Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #2

Imagine you're escaping from an asylum and you return to Underland and reunite with Mad Hatter.

When you were eight years old, you fell down a rabbit hole after following the White Rabbit, and discovered Underland. You thought you were in a dream, but, then, you realized that everything around you when you were in Underland was actually reality. You felt like this place was more like a home to you than where you live in the real world with your snobby, etiquette, rich parents.

You were very close to everyone whenever you went to Underland. But not as close to Tarrant Hightopp, also known as 'Mad Hatter' to everyone. But to you, you called him 'Hatter'. You would sneak out of the house to go to Underland to mostly see Hatter. You both would play lots of games together, like Hide-N-Seek, for instance, go on adventures, make hats, play in the Field of Flowers, and have tea parties together, with all your Underland friends.

As the years gone by, you were eighteen years old and you were still sneaking out of your parents' house to go to Underland without them knowing. Your friendship with Hatter grew more and more closer than ever, you were starting to see him more than just a friend. You saw him as someone you wanted to be with for the rest of your life. Someone to hold hands with, say sweet sayings every moment of the day, cuddle in bed, kiss you, have a family together, and more importantly, say 'I love you'. But you couldn't tell Hatter how you felt about him because you were worried that it would ruin your friendship and you didn't want to lose that. But you hoped that one day, you would confess your feelings to him.

Unfortunately, you never got the chance to tell him. Everything changed when you got home from what seemed like your very last time in Underland. Your parents confronted you about your absence. When they asked you where you were, you confessed that you were with your friends in Underland. Your parents immediately had you confined to your bedroom until you were picked up and sent to an asylum.

Being in an asylum was the worst experience in your life. You were placed in a padded room while wearing a straitjacket, you took medication that supposedly makes your memories of Underland go away, talking with a doctor about Underland, and you were sent to a room where you went through shock therapy. It was a living hell for you being in that horrible place and you were never gonna forgive your parents for having them do this to you.

Even though you endured so much torture in the asylum for the next three years, you still never stopped thinking about Underland and your friends, especially Hatter. You fought as much as you could to not let the medication or shock therapy forget about them. You kept them all on your mind for all these years and you hoped that one day, you will return to them and be reunited with Hatter. There was no way you weren't ever going back to your parents after what they've put you through.


It was a dark, stormy night as you, now twenty-one years old and in your hospital gown and robe, were walking down a hallway after you finished your dinner, which the food was disgusting as usual. As you were walking, you saw a staff member rolling a cart full of laundry. You thought up an idea as you approached him. "Excuse me, Jerry. Would you like me to help out with the laundry? I've been a good girl and I should work more often." You asked, trying to sound courteous. "I don't see why not. Have you taken your medication, (y/n)?" Jerry asked, raising an eyebrow. You looked up at nearby clock and it was 8:05 pm. "It's not time to take my medication, Jerry. Dr. Burton doesn't give me my medication until 8:45." You explained. Jerry thought about it for a second until he said, "Okay, kid. Go on and do the laundry, then, go to Dr. Burton in forty minutes." "Sure." You said. Then, you took the cart full of laundry and headed to the elevator that leads to the upstairs laundry room.

After going up the elevator, you looked all around to make sure no one was around, which there wasn't. After that, you wheeled the cart as fast you could to the laundry room. When you got there, you quickly shut the door and locked it and, then, you shut the blinds that were on the door. Once that was done, you went over the 'donation' box full of different clothing articles that the staff takes away from the patients and throws them in there for donation. You grabbed a dark blue t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a dark gray lightweight jacket, socks, and black converse shoes and, then, you switched out of your hospital attire. Surprisingly, every clothing article fitted you.

