Jack Sparrow #9

Imagine you're a pirate and you stowaway onto Jack Sparrow's ship.

*Requested by lokisbuckycxo*

During a vicious storm, you were thrown off the pirate ship, Dark Revenge, and you drifted off out at sea, where you eventually were stranded on the island, Tortuga. Feeling cold and hungry, you snuck inside a bar and stole some food from a couple of customers and you were on the run. You ended up hiding inside a small cave where no one would find you. With little food and hardly any shelter from the down pouring rain and feeling worried that someone would find you, all you could do was stay in the cave until you could find a way to get off the miserable island.

After five days without eating and feeling weak, you decided to leave your cave and try to look for some scraps of food, while you hid your (h/l) (h/c) hair in your pirate hat so that no one would recognize you. As you were searching for food scraps near the beach, you noticed a pirate ship was docked and you thought this was the only opportunity to get off Tortuga. Using the remaining strength that you had left, you grabbed the rope that was hanging loose on the side of the ship and you climbed up on it. Once you got onto the deck, it looked like no one was present until you could hear some commotion from the dock the ship was next to, so you went down below and hid in the hull of the ship. Then, a couple minutes later, you felt the ship was sailing out at sea.

You kept yourself hidden within the hull ever since the ship sailed out into the open ocean. You were still hungry and you desperately needed some food, but you didn't want to get caught by any of the pirates. You knew what the penalty was when you're a stowaway and when you get caught; a pirate would have to walk the plank. All you could do was stay hidden, hoping someone would leave their food somewhere from where you were at, and get something to eat.

The only thing that was available for you in plain sight was a bottle of rum. You drank almost half of the bottle and set it aside as you were starting to feel sick. You regretted drinking that nasty beverage while you had an empty stomach. Wanting to calm down your stomach, you leaned against a nearby barrel and placed your hand on your abdomen and started rubbing it in small circles. Before you knew it, you closed your eyes and fell asleep against a barrel.


Sooner or later, it was night time and you were still sleeping against the barrel, with your stomach desperately growling at the same time. All of a sudden, you woke up from the sound of a door opening, loudly, and you could hear a pirate muttering something, drunkly. "Why's the rum always gone? Luckily I got an extra bottle of me rum here. No one's getting their hands on this." You looked in between two barrels in front of you and you noticed the pirate that was muttering, drunkly. He had dark brown dreadlocks, with metallic beads and trinkets hanging down on his hair, a goatee that was braided in two, with a couple of beads, a red bandana, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. He did look like he was the captain and rather handsome to you.

"Now where did I put my extra bottle of rum?" He asked himself. Your eyes widened when you looked at the spot where you set the bottle of rum that you drank from earlier. 'Oh, no. I think that's his extra bottle of rum.' You thought to yourself, freaking out inside, as you scooted backwards around the barrel and to a shadow corner so that he wouldn't see you. Then, you heard footsteps approaching your direction. "Why is my extra bottle of rum right here? Where's the lid? And why's there half of rum in this bottle?!" You heard him asking himself. "No one drinks me rum except me and someone drank it. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." He said, which made you panic.

Unfortunately, you couldn't move back any further to hide. You felt trapped. You were worried that you were gonna get caught and the man was gonna make you walk the plank to your death.

Then, you saw the man looking down at your shadow covered face and you looked up at his dark brown eyes. "So you're the one who drank me rum, huh, lad?" He asked. "Y-Yes, but—" You were about say something more, but, then, he moved the barrel out of the way and he grabbed you by your loose shirt and pulled you up to make you stand up. You felt so weak, you felt like you couldn't stand any longer. "You're not one of my crew mates either. You're a stowaway, aren't you?" He said. "Y-Yes." You answered, nervously. "Hm. Perhaps you don't know what happens to stowaways and rum stealers, lad. They think of what they did while they're walking the plank." He said, before he took you out of your hiding corner, trying to get you to walk.

"No! Please, wait!" You said. "Oh, not cooperating, rum stealer? Well, then, I'll just have to get you to walk with this." He said, as he drew out his sword. But while he was doing that, the blade hit the side of your pirate hat and it fell off of your head, releasing your (h/l) (h/c) hair. When he saw your hair and your face now that you were more in the light from a nearby lantern, the man had a shocked expression on his face. "Goodness me. You're a lady." He said, as he put his sword away. You nodded. When he looked down at your skinny, unhealthy body and your face again, he could tell that you looked starved to death. Then, feeling weaker than ever, your legs gave out and you were about to collapse onto the floor.

But before you could touch the floor, the man quickly caught you and he scooped you up into his arms and carried you, in a bridal style, out of the hull. Once he was on the deck, he called out, "Gibbs! Get some food for this lady! Quick!" When Gibbs saw you, he seemed confused. "Gibbs, stop staring and go get some food for her!" "Alright, Captain!" The crew mate, Gibbs, said, before he went off to look for some food for you on the ship. Then, you were carried into a room, where it looked like the Captain's Quarters.

