27. Mess

Chapter 27 :




We came back to the study as promised. Matthew opened the door that we knocked at and led us in. The study looked normal, except there was a hidden door behind the huge picture open. Inside we found the darkened room; so dark we only saw the circle that was full with yellow candles. Mrs. Shoo and Mr. Rockets sat next to each other and Matthew sat down next to them, gesturing for us to do the same. We sat down next to each other in Indian fashion and held hands, as told.

"What now?" I asked, sighing and mentally getting ready.

"Now you should meditate," said Mr. Rockets, "You'll feel a tingling sensation inside your chest and bellybutton. When the tingling sensation goes away, you'll be ready, but it might take long."

"How long?" Nick asked.

"Maybe a few minutes and maybe a few couple of hours."

We exchanged glances, hoping it to be few minutes. We sat without moving and clearing our mind for almost an hour and I haven't felt anything.

"Maybe there's something else we should do, like thing about something in particular," I said at last, opening my eyes.

They shook their heads and Mrs. Shoo spoke, "No, but since you're the Stir Couple it should've happened a while ago."

"Maybe it happened, but we didn't notice," Nick said.

"Doubt it," answered Mrs. Shoo and waved her fingers on top of the candles. The flames rose up and made a beautiful abstract pattern before calming back down, "Repeat."

I held out my palm skeptically, closing my eyes waving my fingers carefreely. Even if we had powers, I wouldn't be able to use them so soon, especially with control. Wasn't it something that took years to take control over? At least that's what they say in TV, although nobody has ever said anything about Silvas from Thella. How do they stay so invisible, anyways? Vampires and werewolves are the top trends while something that actually exists is left undiscovered.

I felt a light burning sensation on my palm, not strong enough to ache, but still a sensation - probably put my hand too close to the candles.

Opening my eyes wide, I tried to register in my mind what was happening. Thin flames were going halfway to the ceiling, dancing and spinning in different directions, making the sight more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. Red, yellow and orange exchanged each other in the flames as they looked like they were completely alive. They looked like souls that were seperated from their body, searching for the road back.

"Did I do that?" I said, still holding my hand in the same place. Flames went all around my hand and up so it was left harmless.

Tearing my gaze off of the flames I looked through them to see the faces of the adults that sat opposite to us. All the three of them nodded in amazement. I looked over at Nick to see his confused and surprised face.

"How did you do that?" he asked in amazement.

I shrugged, wondering myself. Experimenting, I waved my hand up and down and the flames followed me, dancing up and down. I balled my hand into a fist and put it down as the flames stopped.

"Try," I told Nick, sounding more like asking a question.

He stretched out his hand and waved his fingers. The flames rose once more and stopped under his hand. He waved his hand up and the flames stood up powerfully, reaching the ceiling and almost making a fire. Nick slowly made them calm down before dissapearing slowly and all the candles went dark.

I searched his hand in the darkness and together, we made the flames appeear out of nowhere and the candles lightened up once again.

"That's amazing," I whispered.

Nick nodded at me, "I know."

"But how come they felt nothing?" asked Matthew, "I almost started laughing from tingling when it first came to me."

Mrs. Shoo looked at us and answered him, "Maybe the magic was always in them? Maybe all this meditation was for nothing and they just had to focus on using their powers that they already had."

"Back to the Escorts-" spoke Mr. Rockets, but I cut him off.

"Not tonight," I said, "Tonight I want to have fun. Let's try searching for those Escorts tomorrow."

They exchange looks and agreed in unison. Mrs. Shoo stood up and went to the door that led back to the study. Instead of entering it, she turned the light switch next to the door on and the lighbulbs lightened up one by another in a row. And lightened up and lightened up and more and more and more... Just how big was this room? The bulbs stopped as soon as they reached the wall opposite from us, that was probably 25 meters away, no less. And the walls on our sides were at least 15 meters away from each other.

"Where are we?" I mumbled quietly, taking a few slow steps forward.

"Training hall," said Mrs. Shoo, grinning.

"Everyone who finds out about their powers is led here," added Mr. Rockets.

So kids actually found out? I wonder who did.

I took in my surtoundings. On the right side there was a small pool full with water, next to it were candles, next to it was a huge rock and next to it was a metallic wall and so on and so on. I wonder on who did the mind-controllers train.

That night neither has Nick, nor have I left the study. In two hours or Mrs. Shoo, Mr. Rockets and Matthew left to have some rest, but Nick and I stayed up all night. We experimented with everything and there wasn't a single thing that hasn't worked. We made a flower statue from the metallic wall, drank water without cups, floated in the air, switched the light bulbs on and off at least ten times and even hypnosised the cleaning woman that entered the study at 6AM when we were already leaving. She saw the hidden door and we made her forget it was there or that she found anyone in the study.

