The Kamen Rider Trio, The Unicorn, and....what is this feeling?

I sighed as I yawned as I hopped off my bike, and leaned against it, waiting for Mirio.

'Why did Sir call us in so early? Is it due to the altercation yesterday?' I thought to myself, as i dug into my bag, to pull out my granola bar. I stood there, quietly munching, when Mirio came running down the sidewalk," Izuku!"

I smiled and nodded at him, finishing my bar," Morning, Mirio"

"You ready?"

"To find out why Sir called us in so early? Yes" I said, in a deadpan voice.

Mirio laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we walked inside. We climbed up the stairs, and saw Bubble Girl looking tired at her desk,"

Morning Awata-san, how are you today?"

"Tired, Izuku-kunnnnn" She whined. I laughed as she lay her head back down, seemingly falling asleep. I looked at Mirio, who was covering his mouth to hide the snickers. I rolled my eyes as I continued to Sir's Office.

I knocked, and a faint, 'Come in' was heard. I opened the door,"Good Morning sir, how ar-" I looked up and when I saw who was sitting infront of Sir, my mouth dropped.

"Shotaro-San! Phillip-San! Date-San!" I said with a smile, my tiredness seemingly forgotten.

Date-san turned around with a smile," Hey kid"

Shotaro and Phillip looked up and smiled as well, well Phillip's was smaller, " Hello Izuku, how have you been?" Shotaro asked.

"Wait, Izuku, you know these guys?" Mirio asked. I nodded, and stepped forward, allowing Mirio to close the door behind him.

"Let me introduce you to Shotaro Hidari, and his partner Phillip, the best Detective duo that work at the Narumi Detective Office in Futo" 

"I've never heard of the Narumi Detective Office.." Mirio muttered. I waved it off," Mirio, in the year that I've known you, there are still some things that you dont know. I'll explain everything, alright?" 

Mirio nodded and I turned to Date-san," And this is Date Akira, my dad's partner back in his heyday" I said. Date-san stood up, and stuck out his hand," Nice to meet you, kid. Nighteye told me all about you"

Mirio smiled and grabbed his hand," Nice to meet you! Though its suprising to see you so young" Mirio said

"Yes...I was wondering that as well.." Sir said, taking off his glasses, to look at the men.

Phillip sighed softly," We might tell them now, we need to get this over with" Philip said, looking at us. I rolled my eyes," Come on, Phillip, it's not often we get to meet up, you know?"

"Yeah, I know, kid.." he said, with a small smile.

I smirked as I stepped back to the open part of the office. Date-san did as well. Phillip sighed, staying where he was," I'm staying here, I'm not getting any bruises"

"And why would you-" Sir tried to ask, when Shotaro-san pulled out his DoubleDriver, and slapped it to his waist, the same driver appearing on Phillip's waist.

Shotaro pulled out what looked a black USB drive...and clicked it," Joker!" The USB stick announced. Phillip sat up, pulling out a green USB drive and clicked it,"Cyclone!" The USB announced.

I smirked, looking at Mirio and Sir, them having the most bewildered looks on their faces.

Phillip put his drive into the right side, where it promptly disappeared, and showed up on Shotaro's Driver. Phillip promptly fell back into his seat, unconcious," Sir! Phillip-San! Are you Alright?"

"He's fine, Mirio, this always happens" I said, with a smile. I loved seeing Shotaro transform.

Shotaro smiled softly, and put the black USB on the left side, and pushed both of them down, and seemed to open the device to the sides,


Cyclone! Joker!

Suddenly, the USB's seemed to break, and cover his body, in a green and black suit with a gust of wind that blew papers around the office

"NOW... Count up your sins~" The voice of Phillip said.

"Oh come on, you downer, that's my thing!" The voice of Shotaro said, their sides lighting up respectively.

"...EH!? But, that- I- Who-"

"Don't forget me now~" Date-San said, as  he pulled out the Birth Driver System. He wrapped it around his waist with a click. Date-san pulled out a Cell Medal, and proceeded to flip it, before catching it.


"It's Harvesting time~" Date-san said, as he gripped his hands. He stood before Mirio and Sir in suit of Black, silver and green, with what looked Gatcha balls around his body.

"..." Sir and Mirio stood there,
shocked, and dumbfounded," This is Kamen Rider W, and Birth." I said, coming forward.