Once you got dressed, you went up to the window that did not have bars on it and opened it. It didn't open up all the way and it was a tight squeeze to climb through, but you could still be able to fit through it. You went to the laundry cart that was filled with bedsheets and towels and started tying them together to make a rope. After you made the 'rope', you tied the end to a pipe and threw the rest of the 'rope' out the window, where it dangled all the way down to the ground, which was enough to climb all the way down. "Don't worry, Hatter. I'm coming." You said, and, then, you grabbed onto the 'rope' and climbed out the window and started climbing down, slowly. As you were climbing down, you were getting soaked from the rain. You tried not to look down since you were slightly afraid of heights, but you didn't let that or the wind and the rain stop you from climbing down.

When you felt your shoes touch the ground, you felt a weight lifting off your chest. Even though you're soaked from the rain, you were still happy to be out of the asylum after all these years. You felt free. Now it was time to go back to Underland. You immediately started running as fast as you could to get away from the asylum building. When you got to a far away distance, you, all of a sudden, heard a siren go off. You turned around and saw every single light in each room lighting up. You had a feeling that they found out about you escaping. 'They'll be coming for me.' You thought to yourself, and, then, you proceeded running until you came across a forest to escape through.

As you were running, you felt your legs were starting to get tired. You slowed down and took a break next to a tree, while taking quick deep breaths, since you knew you couldn't linger around for a long time because the staff from the asylum are probably out looking for you, especially when they might look through the forest. 'Alright, (y/n). Keep on going. You've gotta look for Underland.' You thought to yourself, as you started walking.

Then, just at the right moment, you heard a twig snap. You were scared at first because you thought you've been caught. But, then, at a far away distance, you saw something in front of you that you easily recognized. A White Rabbit with a blue waistcoat and a pocket watch. "McTwisp!" You whispered, with a smile. He didn't see you, unfortunately, as he started hopping away, so you started running after him, just you did as a child.

After running after McTwisp for awhile, you turned around a corner and he was no longer there. But to your relief, you found a rabbit hole. But not just any ordinary rabbit hole. It was the one that leads to Underland. You smiled, in excitement, and said to yourself, "Hang on, Hatter! I'm coming!" Then, you got down on your knees and started crawling through the rabbit hole. The next thing you knew, you fell through the rabbit hole and it changed into blue skies and clouds. You screamed as you were falling towards a pink cherry blossom tree.

You fell through the cherry blossom tree and ended up landing on a bed of pink hydrangeas, without any harm. You sat up, shook the flower petals off of you, and, then, you saw a tea party table next to you, with all your Underland friends sitting all around it, with smiles on their faces. "I can't believe it! It's (y/n)!" Bayard, the blood hound, said. "She's back!" Tweedledee and Tweedledum said at the same time. "Welcome back, (y/n)." Mally, the dormouse, said. "Good to see you again, (y/n)." The Chessir Cat said. "Hey, everyone! I've missed you all so much." You said, while smiling. "We're so glad you're back, (y/n)." McTwisp said, as he hopped right next to you and hugged you. You giggled as you hugged him back. "I'm so glad I caught you in the forest, McTwisp." You said. "Forgive me for not seeing you. My goodness, you're soaking wet. Did you swim in a river?" McTwisp said, as he hopped back to the table. You giggled at his question.

You stood up and looked around and saw Mirana, the White Queen, sitting at the end of the table. "We are pleased to have you back, (y/n). It's been quite a long time since we've last saw you." Mirana said, as she held her hand up to you. You walked up to her, curtsied, and took her hand. "You won't believe how much I've been wanting to come back here and be with you all." You said. "Well, we're all happy to have you back, (y/n). Underland just wasn't the same while you were gone." Mirana said, sadly. "Scone." You heard Thackery, the March Hare, from behind. You turned and saw him looking at a scone, crazily mesmerized, which made you giggle.

