Piano Teacher-Super Junior Leeteuk

You're P.O.V


I was playing the piano while my teacher watched from behind me, my Mother standing by the door even though this lesson is supposed to be private. 

I kept on messing up, "No here let's try that again," said Teacher Park, I nodded he then shows me by putting his hands over mine. I smiled, then my Mother's phone goes off and we both look at her. 

She then leaves to go take it, I let out a breath finally left. Honestly I'm 20 and she still comes to Piano lessons, Honestly it's because of her I had to keep finding new teachers Mr Park Jeong-su is my most recent one and I am so worried she will scare him off specially if she finds out! 

"Shall we continue?" he asked me, I nodded and we continued the lesson. He was really close to me and I felt my cheeks go red, "Your shaking," he tells me, "I um," I said. He smiles, "Your cute when you are nervous," he tells me. 

We look at each other and he makes me look at him and leans in and pecks my lips gently. 

I put my hand on his chest, he put his other hand on the back of my neck and the kiss became deeper. 

He pulls away and I look down and smile. He sits down next to me and starts playing and I follow along with it as best as I can. 

"Your doing great," he tells me, "I have a good teacher," I tell him, "I'm not your first teacher," he tells me. "True but your the best one I have had," I tell him.  "That hasn't run out and quit because of your Mother," he says, I smile. "True," I said and I look at the door. "You are that worried she will find out?" he asked me. "It's just," I said. "You are 20 now you shouldn't let her keep on controlling your life," he tells me. 

I nodded. He pats my head. "Let us continue," he tells me. I nodded and I put my fingers on the keys but he put a hand over mine. "Not that," he said. I look at him and he leans in and kisses me again. 

I been taking Piano lessons my whole life but now I been taking new lessons on love.   
