Jack Sparrow #10

Imagine you staying with Jack Sparrow to face the Kraken.

"Abandon ship. Into the longboat." Captain Jack Sparrow said, as he walked down the steps and walked passed you and Gibbs. You were startled with the idea of abandoning the Black Pearl after battling against the Kraken since the Pearl was like a home to you ever since you've became a crew mate to Jack three years ago. "Jack. The Pearl." You said, as you turned to Jack's direction. He turned around to face you and said, as if he didn't want to say it, "She's only a ship, (y/n)." "He's right. We have to head for land." Elizabeth agreed. "There's a lot of open water." Pintel said. "It's a lot of water." Ragetti added. "We'll have to try it. We can get away as it takes down the Pearl." Will said.

Gibbs thought about it for a second until he said, "Abandon ship. Abandon ship or abandon hope." Then, everyone started heading towards the side and started climbing down the ladder to the longboat, while Jack looked down, feeling defeated. You stood in your spot, feeling sad for abandoning the Pearl, but you knew that there was no other choice but to leave it once the Kraken comes back. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see Jack standing next to you. "Go on, (y/n). Get down to the longboat where you'll be safe and I'll be right there, love." He said, softly. You looked at him for a moment and, then, you nodded. "Okay, Jack." You whispered, and, then, you patted the top of his hand with your left hand.

Then, you glanced at Elizabeth, who was eyeing at Jack for some odd reason, and you headed towards the side of the ship and climbed down the ladder. When you looked in between the gap of the railing, you saw Jack looking up all around the Pearl, as if he was saying 'goodbye' to it and Elizabeth started walking towards him, slowly, which seemed rather suspicious to you. "(y/n), come on!" You heard Gibbs say from below and, then, you continued climbing down until you reached the bottom of the longboat. You sat down on it and waited for Jack and Elizabeth to come down.

A minute later, you saw Elizabeth coming down, but Jack was nowhere in sight. Once she reached the bottom and sat down, you asked, "Where's Jack?" She looked at you and simply said, "He elected to stay behind to give us a chance." After she said that, you, Gibbs, Will, and the rest of the crew looked up and was confused. You looked at her, suspiciously, as you could tell from her eyes that she was lying. You knew Jack more than she did and you knew he wouldn't do that, especially after he told you that he was coming to the longboat. "Go!" She said, desperately. Then, Marty, hesitantly, released the rope and the boat started sailing away. You glared daggers at Elizabeth when she looked as if she wasn't feeling well. That's when you realized that she lied to you all and left Jack on the Pearl just to save herself.

You looked at the Pearl, thinking of Jack being up there all by himself when the Kraken was about to come back. You felt like you couldn't leave him. He's the one that saved your life three years ago when you were about to be executed by the Royal Navy for helping Jack escape from them. He's the one that convinced you to join the Black Pearl and become a crew mate. He's the one that taught you about the facts of adventure out in the open ocean. He's the one who protects you from any danger. But more importantly, he's the man that you love.


Jack was frantically trying to break out of the chain as there was a rumbling sound coming from below the ship from the Kraken. Then, he saw a broken lantern, with oil almost leaking out of it, which was the perfect way for him to get out of the chain. He grabbed his sword and he tried to reach for the lantern, but it was a little further away from him where he couldn't reach it.

But, then, he was surprised when he saw your hands picking up the lantern. He looked up at you and you ran over to him. "(y/n), what are you doing here? It's not safe." Jack asked. "I don't care, Jack. I'm not leaving you." You said, and, then, you poured the oil on top of his hand and the chain. Then, he slipped his hand, freely, out of the chain. "But why would you do that, love?" "Because...wherever you go, I'll be there with you." You said, looking into his dark brown eyes. Jack stared into your (e/c) eyes for a moment, realizing what what you meant when you said that, as he caressed your cheeks with both of his hands, which made you blush, and began to lean towards you, slowly. You knew what he was gonna do, so you started leaning towards him, slowly.

But the moment was interrupted when the tentacles of the Kraken rose over the ship and it's mouth appeared. You both turned as the creature opened it's mouth wide, revealing it's large sharp teeth, and let out a roar, splattering you and Jack with it's disgusting saliva. You closed your eyes and braced yourself when the saliva landed all over you and your (h/l) (h/c) hair blew back. When the Kraken finished roaring, the last thing it spat out was Jack's hat that he lost from earlier. "Unpleasant." You simply said, in disgust. You and Jack shook some of the saliva off, with Jack saying, "Not so bad." Then, he noticed his hat. You watched him quickly picking it up and putting it on his head, before you both stared directly and bravely at the growling Kraken.

"Hello, beastie." Jack whispered. He, then, looked at you and you looked up at him, with courage in your eyes. He took your hand in his and the two of you intertwined your fingers together as you both stared into each other's eyes. "Together." He said. You gave him a side smile and said back to him, "Together." Then, you both drew your swords and turned back to the Kraken before the two of you charged at it, heroically. As the mouth of the Kraken opened more wider, you and Jack stopped, staring at it, fiercely, as you both raised your swords before the Kraken swallowed the two of you. Before you know it, you and Jack were consumed by darkness, knowing what the consequence was once the Kraken had gotten you and Jack. It was a trip to Davy Jones' Locker.
