Deliberations, Preparations, and The Beginnings of Love

Izuku's POV

I grumbled as I tried to fix my tie for the 9th time in a row.

'This is why I never wear these things...' I muttered as I rewound the YouTube video on how to tie a Windsor knot, 'They're too complicated...'

A laugh came from the doorway, making me jump, "You never were good at that, dear" Mom said, with a smile, as she walked over, took the tie from me, and started tying it, "Neither was your father... He still has trouble with it" She said, smiling.

I laugh softly, "Yeah, but I don't think he ever did a press conference when he was still in high school, Mom"

She sighed, making the final tug, and stepped back, taking my face in her hands, "What happened to the cute little boy who would help me in the kitchen..?" She muttered, eyes searching my face.

I huffed, covering her hand with mine, "He grew up... With the most amazing family looking out for him, He became a better hero because of them." I said, with a smile. Mom smiled and kissed my cheek.

A knock came from the open doorway, Haruto looking uncomfortable in his suit, "Izuku, it's time." He said.

I nodded, kissing Mom on her cheek. I made my way to the door and Haruto and I started making our way to the pre-meeting area, "Are you nervous?" Haruto asked.

"Dreadfully... But, I know what questions will be asked, and I know the answers that I will give. That should count for something, right?" I said, playfully. Haruto chuckled lightly, laying an arm around my shoulder.

We stepped outside, making our way to a tent that was set up right next to the stage out front of UA, "Ah! Haruto! You did find him, good." Nedzu said a sharp grin on his face. He was wearing a crisp black suit, with a UA pin on his lapel, his black shoes shining even in the tent, "Now that everyone is here, please, grab a mask!"

"I know that Izuku keeps his identity a secret because he wants to..." Gentaro-kun said, as he picked up a 'Fourze' mask, basically a black face mask with his helmet logo on the front, "But, why do we?"

"Because... When I came here originally, there already was an Eiji Hino in this universe. Thankfully, he had passed away before I had arrived, so I was able to, with help from the Commission, assume his life. We don't know if it's the same for you, and since this is going to be publicized, We don't want to give anyone of your potential dopple-gangers a potential heart attack" Grandpa said, as he grabbed the second OOO's mask. I picked up my riding helmet, and fit it securely on my face.

Soon, we were standing near the entrance of the tent, waiting for Nedzu to call us up, "And without further ado, Let's call up the main reason I called this press conference. Kamen Riders!" Nedzu announced, making the reporters stand up, shouting questions.

I nodded to the others, and made my way out, knowing to sit right next to Nedzu. I looked at the crowd, momentarily wincing at the flashing cameras, but as I looked through the crowd, I saw Mom standing with Aizawa. As if she knew I was looking at her, she smiled, before exaggerating a breath. Aizawa noticed as well, and a small smile appeared on his face before it was wiped away, and he nodded slightly. I nodded back, just as much, as I sat down.

Grandpa sat next to me, on my right, with Date-senpai, Goto-san, Phillip-san, Shotoro-san, and Shinnosuke-san taking the rest of the table. Tsukasa, Ryotaro-san, Kazuraba-san, Terui-san, Haruto, Gentaro, Geiz, and Sougo took the rest of the seats on the other side of Nedzu.

"Please, settle down, and we will take your questions one at a time!" Nedzu said, raising his arms. After a minute or two, the reporters had calmed down enough to sit, but everyone's hands were still raised, wanting to ask their dying questions.

"Now... you, ma'am, in the middle?" Nedzu, pointing to a brown-haired woman, who stood up, "We all know OOO, but who are these men? And what relation do they have to The Kamen Rider?"

"If I may..." I said, looking at Nedzu. He looked a little surprised but smiled, and nodded, backing away from the microphone, "These men have been my mentors, for as long as I can remember. Kamen Riders are born with a...quirk that sets them apart from others. For me, I was born with the power to bring Other Kamen Riders to me, or the reverse, Whenever they needed help, I would be given a way to get to them. I trust them with my Life, and I know they would do the same with me." I said.