He carried you inside and headed towards his bed, where he, gently, set you down on the covers. Moments later, the crew mate, Gibbs, comes back, with a platter full of mixed food. "I got some food for the lady, Jack." He said. "Good. Thank you, Gibbs." The man, named 'Jack', said, as he took the platter and set it on the nightstand. Afterwards, Gibbs left Jack's quarters. "Here, love. Eat some of this. It may not be the best food, but it'll help build up your strength." Jack said, as he helped you sit up against the pillow and he handed you the platter filled with scraps of vegetables and meats. It didn't look very appetizing to you, but you had to eat something, so you started eating it. It was such a relief to finally eat something.

Jack sat next to you on his bed and watched you while you were eating just to make sure you were doing alright. "How long has it been since you ate something, love?" He asked. You swallowed a piece of food before you answered, "Five days. It's not easy to look for food on Tortuga when you're a pirate on the run." "Five days of not eating? You poor girl. A pretty woman like you doesn't deserve to starve to death." Jack said, and, then, you blushed after he called you 'pretty'. "Well, I appreciate your hospitality, um, Jack, is it? I overheard your crew mate mentioning your name." "You've got that right. I am Captain Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl. What's your name, love?" Jack asked. "My name is (y/n). (y/n) (y/l/n), a crew mate—well, I guess you could say a former crew mate of the Dark Revenge." You said.

"(y/n). I gotta say that's the most beautiful name I've ever heard." Jack said, which made you blush even more. He slightly leaned forward and whispered, "Don't think I can't see your blush from here, love." "Oh, my gosh." You said, turning your head to the side to hide your blush. Then, you felt two fingers under your chin and your head was turned back to face Jack. "There's no need to hide your blush. It's adorable." He said, with a wink at the end.

After eating for five minutes, the platter was completely empty. You felt much better than you did before. You still felt a little lightheaded and your stomach was a little sore, but at least you finally got something to eat. "Feel better, (y/n)?" Jack asked. "Much better. I really appreciate you bringing me food, Jack. I still feel tired." You said. "You should rest. You do look tired and you need some sleep." "Where should I sleep? I'd hate to be a burden sleeping on your bed, Jack." You said. Then, Jack placed his finger on your lips and hushed you. "You're not being a burden, (y/n). You sleep on my bed." He said. You nodded and said, "Alright. Thank you, Jack." "My pleasure, (y/n). Now you get some sleep." Jack said, as he got up from his bed so you could snuggle into the bed sheets.

As soon as you were under the bed sheets, sleep was starting to take over you as your eyelids were starting to close. Then, you closed your eyes and drifted off into sleep. Probably the best sleep in such a long time.


Two weeks had quickly gone by and you felt a lot better than ever since the day Jack found you and fed you food after not eating for five days. You became a new crew mate to the Black Pearl and you would even ignore Gibbs' superstition of women being bad luck on a pirate ship. Jack would always check on you to see how you were doing and he would always feed you whatever food was on his ship. You thought that it was very kind and generous of him looking out for you, he didn't even bring up the subject of you drinking his bottle of rum the night he found you. Even though he's sometimes an immature drunk when drinking too much rum, you still found him very charming and attractive, which made you later develop feelings for him.


It was night time as you were standing at the front deck, looking up the full moon brighting up the night sky and the reflection of it on the ocean. "It's beautiful, isn't it, (y/n)?" Jack asked, from behind you. "It is beautiful, Jack." You answered. He stood next to you and looked up at the moon and said, "I've looked up at the moon so many times and it always looked so beautiful to see it. But as I see it now, the moon has gotten more beautiful with you being here with me, (y/n)."

You looked up at Jack after he said that. "That's very sweet of you, Jack." You said. "Well, I mean every word that I said, (y/n). I meant every word to you because...I love you." Jack said, out of nowhere. You were surprised when he said the last part. "Did you say that you love me, Jack? Tell me I'm not dreaming this." You said. "None of this is a dream, (y/n). Can you imagine what I would look like in a dream? Anyway, yes. I do love you, (y/n). Whenever I was looking out for you to see how you were doing with your health, I felt this feeling in me chest that I've never felt before. I didn't know what it was at first, but, then, I realized that it was the feeling of love." Jack explained.

Then, you did something that Jack wasn't expecting you to do. You turned and stepped towards him, where you leaned up and pressed your lips against his. Jack was surprised at first, but, then, he, slowly, wrapped his arms your waist as he kissed you back. Moments later, you both pulled away from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. "I love you too, Jack." You said, which made Jack smile. "Tell me something. Did the taste of me rum bother you, love?" He asked. You chuckled and answered, "It didn't bother me at all, Jack." "Good." He said, and, then, he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours and kissed you again, with you kissing him back, not realizing that Jack's crew was staring at you two in 'awe' as they watched you both kiss.
