16. Daters

Chapter 16 :




Next day on lessons I was totally dazed out. Want to know what was on my mind? Three things: Nick, Nick and... Nick. I missed him so much! I needed him here, with me...

I was so getting an F in Biology!

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. Nick, of course.

Nick: Hey babe. What r u up 2?

Zoe: Class, duh.

Nick: Which class?

Zoe: Biology in 416, why?

Nick: Come out.

Zoe: What?!?

Nick: Just ask to leave for bathroom or smthng.

"Mrs. Dunch?" I said, lifting my left hand as I returned my mobile in my pocket with right one, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Quick," she said harshly and I stood up, practically running to the door and out.

I texted him,

Zoe: What the hell?

Nick: Look around.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned around to see Nick nearly running my way.

"What the-" I was just about to curse when his lips connected with mine, shutting me up.

Sweet taste of his lips fulled mine as I wrapped my hands around his neck, his hands on my upper back.

Getting back to reality immediately, I pulled out, "What are you doing here?" I hissed, "What if somebody catches us?"

His eyes bored into mine, not leaving for a second, "Whatever. I had to see you."

"Are you even normal?"

"Not exactly," he said, slowly leaning in and kissing me, again. This time, I didn't pull out until my lungs started dying from the lack of oxygen.

"Seriously, Nick, you have to go."

He chuckled, "Fuck the rules," I nod, "Just let's skip."

I scoffed, "No! It's still 3rd period we'll get caught."

"I don't think so."

God, just how much I wanted to say yes! But I couldn't, it was too crazy even for me.

I shook my head, "We can't. Not until it's dark. Now get the hell away until someone caught you and I'll see you later tonight."


I nod, "Promise."

We stood there, still half-hugging each other for a few moments until he finally managed to let go of my waist and leave. I watched him turn right to the hallway and got back to the classroom.

What was with that boy? What was with me? Something very weird was happening here. Every time I thought about him, he texted me, or met me, or something else... I was so exhausted because of all this! It was really very stressful, considering the fact that we had to hide and we didn't even know why. I so needed answers!

That night when Nick Simon texted me, whose number looked like Norah in my mobile, I told him to get to my side this time - I couldn't run back and forth every time we met!

I told him to follow the fence on my side and I'd meet him, so that's what I did. I saw him slowly and calmly walking beside the fence, I stood next to the building, waiting for him to approach, and when he finally did, it seemed like an eternity has passed already as I threw my arms around his neck, hugging my love closer as he returned the hug. The warmth from his body travelled through me, leaving a fuzzy feeling everywhere whilst I was breathing in the sweet smell of boys' cologne that he wore, mixing with his natural scent.

"Where's the place?" Nick whisperred in my shoulder.

Pulling back, I replied, "Come on," and led his further.

That time that Clary and I walked around the school last week, I saw a small shelter for things like this. It was hidden behind the curtain of plants, leading to a small, yet enough place for two. It was at the back of the school, right at the wall that had no windows at all, so it was quite safe. Plus, flowers were scattered all around the place, leaving a smell of spring and a feeling that occured in the wild nature.

My back was pressed against the wall as Nick's warm hands travelled down my spine to hold my waist gently, yet firmly. His breathe teased my lips as they were just an inch away from mine. Wrapping my hands around his neck, we both leaned in into a kiss that was soft and gentle, but hungry as well, from both of us. One of my hands went up to his dark hair, feeling the soft touch of fur. His hands on my waist pulled me in deeper, licking my lips to enter, which I let him. His taste fills my mouth, but not for long because of some stupid rule that says that human needs air very badly.

Looking up at his eyes, I got lost in them. They were chameleon eyes, changing color every now and then from honey to grey and sometimes to green. Right now, even in the darkness, I could see them being the best shade of honey. I couldn't read them, not like I tried...

Still slightly breathless, Nick leaned in once more, closing all the distance between us as our lips collide again.

What are you doing to me, Nick?

This kiss was deeper and hungrier than the last one, our tongues starting to have fun immediatly. His hands went just a little further to my hips, lifting me off ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist, now hugging him closer as we continued kissing.

We pulled out and in for dozens of more times, never going further than that. I was positive I made his hair a total mess as my hands never left them. And I hoped my hair didn't look that messy. I ran my hand through them for any case as soon as my feet touched the ground, my other hand still on his shoulder and his on my waist.