The reporters sat, stunned, "As for who they are... I'll let them introduce themselves" Slowly, they went down the table, starting with Shinnosuke-san, Introducing themselves as their rider names, and Displaying their "quirks".

"Why are we not allowed to know your names? Are you hiding something? Possibly a dark past?" A blue-skinned reporter asked, standing up.

Nedzu glared at her, as she glared back slightly, " The names of the Kamen Riders are considered top secret, Only the Prime Minister and the President of HPSC know them; due to their line of being Twilight Heroes. The public has never needed to know them, not even when the original OOO was in action." Nedzu said sharply. The blue-skinned reporter stuttered, before grimacing and sitting back down.

A few more questions were answered, mainly more explanation as to how to agency would function. Soon, the meeting concluded with Nedzu stepping back up to the mic, "Thank you for coming. The Agency will be up and running within the next 2 weeks, and as their first assignment, we shall have them monitoring the Sports Festival. I have high hopes for the future of Heroics with the Kamen Riders here to show an example to the younger generation" Nedzu said, with a smile.

We all stood up, and bowed to the reporters, before making our way back to the tent. As soon as I stepped back in, I immediately took my helmet back off, and wiped my sweat-filled forehead, pushing my hair back into a manageable mess, "That...was so nerve-wracking.." I muttered, tossing it back onto the table.

"Why do you think that we worked in secret?" Tsukasa asked, as he folded up his mask, and placed it in his pocket.

"Yeah...As much as I like making friends, that...ugh.." Gentaro grumbled, not even finishing his sentence.

"Good job everyone," Nedzu said, as he walked into the tent, "However, Now what we need to do, is get you Hero Licences. Izuku, The President has thought about it, and while you won't be able to obtain a full Pro Hero license until your graduation, you are going to, essentially, be the leader. That means, within the next few weeks, we're going to go over the logistics of Hero Agencies, and what it means to run a team."

"Yes sir, Starting Monday?"

"Starting Monday. I will see you then" Nedzu said, walking off. I looked at the large of group of men, who looked back at me, "I don't want to micromanage you guys; You know what you're doing, you've done this for... Years, at this point. But, things in this world are different. Teams are going to be made of 2, I'll figure that out over the weekend. Alright?" I said, looking over the group.

Kouta smiled, "You got it... Boss" He teased, making the other chuckle.

I groaned, rubbing my face, "I'm SO going to get Woz back for that.." I said, grumbling.

Soon, I left the tent, with Shotoro by my side, "We need to head somewhere" I said, making my way over to a spare Vendorider.

"Oh? And where would that be?" He asked, taking off his hat, as the wheels touched the ground, and slid on a helmet.

"Shoto Todoroki's residence."


I slowly pulled off to the side, in front of a moderately sized complex. It had high walls, with a traditional bamboo gate, with a door next to it, and an intricate screen next to the door. I looked over to Shotoro, who was flattening his hair, before putting his hat back on.

"Come on," I said, before, pressing the screen. The Endeavor logo appeared, before it quickly switched to the man himself," I swear if this is another salesman or a Girl Sco- Oh. It's you, OOO. What can I do for you?" The man said evenly.

"I need to talk to you and your son, Shoto. It should've taken place earlier than this, but I figured now would be the best time, since the public would be paying more attention to the press conference than someone on a Ridevendor." I said, smirking a little.

Endeavor didn't laugh, he merely stared, before pressing a button on his desk, and the door swung open, "Come in. My Daughter Fuyumi will let you in, and lead you to our living room. Welcome to the Todoroki Compound." He said before the screen blinked out.

Shotoro and I looked at each other before shrugging and making our way in. It was a beautiful area, with the actual house being two stories, and being creme colored, with a bamboo roof. We made our way down the path when the front door swung open.

