An Opportunity, New Friends and The Entrance Exam and Beyond!

(So, just a quick note, Izuku is still the same, while Izumi, Katsuki and the rest of the cast of canon are 1 year younger. So Izuku will be in Class 2-A when Izumi and Katsuki and the rest get into UA)

I was training in the backyard alone, or rather, with Ankh. Ever since 2 years ago , we got a special provisional hero license, with the exception that I only fight Yummys and Greed, and only help with rescue and evacuation with regular villians, Ankh has fully become my partner. It was weird at first, considering that he was also my uncle, but we were quick to resolve our problems.

"Come on, Izuku, faster" Ankh said, holding the bag. I grunted as I started punching the bag harder, throwing some kicks in. Suddenly a knock could be heard from the front door. Me and Ankh looked at each other, before he said," Go clean up, Ill go see who it is" he said, leaving me to take my boxing gloves off. I huffed as strand of hair got into my face.

(Just imagine some yellow and light brown streaks in it)

As I threw on my t-shirt and retied my hair tie, a random thought crossed my mind,' For the last two years, Yummys have kept popping up, but never any Greeed... What are they planning? I mean, they have to be here as well, right?' I thought as I unhooked the punching bag, and carried it in.

"Oh! Im sorry, did we interrupt your training, Mister Yagi?" A high pitched voice called out. I slowly turned to the living see a hobo man that had eyebags for days, and...Principal Nedzu, of UA.

Immediately, I dropped the punching bag...right on my foot. I squeaked as I glared at Ankh, who was trying to hide his snickering.

"Um, no, Sir, Just finished actually" I said, as I grabbed the punching bag and leaned it against the wall

"Excellent! Could we possibly have a talk, Mister Yagi?" I nodded slowly, and made my way to the couch, and sat across from the two of them," So..whats up? I know I already put in my application...wait,areyouguysheretotellmeimnotallow-"

"Hush, you damn child" Ankh muttered, bonking me on the head.

"No, we received your application, Young Izuku...and we would've accepted you either way...OOO." Nedzu said, a glint in his eye. My own widened, before looking at the Hobo man," I-um..what are you talking about, Im not-"

"It's alright...the HPSC has told me, due to you wanting to come to UA...But some, obviously don't know some information" Nedzu said, folding his hands together," And some, are questioning why we should even allow you in."

I frowned, before looking again at the Hobo man. He was glaring at me, for some reason," And what's your deal, sir?" I asked. He scoffed, before sitting up," You think you're so high and mighty, especially with that quirk... " I glared at him, while Ankh held me back.

"Just because you have the same quirk as the original OOO, doesn't mean shit. So, I am going to challenge you. If you beat me in duel, I will apologize, and allow you to come into my class. Do we have a deal?" The man asked. I looked at him, before looking at Nedzu. I took a deep breath, before setting a glare at the man," Fine. You're on." I said, crossing my arms.

"Excellent! A week from this Friday. Come to UA with your parent. Bring Eiji as well, won't you? It has been a while since him and I met up" Nedzu said, has the Hobo man stood up, and Nedzu crawled up his arm to sit on his shoulder.

I nodded my adknowledgement, and lead them out. I looked at Ankh where he leaned against the wall," I need to win this...Lets do this together...Partner." I said, holding up a fist. He rolled his eyes before bumping my fist.

"Oh! By the way...i wanted to ask..would there be any way of contacting the other Kamen Riders?" I said, as we made our way back outside...


I looked up at UA with a awed look on my face. 'This is my dream school' I thought, when suddenly, i felt a hand suddenly hit my head," Ow!" I exclaimed

"Focus, Izuku. We're going to be late" Said Ankh. I noticed Dad and Grandpa already standing by doors with Hobo-man, and Nedzu.

We quickly made our way to the group," Sorry! Just..can't get over how amazing this place is..." I said, still in awe.

Nedzu chuckled, waving it off," Its fine, Izuku-kun. It always happens to someone. Now, the fight shall be happening in the practice field. Here are your guest passes, please make sure you dont lose them. Ankh, if you would?" Nedzu asked.

