Willy Wonka #9

Imagine Willy Wonka is a dentist and you try to persuade him to follow his dream to become a chocolatier.

*Requested by Dontmindme010*

You just pulled into your hometown after you finished packing up everything and moving out of your college dorm room after graduating from college. It felt weird coming back to your hometown because it seemed like nothing had changed while you were gone for the past four years. But you were happy to be home, reuniting with your parents, and you hope to get started on your art career soon.

A few minutes later, you pulled over to the side in front of your parents' home, got out of your car, and, then, you walked up to the door. You unlocked the door with your house key and you walked in, where you were greeted by your parents. "Hey, guys!" You said, excitedly, as you embraced them in a group hug. "(y/n), we're so glad you're home." Your mother said. "We've missed you so much." Your father said. "I missed you both so much. I'm so glad I'm done with college. It was tough, but at least I survived it." You said, as you pulled away from the group hug.

"Well, that's that for college. What's your next big step, (y/n)?" Your mother asked. "I'm not sure, mom. But I'm hoping to open up my own art studio very soon. Right now, I'll work for a part time job and save up." You said. "Whatever you need to do to get your career started, (y/n). That's all what matters for you." Your father said. You smiled at both of them; you loved how your parents have always supported you with your dream of becoming an artist. "Thank you both so much. Right now, I need to rest for a bit after the long drive from college." You said, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. Your mother sat next to you.

There was nothing but silence for a few minutes until you spoke. "So, mom, I forgot to ask. How's Willy doing?" You asked. "He's doing good, (y/n). He's working very hard and he's taking his dentist career seriously, just like his father." Your mother answered. "Well, that's good. I was wondering how—" You were about to comment, but, then, you caught something. "Wait, what? Did you say 'dentist career', mom?" You asked. "Yes. After you left for college, Willy's father finally convinced him to become a dentist. Willy went through what his father told him to do and he went to college to become a dentist." Your mother explained.

"But that's not fair. Willy didn't want to become a dentist, like his father, he wanted to become a chocolatier." You said. "I know, (y/n). But his father doesn't approve of Willy wanting to become a chocolatier." Your mother said, sadly. Then, you got up from the couch, grabbed your purse, and car keys. "I'm gonna go over and see Willy. Where does he work?" You asked. "The same place where his father works. Their house." Your mother answered. "Thank you. I'll see you later, mom." You said, as you walked out the door and headed to your car.


You and Willy Wonka had been childhood best friends for a very long time. He was always picked on by the other kids because of the braces his father made him wear to avoid eating candy. You would stick up for Willy and you would stay with him since he didn't have any friends. Even when he was still wearing the torture device-like braces, his life became much better whenever you were around him.

Willy, one day, told you he tasted a piece of chocolate for the first time in his life and he decided that he wanted to become a chocolatier. You were very supportive of him following his dream after you observed through all his notes on chocolate and candy ideas. But yet, his father would disapprove of Willy's dream. Sometimes, Willy would try to run away, but he stopped since he had nowhere else to go and he couldn't bare the thought of being separated from you since you're the closest person to him.

As you both got older and had graduated from high school, you were getting ready to leave for college and it was hard for Willy, who had his braces removed four years prior. You both had developed feelings for each other since you both started high school, without one of you confessing your feelings to one another. You both didn't have the guts to tell each other, so the two of you kept it to yourselves. You were sad that you were leaving Willy as you both embraced each other in tight, but gentle hug. The last thing that you heard from Willy was that he'll become a chocolatier when you get back from college and he won't forget you before he gave you a kiss on your temple. That made you smile as you were leaving because you were glad that he was gonna fulfill his dream once you get back and see him again.


You pulled up and parked on the side as soon as you got to the Wonka house. You got out of your car and walked up to the steps and rung the doorbell. Moments later, the door opened and you were surprised to see Willy, in a baby blue dentist uniform and the same short brown hair that he kept since he was a kid. He seemed like he wasn't happy at first. "Do you have...an appointment?" He asked, but, then, his face lit up when he recognized you. "(y/n)?" He said. You smiled up at him and said, "Hi, Willy." Then, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him back. "Oh, (y/n), it's good to see you again. I've missed you so much." He said, rubbing your back. "I've missed you too, Willy." You said.

Then, he pulled away from the hug and looked at you. "When did you get back from college?" He asked. "Not too long ago. An hour-ish." You said. "Well, come on in. I was just getting ready with an appointment with one of my patients." Willy said, as he gestured you to step in and, then, he closed the door. "You're welcome to come in and watch." He said, as he walked into a room that looked like dentist office, where an older man was waiting, patiently, on the dentist chair. "Thank you for waiting, Mr. Wilder." Willy said, as he was walked over to the other side and started getting prepped up.