But, then, you noticed something. Someone was missing. You turned back to Mirana and asked, "Where's Hatter, Your Majesty?" She turned her head towards the Field of Flowers that was at a far away distance and said, "He's over there, (y/n). He's been depressed ever since you left Underland and never came back afterwards. He's been staying in the Field of Flowers because it reminded of you." Your heart split in two after hearing all that from Mirana. You couldn't blame him for you being gone for all this time. But it wasn't your fault that you couldn't come back to Underland. "Go to him, (y/n). He needs you." Mirana whispered, as she let go of your hand. You nodded and, then, you ran towards the Field of Flowers.

As you were getting closer to the Field of Flowers, you could see a figure with pale skin, frizzy, curly electric orange-colored hair, and handmade top hat, sitting on his legs, with his head down. You knew right away who it was. "Hatter!" You shouted, as you started running towards him. Then, you could see him moving his head up as if he heard you. But, then, he looked down again. "Hatter!" You shouted again, only this time, he looked up and looked towards your direction. You could tell that he was shocked as he stood up, while taking his top hat off, and held his arms out. Tears were starting to fall down your cheeks as you embraced Hatter in tight hug. The impact caused him to lose his balance as he wrapped his arms around you as you both fell down on a bed of different flowers.

You both were laying down on your sides as you both stayed in each other's arms. You cried, softly, as you buried your face in his chest. Hatter pulled slightly away from the hug to look down at you. "Is this a dream? Or is it really you, (y/n)?" He asked, lisping a bit. "You're not dreaming, Hatter. It's really me. I'm here. I'm back in Underland. I'm back with you." You said. Hatter sat up with you and studied your face for a few seconds until he said, "It really is you. You are here, (y/n)." Then, he embraced you in a tight, but gentle hug. You buried your head against his chest, crying out loud. "Shh. There, there, darling. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." He said, in a soothing voice, as he wrapped one arm around your back and placed his other hand on the back of your head as he rocked you, side-to-side.

Moments later, he pulled away from the hug and said, "My goodness, you're wet, (y/n). Here." Then, he quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. You put your arms through the sleeves and breathed in his scent; the smell of tea and old books. "Oh, my dear (y/n). I've missed you so much. Where have you been? The last time I saw you was..." He was about to finish, but he quickly forgot. "Three years ago." You finished for him. "Yes. That. You said...that you would be back the next day. But you never showed up." He said, sadly. "I was, Hatter. But I didn't because my parents sent me to an asylum because they thought I was...crazy." You explained.

"An asylum?" Hatter questioned. "Yes. An asylum, Hatter. The past three years, I've endured so much torture in that awful place." You said. "Like what?" Hatter asked, sounding worried. "They put me in a padded room with a straitjacket wrapped around me where I couldn't move my arms, the doctors gave me medication to help me forget about 'Underland', and worst of all, I had to go through shock therapy for 'treatment'. It was horrible, Hatter. I will never forgive my parents for sending me there and putting me through misery these past three years. Believe me, I've been wanting to come back to Underland, but I couldn't." You said, with more tears running down your cheeks. "Oh, my dear (y/n). My darling sweetheart." Hatter said, with sympathy in his light green eyes, as he wrapped his arms around you again, holding you close, in comfort.

"I never stopped thinking about you and everyone else here, Hatter. Especially you." You said, as you pulled slightly away from the hug. Hatter looked down at you, while wiping the tears off your cheeks with his thumb and asked, "You thought about me all the time, (y/n)?" "Of course, Hatter. I thought about you every single moment of the day when I was in the asylum. I wanted to tell you 'I love you' when I came back the next day to Underland, but I didn't get the chance." You said. Hatter was surprised when you mentioned that you loved him. "You love me, (y/n)?" He asked. "For the longest time, Hatter." You said.

Then, out of nowhere, Hatter leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You were surprised at first, but, then, you kissed him back. It felt good to finally kiss Hatter's lips after all these years. He pulled away from the kiss and said, with tenderness in his now pink shade eyes, "I love you too, sweetheart." He said, softly. Then, you smiled as you leaned up and pressed your lips against his, with Hatter kissing you back, passionately this time.