Suddenly, a flash of light occurred, and Ankh stood there in his human form, "The fight shall be supervised by the teachers here at UA. Aizawa here almost never fights students, so they want to see what all the big fuss is about. I'm sure you understand, Izuku-kun?" He said, as we made our way through campus.

I nodded," Of course sir. I'll do my best" i said, which made Aizawa make a tch- sound.

"Good. Please, make your way to opposite sides of the circle" Nedzu said, as we came up to the teachers. I could see Present Mic, Midnight, Snipe, even Recovery Girl!

Aizawa glared at me, and began unravelling his capture weapon. I smiled at Grandpa, Dad and Ankh, who gave degrees of smiles back.

"First one to down their opponent wins. Understood?" Nedzu called out to us. I held my thumb up. Aizawa nodded, getting into a ready stance.

I just smiled at the tired man, hands in my pockets,"Fight!" Nedzu shouted.

Immediately, Aizawa threw his capture weapon, attempting to catch me...what he didnt plan on, was me dodging it...DIO style, whatever that means.

I could heard Grandpa gasp, and Ankh snickering," You're showing off kid. You dont deserve that quirk!" He said, and attempted to launch himself at me... but he didnt notice that I quickly inserted the metals and scanned them when i dodged him.

Taka! Kangaroo! Bata!

I stared down at my hands, which were now covered in a red boxing glove. I looked up at Aizawa, whos hair was up, and eyes red.

"What..? But...its not a quirk?" He muttered, but i heard him easily

"Nope! Just like my grandpa, Im totally quirkless!" I exclaimed, launching myself at him, and punching him directly in the chest, knocking him out of the ring, and onto his back.

"OOO wins!" Nedzu announced, calling my win. I nodded, de-transforming, and ran over to Aizawa," Are you okay sir?" I asked, offering my hand. He groaned, but took the hand," I have to admit, kid, I thought you were this pompous kid who thought his quirk was the think that Both OOO are quirkless..." Aizawa muttered, making me laugh.

"Its fine, sir. Only a few select people knew, and since you're going to be my future teacher, I kinda figured you'd want to know" I said, rubbing the back of my head. I saw 3 people out of the corner of my eye, and I frowned.

"Sir, who are those people?" I asked, nodding over to the 3 that were peaking around the corner. Aizawa sighed and called out," Hado! Togata! Amajiki!"

The three jumped, and quickly made their way over," Yes sir?"

"This is Izuku Yagi, he's going to be your Kouhai this upcoming year." Aizawa said gesturing to me," Introduce yourselves. I'm going to take a nap"

"Hey! I'm Mirio Togata!, this is Neijere Hado, and this shy guy over here, is Tamaki Amajiki!

"Nice to meet you!" I said, rubbing the back of my head.

"It's nice to meet you too, Kouhai! Whats yourquirk?isittransformingintothatbugsuitthing? Whydoyou keep your hair long? Oh you're so cute, i could squeeze your cheeks!" Neijere said, invading my space. I blushed softly, before i started answering her questions. I had the feeling this upcoming year was going to be interesting...


As I stood infront of Class 1-A, and hearing the noise inside, i had a feeling Aizawa was going to be angry from the start this morning. I felt a finger flick me, " Come on, kid. Focus on the now, and go in" Ankh said, as he floated in front of me.

I nodded and took a deep breath, and opened the door.

It was absolute chaos. Quirks were firing everywhere, and at random. I frowned at the complete disregard, when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Aizawa in a...sleeping bag?

I nodded towards him, and stepped out of his way. He nodded towards me, before slowly getting up and made his way to the front.

After a full minute had past, Aizawa cleared his throat loudly. The rest of the class jumped, and slowly turned around to the front.

"Completely unacceptable. A full minute after I entered the room. Only Yagi would've been left alive. We've wasted precious time, take these, and get to the practice field." Aizawa said, pulling out P.E. Uniforms

I quickly grabbed my uniform, and me and Ankh quickly went off to change.

As I was walking away, i could hear Aizawa yelling," Are you waiting for a please? Get going! Now!"

The cacophony of stomping feet was deafening.


I quickly walked across the field, with Ankh walking behind me," So..question...why did I not need to do the Entrance exam, sir?" I asked Aizawa

"Well... it was the decision that you were...'exciting' and 'entertaining' by the principal...and he exercised a rule that everyone had forgoten about." He said, crossing his arms.

