New Goal, Training, and Tell The World Who You Are

2 Days Later, UA Infirmary

Izuku's POV

Pain. That's all I felt when I woke up. I blearily opened my eyes, and while I had wrapping on my face, even the dim lights seemed bright. I groaned in pain, as I shut my eyes tightly. I heard the quick clicking of heels on tile, and the quiet rustling of the partition," Ah... You're awake" I heard Recovery Girl murmur, as she shut the partition behind her, and started checking me over," Izuku, I need you to open your eyes for me, okay?" she said as she began cutting away the fabric.

I hesitantly opened my eyes, and while the dim lights seemed less bright, they still hurt. I looked over at Recovery Girl, and all I could see was sadness," Well... Your eyes are better, though your left one will be swollen for a few days." She said, then crossed her arms," I just wish this whole... situation never happened.." She said, with a sigh. She grabbed a clipboard, and a pen from a side table.

"...Grandma..." I murmured, and she looked at me, with an eyebrow raised, "Are they...Are they okay..? The students...?" I asked.

"They're okay, dear... Just rest, okay? I'll periodically check in on you, and have something brought up to you by Lunch Rush." She said as she jotted down some notes, nodding to herself, before stepping out, and the lights shut off entirely.

I lay my head back and close my eyes, trying to fall back asleep... yet my thoughts are flooded with images of Shigaraki and Chisaki...and Eri...

The feeling of failure overwhelmed me as I stared at the ceiling...


It was 5 hours later, and I still hadn't slept, when the sun started filtering in through the window. The door opened and quiet voices filtered in, "Yes, come in..." Recovery Girl said, as footsteps came in, "He will only be able to be pushed around, but...-" The conversation turned quiet again before the clack of heels came closer.

The divider opened a tad, as Recovery Girl stuck her head in," Izuku, dear, your family is here."

I absently nodded, as I kept staring at the ceiling," Alright, go ahead, but... take it slow, I think he's still in shock." Recovery Girl said quietly and opened the divider all the way," I'll go inform Shouta and the others" She said, as the sound of her heels made their way out of the room.

"Izuku....?" I heard Mom shakily ask. I turned my head slowly to the right and caught her face. She looked terrible, dark bags lay under her eyes. Izumi looked just as terrible, and Dad looked haunted, with a side of desperation. Grandpa and Ankh stood to the side discussing quietly.

"Hi, mom..." I rasped. That set her off, as she and Izumi started crying again, and they hugged me tightly. I tried hugging them back, but... I couldn't...

"So...i-it did happen.." I rasped, coughing slightly," T-they're gone..."

"Izuku...My son...I'm-"

"Dad...i-it's my fault... I shouldn't have tried to engage him... I-" I tried saying, as I started coughing harder. Mom grabbed a cup, and filled it with water, putting it to my lips, "Drink." she said softly but firmly.

I slowly sipped, allowing the cool water to quench my dry throat. I cleared my throat a few times, quietly thanking Mom, "Dad-"

"Izuku," Grandpa said suddenly, walking over. He made his way over, pulling a chair up, and sitting down. He placed a hand on my thigh," You knew that when you took the mantle of Kamen Rider, that it was going to be a tough road. You've just hit your first fork. Every Rider has... What are you going to do?" He asked me.

I bit my lip before sniffling, and nodding," I need to see this out...and that means protecting the kids." I said, attempting to sit up.

After 5 minutes of arguing about me walking, or being pushed, I was eventually forced into a wheelchair and pushed to the elevator. As we ascended, I thought about who I brought back...

"I only remember Momotaros and Ryotaro...who...who else did I Bring?" I asked

"You brought over mainly the Riders you've interacted with... Wizard, Fourze, Gaim, Drive, Den-O, Decade, Zi-O and Ex-Aid; leaving most of the Heisei Riders." Ankh said, from the corner of the elevator.

I silently nodded. The sound of steam made me realize that Dad was inflating to his buff form, while I watched the school courtyard get smaller and smaller, before suddenly, the elevator slowed to a stop, and the doors chimed open.

