When he meets your mom - 💛

This one was requested by @Bella-needs-to-sleep  ✨✨✨✨

It was the same night in which you started training to be a Kunoichi, and after cooking dinner for the family, you decided to head home. Leo came with you and was allowed to stay there with you for a little while before coming home, much to the protest of his brothers. 

You set yourself on the couch after taking a shower to get all the sweat and grease off of you. You laid your head in his lap and threw your legs over the end of the couch with a sai. Leo patted your head and stroked your hair. "I've got about an hour before I need to head home, dad wants us to do some extensive training tomorrow." 

"Oh ok, do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Leo nodded and pulled you closer onto his lap as you picked F/M (favourite movie) to watch, you snuggled up on his chest and ran your finger over his shell, stroking it gently. 

About halfway through the movie you started to run your fingers over Leo's plastron quite quickly in order to...arouse him. What? its not like it didn't work. You could feel Leo's breath getting heavier and hotter above from you, until he noticed what you were doing. "Do you mind?" He asked playfully, looking down at you with a smirk.

"I obviously do." Your lips tugged upwards and Leo flicked your nose, calling on each of your teasing nicknames. "You little...brat." He laughed.

You raised and eyebrow and pulled him on top off you, and poked his playfully. Leo laughed and pinned your arms above you head and began kissing you passionately - you brought your hands to his top half and began stroking his neck while he pushed his knee in between your legs. Leo kisses his way to your- 

The door to you apartment clicked open and your mom walked into the living room a second later. You and Leo looked up and your faces went crimson , scarlet and ruby all at the same time. "Oh, hi mom." You said nervously, as Leo climbed off of you, his face just as brilliant red as yours - some first impression - your mom stood with her hip cocked and eyebrows raises. "This is Leo...my boyfriend."

Her eyebrows disappeared into her blue curls atop her head as she stared at Leo a mild grin formed on her mouth while her eyes raked over Leo. "Y/N, are you aware that your boyfriend is not human?" 

"Yes, mom. He's a mutant. Part human, part turtle. You study mutations all the time you must understand. And I-I love him, so much. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you because you're always so busy-"  Your mom cut you off my embracing you in a hug.

"I'm sorry my daughter. You know how it's been. We're trying to find- we are researching, I've been too busy, I'm sorry." She said, gently as she let you go and then turned to Leo. "He seems like a good man for my girl- oh, um..."

"It's fine don't worry." Leo assured her, before something crossed his mind. "Your not going to milk me, right?" That made your mom and you chuckle.

"I wouldn't dream of it." She replied, a sparkling glint in her eye as she laughing looking at you two, but mostly at Leo.

"Can I ask. How come you and Y/N don't look a like?" Leo enquired taking both of your almost opposite looks. You and your mom matched smiles as always whenever someone asked this question.

"I adopted Y/N when she was small. I found her being left outside my workplace having a note in her basket, with little to no context I took her in. The Utrom family always longed for another daughter." Your mother explained, hugging you.

"I'm basically Harry Potter." you shrugged, patting your mother's arms around you, she then turned to Leo and took his shoulder, looking almost fascinated by his green skin. 

"You must tell me all about life as a mutant, Leo. I want to hear all about it." She smiled and chuckled a little too acidly.

"Of course, Mrs Utrom-" 

"Please call me Cynthia."



Keep in tuned for further mommy issues, but the next chapter will be "When he catches you singing."

See you guys in the next one, ShyBeanz 