"Willy, this is actually why I came here to see you. My mom told me you went to school to become a dentist. Why did you do that?" You said. "Well...because that's what I wanted to do, (y/n). Become a dentist." Willy answered, obliviously lying, while he was putting gloves on his hands. "Willy, that's not what you wanted to become. I know you. You wanted to become a chocolatier after you tasted a piece of chocolate for the first time ever since you were a kid." You said. "Well...you know, things change overtime, (y/n), and I decided to become a dentist. Like father, like son." Willy said, and, then, he put on his mask.

"Alright, Mr. Wilder, it appears that you have a cleaning today and...according to this x-ray, you've got five cavities." Willy said, looking at document papers. Even though he was wearing a mask, you could tell that he was disgusted. "I don't think you're happy with this, Willy. Being a dentist is not your thing." You said, crossing your arms. "On the contrary, I think my son is fine with his career."

You heard an old man's voice from behind. You turned around and saw Willy's father, Wilbur Wonka. He stood there, looking very stern and not happy to see you. "It's nice to see you again, (y/n), though I don't appreciate you dropping by and talk nonsense about my son's career." He said. "On the contrary, Dr. Wonka, Willy isn't happy at all as I could tell how unhappy and disgusted he looks behind the mask. You have no right to control his life and what you want him to become. He had his mind set on wanting to be a chocolatier. Being a dentist is your thing, not his." "Don't you tell me what to do, (y/n). I'm his father and no son of mine is going to be chocolatier. I should never allowed Willy to be friends with you in the first place. You were the cause of him getting interested in candy and persuading him to be a chocolatier. You need to leave. You are no longer welcome here and you will not see or speak to my son ever again." Dr. Wonka said, sternly. You looked at him, hurt and on the verge of tears.

Then, you heard a metal object hitting against a metal table. You turned and saw Willy taking his mask off, looking angry. "That's enough, father! I have done everything you have always wanted me to do, but you have no right throwing (y/n), the only friend and the only closest person who I really care and love, out of my life!" Willy said, walking towards his father. You looked at him after he mentioned the word 'love'. "Don't you talk to me like that, Willy!" Dr. Wonka said. "I'm not a little kid anymore, dad! (y/n) is right. I am unhappy and disgusted with this dentist job. I have wasted these last four years reading, studying, and trying to please you because you wanted me to follow in your footsteps. I'm sick and tired of wearing these dentist uniforms, mesmerizing these long dentist terms that I can't even pronounce, dealing with patients spitting and gagging on me, no offense Mr. Wilder, and pulling children's loose teeth out and watching them scream and cry. I can't take it anymore, dad!" Willy stood up for himself, which shocked you and his father.

"You better watch what you're saying, Willy!" Dr. Wonka said. "I know what I'm saying, dad, and I've been holding that in for a very long time. Now that I've said what I said to you, guess what? I quit being a dentist and I'm gonna go do something that I should've done a long time ago. Pursuing my dream." Willy said, as he ran up the stairs and headed up to his bedroom. Moments later, he came out, with two suitcases in both of his hands. "That was quick packing, Willy." You said. "It wasn't quick packing, (y/n). I've had these packed awhile back when I had to replace my closet with dentist uniforms and remove all of my 'distracting' knick-knacks with textbooks." Willy said, as he walked down the stairs.

He took one last look at his father before saying, "Good-bye, dad. Let's go, (y/n)." Then, he headed towards the door, with you following him. "Don't come running back to me when your chocolatier career or your relationship with (y/n) doesn't succeed, Willy!" Dr. Wonka said, before you closed the door from behind you.

Once you and Willy got outside, you opened the truck door of your car and helped put Willy's suitcases inside. After that, you both went inside the car, where you were greeted by a tight, but gentle hug from Willy. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him back. "Thank you. Thank you so much for getting me out of there. I don't know what I would do without you, (y/n)." He said, softly, as he was close to your ear. "I'm glad you're out of there. I know you weren't—" But before you could say anything more, Willy, slightly, pulled away from the hug and caressed your cheek as he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You were surprised at first, but you closed your eyes and kissed him back. It felt wonderful because you been waiting a long time to do that with him since the day you developed feelings for him. His lips were soft and warm, like melted chocolate.

Moments later, he pulled away from the kiss and he looked down at you, while he kept his hand on your cheek. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." He said, softly. "How long?" You asked. "Since the day we started high school. I didn't have the guts to tell you." He answered. You were surprised after he said that. But you were happy that he had feelings for you the same time as you did. "Same here, Willy." You said back, which surprised Willy.

There was nothing but silence for a couple of seconds until Willy asked you, "(y/n), will you be my sweetheart...forever?" You smiled at him and said, "I will be your sweetheart forever, my handsome chocolate man." Then, he leaned forward and kissed you again and you kissed him back. You both pulled away and you started up the car to warm it up. "Let's move away together, (y/n). We'll move somewhere and I'll finally pursue my dream." Willy said. "I'm up for it, Willy. Let's go to my parents' house and get the rest of my stuff." You said, and, then, you started driving down the street, with your hand intertwined with Willy's.