We made our way to Nedzu's boardroom, where there happened to be a lot of noise coming from it.

"This should be fun.." Ankh said, as the doors automatically opened. My eyes widened at the number of heroes in the room, either talking with each other or with Nedzu. The boardroom was massive, big enough to fit a good amount people, considering it was about 2/4 full. The opening of the doors made everyone quiet down, looking at me. Gentaro hurried over, with a smile, "Kouhai! You're looking good! The eye and scar look kinda manly!" He said with a grin.

I huffed, "I look like shit, Gentaro-san, you don't have to say stuff like that to make me feel better." I shrugged, leaning back. I felt a thump on the back of my head," Language, Izuku."

"Yes, mom.." I muttered. There were 2 chairs on each side of a space, most likely for me. Ankh and Grandpa stood next to Shotaro looking over the scene.

"Good Morning everyone," Nedzu said, as he stood up in his chair, when we all got to our spots," Thank you for coming so quickly. As you can see, we have a few topics to talk about today."

"What has happened, Nedzu?" A female voice asked. I looked over, and silently inhaled, as I saw the President of the HPSC staring at the stoat. Nedzu cleared his throat as he pressed a couple of buttons, making the window go opaque and a projector lit up the wall behind him.

"6 hours ago, after OOO came out of surgery from the Attack on the USJ, an informant of ours, Codename, 'Woz', came to us with information... " He said, as he clicked the remote, which pulled up a video, I grew pale as I saw the type of monsters that filled what looked like an underground warehouse.

I stared at the video, a pit making its way into my stomach. 'I did that..' It wasn't even a question.

"And what...are those?" Endeavor asked, a deep frown on his face, the flames on his face flickering, embers drifting.

"Monsters. Ones that we've fought in our worlds. And it's only a matter of time before they start rampaging through the cities." Geiz said, seriously.

"And how did they get here? And more to that fact, how did you get here?" Asked Madam President, leveling a glare at the right side of the table, where Nedzu, me, Dad, Mom, and the other Kamen Riders sat.

It took a great effort, but I stood up, albeit almost falling over, as I kicked the wheelchair behind me. The heroes all looked at me, as I bowed at a ninety-degree angle, lightly hitting my head on the table," Please forgive me... because of my actions, even for all the good that may have come of it, I caused these monsters to appear. I take direct responsibility, as an intern of the Nighteye Hero and Detective Agency" I said.

The room fell deathly quiet, as the heroes stared at me. They never expected a kid to stand up and say it was his fault for all of these villains appearing.

Madam President cleared her throat, her eyes softening at the sight of me," Well, there's nothing that can be done about it now, OOO. Is there any way that we can defeat these monsters?" I sat down, giving a small smile to Dad, as he pulled my chair back in.

"Actually yes!" Nedzu chirped, as he clicked a button, bringing up diagrams and sketches of the different monsters," Characteristically, they're different from The Greeed and their Yummies, but they share one characteristic: They can be taken down if you are stronger than them." Nedzu said as he finished his presentation.

"So punching these things.." "Monsters." "Monsters...right...punching them, taking them down, is our best option?"

"Unfortunately," Ankh said, in his human form, "That's the best thing we can do for them. Most monsters are made from normal civilians, and taking them down is the only way to revert them."

"And how are we going to do that?" Madam President asked, steepling her fingers, looking dead on at Nedzu.

"Ah! I'm glad you asked, Madam President since this requires your recomendation!" Nedzu chirped, as he hopped out of his chair and onto the desk, and pressed another button, revealing a logo, making me gasp silently.

'My...Helmet..' I thought as I stared at the Logo, in the middle of all of the other's eye's, with the Kanji for 'Kamen Rider Hero Agency' shown boldly in a red font at the bottom," I present, 'The Kamen Rider Hero Agency', Fully Backed by UA of course. The only thing that we need your help with is-"

"Hero Licenses... Nedzu, I'm all for helping people, especially in cases like these, but...can they be trusted..? No offense." She said as she looked over the group of 13.

