We love you Wonho

I know a lot of you heard the news and I usually don't do this. But I wanted to talk about how I feel about all this. I lost it when I found out I went on a rant on Twitter so angry that bitch and her whore did this to someone else again. I feel like they took advantage of all the hate he was getting when the Me Too thing happened look at the timing of it all.

I don't believe those two at all go ahead and say "but he left so it must be true." Bullshit okay I refuse to believe anything that comes out of that girls mouth, she called him a murderer when She already murders careers that she can't have. I'm happy that StarShip is still going to press charges but I'm still angry they couldn't protect him. Even though I bet they tried to tell him to think about it longer he just felt like shit because his group are getting hurt from this.

He's blaming himself and some people are laughing about it.

But I noticed something after he left I don't think he left the label, but anyway Wonho is bring together a community of monbebe and none-monbebe. He's been getting so much love nobody is fighting each other right now (okay there is some but not a lot.) a lot of people are showing him love and he doesn't see it. I guess he was on the fancafe recently and I guess some of the members were to trying to talk to him I guess.

I wish he can see what he is doing he's being people together. Fans are going to Starship in the cold leaving him messages, fans are outside the label wanted them to bring him back. I hope he sees he's getting so much love, I hope he fights back and realizes that we are on his side.

I might sound crazy for saying this but something in my heart is telling me this isn't permanent and he will be back I hope my heart is right.
I hope that monster and her minion realize their days of ruining lives are over. This is the last straw for her and we are willing to fight her back. She can't keep us quiet she's going down.

Please show Wonho love and Shownu because he is also a target of hers. Please everyone let's bring him home.