It took a bit, but Sir slowly came back to his normal stoic self," Explain, Izuku"

So I did. Everything, from how that there were other world, to the revolution that the world we live in was a Alternate reality to the old world of the Original OOO, and that Date-san and W both came from Alternate Worlds as well.

"Where is Terui-san, anyways?" I asked quietly, looking at Shotaro-san

"He should be coming soon. We may need your power, if the portal doesnt appear byself" he whispered back.

I nodded," So...what is the reason you came here, guys?" I asked

Shotaro grimaced, pulling out a photograph and placed it on the desk. I looked over, and stumbled back," N-no..."

"What? What is it?" Mirio asked, frowning

"I-I thought they were gone!"

"They didnt fully die out, Izuku, you know that.." Date said, frowning.

"What is this...?" Sir asked, picking up the photograph. It was of a random alley way, with this symbol.

"S-shocker..." I muttered, gripping my head.

"And what is Shocker?" Sir asked.

"Shocker is the original evil organization which was formed by the mysterious Great Leader." Shotaro said," In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, they were responsible for the rise of the very first Kamen Riders 1 and 2, whom defected and became the heroes who would ultimately lead to the fall of Shocker."

"Unfortunately...they can also be revived/resuscitated by outside forces. Any enemy of ours can.."

"And if this symbol has started showing up again.." I muttered

"It means someone revived him and his army" Date said, with a grimace.

"...I think I have an idea on who it is.." I said.

"Who, Izuku?" Phillip asked.

"I enlisted the help of Woz-"

"That egotistical bastard?" Date asked, raising an eyebrow.

"As much as as he is an egotistical bastard, he does get good information" I said," I mean, he did give me the heads up that the Greeed teaming up with someone" I said. 

"With who?"

"Some new group called the League of Villains" I said

"They sound like they could be a problem..." Date said, rubbing his chin

"Lets focus on one problem at a time" Sir said," Izuku. Mirio. Go suit up, and go on patrol. I'll contact Nedzu and tell him what happened. I assume he knows of the other Kamen Riders?"

I simply nod, " Good. It would take a lot of explanation if he didn't. Try not to get into trouble, okay?"

"Yes sir!" Me and Mirio said in unison. I made my way to the locker room, and put on my normal Motorcycle suit, which was made to be protective, yet breathable. It also didn't help it was sick as hell.

I smiled as I rubbed the OOO logo on the front, and started pulling on the suit. I clasped on my Cape, one of black and gold, and finally, to top it off, a motorcycle helmet, made by both me and Powerloader, my pride and joy.

It may have looked like my regular helmet, but with the amount of tech me and Powerloader-sensei put into it, made it special.

I glanced at Mirio as he put on his Cape and codpiece. I tapped the side," Link Coms...Check 1..2.."

"I hear you, Izuku" Mirio said chuckling.

"Alright. You check the north side, and I'll check south side?" I said, making sure my gloves were on tight.

"Sounds good. Meet you at our usual spot!" Mirio said as he ran out.

I chuckled as I grabbed a cell medal and went over to a Ridevendor, and changed it into my work bike. I hopped on, and made my way over to the south side of the city.


"Mirio, I'm on my way, I promise" I said.

I was walking down the street, towards our usual spot. I had detransformed, and was just in my regular motorcycle suit and helmet.

"What did you get for lu- OOF!" I felt a impact on my side. I instantly looked down...and saw a small girl with long blue/grey hair, and a single horn on her head.

"Whoa, hey, you okay? Why you running, little one?" I asked, pinging my location to Mirio.

The girl hugged me tight,"Please...Please dont let them get me..."

Instantly, my instinct kicked into action, when I saw two figures coming out of the alley," Ah, Thank you for stopping my daughter. Eri, I know you were just punished, but that doesn't mean you can run off to make trouble for the heroes." The man with the bird mask.

"Exactly..." The one in the hood said," You'll have to forgive her, she's always into trouble...You know how kids are." The man in the bird mask-no, Kai Chisaki...I remember now. Sir has been looking into him for a while...What's he doing with a child.

I clear my throat," It's honestly no problem. I have a younger sister in UA as well, so I know how it can be" I said, forcing a laugh out," But say...why does the girl have bandages and wraps on her...?" I said, looking at them. I could feel the girl trembling in my arms, but I couldn't raise suspicion," Was she hurt recently?" 

