When his bros catch you singing together - 💛

Since the two of you had caught each other in your singing marathons, you had both decided to be a lot more open with each other about the song you liked, which was how you ended up, trying to murder his brothers on a Friday night after a rom-com musical moment.

You were sitting on the Leo's shell, giving him encouragement as he did some press-ups with your weight on the back as some good exercise. "51, 52, 53 ,54..." That was the 3rd set of 100..

"Leo, I'm bored!" You groaned, as Leo did another ten. "Let's do something else"

"But I haven't even gotten to five hundred yet!" Leo whined but obeyed, seemingly bored himself. Then a look of knowing spread across his face before a smile followed - He pulled out his speaker and pulled out his speaker.

You matched his smile as a song started playing, Leo started first: (song at the top)

Leo = bold with italics

Y/N = bold with underlines 

Both= Bold and underlined with italics

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
There's something about your eyes
Tell me these feelings are mutual
'Cause feelings are so hard to fight

Leo smiled and started to walk around you, singing every lyric like he meant it, but then again, he probably did.

Know it's a little soon, maybe
But I'd go anywhere you take me
Long as you're calling me, baby
They can all call us crazy

Taking your hand when the chorus started, Leo sang his heart out, making you laugh and smile, while he gave it his all.

Let's get married in Vegas
We don't need a guest list
I don't wanna think too much
Let's get matching tattoos
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love

So stupid in love with you, yeah 
I'm so stupid in love
So stupid in love with you
I'm so stupid in love

As your part came, you sang it, your voice going smoothly with Leo's while you did your verse, Leo was looking at you like he had fallen in love again, making you go red with pride.

Hi, you camе?
Babe, I've been waiting for you all day 
So lean my way 
And lеt me just take away all the pain
I know it's a bit soon for vows
are good for now
But know I'm already down the aisle

'Cause I'm so
stupid in love

Leo joined in, taking your hand as you giggled and laughed through his smarm, still keeping up with the song as you watched your boyfriend.

Let's get married in Vegas
We don't need a guest list
I don't wanna think too much
Let's get matching tattoos
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love
Book a flight to Paris only one way
What you think about sharing our last name?
Let's get straight to "I do"
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love

So stupid in love with you, yeah
I'm so stupid in love
So stupid in love with you 
I'm so stupid in love

As you two sung your hearts out, you couldn't help but believe how relatable your lyrics were. How did Leo do it? Own your heart so easily and make you smile from day to day. Honestly, you couldn't think how but you were delighted that he did. 

When it came to the Post-Chorus, Leo knee-slid to the floor and started singing up to you, his eyes seeming to well up with admiration and love for you. His voice almost breaking from admiration, as he stroked your thighs gently. You joined with as much passion 

So tell me right now, before we come down
Can we make it work? Baby, let's find out
Tell me right now, before we come down
Can we make it work? Baby, let's find out

Let's get married in Vegas
We don't need a guest list
I don't wanna think too much
Let's get matching tattoos
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love

Leo grabbed a water bottle from his bed and put it up to his lips like a microphone, you picked up a spare hairbrush from your bag and sung into it.

Book a flight to Paris only one way
What you think about sharing our last name?
Let's get straight to "I do" 
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love

So stupid in love with you 
I'm so stupid in love
So stupid in love with you 
I'm so stupid in love

Stupid in love with you 
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Leo pulled you into his arms for a kiss, but before your lips could meet, a burst of laughter exploded from the doorway.

The two of you turned to look at the door, being startled by Donnie, Raph and Mikey standing there sniggering and clapping, all three of them torn between being impressed and humoured.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN HERE?" You and Leo both exclaimed as the three turtles laughed.

"Long enough." Raph giggled, holding on the door for support, overcome with laughter.

"You two are like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute." Mikey cooed, pointing at you two and Donnie nodded.

You and Leo both turned scarlet as the Raph choked with laughter, Mikey gushed like a fanboy and Donnie? Well he was stunned?

"Since when could you two sing!?" He cried, looking from you to Leo. Raph finally collected himself and replied to Donnie's question.

"I've been hearing Leo's shower concerts for ages." He chuckled.

"Sometimes he sings in his sleep." Mikey added, shuddering at the thought.

"Seriously, though. You two are really good... My favourite part was." Donnie started - him and Mikey picked up the water bottle and hairbrush from the floor and started performing the song in their own botched, out of key version while Raph watched the whole things

"lET's gEt mArRieD iN vEgAs, wE dOn'T nEeD a gUisTlIsT.." 

"Nope. Nope, nope, nope." Leo muttered and shoved the three of them out of the room before laughing with you, pulling you onto his bed with you, where he snuggled up against you.

"We should get married in Vegas."


Hope you guys enjoyed this one, ShyBeanz

