11. Cling

Chapter 11 :




"I was nervous someome would come in and spot us all the time!"

I laughed at her before offering to go to bed for tonight, and going upstairs yawning all the time.

A terrible noise woke me up. Sitting up, I looked to the window, seeing it was still dark outside. I glanced over at my nightstand clock to see it was 3:25.

There is that noise, again. It sounded like something very huge - like a building - just fell down on the ground outside. I had a phobia of loud noises since I was a kid, so I brought my knees closer to my chest, hugging them and hissing, "Nina! Nina!"

"What?" she asked, sitting up, too along with Ellie.

"What's happening?" I asked her, my eyes getting used to the darkness so now I could see her properly.

"I don't know," she replied and that noise sounded again.

I slowly stood up, getting closer to the window and looking out as I called the two of them to come and see, too. There was a dim everywhere, it was really difficult to see anything. But besides from that, everything was normal.

We opened our door, glancing outside and seeing all the girls quietly talking there. You could hear the words "What the hell?" "I've never heard anything like that," and "I hope we live" a lot.

Suddenly, Martha went to our floor, calming us down, "Keep calm, ladies, don't panic. It's just a restavration going on in the mediatheque!"

"Why does mediatheque need a restavration?" I asked, getting closer to her.

"If you went back to Academy for at least an hour for the whole day long, you'd know. Someone destroyed the whole mediatheque. Walls were half broken, half burnt down. The flame even reached the ceiling. Nothing survived."

"Why would someone do that?" I asked in disbelief.

"I don't know," she replied sternly, sending us back to our rooms.

The noise woke me up three more times at night, not letting me rest properly. In the morning I woke up with a huge blue bags under my eyes and a very tired look.

"I couldn't sleep the whole night," I.mumbled as I turned the alarm off, going to the bathroom. I put piles of concealer on to hide my blue bags and went to school.

I saw Clary waiting for me in front of my locker, digging in her phone.

"Hey," I said as I approached her, opening my locker.

"Hey, what's up? You look tired," she said, sending her phone to her jeans' back pocket.

"Have you heard that noise at night? Martha said-"

"I know," she cut me off, "I was there."

"I am so interested who the hell could do that!"

"I didn't actually believe her," Clary suddenly said, making me stare up at her.


"I don't know, she sounded uncertain and at least someone had to speak about it, right?"

"Yea, I've thought about it, too. But I just have no better explanation for that."

"Me, neither."

The ringing bell cut off our dialogue as we went to our first class that day: History.

I could not pay attention to whatever the teacher was saying right then, I was distracted by Clary's words - I didn't actually believe her...

After school I went to the principal, knocking eagerly.

"Come in," I heard her voice from the inside.

"Mrs. Shoo," I said as I entered, "I wanted to know what happened to the mediatheque yesterday. Gossips are saying it got burnt down."

"Unluckily," she replied, "They aren't wrong. Mediatheque actually got burnt down yesterday, we have no idea of who that might be. Restavration will be finished tomorrow, but don't expect those noises as from last night - they were just pulling up burnt down walls."

I nod at her.

"Now I have to ask you to leave," she added, "I have lot's of work to do."

I nod once again before exiting and meeting Clary that was waiting by the door. "What did she say?"

"They were pulling up burnt down walls," I repeated Mrs. Shoo's words, "Restavration will end tomorrow."

She nods, "Maybe I was doubting them wrongly?"

I shrugged, letting my tired shoulders fall down freely, "I don't know. I'm too exhaused to think about it right now. And I still have dance lesson, damn..." I growled unattractively, going to the boarding house to change and to the dance class.

It usually lasted an hour and an half. And after that I slowly grumbled to my room, having a how shower and then turning on the cold water to wake up a little.

Afterwards, I changed into shorts, a white top and a baseball jacket in blue. I called the Taxi before going at Clary's. Villy was busy today, anyways.

We sat there for an half hour until the Taxi finally came and we rushed to the hospital, again.