We went on our seperate ways at half past 6 and got ready for school. I was staring to think it was even good that I attended Lestrade. Thank you, my parents, that are oblivious to everything that has happened here.

I haven't told anything to anyone that day. All the three of Ellie, Nina and Clary kept telling me I was behaving suspicious, but I shut them off. I haven't had a rest whole night, but I didn't feel the least tired since I spent it with Nick.

The hardest one was Clary. She was in all of my classes and never teared her gaze away from me, seated at the seat right next to mine. Yet I was looking forward as if being oblivious to her draggers. She was practically my best friend and I didn't want to hurt her, but I couldn't tell anything, either - for now. But that didn't mean I was gonna hide anything from Billy. After school I sat in my car and drove away to his house. As I entered the house that he spent his whole life in, the familiar scent of sweetness filled my lungs.

"What are you cooking?" I asked Den that opened the door just a few seconds ago.

He grinned, "Guess."

I grinned back, "No, you can't... Really? Your formal brownies?" he nodded at me and I almost started jumping, "I love them, Den!"

He laughed, "I know. Come on, Billy's in there."

Den's Formal Brownies were the most delicious brownies that the universe has ever tasted, named by Den himself. Also, considering the fact that it was the only dessert he could cook, Billy and I ate it quite often.

As we entered the kitchen I saw a familiar punk's crooked back as he was trying to quietly eat the mix of brownies that was left in the kitchen.

"Billy!" Den shouted, "Again?"

Billy turned around to face us, a mix of brownies in his hand.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Ugh," I voiced, "You are gross. Don't you know you shouldn't eat the brownies mix with your hands?"

Den gestured towards me as I opened the drawer, "See? Even Zoe grew up, what's with you?"

"Need to teach the simplest ettiquette," I said as I took the teasoon out, "This is what you should do," I said as I slowly dug the spoon in the mix and pulled it out, stucking it in my mouth.

"Zoe!" Den shouted.

"Sorry," I said, laughing, "We're done and be quick," I told him, going out of the kitchen and plopping down on the couch in the living room as Billy sat next to me.

"Start," he said.

I looked at him confused, "Start what?"

He rolled his eyes, "The reason.the teachers called me? Or any other reason to anything? You always have something paranormal to tell."

I glared at him, "It's not paranormal."

"Whatever you say."

"Anyways, they made us practice magic."


I grinned, unable to hold myself, "But I can only use my born power: mind control. I can use any and every kind of magic when I'm with him. But right now all I can do is to hypnosise you."

Billy grinned evilly as he called out, "Den!"

"What?" he called out back, coming in.

"You let me go to concert in New York?"

"No way," he said lamely.

Oh, no. I don't like where it's going.

"Zoe, please," he told me with puppy-dog eyes.

I glared at him before telling Den to sit next to me. I looked deep in his eyes and told him, "You decided to let Billy go on concert in New York, because he deserves it and already is not a kid."

"I let him go, because he is already grown up," Den repeated uncosciously, his eyes as if lost somewhere.

I nod, "Now go and keep making brownies."

He wordlessly stood up and left.

"I love you!" Billy told me.

I glared at him, "I know, but if something goes wrong, don't blame me."

"What could possibly go wrong?"

"I'm doing it for the second time ever and both were today, so I don't know."

"Back to what you were telling..."

I shrugged, "Yea, tonight we're gonna try searching for our Escorts."


"I only know that it will need our powers. I'll let you know when we find them."

"Of course, you will."

I stared out in the distance, "I wonder who it might be. Anyways, I hope it's one of the girls."

"It could be a boy?"

"No, I mean Clary, Ellie or Nina."

He nodded, throwing his head back so it hit the bck of the couch, "I'm going to the concert tomorrow."

"What concert, by the way?"

"Some rock bands."

"Like I didn't know."

"Well, you asked."

"I meant which one."

"Lot's of."

"Got it."

"Brownies are ready!" Den called out after a short period of TV. Billy and I practically beat down each other, trying to rush in the kitchen first. After I was stuffed with brownies, I texted Nick to meet me at Starbucks near the hospital that he was in.

"There in an hour," came a reply.

An hour. A free hour.

The mall was 15 minutes drive from here, so I decided to spend my time there. I waved goodbye at boys and left with my car. The streets were surprisingly empty and considering the fact that it was only half past 5, it was over-weird. I slowed down my car, now I could see people from the windows of the buildings, chatting and working, but not a soul was outside. I was almost in the centre of the city and only a couple of cars passed me yet.

I parked my car in the parking lot of the mall and got out, locking my car with automatic lock. Looking around, I saw four cars parked, when usually I could never find a place to park in such a huge lot. The automatic doors opened as I stepped on the carpet before the entrance door. Inside, it was a lot warmer and I think I felt my nose go red. A few people walked in front of me and a few were in the shops; where is everyone?