After forever we were sitting on the ground, Nick's back pressed against the wall, and mine against him. Suddenly, I felt something touch my hair. Thursting my hand to my head, it connected with Nick's, which felt like he was putting a flower in my hair.

I chuckled.

"What?" he said, a grin escaping from his voice.

I shake my head, "Nothing, I'm just happy."

I wasn't just about to say that, but that was true. That was very true.

I felt his chest vibrate under my upper back as he spoke, "I am, too."

A smile krept up on my face, as I felt even happier than before.

Days went by, as Nick and I met every single night, making out and then just lying on a grass. Sometimes on my side, sometimes his. Wherever it was, it was perfect.

Already week has gone by, and the next Tuesday, when I was sitting in Maths class, he texted me something different.

Nick: Let's get out.

It didn't take me a second to reply with "Whenever". I was already sick of this school. Sure, I sometimes left to meet Billy and others, but it was different when I wasn't meeting Nick every time anymore. So that day he invited me on a date outside the school teritory.

"Where to?" I asked him, sitting in a cab that he called an half hour earlier. We made sure no one was looking before climbing in the same car and driving away.

He thought for a second before answering with a grin, "Zoo."

I chuckled, "Zoo?"

"Yeah, Zoo."

I laughed, "Perfect."

After an hour I was holding my smoothie in my left hand, and Nick in my other hand, walking down the Zoo.

On my left I saw tiger's place. I could see only one tiger at the moment, and he was all in black and white stripes.

I stopped in my tracks, "It's so pretty!" I said.

Nick smiled down at me, "Yeah, it is."

I looked up at him, feeling just a little insecure, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like... That."

"Like what?"

"Like you're thinking of something I don't know."

"Because I'm thinking of something you don't know."

"And what is it?"

"You're beautiful."

I stared at him like he's just grown a second head, "What did you say?"

He smiled wider, "You are beautiful."

Don't... Don't! Don't you... Fuck, I blushed. Why the hell did I blush.

"Thanks," I told him, ignoring the blood heating up my cheeks even worse.

He laughed, "Let's go."

We walked, talked and kissed for another hour and an half, even sitting on a huge wheel. Then we left, I thought we were going "home", but Nick told me halfway to the destination that we were going to see a movie. I was totally in.

I'm not even sure what movie we were sitting on, my eyes were closed as we sat in the back, kissing. Whatever it was, I think Nick chose the longest movie, since we sat there for good two hours.

When we left it was already dark outside. Looking down at my phone, I saw it was already 8:30PM. I frowned, the day ended so soon!

"Hey, I'm gonna get us some drink," Nick said, his arm unwrapping from around my shoulders as he gestured to the small store down the road.

A cold breeze of air flew by, leaving me freezing, "I'll just wait there," I told him about a little gap in between of two buildings. The dark gap would be dangerous in a couple of hours already, right now there were quite a lot people moving back and forth.

Seeing Nick nod, I turned on my heel to step in the gap, no longer feeling my hands as I rubbed them against each other to warm up. Leaning on one of the walls, I kept warming myself up as I heard a shuffling from somewhere. There was no point in looking deeper into the alley, since it was very datk there, but I was standing close to the street, so I guess I was safe, I just ignored that noise.

Another shuffling sounded from a little closer as all of a sudden my hand was out of my control, pulled by someone. I was just about to scream, but a big hand was being pressed onto my mouth, shutting me up. Opening my eyes, I was just about to freak out. It was very dark for people from the streets to see us, but not dark enough for me to not see his face. This disguisting face that I've already seen; this disguisting face of the blonde clinger.

Was he following me?

"Let me go!" I screamed, but since his hand was still on my mouth, it sounded like "mmphmm mm mph"

His lips twitched up into a smirk as his eyes that scared me to death bored into mine dangerously.

His hand slowly loosened on my face as his second one kept holding my arm.

"Let me go, you, sick bastard!" I shouted in his face.

His smirk fell for a second, but came back immediately, "No."

"Let me go!" I screamed, folding my hands in fists and kicking him, but it didn't seem to affect him at all.

He laughed a sick laugh, "Come on, sweetheart."