"It doesn't seem to be a good idea," Clary said halfway to the hospital, "If we got with it once, it doesn't mean we can get with it twice. What if someone spots us?"

"Nobody will spot us, just calm down."

I stopped the Taxi in front of MacDonald's, telling it to wait until we got some food for Nick. We bought Big Mac, some fries and coockies along with Coca Cola. It took us like, 10 minutes since the MCs was too loaded. When we finally got out our Taxi was gone.

"Why couldn't he wait 10 minutes?" Clary said, clearly annoyed.

"Screw him," I said, waving at another Taxi as he stopped in front of us. I gave him the directions and the yellow car pulled away.

When we got to the fifth floor, we heard a woman, screaming "No". When we got closer we saw a brunette woman in her late 50ies, cursing the doctors for not saving her son.

"Poor mother," I said with a frown, "I never want to witness my future son's death."

Clary laughed at me, before knocking at Nick's door for me.

"Who's there?" he called out.

I rolled my eyes, "It's me."

"Come in," he said and I carrfully opened the door, going in.

"How are you?" I asked, sitting down on his bed to face him.

"Good, I can move better today."

"Very well," I said, handing him a bigger package that day.

He glanced inside, "God, I adore you, Zoe!" he said, making me laugh. The head part of his bed was a bit lifted up so that Nick was almost sitting.

"I'll leave you two," Clary said, winking at me and going out.

"What's wrong with you?" Nick suddenly asked, surprising me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"You look very tired."

I nod, "Oh, that. Principal said the girls' mediatheque got burnt down by someone and the restavration was going really loudly whole night." I grumbled, "I thought the whole Academy was falling down."

He chuckled, "And you haven't slept the whole night?"

"Why, I have. Every 5 minutes between noises."

He chuckled before moving aside, reserving a space for another person to fit laying on his bed.

I raised an eyebrow at him but I was way too tired to argue. I was falling asleep from one look at the pillow. I slowly lay beside him as I watched him eating.

"Coockies?" he offered.

I took one coockie sending it down my stomach. "I've got great taste," I said as Nick laughed at my ego.

"What are the doctors saying?" I asked, "When will you be out?"

"A week," he said with a cringe, "They wanted me to stay longer, but I guess I'm recovering fast so, a week it is."

I nod, giving up on holding my eyes open and closing them, resting my head on Nick's shoulder as I felt him chuckle.

"Show me your wrist," he said, putting his food aside.

I lifted my hand without opening my eyes as I felt his hands gently trace on mine, carefully pushing my sleeve up.

"That's actually strange," he said.

I nod in his shoulder, too tired to open my mouth.

I was in the field. I was in the field of your dreams, a field of a fairy tale. I looked down: the grass under my feet was totally red, totally beutiful. The flowers had the shape of leaves and went higher my knees. I looked up: the sky was glowing in all the colors of a rainbow and the sun was blue. The sun was blue. I looked around me, noticing small children running back and forth, using the leaf-shaped flowers as the swords, chasing after each other. They were no older than 5, a girl and a boy. The flowers had all the shades of green, blue, yellow, orange and purple in them. I was in heaven. This had to be heaven. I lay down on the ground as the sun goes down and everything darkens. I saw stars and planets being incredibly close to the place I was in. The planets were the same size as my fist - this is how close they were. And further away I could see stars as lighting dots and only. A meteor suddenly flew in front of me. It seemed like if I reached my arm, I'd be touching it. And I reached my arm out, ready to take a handle of it as I moved further from the meteor.

Little flickering sound woke me up still in Nick's bed, feeling his arm being wrapped around my shoulders as I had absolutely no wish to move. I had my head rested on his chest, hearing his heart calmly beating against his chest.

I noticed a night lamp on the table across his bed, the light bulb was all black and the lamp was, too.

"Did you wake up?" Nick asked with a soft voice.

"Yea," I answered, making no move.

"Are you feeling good?"

I chuckled, "Yea," and I stood up, running a hand through my probably messy hair. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Almost an hour or so."

"An hour?" I repeated in disbelief. "What time is it?"