The woman standing there was wearing a simplistic outfit of a black turtleneck and jeans. She wore square-framed glasses and had highlights of red in her primarily white hair. She gave a smile, before opening the door more," Good afternoon! Please, feel free to use our guest slippers. My name is Fuyumi Todoroki." She said with a practiced bow.

"Good afternoon. It's nice to meet you, Miss Todoroki. My name is Izuku Yagi, and this is my Sensei, Shotoro Hidari. Thank you for welcoming us into your home." I said, slipping off my shoes, and sliding into the grey slippers, while Shotoro took a pair of black slippers.

"Oh! You're Izuku-sensei? Shoto has talked about you a lot!" She said, with a surprised voice. She blushed lightly, before bowing again," I apologize! It's just... Shoto has never talked about anyone this passionately, and now you're here, and.." She said, flustered

I laugh, "It's alright. I'm proud that I'm making a good impression on him. May we go see him?"

"Of course! Right this way." She said, leading us through the house. It didn't take long, until we came across a large living room, with a flat-screen, couch, and floor chairs, and a low table. Shoto and Endeavor already sat there, Shoto stoically, and the latter with his arms crossed.

"I'll go get some refreshments, is Water and Tea okay?" Fuyumi asked.

The both of us gave our agreements, and she walked off. I took a seat across from Shoto, while Shotoro took a seat across from Endeavor. Fuyumi came back quickly with a tea set, as well as glasses, and a pitcher of iced water.

"There we go! I'll go start prepping dinner, Dad" She said. Endeavor nodded, not saying anything, again. She walked off, closing the door behind her.

The four of us didn't say anything for a minute, before Endeavor spoke up, "Why did you call this meeting OOO?"

"Please, Mister Todoroki, call me Izuku" I replied with a smile.

"Fine. I'll ask again, why did you request this meeting" He asked again.

I took a breath, before letting it out lightly. I took a glass, and filled it with water, "There is a... situation that I need some more information on. And the information that's given, will impact your son's future in UA's Hero Course. As you've probably heard from Nedzu, I am essentially one of Shoto's Teachers, and It's my job to help them become the best Heroes they can be in 3 years." I started, before taking a sip, "But...There is one thing that's become apparent. Shoto is limiting himself to only his ice half."

Immediately the tension in the room thickened, as Shoto tensed, and Flames appeared in Endeavor's hair, an angry expression on his face," Shoto." He ground out, his hands in fists," I thought... That we had discussed this." He bore his eyes into his youngest.

"I don't need your quirk!" Shoto spat venomously, "I'll get by with just my mother's ice!"

"YOU AR-" Ding!

The two yelling voices cut off immediately, as they heard a coin being flipped. The two slowly looked back to me, where I stared at them, "Right, this conversation won't go anywhere with you two arguing. I don't know what the deal between you two is, and personally? I don't want to know. But, it's my job, as your teacher, Shoto, to make sure you graduate, alive." I said, before taking a breath, and looked at Shoto directly, "Do you think I'm weak, Shoto?"

The question shocked him, as he jumped back a bit, eyes wide,"Wha-"

"Do. You. Think. I'm. Weak." I punctuated

"No!" He exclaimed.

I saw he was being truthful, so I prepared him for the next question, "Then why would you limit yourself to one asset of your quirk, while I have none? I'm not being Egoist, but I didn't become a Kamen Rider just because I inherited the belt. It was through Trials, tribulation, and my morals that I became the person I am today. Are you going to let someone suffer, just because you have issues with your fire?"

The question, again, shocked the boy, as he stared at the table. He didn't respond before slowly getting up with a soft, "I have to think.." before leaving the room. Endeavor stayed in his spot, watching his son leave, before letting out a deep sigh. The fire in his hair extinguished, as he rubbed his face, "Thank you... I...I have not been a good father.."

"That much is obvious.." Shotoro muttered, raising an eyebrow. The Pro Hero sent him an annoyed look, before dropping his hands, "I... there is a lot I can't discuss, mainly to do with legal red tape, but, I want to express my gratitude to you, Ya-Izuku. You clearly got through to him, when I could not. That means the world to me." He said, bowing slightly.