"Let me-" I was cut off by his lips pressing onto mine, making me want to puke as I tried to pull away, kicking and pushing him with all the strenght I had.

I bit his bottom lip, making him shout, "Ow! You bitch!"

And another second hasn't passed as he forcefully and violently kissed me once more. I mumbled cursing words in his lips the loudest I could, meanwhile pushing him away and punching him, but nothing was enough. By then tears were welled up in my eyes and flowed down my face.

I screamed, "Let me go, bastard!" as soon as his disguisting lips left mine, leaving a smelly sensation on them. "Let me go!"

"I'll teach you how you can have fun with others," he mumbled, "You're finally mine."

His lips now kissed my jawline as I started pushing him even harder.

"Let me go!" I screamed, more tears running down my face as I was terrified of what could happen next.

His lips now kissed my neck, as I flinched, more shivers going down my spine as I tried to move more violently.

"Please," I said in my tears, "Let me go!"

But he didn't listen. He kept kissing my neck and my collarbones, holding me by my waist so strongly I could barely move, let alone escape.

"Let me go!"

"No!" he shouted back, kissing my neck again whilst I pushed him even harder.

"Please, let me-"

"Hey!" a deep shouting cut me off, "Get your fucking hands away from my girlfriend!"

Looking on my left, I saw Nick running our way, the look in his eyes that people usually have before killing someone violently.

The clinger didn't back off until Nick's strong arms pulled him away from me. My back was pressed against the cold wall as Nick kicked the guy the hardest he could. And this time, I wasn't going to stop him.

He kept kicking and punching the clinger until he was on the ground, and with one last punch he knocked him off, standing up and running to me.

He hugged me in the most protective manner he could, my face burying in his shoulder as he asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, not being able to make a sound that didn't shake terribly.

"God, what am I asking..." he said, "Of course you're not. I'm sorry, Zoe, I'm so, so sorry! I shouldn't have left you alone. What was I thinking?"

I didn't say anything, just squeezed his body as he did the same, both of us comforting each other in some way.

"I'm sorry," he said again.

"It's not your fault," I whispered in his shoulder, avoiding making a shaky voice.

I felt him shake his head, "Of course it is, I'm sorry."

"It's not and it's okay, I'm alright."

"Are you sure?"

I nod, closing my eyes.

I felt Nick pull out as his hand connected with my jaw, lifting my head up to look at him. I could only imagine what I looked like: makeup scattered all over my face, my hair going all crazy on it's own, my hands trembling by my sides and my eyes that probably still reflected fear.

"No, you're not," he said and hugged me again, which I returned.

Told ya, I should look like a painting that's been left out in a rainstorm.

"Why does every sick bastard has to hit on me?" I ask before I even realize the words.

I swear, sometimes it seems like my mouth has skills of thinking on it's own.

His body stiffened up, "What do you mean? Has something like this ever happened to you?"

"It hasn't gotten this far," I say, squeezing him as he did the same, "Except for that time when his friend took a knife to my throat. Except for that, it's all fine."

He sighed, "I'm really, very sorry."

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"


"Should we go?"

I nod in his shoulder and let him lead me out of this disguisting alley.

We caught a cab to go back to the academy. Since nobody should see us even breathing the same air, I decided to climb out a little earlier and walk the rest way.

"No way," Nick said, "I'm not letting you walk alone at night once more."

"Oh come on," I whine, "Nobody's ever here, and it's 10 minutes walk."

"Okay," he said, "Then I'll walk these 10 minutes," before I could even open my mouth he stopped the taxi, handing me 20 dollars bill, quickly pecked my lips and exited, leaving me open-mouthed.

As the driver stopped in front of the gates I handed him the money, telling to keep the change and quickly ran inside as it was starting to rain. As soon as I was in my room, I stood in front of the window, waiting for Nick to return. A few minutes passed by as I waited there, seeing the rain become stronger and stronger. When he finally reached my sight, it was pouring down like a shower.

I opened my window, looking out and not even caring that the water got inside, wishing for him to look up. And he did. I saw him smile as he stood in front of the gates of boys' side. He kissed his hand and threw an imaginary kiss at me. I caught it, bringing it to my heart as I smiled, waving for him to go inside already. We were looking at each other until he entered the building, dissapearing into the warmth.