Ankh, raised his eyebrow, before swallowing his ice cream (Where does he get them?)," What rule?"

"That if the principal ever reccomends someone...that they shall be automatically be enrolled" Aizawa said.

I frowned," But...that seems.."

"Illogical? Yes, i know. It doesnt draw out your strength or Resolve...I know youre very cocky while in the field, OOO, but i also know its a front. You're also very rescue-oriented, as shown by the many fights and coverage I've seen of you." Aizawa almost complimented.

I blushed slightly, before pouting," I still want to see how i would do" I muttered, making Aizawa snort," Alright kid. We'll see."

A few minutes later, the rest of the students came walking out," Over 10 mins. That will be cut down to 3 by midterms. Is that clear?" There was a collective amount of agreement.

"Kuba Kimi. You scored first in the entrance exam. What was farthest ball throw in Middle school?"

The guy stepped forward, his hair in a pompadour, and scoffed," 64 meters"

Aizawa hid a scowl in his scarf, before tossing him a softball," Go all out. Don't hold back" he said. The guy smirked, a mini funnel forming in his hand. He put the ball in, and let the ball fly. I watched in awe, as the ball landed, and showed the score,'Only 650 meters...?' I thought with a frown.

"Awesome! This is going to be fun!" One girl replied. Aizawas gaze fixated on the person, a girl with pigtails and blue skin.

"Fun you say? Alright. Who ever bullshits through these tests will be expelled."

Of course there was a general uproar, saying how it wasn't fair, and that he couldn't do that.

"UA is a free form school. So put your all into it, Plus Ultra style~" Aizawa said, pushing his hair out of the way

The rest of the tests continued out the same way...with my and my Driver, i preformed the best i could, using different combos.

"Yagi. Come do the ball throw" Aizawa said. I switched to a new combo

"Taka! Gorilla! Bata!"

My arms grew thicker, and took on a silver color. While my head and legs took on their normal red and green. I stepped up, catching the ball. I swung my arms to stretch them out.

I got into a regular pitchers stance, and the silver lines on the arms blinked and glew and roared as I threw the ball.

"RAGHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, as the ball left my finger tips, and proceeded to break the sound barrier several times.

I looked over at Aizawa, who smirked and held up the device," 1169.1 meters. Hmm...acceptable." He said. I nodded, detransforming and walking back to the group.

"Alright...It would take too much time to announce all of your heres the rankings." Aizawa said

We saw him pull out a disk, and click a button on it, and a hologram popped up. I saw my name in first place...and every other person in last place.

"What the hell?" Kuba said, a scowl on his face, looking at me.

"Every single one of you, except Yagi, half assed the tests. Heroing isnt a game. Just ask Yagi." He said, crossing his arms.

I rubbed the back of my head, while every one gave me a glare," Now. I meant what I said. Make your way to the Principal's office, to have your expulsions finalized." Aizawa said, activating his quirk.

I watched as everyone but me left, and noticed Ankh coming back with 3 ice creams in his hands.

"Where did you go, Uncle?" I asked, taking the ice cream he offered me, taking a bite.

"Went to go get some ice cream, obviously. Even if I dont need to run on it anymore...the taste has grown on me" he said, as he bit into his.

" flavored...That's a point in my book, Ankh" Aizawa said.

"So...what now? You expelled every one but me." I asked, turning to Aizawa.

"Well..since it's just you, you get a more stylized learning experience. I hope you're ready to put in the work, Yagi. It's going to be hell" He said, as Aizawa gave me a creepy grin.

A whole year...Let's start it off right then.


So! This was the longest chapter so far. I'm sorry about all the time skips, but Izukus first year isnt going to be all that exciting...but as soon as he hits Second year, and Izumi gets into UA? Ooo, everything is going to kick off!

Also, thank you for all the feedback! I'm going to be incorporating some of them into the upcoming chapters, such as the web movie medals, and the CSM medals. TaJaDor Eternal will probably be considered an endgame...and we may or may not see Kamen Rider Birth soon~

Anyways! See you guys later!

