Chapter 5: Tuesday

By the time Ghost and Toast met up again the next school day, Ghost had made himself a plan. He wanted to take little steps towards getting Toast to be himself, and do what makes him happy. He felt like Toast just needed to let loose a little.

So as the two walked together towards the school building, Ghost grabbed onto Toast's arm quickly, pulling him past the school and somewhere else to talk to him. "Y'know, I was thinking, maybe we should just skip today. I mean, there wasn't anything important going on in class today, no tests to do. We could hang out together, it would be fun!"

Toast looked a little scared, peering around Ghost to make sure no one was around and listening. "I don't know.. I don't normally do anything like that, it sounds.. like too much trouble." Toast chewed nervously on his lip, looking down at the ground.

"That's the fun part!" Ghost grinned at him, before his grin broke and a sigh escaped him. "Hey.. if you don't have fun this one time, you don't have to do it again. I promise. And if we get in trouble, I'll cover for you, so don't worry about that. Just one time, that's it."

He looked at Toast with a determined expression, knowing he didn't want to fail in getting Toast to let loose. He just wanted him to make his own choices to be happy. Toast watched him for a moment, and then gave a sigh himself as he slowly offered a smile to Ghost.

"Fine. But, if I don't have any fun we will come in late! I don't want to start missing a lot of school." He faked a frown, but his smile broke through again at Ghost's sincere and happy reaction, Ghost quickly taking hold of Toast's hand again and dragging him off.

Ghost pulled him along the way until they arrived at the skate park they'd hung out at before, the both of them talking and laughing while Ghost did some probably dangerous tricks on his skateboard. After a while of just Toast watching Ghost on his skateboard, Ghost stopped and looked at Toast.

"Have you ever tried skateboarding?" He raised an eyebrow, and Toast laughed.

"Do I seem like someone who'd like to skateboard?"

"Well, no, but.. would you like to try?" Ghost picked up his skateboard and moved to stand beside Toast. "It is pretty fun, maybe you'd like it."

"I'm not getting much of a choice in it, am I?" Toast sighed, and Ghost laughed.

"Well, if you're scared to try it I won't make you. Just, probably tease you. Scaredy cat." He grinned, and Toast shot a glare.

"I see what you're doing."

"Is it working?"

"...maybe." Toast shook his head, taking the skateboard from Ghost and setting it down. "Now, uh.. what do I, er.. do?"

Ghost laughed loudly at him. "Have you not ever seen anyone skateboarding? Just, step on it, do your best." He smiled sincerely. "Whatever happens, I'll make sure you don't fall over, or crash into anything."

Toast's gaze went from Ghost down to the skateboard, a sigh leaving him as he stepped onto the skateboard. Very carefully, he attempted to start moving, at the slowest pace Ghost had ever seen anyone move on a skateboard. He was laughed at once again, before Ghost stepped forward to put his hands on Toast's sides. "Look, don't worry about getting hurt. Just, move faster." Without warning, Ghost pushed Toast a little farther on the skateboard, so that he was actually moving instead of inching along now.

Toast started to panic a little, but calmed himself and made sure to keep his balance, moving gradually faster on the skateboard as Ghost easily kept up with him, staying right next to him to be sure he wouldn't fall or crash.

Once Toast had had enough of the excitement, he brought himself to a very clumsy stop, stepping off of the skateboard and giving it back to Ghost, a grin on his face. Trying something new was actually a lot of fun.

The day continues that way for the two, time passing by quickly without them even realizing. The only reason the two had noticed the time now was because Toast got a message from his parents, wondering where he was since school had ended some time ago.

After that, Toast had to head home, so Ghost offered to walk him on his way there. They talked and laughed on the way back, having a fun time just staying out together. And really, Toast had to admit that he wouldn't mind doing this again, if it meant he had as good of a time as today.

Eventually though, the day had to end, and their walk to Toast's house had been completed. Ghost said goodbye to him, and left to go to his own home, Toast taking a deep breath before he entered his.

As soon as he'd stepped inside his brother, Gavin, waited for him. "So.. you weren't at school at all today, were you? Johnny, I thought you knew better than to skip school. You're the good kid, remember?"

"Oh, come on Gavin." Toast shrugged him off. "It was just one time, back off. I know you wouldn't tell our parents, not when you've done so much worse I could tell on you for." He stuck his tongue out at him, Gavin returning the favor.

"Better keep it at one time, or else you're gonna ruin your perfect grades, nerd." Gavin teased, and Toast just shook his head at him.

"I think I'll do just fine." He said, and with that the conversation ended as Toast darted up the stairs and into his room, ready to get some sleep after his eventful day.

Laying in bed and drifting off into sleep, there was just one specific person on his mind. His fluffy brown hair and brown eyes filled Toast's head, a smile brought to his face at remembering the way he lit up when Toast agreed to skip class with him. The single person who'd made him so very happy since his arrival in Toast's life, his only friend Johnny Ghost.

Toast went to sleep smiling, feeling peaceful and content.

I'm not even sorry honestly, these last two months have been shit I was not in a good place and couldn't write very much, I still hope I can make up for it by putting up more chapters more frequently, but we all know every time I promise a chapter in a day it comes out in a month so I won't even lie okay

I'm sorry

I'm gonna get maybe two hours of sleep now sorry if this is awful. Bye!-Bob
