He catches you staring - ๐Ÿ’›


"Normal teenagers go out on Friday nights."

You were hanging out at the lair with the turtles on a Friday night, usually you guys would watch TV and eat snacks or pizza but today it wasn't one of those days. You sat in the training room floor hugging your knees.

Splinter decided that instead of practicing on training dummies, as ninja's they should learn how to spar with real opponents. That's how you ended up sitting on the training room floor awaiting a fight between Raph and Leo.

Splinter had tossed you and the younger two brothers a notebook and pens to take notes on their fighting stances and techniques. Though you knew none, not understanding wasn't what kept you from being able to write anything down.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see it. Raph and Leo were warming up - Raph engaging in some ferocious jumping-jacks in the other room, which gave you an interpretation that it was more of a punishment than a work out and Leo...well, Leo:

"Come on, Leo, another set."

A soft sigh escaped from your lips as you watched. Leo was doing at least 10 push-ups per five seconds as he talked to himself, almost egging himself on. You watched, biting your lips as beads of sweat trickled down his face and neck.

"Cripes." You muttered before blushing, realising you actually said that out loud, thankfully Leo didn't notice and kept up his workout.

"871, 872, 873, don't you know its rude to stare? 875, 876.." you jumped and blushed as you looked further over your notebook to see, Leo smirking at you.

"I wasn't staring." You muttered, as he walked closer, sweat dripping down his shell, which, really only made you go at least 4 shades redder than before.

"Oh really?" Leo snickered. "because from where I was standing, it looked as though, you were staring at this." he brandished his body, his chest rising and falling.

"Nah, I wasn't." you insisted and turned back to your notebook, attempting to think of something to write down, but his body was back on your mind.

"I think I'll have that." Leo threw the book across the room. "Come here, you." He picked you up by the waist, holding you next to his chest.

"You're all sweaty." You exclaimed, attempting to pry yourself from his grip.

"Yeah, but you like it don't you?" He teased, kissing your cheek. "Just like you like me?"

"No, I really don't." You replied, but your blush probably told him other wise. "I hate you." You giggled.

"No you like me!" He grabbed you face with his free hand and kissed your lips gently, smirking brightly and laughing.

"You're lucky, you're cute." You said, grabbing his face and squeezing it.

"I'm also lucky I look hot when I'm sweaty" He placed you down and posed, sticking out his hip like a model.

"Go do your push-ups."

"You wanna sit on my shell for 877??" Leo cocked a non-existent eyebrows at you, you smacked his shell gently.

"Behave yourself, your father will be here any moment."


Hey, ShyBeanz! Sorry that this chapter is so short, another one will be coming pretty soon to make up for it.

Love you all, ShyBeanz ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