"If I May.." A man's voice called out, as he stood up. I looked back, and saw Kouta standing up, as he smoothed out his jacket, "I think I can speak for all of us... We strive to defeat the ones who cause harm to the public and save the ones who are being hurt by evil. It's our job and responsibility as Kamen Riders" Kouta said, looking straight at the Madame President. I looked back, nodding softly.

Apparently, it was a good enough explanation, as she inhaled through her nose and exhaled, "Alright... I'm taking a massive risk... but I'll do it." She said, standing up. She promptly bowed," Thank you for your cooperation...As per regulations, each of you will receive a regular wage for patrols, and bonuses if you catch any villain A-tier or above. Your powers will be registered as your quirks, as well." She finished, before standing straight up.

"If that's everything, we should be getting back to our Patrol... Let's hope nothing happened while in this meeting. I will meet with you all soon for testing and other information. " She said, as she gathered up her items. The heroes slowly made their way out, and soon, the room was practically empty.

"I'm very happy with the result of that meeting... Hopefully, we won't have any complications going forward... Now, onto other business. " Nedzu said, as he pulled out his cellphone, and sent off a text," Please, sit all of you. We shall have the teachers join us in a few minutes. Would you like refreshments?" Nedzu asked as he pulled out a tea tray, full of different brews, bottles of water, and little cookies.

Tea was passed around, as I saw Aizawa-sensei, Yamada-sensei, Kayama-sensei, and the other teachers (Snipe, Hound Dog, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Power Loader) make their way into the room, and sit down.

"Good!" Nedzu said, as he clapped, and the doors closed by themselves," Our next piece of business concerns Young Yagi" Nedzu said solemly, as he looked at me," This is a hard thing to think about, Izuku... But do you wish to continue being a hero? I think I can speak for all of us if we said that we understood if you chose to quit." Nedzu said, looking at me directly.

I inhaled deeply, looking down. Did I? Of Course I did! It was the one thing that I had been training for since I was 7... If it were anyone else, perhaps they would have backed out, but I had a duty, not just as Kamen Rider, but as a Hero...and as a human being, to see this through, and make sure no one else got hurt.

I felt a pair of hands pat my leg, as I looked up, to see Mom and Dad smiling at me. I slowly looked across the room, to see the other teachers giving me small smiles and encouraging nods. I exhaled finally, turning my focus back to Nedzu," Of course sir."

"Excellent! That leads to our next step, getting you your arms back" Nedzu as he pulled out folders from, again, out of nowhere...

"Myself and Power Loader spent a good chunk of time this morning developing these schematics, and There should be a consent form in there as well. I believe this is our best plan of action, and we, as a whole will help you get used to them." He said sliding the folder over," They should be done being printed as we speak"

Mom spread them out, as she, me, and Dad looked at them. They were fairly simple, Metal, Mechanical arms powered by a battery, connected to a chip that would be implanted in the spinal cord. If power was ever suddenly lost, an emergency signal would be sent to anyone that I chose to send it.

"How...dangerous would the procedure be, Nedzu? I mean, this is talking about implanting a chip in-in my son's spinal column!" Mom exclaimed.

"While there is always a degree of risk with these types of operations, I assure you, that this would be the best course of action. If we were to implant the chip into the skull, that would increase the risks tenfold. Brain Damage, Swelling, Bleeding.. any number of things. We, Myself, Powerloader, Mister Hojo, and Recovery Girl will be reducing any risks made by using precision surgery robots, as well as nano-microchips, we should have Young Izuku back on his feet by the end of the day tomorrow."

"... I'm Trusting you on this, Nedzu..." Mom said as she looked at Dad, silently communicating with him. They both nodded, signing the consent forms.

"Good. Young Yagi, I think that we have a surgery to prepare for." Nedzu said as he hopped out of his chair, and walked across the table, gathering the schematics, and consent form.

