Chapter 1

Johnny Toast sat at his usual table for lunch, setting down his tray and beginning to eat, not bothering to look around at the cafeteria around him. It was usual for him to sit alone, as he didn't really have many friends.

Not that he minded. For the most part, Toast kept to himself, getting his work done and paying attention in school without the distractions of social interaction. That was how he liked it, and most of the teachers-and not to mention his parents-loved him for this.

Toast sighed, staring at the table as he bit into an apple, letting his thoughts run and distract him from things, silently going over all that he had to do for homework once he got home that day. As he was distracted with this however, he wasn't aware of the person who walked up to stand behind him, watching him for a moment. After a second, the person broke him from his thoughts by simply sitting himself down in the seat next to Toast, not asking permission beforehand.

Toast finally looked up at them, confusion crossing his features as he noticed another guy his age sitting down with him. The other boy didn't seem to notice Toast's confused staring, simply eating his own lunch. After a while, Toast decided to speak up.

"Uh.. Who are you?"

Finally, the first chapter of Let Loose is up! I'm sorry that it's taken a lot longer than expected, as I was in the middle of planning for it I got sick and had to have surgery, which has taken me a while to recover from. I've also felt very sick lately, including today, and I've just not been able to focus on getting chapters written.

I still do not have a full outline for this book, but I do have an end goal and a basic idea of how to get there. It shouldn't take me long at all to finish so long as I get to feeling better soon, and don't get sick once again.

I plan to have updates around once every four-five days, I'm not sure yet but I'll do my best to get them out soon. I have written ahead, and already have a few more chapters written up already to make it easier on me to upload on a schedule. Please, don't ask for updates ahead of time, as it just makes things more stressful for me.

But, I really hope this book turns out as well as my last one did and that you all will enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it so far. Thank you for reading this, and I'll see you soon with the next chapter. Bye!-Bob