I waved off his answer, "It's no problem. I need to kick the issue in the butt before he hurt someone. But, I will say this. Be better. Like I said before, I don't want to know about your family issues, mainly due to it not being my business, but if you do need to talk to someone, Talk to my mom. She's understanding, but she's not one to beat around the bush." I said with a chuckle.

Endeavor laughed slightly, "That, I know all too well. Allow me to show you out."

Me and Shotoro got up as Endeavor did, and we made our way back the way we came. He waved from the door, as we walked out the gate.

"You're staying at UA, right? Or are you staying at my house?" I asked as I started up the bike

"Eiji allowed us to stay at his place, said he was feeling 'lonely'" Shotoro said, being sarcastic.

I laughed, as I pulled out into the street, and over to Grandpa Eiji's house.


It was roughly 3 pm when I made it back to the house. I parked the bike in the garage, and made my way inside, "I'M HOME!" I yelled as I walked in, pulling off my jacket, and revealing my suit. I pulled the helmet off, letting my hair flow down my shoulders

"Welcome home, Big Bro! I've got company!" I heard Izumi cry from the kitchen.

"What company could you have, Snotno-" I started to tease, as I walked in, before I stopped mid-sentence, seeing who was sitting at the island counter.

Ashido grinned as she spun towards me, "Hey, Izuku-senpai! Izumi invited us over!" She said, with a grin. I nodded, but it was like her response went in one ear and out the other. Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Uraraka, and Izumi noticed my gaze, before giving each other wicked grins. Kyouka finally noticed me, and blushed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

The girl was wearing a black, low-cut t-shirt that accentuated her cleavage, high-cut white shorts, and fishnets. I blushed deeply, as I made my way to the fridge to grab a water, "It's um... Nice to see you girls out of class. Excuse me, I need to go change." I stuttered, quickly grabbing the water, and ducking out of the room.

'WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??' I thought, as I headed up the stairs, the sound of giggles echoing behind me.


Jirou's POV

I continued to stare after Izuku-senpai, blushing bright red.

'He was me..' I thought as I covered my cheeks. The sound of giggles erupted around me, " Oh my god! Did you see his face??" Izumi questioned, a bright smile on her face.

"Dude, Who didn't?? He looked at Kyo like a goddess" Mina said, dreamily. which only caused my blush to erupt even harder, as I slammed my head down on the table.

"Well, Now we know that He at least thinks you're attractive.." Momo said, her hand on her chin, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"We don't know that!" I whined, my voice muffled from the table. The girls giggled again, which caused me to lift my head, "And besides! I'm not sure if I even like him like that!"

"What do you mean?" Izumi asked, her head tilted.

I sighed, before looking at her, "I really got into OOO as a Hero... He's one of the reasons why I wanted to be one.."

Momo seemed to get it right away, "And you're afraid that what you're feeling is Hero Worship, rather than infatuation?"

Her response caused the rest to shut up pretty quickly, as I nodded, "Well... why don't you get to know him?" Izumi asked

"What?" I questioned, looking back at her

"Yeah! I mean... That sounds like the smartest idea, right? Getting to know someone on a personal level?" Uraraka asked. The 3 other girls around the island made approving noises, as I looked between them.

Izumi had a smirk on her face, "What do you girls say to a sleepover?" She asked


Toshinori and Inko quickly agreed to the idea, and encouraged it, even. ("I remember having sleepovers with my friends back in high school! Like one time-" "OKAYTHANKSMOM,WE'RE HEADING UPSTAIRS!")

They had anticipated this when Izumi came out with a pile of clothes and told them to "Dig in". I quickly grabbed a bigger T-shirt, and shorts, and made my way to the bathroom. Inko came by a little while later, to grab our clothes, promising to have them clean by the time we left.

We had just finished with a movie, When Izumi noticed the time, "Oh! Izuku should be down in the training room with Ankh! Go! They're about to be finished!"

