When he tickles you -

This chapter was requested by @KeannaEvans1 . I was in the middle of completing some random Homework (Ugh) when I randomly had a writing splurge and this was born. Now enjoy!


"Speed and agility. You are speed and agility.." You thought as you circled the floor, your feet just skimming the floor and your ninjato laying in your hand.

You looked up and saw Donnie, who was matching your movements his Bo staff behind his back in his right hand. Speed and agility-

"Hajime!" That caught you off guard, Donnie began spinning his staff between both of his hands, your brain spun trying to make sense of his movements, however you analysed every single action he made while dodging his attacks with your fast footwork - you noticed once the staff flashed through his right wrist, it wobbled a bit, not too much although it was noticeable.

He was probably timid on that side, plus it was his non-dominant hand (Donnie seems like a lefty tbh), smirking, you flicked your ninjato over to your left hand leaving the other one 'vulnerable' - you knew what it meant. Donnie switched his Bo to his non-dominant arm, just as you had planned.

Donnie drove forward, to your empty hand, the Bo wobbling in his right. Taking advantage this, you slid behind him and emptying your sword into your right hand you, knocked it into the back of Donnie's wrist, causing his staff to go flying across the room and him to fall to the ground. You pointed your sword at his back.

Splinter called stop and you helped up an embarrassed Donnie to his feet. "You tricked me. Sneaky." He muttered causing you to laugh.

Splinter handed his son his staff and the two of you sat back down. Leo ruffled your hair and whispered "Atta' girl." Sensei explained to you five about the strategy you used, singing your praises on your tactic change, making you beam. After he was finished, he ordered you fiveย  to clean the dojo and then ordered a pizza, leaving the five of you alone.

"Jeez Louise, Splinter is a harsh mentor." You sighed, starting to pick up the stray matts and looking to the four turtles.

"You think he's harsh now, you should have seen him when we first started training. I've got scars that still haven't healed." Raph grumbled.

"He's a lot more nicer to you, seeing as your not in the family." Donnie added. "He'll probably never let my loss go."

"No one ever lets your embarrassingย  losses go, Don. And I for one think that you should be treated amazingly."ย  Leo stated, laughing at Donnie and grabbing you by the waist and pressing kisses to your neck.

"Gross, enough with a snoodling PLEASE!" Mikey whined, covering his eyes like you two were engaging in something not very PG.

"We'll just leave you guys to it then.." Raph or Mikey muttered, when Leo wouldn't stop dusting your face with kisses, much to your mortification.

"Now we've gotta clean by ourselves." You said, slapping his chest in mock annoyances, your eyebrows furrowed, a frown on your face.

"Worth it, if I get to kiss you." He replied, starting to pack away the matts and blowing you a kiss, which you comedically rubbed on your face.

The two of you began to clean, and in around 40 minutes the whole dojo was spotless, except forย  that dusty cupboard in the corner. Maybe if you dusted it, you'd get an extra slice of pizza from Splinter.

You walked over to it and began to attempt to get it spotless like the rest of the room. There was just a little setback: for being a literal 5'1 man like Splinter's scroll storage cupboard, it was tall. So tall that it was at least two feet taller than you.

You jumped on you tiptoes about 4 times before on the 5th jump you were lifted a meter into the air. Turning around, a annoyed frown on you face you you were greeted with a smirking green gremlin, if it was for the strong comforting arms wrapped around your thighs, you would have kicked him, gently of course.

"Leo!" You whined, glaring at him. "I could reach I myself!"ย 

"Is that why you were struggling on your tiptoes." He chuckled, poking your stomach. "Shorty."

"Shut up." As you cleaned the top of the cupboard you could feel Leo's hands snaking around your backside.ย 

"Keep it PG, handsy." You scolded, that caused Leo to flip your around, so your legs were wrapped around his waist, his hands supporting you underneath your butt.

"Handsy?" He repeated looking outraged. "I'm a gentleman!"

"Well would a gentleman be staring at my ass like it's the Mona Lisa?"

"Well, it is really nice.."

"Perv..."ย  That seemed like it was the last straw for this flirty turtles - He pinned you to the ground and began tickling you, running his finger over your hips and stomach, your screams of laughter only drove him further.

With every time he ran his fingers over your body, you screeched being a ticklish person in general. He smirked. "What's that, Y/N? More?" Then he ran his fingers to your most ticklish place: Where your neck flooded into your collarbone.

You braced yourself for the sensation when the door to the dojo creaked open. "Aw, come on! You seriously need to get a room!" Mikey exclaimed covering his eyes while Raph and Donnie mocked gagging behind his back.

"We are in a room!!" You replied getting up.

"Do we even want to know what you were about to do on the dojo floor?" Raph pondered, making the two of your go pink before Leo smiled and put his chin on your forehead.

"Ask the shorty."



I think this may be one of my favourite chapters I've ever written ShyBeanz ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›

