The baseball captain likes me-Golden Child Daeyeol

You're P.O.V
"______ over here," said Juri (Rocket Punch) and I sat next to her, we were at the baseball field watching the team practice well I wasn't interested. The reason why so many girls and some boys are here is because well our team is good looking. I didn't really care about them or sports in general, I just wanted to go home but I was dragged here by my friend. I just got out my phone and was just messing around with it, when Juri shakes my arm. I look at her annoyed. "What?" I asked her, she then points at Daeyeol the baseball captain.

He was staring at me, "He's been looking at you since you got here," She tells me, I look at Daeyeol back and then he looks away like he got caught. "You know I heard a rumor that Daeyeol has a crush on someone and I think it's you," she tells me, "HA! that's rich," I said not believing her.

She looks at me, "Come on how he looked you shows he does and how he turned away fast," she tells me, I look at her, "He must have found it weird that I was here since I never come here," I tell her. "I'm just telling you but fine," she said. I then look at my watch and saw the time I had to get to cram school, I grab my bag and stood up. "Cram school," she said, "Yeah sorry Juri," I tell her, "I don't get it you have great grades already why do cram school?" she said. "Because my parents think it would be good for me so I can be my big sister's side kick basically later," I tell her and started leaving the baseball field.

Cram school

I finished my classes and was walking out the building when I heard some girls talk about some guy who was waiting outside. I look it was Daeyeol, he was leaning on a streetlight. He then saw me and wave, I look around and point at myself. He nods his head and I walk up to him,  "Umm hi Daeyeol why are you here?" I ask him. "I umm well I wanted to talk to you, can I walk with you?" He ask me. "Sure," I said and we begin walking to my house since I don't live that far from the cram school.

"So what's up?" I ask him, "well I Umm I saw you at the baseball field you never go to the field," he tells me. "Oh Juri ask me to come that's why," I tell him. "That it explains it," he said. "Question," I said "yes," he said. "Juri caught you staring at me and when I looked to see you looked away. Why were you staring?" I ask him. He admittedly turns red, "well I Umm well you I," he said he can't form his words. We were then in front of my house when this was said.
He then let out a breath, and takes my hand in his, "______ I," before he can finish what he was saying the front door to my house opened and my dad stood there, "_____ inside now!" He tells me. "I got to go," I tell Daeyeol. "Okay have a good night," he said. He let go of my hand and was about to walk away when he went ahead and kissed my cheek. And then he walked away.

I was red and felt my heart beating fast, I then went inside and dad slams the door. "Who was that? And why did he kiss you?" He asked me. Mom and Mijoo (Lovelyz) came down from upstairs. "That's Daeyeol, he's captain of my school's baseball team and he offered to walk me home and that kiss I don't know," I tell him. He was getting mad, "You shouldn't be focusing on boys you need to focus on in school and cram school in order to help your sister with the family business," he tells me.

I had enough, I threw my bag down to the ground. "Mijoo this, Mijoo that, Oh you going to help your sister one day we don't care what you want too, you better study hard to be like you're sister. What about what I want, what I want to do with my life, we are two different people Dad. And what if I want a boyfriend Daeyeol is not a bad guy he's so kind let me be and let me figure my own self out," I said I grab my bag and ran up to my room and locked my door.

I jumped into my bed and started crying, then I heard a knock on my door. "_____ it's me can I come in?" Said my sister. I got up and unlocked the door, I open it and my sister was standing there smiling. She walks in and shuts the door and takes my hand and we sit on the bed. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Not really I'm just so sick of being told what to do and who do be," I tell her. "Then be what you want to be, I proud of you for finally standing up for yourself." She tells me.

I smile at her, "I hope you understand I wasn't being disrespectful towards you or anything," I tell her. "I know you weren't I have told Mom and Dad multiple times to stop trying to make you like me, you are your own person and you need to do what you want," she tells me. I then hug her, she hugs me back. We let go, "Sooo who's this boy?" She ask me. I just smiled, "Lee Daeyeol," I tell her. "Do you like him?" She ask me. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know he is cute and all but I never liked someone before. Sure we have spoken a few times but that's it," I tell her. "Well I say give him a chance it's clear that he likes you. And he's seems like a nice guy, you can't lose him to another girl I want him to be my brother-in-law," she tells me. I hit her arm, "Unnie you haven't even met him yet and you already claim him as your brother-in-law," I say to her.
She laughed.

I went up to my locker when someone tapped me on my shoulder, I turn around it was Daeyeol. "Morning I hope I didn't get you in trouble with your dad last night," he tells me. "Morning and no as far as it seems I'm not in trouble even though I told him off last night long story," I tell him. "Oh well umm hey are you going to the game tomorrow?" He ask me. "Debating Juri wants me to go but I don't know I'm not into sports. Why?" I ask him.

He takes my hand in his, "It would mean a lot to me if you came to the game," he tells me. I look at him, "why do you want me to go so bad? What's in it for me if I come?" I ask him. "Okay well how about this if you come to the game and we win I'll tell you what I was going to tell you last night and I'll take you to the movies on Saturday," he tells me. I pretend to think, "okay sure," I tell him. He smiles, "awesome see you tomorrow," he tells me and walks away leaving me by my locker.

Baseball game
I was sitting with Juri and we pretty much winning so far, Daeyeol got up to bat and hit the ball went flying and he started to run. It was a home run and we won. I then told Juri I was going to head down and meet up with Daeyeol. I waiting by the stands and came over once he changed out of his uniform, he came over to me. "Hey," he said, "Hi," I said. It was quiet for a moment, "so you won you said you were going to tell me what you been planning on tell me," I said to him. "Yes," he said and took a deep breath, "______ I- ______," said a voice interruption him. It was my father with my mother and sister.

My sister who I told I was going to the game, said she would keep it a secret I guess my folks found out she was mouthing out "sorry," I can tell she feels bad. "You were supposed to be in Cram school why are you here?" Ask my father. "I wanted to go to the game, I don't want to do cram school anymore." I tell him. He was mad my mother disappointed, "we are going to have a talk when we get home," he tells me. He then grabs my wrist, he started to drag me when.

"I LIKE YOU!!" Yelled Daeyeol, I look at him. "I have liked you for a long time and I have always wanted to tell you but I was too scared and shy to tell you. So please go out with me!" He tells me. I smiled at him and got out of my dad's grip and went up to him, "aren't we going too the movies tomorrow isn't that Alrighty a date?" I ask him. He smiles and nods his head yes, I then look at my family. "Let me live my life and what I want to do is go to the movies with him tomorrow," I tell them.

Before my parents can say anything my sister stood in front of them, "Let her be and let her do things on her own and let her decide her own future. And if you ruin this for her, you won't only lose her you will lose me too," she tells them. My mom grab my dad's arm and they walk away. My sister turns to look at us, "have fun you two. And bring her back home at a decent time," said my sister and she left.

We both let out a breath, "so umm now what?" He asked. "Hmmm if I remember right isn't there a victory party going on tonight we can go there," I tell him. "Sure," he said and takes my hand in his and we began to walk away from the stadium. "Question am I your girlfriend now?" I ask him. "If you want to be, I would like you to be," he tells me. I then lean in and kiss his cheek. "I think you got your answer," I tell him. He smiles and we continue to walk.
