My Bf Doesn't Mind That I'm A Otaku-Monsta X Kihyun

You're P.O.V


I was sitting with my friends Luda, Bona and Exy talking and eating. "So I finished reading Kiss Him Not Me last night," Luda tells us. "And?" I ask she smiles and squealed I'm so happy she choose Mutsumi!" she said. "I know right! When are they going to make a season 2?" ask Bona. "You want a season 2 of Kiss Him Not Me, I want a new season of Seraph Of The End!" I said. "Same here," said Exy.

"Oh so are we going to go check out that new shop tomorrow heard they have a lot of cool merch there," said Bona. "I'm in," said Luda, "Same here," said Exy. They look at me, "What about you ____?" Bona asked me, "Well," I said. "Oh look it's the loser club," said a familiar bitchy voice. It was Cho and her crew. We all just tried to ignore her, "What are we talking about today losers?" she asked us, "That you still are obsessed with us even after high school and possible the rest of our lives," said Bona.

Cho ignored her. My phone went off it was a text. Before I can grab it Cho grabbed it before me. "Hey!" I said. She looks and laughs, "Girls look at this the name says My Hero," she said and her friends looked and laughed, "Is this your boyfriend or something?" Cho asked me, I get my phone back. "Yes it's my boyfriend!" I tell her. She laughed even more.

"Sorry _______ but no offense who would date you? I mean your not bad looking or anything unlike me but what poor soul would date you an Otaku," she says to me. I was mad, "______ let's go I think your boyfriend is here to get you," said Bona, she knew I was about to explode. I grab my stuff alone with the others. And we walked away. I then look at my boyfriend's text.

My Hero💙: Hey babe I'm here to pick you up!

I smiled and replied I'm heading his way right now. "So you coming with us tomorrow or you want to spend time with your guy?" Exy ask me, "Kihyun actually was planning on taking me out tomorrow so I can't sorry guys," I said, "Hey that's fine," said Bona. I then saw Kihyun and waved bye to the girls and went up to him. He smiles at me, I wrap my arms around him and hug him, he hugs me back. "How's my favorite girl?" he asked me, "Fine," I said. He smiles and pecks my lips. We get in the car and head home.

Kihyun and I were introduced to each other by our mutual friend Minhyuk and we just clicked. I did tell him I was a Otaku, and he said he didn't care as long as I was happy. We been together for three years now live together for one.

"So anything wrong?" he asked me, "What makes you say that?" I ask him, "I can tell something is wrong so what's up?" he said to me. "Oh it's Cho she was messing with us again," I tell him. "Ignore her babe," he tells me. "I will try," I tell him. He smiles at me and we head home.

Home a few hours later

We were at home, Kihyun was in the shower while I was in the living room playing my switch. I was playing Dance With Devils, As I was going through Shiki's route my switch was taken out out of my hands. "Hey I was playing that," I tell him, he just smiles and leans down and kisses my lips. I melted, he pulls away but I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again. I stand up. We separated our lips, "Why don't you play with me instead," he tells me. He then picks me up. He carries me to our room and lays me down on the bed. He leans down and kisses me, I kiss back.

The next day


I was with Kihyun at the outdoor mall, we walking around. "Hey I heard there's a new Otaku shop here let's go check it out," he tells me. "You know sometimes and try to avoid bring up stuff like that when I'm with you," I tell him, he gets close to me. "You don't need to hide what you like around me besides I know you also write yaoi fanfiction," he tells me. My mouth was wide open and he was laughing I hit his stomach, "You always have to snoop!" I said, "Can't help it my girlfriend is a good writer," he tells me. I just smile at him and we went into the shop.

We were looking around, I was checking out some Novels and Manga they had.  "Hey babe our these guys from the recent show you been watching?" he asked me, I look and smile, he was holding Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji plushies, "So cute!" I said. "You want them?" he asked me, as much as I do I already have a enough plushies and figures. "Put them back," I tell him. "Why?" he asked me, "I have too many things already,"  I tell him. "Fine," he said. He went to go put them back at least I think he did.

"Honestly that man," I said. I grab a novel it was LBC, I been meaning to read it as I enjoyed the show. I went and payed for it. I saw Kihyun outside with a bag. "You didn't" I said, He put his hands up. "I did," he tells me. "You know you should help me control my hobby not feed it," I tell him. "Can't help it I like spoiling my girlfriend it makes her happy," he tells me. I smile at him and kiss his lips.

"Come on you said you need new shirts right let's go," I tell him, I lace my hand with his and we go to another shop.

Dressing room

"Try this one on babe," I tell him handing him a shirt. I then sat down on the chair, I get out my phone and was just scrolling on line. "Oh look who it is girls," said a familiar annoying voice. "Great the she-devil herself is here," I said out loud. I look and see Cho and her crew. "Cho can you stop following me around I already have plans to see you in hell," I tell her. She rolled her eyes. "Anyway why are you here?" she asked me, "I'm shopping with my boyfriend," I tell her, "Oooh is he here? Quick girls let's make a bet to see how ugly looking this guy is!" Cho said. Before I can say anything Kihyun came out of the dressing room with the shirt half buttoned.

"Hey babe how does this look?" he asked me, I was shocked he was showing his body in a store in front of my worst enemy. Cho and her friends also looked in shock. "Kihyun button up!," I tell him, "But I like it like this," he tells me. He then grabs my hand pulling me from the chair and wraps his arm around my waist. "And I like it more because my girlfriend picked it out for me," he tells me, I blush. He smiles and kisses my cheek and goes near my ear. "Stand up for yourself show her that you won't be messed with anymore," he whispers in my ear. I nodded he then goes back into the dressing room.

I look over at Cho and her friends who are in shock, I smile at them. "And that there ladies is my mysterious boyfriend," I tell them. "How in the hell? This can't be real," said Cho "Oh it is, that's the man who I sleep next to every night and not a husbando bodypillow," I tell her. "How does a nerd like you get a guy like that?" Cho asked me, I cross my arms. "I just be myself and he loves me for me hell he likes to feed my hobbies because he knows it will get me under the sheets with him. Not only that he knows I'm only loyal to him unlike you Cho who can't keep a guy around for more then a week," I tell her.

She was getting mad, "Now this has been lovely but you and your clones leave me the fuck alone and also my friends, and if you try and stalk and seduce my boyfriend well good luck because he hates fake girls," I tell her. "Hey babe can you help me in here!" Kihyun yells for me. "Sure babe!" I said. I look at Cho one more time, "Bye," I said. I then walk into the dressing room and shut the door. Kihyun put a finger to his lips and tossed a shirt over the door.

I then heard a bang. "Cho come down girl!" said one of her friends, "Let's go," said the other. I peak out the door and saw they were gone. I look at Kihyun and we both laughed. I hug him. "Thanks babe," I said. "You should thank yourself I just helped," He tells me.

We then got his shirts and got a few more things and decided to head home. I was holding his hand while we were walking to the car. "Hey," I said he looks at me, "What if one day you get annoyed with me because I'm a Otaku?" I ask him, he smiles at me and gets close to my face. "I would never and like I told you when we started dating I don't care what you are as long as you are happy then I'm happy," he tells me. I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, he kisses back.