The girls practically pushed me out the door, and Izumi told me the way to go. As I approached the room, I could hear sounds of fighting, and grunts as impact was made. I slowly slid the door open, my eyes widening as I saw a massive boxing ring. Izuku-senpai and...Ankh? stood in the ring while Toshinori sat next to the ring, bell in hand. There was a scoreboard on the wall, showing it was the sixth round out of twelve.

The two were drenched in sweat, with Izuku-senpai's hair plastered to his back. I gulped as I stood there, a blush coming to my face, "Come on Izuku, You can hit bet- UGH!" Ankh cried out, as he was hit with a major uppercut. The man flew into the air, before crashing on his back, groaning. Toshinori rang the bell 3 times, "Knockout! Amazing work, son." The man said, with a smile Izuku smiled, grabbing a green water bottle from the far corner, and came closer, "Thanks, Dad. The arms feel great now, but I still need to limit my strength when it comes to using OOO. It's like the belt enhances them some ho- Oh! Jirou! Um... Hi?" He questioned. I let out a squeak as I stood in the doorway, "Um... Hi!" I said. I didn't notice the smirk on Ankh's face as he slowly got up.

"Can we help you, Young Jirou?" Toshinori asked. I shook my head, "I-um... I wanted to talk to Izuku-senpai...I-in private..?"

The man's eyes widened, before smiling, "Of course. Come on, Young Ankh, let's give these two some privacy"

"I'm just as old as you, Toshinori!" Ankh cried out, as he climbed out of the ring. Toshinori laughed, as the two of them left the room. The two of us kept quiet as we just looked at each other, "What did you want to talk about, Jirou?"

"I...I want to get to know you... I guess.." I muttered, my ear jacks coming together as I looked away, my blush not going away. Izuku-senpai's eyebrows raised before he gave a smile, "Sure. Let me get cleaned up, and we can talk." He said, taking a swig of his drink. I nodded, before making my way out.


Izuku's POV

I slowly made my way out of the training room, and into the living room. There were a few lights on, and I smiled as I noticed Jirou watching TV. I knocked on the wall, making Jirou look at me, "Ready to talk?"

Jirou nodded, muting the TV. I made my way around the couch and sat next to her. The two of us turned to each other, "So.. where do you want to start?"

Jirou bit her lip, as she looked at me, "Why...why do you want to be a hero..?" She asked quietly. I nodded silently, thinking about the answer, " a loaded question. The main reason why, is because...I don't think I could help myself if I noticed something, if someone was in danger...and NOT do anything. You know that I'm quirkless... For the longest time, I didn't want to be a hero, because I felt like I couldn't do anything. I wasn't necessarily bullied in school, but people would make snide comments when I was younger, and eventually, it whittled me down to not even think about it. It wasn't until I accepted the belt from my Grandfather, that I began to have hope again. I want to make people feel safe, and smile, knowing that I'm doing my best to protect them.." I finished with a murmur. I looked at Jirou, nodding at her, silently asking her reason.

Jirou smiled, before looking away, "My reason is...hardly heroic at all.. I mean it is, but at the same time.." She started, before fiddling with her jacks. She took a big breath, before exhaling through her nose," I've been into music my entire life, hell... My parents say the only thing that I would fall asleep to was Stairway to Heaven, by a pre-quirk band called Led Zepplin... I went to a Deep Dope concert when I was 7, or so... And I remember just... being amazed at how the people smiled and cheered after each song... And I wondered... If I could do the same thing. I want to use my Music and my heroics to bring smiles to everyone.."

"Jirou... I think that's more heroic than you think" She looked back up at me with a smile, a red tint on her cheeks. The Two of us continued to talk, laughing over stories, and connecting over things we shared common interest in.

Eventually, we grew too tired to keep talking, as we slowly fell asleep on the couch. It wasn't known to us now, but My mother had come down in the middle of the night and found us there. Taking a picture that we wouldn't see until many moons in the future, of Jirou, pressed into my side, with my arm wrapped around her waist, as we slept soundly.


