I'm here for skipping class, but Johnny didn't do anything wrong. Why's he here?" Ghost raised an eyebrow, and Toast looked at him in shock. Why was he covering for Toast?

"I know for a fact that the both of you were together that day. One of the teachers saw you outside the school before you both ran off." The principal glared at Ghost, who sighed, and shrugged, looking over apologetically at Toast. The principals eyes softened as he looked over to Toast.

"You're a good kid. You both are, I know that. But skipping school is not allowed, and you will get in even more trouble if you do it again. I've not called your parents Toast, but you will stay late for detention today, along with Ghost." Toast nodded, staring quietly at the ground. "You're both dismissed, but please don't keep up this behavior, boys."

I actually just finished writing this about an hour after writing my last chapter. Aren't you proud I'm so on top of things right now? HOW ARE YOU STILL NOT PROUD-

Anyways. I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to update this, but I am gonna be working on the next chapter tonight as well, so maybe I'll start updating daily? Just a possibility, but I am planning on writing a bunch tonight!

Hope that you enjoyed this chapter once it comes out. Bye!-Bob

I actually got up to chapter ten done last night wow