"Shall we ride back down to the garage, and make our way to the hospital?" Nedzu said as he hopped onto my Lap. Everyone seemingly agreed, as they all seemingly got up as a collective and made their way down.

Soon we were on our way and made it to Mustafu General in record time. We were guided to a room that was going to be mine for the pre-op and the post-op. 15 minutes later, I was counting down to oblivion, hoping that everything went well...

Kyouka's POV

The time between Friday and Monday seemed to be fast and slow at the same time. I groaned softly, as I trudged my feet over to my seat.

"Hey Jirou, you alright?" Kaminari asked

"Peachy..." I grumbled, rubbing my temples. In all honestly, I spent the entire weekend worrying about a certain second year... Not that I would say that out loud.

"I can't believe we were on the news! Tell me, Ojiro, do you think I stood out?" Hagakure asked.

"I-I think that's kinda hard for you to do, Hagakure..." Ojiro awkwardly said, rubbing the back of his head, while Hagakure slumped in her seat.

"I'm surprised the major news channels making a huge fuss about us.." Kaminari mused

"Well.. can you blame them?" I asked as I closed my eyes," The number one class that keeps pumping out major heroes got attacked. Did you think that they weren't going to focus on that fact?"

"Who knows what would've happened if we didn't have the teachers, or Izuku-senpai there?" Sero asked when Izumi slammed her fist through her desk.

The class went silent, as we all turned towards her," Sorry... I just... I don't want to think about the what-ifs, and it's already been a stressful weekend.." She said, quietly, looking down.

"S-sorry..." Sero murmured when the door opened. Aizawa stood there, wrapped like a mummy as he glared at the entire class.

"Good... very logical. We have some things to talk about before we head into morning announcements." He said as he walked in.

Following him were Birth, and W, as well as Date-san and Terui-san, as well as 7 other people, 2 of which seemed familiar.

"Due to Izuku's actions at the USJ, these people will be here for an indefinite amount of time. Please introduce yourselves if you haven't already."

The one with the pompadour strode forward," Sup! My name is Gentaro Kisaragi!" He said as he smoothed the sides of his hair," My dream is to befriend all Kamen Riders!" He said, snapping a finger forward, pointing a finger towards us.

I sweat dropped,' This guy is intense..'

A man with a high black collar rolled his eyes, pulling a man with brown hair and a bigger button-up shirt forward," Geiz, and this, is Zi-O" He said, in a no-nonsense tone, before bowing slightly. The boy smiled, before bowing, and Geiz pulled them back into line.

The familiar man in the suit and tie came forward next," Good Morning, I'm Shinnosuke Tomari. it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm known as Kamen Rider Drive." He said with a smile. He stepped back, while the man in the magenta shirt stepped forward, his hands in his pockets.

"My name is Tsukasa Kadoya. Kamen Rider Decade" He said, looking around the room, before stepping back.

The others introduced themselves accordingly: Shintaro Goto, Kouta Kazuraba, Haruto Soma, Ryu Terui, Emu Hojo, and Ryotaro Nogami as Kamen Riders Proto-Birth, Gaim, Wizard, Accel, Ex-Aid and Den-O.

"Hey, don't forget us!" A disembodied voice called out, making us all flinch, as 4 swirls of sand appeared, revealing... Demons?

"I'm Momotaros! That's Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryutaros" He said, pointing at each of the 4 demons, "We are Imagin, contracted to Ryotaro." He said, boastedly. Ryotaro shook his head softly, sighing.

Aizawa finally got up, unziping his sleeping back, "Finally done? Good." He said, leaving no pause for the other riders to say anything, " Please give the Riders the same respect you give the teachers." He said, raising an eyebrow as he gazed across our faces.

I nodded silently, as well as the rest of my classmates, as he nodded, "Good. Now, I'm sure you're all worried about Yagi, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, is he okay?" Kirishima asked pleadingly, looking at Aizawa-sensei.