3rd Person POV

Selkie is known for patrolling the outer waters of Japan. He wasn't very high ranked because of it, but He didn't care about that. He knew he was one of the first lines of Defence, should anything try and attack Japan's borders.

So when he got a call from the American Coast Guard, about a Giant, red pirate ship sailing through the Pacific towards Japan, He knew what he had to do.

"Pirate ship spotted! 6 Clicks north!" Sirius shouted from the Bow of the ship. Selkie nodded, "Alright. Everyone, we have an unknown sailing into Japanese Waters! Be Vigilante! If they somehow take me, It will be up to you to take them down! Is that understood?!"

"Aye Aye Captain!"

"Right!" Selkie said, as he slipped down his goggles, and took a running start toward the bow. He leaped off the edge, the flippers on his shoes automatically popping out. He moved fast through the water, chirping periodically to track the large ship, making sure it didn't change course. He soon leaped out of the water, landing on the deck of the ship.

But what awaited him shocked him. There was a ROBOTIC BIRD, manning the wheel of the ship. The Bird squawked and flapped its wings when suddenly, a door to his left opened. A man wearing only black, flowy pants, knee-high black boots, and a belt with a gold buckle walked out, running a towel through his hair, "Bird, How much longer until we get to Japan?"

"The Destination you seek is nearly there, But the journey towards has just become unfair" The bird ominously said. The man snapped his attention to the bird, before noticing the giant Seal man. He jumped back, pulling out a red, flintlock pistol from...somewhere, and pointed it at Selkie, "Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?"

"Pro Hero Selkie. May I ask what you're doing sailing into Japanese waters?" Selkie asked, flexing his muscles for good measure. In all honesty, he wasn't sure what the man would do, considering he had a gun pointed at him.

The moment the words "Pro Hero" were uttered, The man's gun dipped a little, "Pro Hero...By Chance, are there Kamen Rider's in Japan?"

The man's question both shocked and intrigued Selkie, "Yes. A bunch of them were announced today by the leading High School, Led by Kamen Rider OOO."

The man smiled, as he swept past Selkie, "Good! OOO and I go back, Way back. It will be nice to see him again."

"You never answered my question, sir," Selkie said, relaxing slightly as the man stowed his pistol in a hip holster.

"Hm? Oh! Where are my manners? Captain Marvelous, at your service" The now named man said, sweeping into a slight bow.

Somehow, Selkie thought, this man is going to be the death of me...


And that's the end of the chapter!

I really had fun with this one, even though it was mainly filler.

Two things I will say, No, Todoroki will not be using his fire right away. He hasn't used it for years, upon years. The interaction I wrote was merely to just get him thinking. Now, will I fully do the sports festival? No. Its been over done, and honestly? Overrated. I may do one or two fights, depending on what you guys want, but I've read so many fics at this point, where they do the entire sports fest, and it takes up at least 6 chapters, sometimes even more.

I know people wouldn't want to read that, and I know I wouldn't want to read that. Thats boring to me.

Secondly, if you think Jirou is too OOC, that's honestly, too damn bad. Jirou, at least for me, is more of a reserved, but snarky girl, when she has her moments. She was saved by a hero (one she didn't even know who was basically her own age, abiet by a year), and that, obviously, would cause some changes. It made her push towards being a hero more, to hopefully pay back OOO. Not only that, but she fell for the masked man in Red, Yellow and Green.

Next Chapter will focus mainly, again, on the Riders, with a surprise visit from Marvelous, as they work on getting their Hero Licenses, as well as starting a plan on Getting Eri. 

Once again, I'm asking for any and all reviews. I'm not sure how much longer this fic will stay up, considering the guideline changes to Wattpad, but If you ever find this fic gone, please, look me up on both AO3 AND FFN. QueenBeck and QueenBeckTTV, respectively.

Anyways, See ya for now!