I walked around the mall for at least 30 minutes before deciding against shopping. There was nothing I needed at the moment, anyways. For an half hour that I walked the mall, I literally only saw eleven people, except for the workers.

As I reached my car, I noticed that the pink Mercedes next to mine was gone, now the lot looked even emptier. Getting in my car, I buckled myself and started the engine, driving away quickly. I can't quite explain why, but the empty mall made me feel creepy. Streets were as empty as before and as I parked next to Starbucks, I prayed for someone to be inside.

I glanced in and sighed out of relief when I saw a young boy behind the counter, looking bored. I approached the dark-haired guy my age, "Black coffee with whipped cream, tall, please," I said.

"Four dollars, m'lady. Anything else?" he said, pushing the buttons on the cash register.

I raised my eyebrow at the word "m'lady", but quickly brushed it off as I handed him five dollars bill, "Some extra sugar. What's wrong, by the way? Why are the streets empty?" I asked.

"Haven't you heard?" he asked back, leaning on the counter with his elbows, "The storm's coming."

I scoffed, "Storm? I thought I was in Seattle."

"Why, it's a cold city."

"Cold, yes, but storm's mostly appearing on beachsides, like Malibu and all."

"I know," he said and I think he just checked me out as his eyes wandered away from my eyes to my clothes.Sorry boy, you're attractive, but I have a soulmate to match with Escorts. "But that's what they said on TV," he added.

"Anyways, when will my coffee be ready?" I asked him, mentally choosing the place to sit at, since the choice was big due to the lack of people.

"Just two more minutes."

I nodded, turning around and going to the table next to the window only to be stopped in the middle-way by the boy's voice, "What's your name by the way?"

Not your bussiness.

You're not even that attractive to interest me.

Trust me, you won't need it any day.

Rude remarks whirled in my head to answer him until I remembered I was in Starbucks and he was kind of supposed to ask me.

I turned around to answer him, "Zoe," I told him and turned back again.

"Nice to meet you," he said, "I'm Lucas."

Now he was forgetting we were in Starbucks.

"Congratulations," I told him without even looking his way and sat at the table that I chose a minute ago.

I had 10 more boring minutes to go until Nick would show up.

"Zoe," Lucas called out my name as if there was someone to choose from to be called Zoe, "Is here anyone called Zoe?"

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and approached him once more.

"Hi, Zoe," he said, smiling.

I took my coffee and went back to my seat without even answering him. I pulled my phone out and started scrolling Tumblr as I sipped my hot coffee. And I scrolled... And scrolled... And scrolled... And oh God, was it getting boring!

I was even thinking about calling Lucas and having fun at him, but right in that second the doors of Starbucks opened and Nick walked in. He quickly spotted me and stepped closer with a smile.

"Hey babe," he told me warmly, quickly pecking my lips and sitting in the opposite chair.

"Hey," I told him, smiling. Was it me or did his face make everyone smile?

Well, he apparently didn't make Lucas smile that was coming to our direction right now.

"Would you order something?" he asked dryly as he stopped next to our table, holding a small notebook and a pen.

"Yes," Nick said, looking up at him, "A tall black coffee with whipped cream and some extra sugar."

I had to fiercely fight my urge to smirk.

Lucas almost scoffed as he didn't even need to write it down. "Got it," he said and walked away.

"Did something happen?"

"No, I was just in the city and called you to come, too. Have you seen the streets, anyways?"

"What's about them?"

"They're totally empty. Lucas said storm was coming."

He raised his eyebrows, "Lucas?"

I smiled at how cute he was when jealous, "The guy that took our orders."

"You already gossipped around?"

I smiled wider, "Don't worry, he's a basic pain in the back."

He nodded, "Got it."

The Lucas guy appeared soon with a tall coffee and put it on our table.

"Hey, Lucas?" Nick said as if forgetting his name - what the hell are you up to, my jealous boyfriend?

"Yes," he said, "And you are...?"

"I'm Nick, Zoe's boyfriend. I hope you get that it means you have to stop looking her way twice in a second."

"It's my choice who I look at," Lucas replied, "And hers who to talk to."

Nick smirked, turning to me and pointing with his head to the guy as he wriggled his eyebrows, "Lucas-"

I stood up, cutting Nick off, "I think we're late, right? Wow, it's already half past 7!"

"Wait," Nick said, standing up, too, "I just want to see what he has aginst me."

"She's not a property," Lucas said.

"And not a manequinne, either."


Now I cut Lucas off, making his turn towards me and looking in his eyes, "Forget that you ever liked me and forget this talk. Now go and do you work."

"Why did you do that?" Nick asked as soon as Lucas was out of sight.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "If you enjoy fighting so much, you can join kick-boxing club."

"I wasn't gonna fight, just talk."