"He came out of surgery early Saturday morning, and thankfully, the only injury he will show, besides his arms, will be a scar across his face. Even his arms were taken care of. Power Loader, Mister Hojo, and Recovery Girl did an experimental surgery that very same day that gave him electronic prosthetics" Aizawa said.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding,' He was okay... he was safe...he can continue being a hero..'

"Now... There's something more important at hand that we need to talk about... your fight isn't over." Aizawa said ominously.

I tensed up slightly, 'More villains..' I thought wearily, feeling the tense air settle across the classroom.

"...The UA Sports Fest is happening soon" Aizawa deadpanned, making everyone think the same thing, 'Why would you scare us like that!?!?'

"Starting tomorrow, the next two weeks will be dedicated to training. That doesn't mean you get to skip off on homework though, Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Good. No classes for the rest of the day, but stay on campus. We're meeting back up here at 2 pm to sign you up for training rooms. Dismissed." Aizawa said, pulling his sleeping bag from under his desk, zipping himself up, and rolling out the door.

"Dude! This is going to be so awesome! Hey, Bakubro! You wanna train together?" Kirishima said

"Heh... fine... Just don't get in my way, Shitty Hair, or I'll blow you to bits." Bakugo said, without much heat.

The rest of the class started talking about what kind of training they were going to be doing, while I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about how I would train mine. I was roughly pulled away though, by the sound of footsteps. I refocused, seeing Kisaragi-san coming forward," You're... Jirou, right?"

"Um.. yeah, what's up?"

"Would you wanna come with us to see Izuku? Sougo-chan already grabbed Izumi-chan." He said, with a glint in his eye.

Outwardly, I shrugged, "Sure, sounds like fun", trying to keep the excitement out of my voice, as I stood up. He nodded, as he, as well as the other Riders, made their way out. I slide over to Izumi, "Hey, Izumi..?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked as she looked over from her conversation with Kodoya-san.

"How did Izuku-senpai come to know all these guys?" I asked, jumping as I heard Zi-O's voice right by my ear, "I can answer that!"

"Jesus Christ! Don't scare me like that..." I grumbled. He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry, but Izuku has been at this many years since he was... 9? Right, Geiz?" He asked the Rider with the high collar.

"Mm.. Thought he was another Rider or a Time Jacker with him jumping through portals into different time streams... turns out to be the grandson of a Legend Rider.." He said, crossing his arms across his chest, staring ahead.

"Wait, what?" I asked

"Yeah, He was 9 when he got his first taste of action. He found one of his portals with his Eiji, and Ankh, and helped me with a particularly difficult monster. The kid's pretty resilient, you know?" Kisaragi-san said, with a smile.

The conversations continued as we made our way across campus, and into a smaller building near the lake. Wizard opened the door, allowing the rest of us to walk in. The sounds of mettle on metal, and grunt echoed the walls. The building was made out of steel, like a warehouse and exercise equipment filled the sides, leaving the middle open for a flat, padded floor.

A Man in a green suit hit Izuku-senpai with a spear, throwing him away, "Come now, OOO, I know you can do better than that~" He purred, as he pulled a watch from his gauntlet, and clicked the top, "Shinobi! " The watch announced, as he slid it into the slot on his belt.

"Action!" The belt announced as he clicked the top again, opening the watch. He flipped the slot into the middle of the belt," Touei! Future Time!" The belt announced as grid-like rings started moving along his body, and purple light came from out of nowhere, solidifying into head and shoulder pieces. "Dare ja? Ore ja? Ninja! Futurering Shinobi! Shinobi!"

He flipped the spear point towards him and pressed a button, and pulled the spear point down, turning it into a scythe.

Izuku-senpai grunted as he got back up, punching the ground, and making it crack. I couldn't tell his facial expressions due to the helmet, but from his body language, he was upset.