He looked down at his phone before answering, "Seven."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were so tired," he said, "And you slept so peacefully I didn't dare bothering you. And Clary glanced inside, when she saw you were asleep, she said she'd be waiting for you at MacDonald's."

"Was that long ago?"

"15 minutes."

I nod, "How are you feeling?"

"Good," he said, quickly brushing the question off.

"Okay, um, I guess I should get going now," I said and he nodded, "See you."

"See you," he said as I closed the door behind me, going out and to MacDonald's.

As I stepped in my eyes started searching for Clary as I found her in the corner table, two boys sitting in front of her. I stepped to them as hundreds of scenarios plagued my mind of who those boys could be. As I approached them I noticed them and unluckily for me, they noticed me, too.

"Here comes the blonde one," said the brunette clinger from the last week when Nick and Cole knocked them out because of not leaving Clary and I alone.

"Clary, stand up," I said, "We're leaving."

The blonde clinger chuckled, "You are not leaving."

"Yes, we are," I said as I took a hold of Clary's hand and pulling it until the blonde one took a hold of my wrist so tight, it hurt - just like the last time.

"You are not going anywhere," he hissed, tightening the grip around my wrist even more.

"Let me go," I hissed back, holding a cringe.

He threw his head back in laughter, "No."

This had to happen. Of course, this just had to happen.

"Got no your boys at your sides now," the brunette said with a smirk, "do you?"

"What are you going to do now?" blonde one asked.

Damn it.

I sent my fist flying to the side of the blonde's head as I hit his cheek, making it bleed. As soon as he let go of my wrist I felt the blood starting to move inside my veins again. I took Clary's hand, yelling, "Guards!" as we left the building and jumped into the first Taxi we saw.

I pushed the sleeve of my left hand up, looking at the fresh bruise. There it goes, again.

"Oh my God!" Clary almost shouted, "Was that how you got it at the first time?"

I nod, "I guess I'm not getting out of this that easily this time. Damn, it hurts."

It really did hurt. It was aching and burning at the same time as my whole wrist became all reddish- bluish. I started waving it back and forth, trying to easen the pain.

"Put some ice on it as soon as we get back to academy, got it?" Clary said and I nodded at her.

When we got back at Lestrade Academy Clary helped me to put some ice on my wrist.

"Thanks for saving me," she said as we popped down on the couch in the living room. "They wouldn't leave me alone if you didn't come. They were sitting there for like, 10 minutes already."

"Sorry for being late. I was so tired that I fell asleep."

"I know," she smirked.

"Clary Fray, what is hiding behind that smirk of yours?"

"Nothing. Just that little Zoe's in love."

"I'm not in love," I said with a smile, "I do like him and I'm not gonna deny it, but I'm not in love with him. No, nothing even close to that."

"I hope so," she sighed, "It'd be a huge problem for you to start dating."

I laughed, "Right."



Hallo guys!! What do you think about this chapter?? I tried to make it longer as I promised in the last A/N.

I am soooo excited about the upcoming chapters!! I'm promising you some shocks!!

So that phobia of loud sound aince childhood is not a part of my imagination it's just the same with me. I just hate loud noises so much!! So I gave Zoe a part of me. ^_^

I had absolutely no idea of what to name to this chapter, so I hope Cling isn't too bad of a name for this one. It's just so mixed I got lost.

Pfff, I hate those clingers so much! But they made this story interesting already for the second time (at least I hope so)!

I love all of you guys soo much!! My readers are my life!

And I'm soo badly tired of the Back To School season preparings!! I still have to buy some clothes and supplies! I only got shoes, backpack and some new accesories. Yes, I do buy all of those for school.

So this morning I was exchanging tweets with one follower of mine and she got soo surprised when she knew I was popular at school she was like WTF. She said I didn't even seem like a girl from popular crowd and I guess I've never mentioned it but, yeah, I'm one of them.

And I always write yea without h at the end of it because it has to sound British. Both Zoe and Billy are from London and even Ellie is from GB.

So, I guess that's all for today.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you,