I scoffed, "Just talk for a boy is the same as ready in 5 minutes for a girl. Everyone knows it's a lie, but everyone keeps telling it."

Nick rolled his eyes, throwing his arms around my shoulders and taking our coffee, "Let's go somewhere."

"Where? It's cold and storm has to start," I told him, taking my coffee from his hand.

"I doubt it'll start soon."

"Okay, then. Where to?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Where do you wanna go?"

I shrugged back, "I don't know, either. But anyways, nowhere hard to hide from storm."

Nick grinned at me, "Let's go to the Zoo."

I pouted, "But- oh, whatever. Drive," I said, throwing my car keys at him that he caught and sitting in the passenger seat. He sat in the driver seat and turned the keys in the ignition.

I turned the radio on as soon as the car started moving and switched the channels until I found something satisfying. Maroon 5's Animals sounded in my ears and I stopped switching, busting the volume up.

I started singing along and after few sentences Nick joined in, but not before he let out that deep, hot chuckle.

We came into the stop after 15 minutes in the parking lot of the Zoo. The weather has definitely gotten worse if we judged by the sky that was totally grey and the cold wind that blew fiercely towards me, making me shiver and almost tripping me.

I hugged my leather jacket closer to my body, but that almost didn't make a change since the fabric was as thin as the shirt I wore.

"Are you cold?" Nick asked me, locking the car and stuffing my keys in his pocket.

"Nah," I lied. I wanted to enjoy the day as much as possible without him worrying about me or giving his jacket which would make me worry about him.

"Stubborn kid," Nick muttered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders that made my body go warm immediately.

I snorted, "We are at the Zoo when the storm's starting."

He smiled down at me, "It's all about the adventure."

I rolled my eyes, "It's official now, you're brainless."

He kissed the top of my head and we entered zoo, buying some coke and walking around.

In about an half hour or so I felt a waterdrop hit my forehead. Looking up, I saw nothing blocking the sky.

"It's starting to rain," I said, frowning up at the sky.

"Storm's coming, huh?" Nick said, still holding my hand, "We should head."

I nod, sending the empty can of coke to the trash can next to me. In a couple of second the raindrops started falling more and more and soon it felt like I was standing in the ice-cold shower. The thunder roared in the sky and everything darkened, the trees swinging furiously due to the biggest wind I've ever gotten in. There were only us left in the zoo; no sellers, no guarding, no one.

In the worst weather that I've ever seen, we tried to exit the zoo ASAP. Gladly, we were at another end of the whole zoo from the exit. Note the sarcasm.

"Wait," Nick shouted over the terrible noise of the storm, wrapping an arm around my waist to stop me, "We could cut short!"

"From where?" I asked, screaming myself.

Nick took a deep breath in to think and then gestured towards our right side, "There!"

I wanted to ask him if he was sure it was the right way, but I refused and instead nodded, running to the right. Suddenly, a noise so loud was heard, it covered the storm. There was a wall of thin trees lined in a row next to me and one of them broke off, crashing down with such strenght it would kill. I screamed out of unexpectability and stepped back, my back pressing against Nick's chest. The tree had landed so close to me, I felt the brunches touch my ankles just a second ago.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked worriedly, shouting over the noise, "Zoe, are you alright?"

I nodded, "Fine, let's go," I said and started walking again, now far away from the trees.

Even the animals lied warmly in the shelters that would protect them from such weather, and here I was, running away from the falling trees. Nick held my hand in his and ran forward, making me speed up my pace, too. We were in front of the gates in five minutes, fortunately not harmed. But hey, my luck was overharmed: the door to the gates was locked.

"What now?" I asked Nick.

He squeezed my hand and cupped the lock with another. I immediately understood what he was doing and repeated his actions, putting my whole energy in melting the iron lock. In the rain so huge, I barely saw the way the lock changed shapes and soon endes up on the ground, looking like a grey water. We pushed the gates open and ran out, approaching my car and climbing in ASAP. I sat in the passenged seat next to Nick, hugging my jacket closer.

"I'm sorry," Nick said, making my head turn.

"What for?"

He chuckled, "Zoe you keep closing eyes on all the faults of mine and I don't know if it's the greatest trait in you or the worst one. I'm sorry I brought you to the Zoo when there was a chance of you getting hurt. I honestly had no idea it would turn out like this."

I smiled at him, "Nick, if you didn't know it was gonna happen it's not your fault. Why does everything has to be anyone's fault? Things just happen and we can't always control them. Now, turn my engine and warm up the car."

He did as I said and soon we sat in warmth of Ford. Suddenly, I heard the strongest wind blow outside, all the trees almost broke while crooking to our side and we felt the car shake a little.

"Nick," I said, my eyes wide, "Is it safe to drive?"

He tried to keep the coolest he could, "I don't know, but what is the other choice we have?"