"Izuku. Why don't you try these out?" A man in the other corner called out, as he tossed him some medals. Izuku caught them, looked at them, and nodded. He pulled out the regular medals and slotted in the new ones. He scanned them, and I blinked at the call out, " Shika! Gazelle! Ushi! Shiga-ze-shi! Shi-gazeshi, Shiga-ze-shi!" His head grew antlers, as well as his arms, while his legs were black and white, with rings on them, like a bull.

"I haven't been able to try this combo out, Give me everything you've got, Woz!"

Woz nodded, as he dashed towards Izuku-senpai, before disappearing into his own shadow, and melting from view. Izuku stepped forward carefully, his head turning slightly, when suddenly, this 'Woz' appeared above him, scythe raised, the tip glowing green. Izuku's head was already on him, though, as his leg, glowing white, kicked him right in the chest, and a huge impact was heard, as Woz flew to the other side of the room.

Woz groaned as he stood up, albeit a bit shakily. Izuku scanned the medals," Scanning Charge!" Izuku leaned down, pawing his feet into the ground, before launching over to Woz, headbutting Woz into the air. Woz gasped as he was launched, and Izuku launched into the air after Woz, and, after landing on Woz, slammed him into the ground, making a cloud of dust surround them.

The Riders clapped, some even wolf-whistling, as the dust cleared with Izuku standing over Woz, with his foot on his chest, with him Back in his normal non-transformed form.

"Good job, Woz. You made getting used to these things, easy" Izuku teased, lightly, as he pulled the medals out, and de-transformed himself.

I gasped softly, at the metal arms that now took over, covering his shoulders, as Izuku-senpai turned towards us," Ah! Jirou-san! Izumi! How were classes? Did you learn about the Festival?"

"Yes, big brother," Izumi said, rolling her eyes, as she made her way over, and hugged him. Izuku lightly laid his arm across her back, pulling her into him.

"You could've let us know, with it being so close to the beginning of the year, y'know," I said, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes," I've known about it, but I never participated, being the only one in Class 2-A. Besides, I'm technically an Underground hero, what with no one knowing my Identity" He explained.

"Hey, Izuku, when do you think we can expect to hear back from the President about-" Was all Zi-O could get out before Geiz slapped his hand over his mouth, "Shut up! The civilians aren't in the know." He angrily whispered. I narrowed my eyes, as I looked at Izuku-senpai, "Explain, senpai." I said, crossing my arms again.

Izuku said, looking at Zi-O," It's fine, Sougo, they're going to hear about it tomorrow on the news, probably.." He said, before turning back to Izumi and me," Since the other Riders are going to be here, Nedzu basically decided on making a special Hero Agency for the Riders, with Nedzu funding it, and me as the Leader, which I STILL don't think is a good idea.. but it's not something I can fight; What Nedzu wants, Nedzu gets." he finished, shrugging

"You're right, Izuku-kun!" The cheerful voice of the Principal came over the P.A. System.

"I hate when he does that.." Izuku muttered, shivering. I looked around at the Different Riders, "Dope. Do you think you're only going to be patrolling the Mustafu area? Or will you be dispatched to differing areas around Japan?"

"Depends on where they need us," Hojo-san said, stretching his arms," And it depends on where Monsters will appear. Our main job is to help civilians, so whether it be regular villains or monsters, we'll be out there." He said, nodding to his companions.

I nodded, " Nice. Anyways... um... how are you doing, Senpai..?" I asked, trying not to look at his arms.

He sighed, rubbing the arms, the metal-on-metal sound making me shiver slightly," I'm doing okay, Jirou-san. To be honest, it's like I never lost them, though they are a tad heavier" He said, with a smile. I looked at his face and noticed his smile didn't reach his eyes.

'Something to watch for... wait, why am I worried for him??' I thought, as a small blush appeared on my face, "W-well I'm glad!" I exclaimed, turning away to hide my blush.

Izumi giggled, "Hey, why don't we go ahead and get some sushi? I know of a great place not too far from the station!"

"You guys go ahead, I've got a meeting with All Might about some training in the next few days," Izuku-senpai said, gathering his things, and making his way to the locker room.

"You guys wanna come? It's fairly cheap, plus It would be nice to get to know you Riders, other than what my brother has said" She said. Shotoro ruffled her hair, before opening the door, "Sounds nice, kid. Let's get going"

I smiled, as I walked out, listening to the Rider's bicker back and forth...

Izuku's POV

I quietly made my way to one of the meeting rooms. Woz turned onto the corridor, scarf on neck and book in hand," Izuku."

I looked over at him, "Woz"

"I assume you want me to keep an eye on the monsters?" He asked as we both made our way down the hall.

"It would be appreciated. This, plus the Yakuza situation, will take a lot out of the local heroes. I'm glad that we're able to take on each other's monsters" I said, with a smirk. Woz smirked, "As am I, Boss" He emphasized with an even bigger smirk, as he threw out his scarf, which twirled around him, before it flew out a window down farther.

My mouth dropped, before shaking my head. I looked towards the door, before taking a big breath and knocking on it. A muffled exchange occurred through the door, before Kirishima slid open the door, "Izuku-Sensei?" He squeaked out, as he tried to cover Dad's 'Deflated Form' from my view.

I snorted, "It's okay, Kirishima. I know."

"He's right, Young Kirishima! For he is-!" He started, before 'puffing up'," MY SON!" He laughed, before coughing up blood.

I smiled, as I patted him on the shoulder, as he wiped his mouth. I looked over at Kirishima, who had closed the door, Stare at the both of us, his eyes wide," You two are related?"

"Yeah? Can't you see the resemblance?" I teased, as my face turned to one of Dad's traditional grins. Kirishima snorted before I gestured for him to sit down, "Now, you know all about the Sports Festival, right?" I asked.

Kirishima nodded," Yep! I've watched the Festival every year!" He said, with a grin. He sat down on the couch, as I grabbed a chair, and poured myself some tea," It has 3 events, right?"

"Normally, Yes. Since I've never been a part of it, I've been privy to information. Normally, there is an all-out battle for the first event, a Group event for the second, and then the Solos for the third." I said, sipping my tea.

Kirishima nodded, punching his hand, "Right... The sports Festival is how a lot of the Heroes scout for internships, right?" He asked

I nodded, "Right. Now...I want to explain something to you. With One for All, you're going to have a lot riding on your shoulders. You need to show the world that You Are Here" I said, looking into his eyes.

Dad nodded, "He's right. Your goal should be to prove to the recruiters that you're the best choice" He said, sipping his tea.

"Right!" Kirishima said, with a determined grin, activating his quirk, "I won't let you down, Senseis!" He finished, flashing a toothy grin.

The three of us chatted for a bit, before Kirishima noticed the time, and ran to catch his train.

Dad rested a hand on my shoulder as we watched the First year run down the sidewalk, "I'm so proud of you, Izuku, and the kind of man you've know that, right?"

"Heh...Yeah...Thank you, Dad.." I said, turning to him, and giving him a hug, "And I promise not to let you down, either."

He smiled, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and led me out the door," I know you won't, son."




Its been... *flips through notes..* almost a year since i posted...shit...

I meant to get this out earlier, but mental health issues, Writer's block, and just a lot of personal problems, i kept pushing it off.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be, but i do know that i will cover very little of the Sports Festival, if any. Mainly due to so many writers doing it, and personally, i feel like its very over used. While Kirishima is the wielder of OFA, the focus of the story is supposed to be on Izuku, and the (eventual) relationship between Him and Jirou.

Maybe i'll include a fight or two,  but I do have an idea for next chapter, that focuses on the Riders. Maybe a small part with Marvelous towards the end (yes, if you didn't know, I do plan on adding Sentai characters as well, mainly people who've interacted with the Riders: Gokaiger, ToQger, etc)

I also plan on adding Kyuranger, and Kyoryuger, mainly for their aethetic... plus I think Daigo and Kirishima would get along really well, lol.

Anyways, please leave me some feedbeck on what you thought about this chapter, and what you would like to see going forward.

Till next time,