"Eri is a...Clumsy girl." Chisaki said," Always getting hurt, playing where she shouldn't be.." 

"Right...Well, lets get going, Eri. We have some...Buisness to conduct"

"Wait a second.." I said, pulling out my book of medals. I flipped through the pages, and picked out a single cell medal.

"Take this. The kids always love to grab these after my battles. Here you go, Little one" I said, flipping the Cell Medal, making it activate the hidden tracker within it. I gently detached the child from me, and seeing the tear-clad face of hers almost broke me. I handed her it, and watched as the two men (Villians) walked off, the ping from the tracker going into the distance.

I don't remember getting back on my bike, and riding back to the agency. Somehow I explained, in my anger, what happened. I don't even remember that I got into UA, or even how I got into Training Ground Beta. 

I finally came back to when I felt a hand on my shoulder...

Jirou's POV

"Good job today!" All Might said, giving us a thumbs up," Now, what how a pro exits like they have some WHERE TO BE!"  He said, running out of the city in a cloud of dust.

"Okay, seriously, now THAT'S a hero!" Kaminari said, a grin on his face

"I dont think I'll ever be able to run that fast..." Ojiro said, sweatdroping.

"Let's go everyone! We still have one more class before we get to go home! Everyone should head back to the locker rooms and change in a timely fashion!" Iida said, waving his arms.

As I started to walk forward, I heard a faint sniffle. I looked around, to see who made the noise, but no one seemed to make it.

It happened again, and I turned around, frowning,'It came from deep inside the city...'

"Jirou?" A voice called out. I looked back, to see Yagi looking at me with her head tilted.

"Go on without me, I, um...i think i left something behind.." I said, scratching my cheek.

Yagi frowned, but nodded," Well, hurry. I don't think Aizawa-sensei will be forgiving if we're tardy" She said

I nodded, and started to jog back to the observation room, but when I noticed that the class wasn't looking, I turned right, and made my way into the city more.

The sound of the sniffles got louder as I crossed through streets and allies, until I saw...Izuku-senpai?

I frowned at his form, he was standing, head against the wall, hands gripping and ungripping at random times.

"Izuku-senpai?" I asked, getting closer. He didn't seem to acknowledge me, so I got closer, and put a hand on his shoulder.

He flinched hard, and turned towards me, eyes bloodshot,  tear tails apparent on his face.

"Senpai?" I asked again, this time more quieter.

"Oh um..hi.."

"Jirou, senpai"

"Jirou, what um..what are you doing here?" he asked, wiping his face

"I..I heard some sniffles, Senpai, what's wrong?" I asked, frowning

He frowned, gripping his hands

"What do you mean?" He asked, eyeing me sideways.

"You're sitting alone, in an Alleyway, trying to hide your sobs" I said, "Call it female intuition"

He snorted, and smiled lightly," I can't give you the full details, but...theres a girl...shes being abused, and...and I couldn't save her...people are saying I did the right thing for not going after her, because the guy she went with is super dangerous...I reached out to her, but-"


"Dumbass.." I said, slapping the back of his head, glaring at him as he rubbed the back of it, "getting upset because things didn't go your way? You know, even though you're a year older, you're really just a stupid baka" I said, twirling my ear jack between my fingers.

"You dont have to do everything alone, dumbass. That's why there are Hero teams" I said, getting up and dusting myself off.

"Think about it, alright?" I said, as I left him speechless, and walked back to the classroom.


I stayed silent, before a soft blush came onto his face,"thank you, Jirou" I muttered quietly.

I sat there for another few minutes, trying to calm my heart from bursting out of my chest. Sure I was still mad...but I knew that I had Sir, Mirio, and Shotaro, Philip and Date-San by my side.

I started making my way to the exit, and texted Nedzu, saying I wasn't feeling well, and was going to head home early.

He said that it was fine, he knew the situation already, and that I was free to go.

I started up my bike, and made my way off campus, 'Don't worry Eri...I promise I'll save you...'


Meanwhile, in a bar near Kamino...

"Ugh! When are we going to get the brat!?" Kazari asked, outraged

"Patience, Kazari...We have had some...information come to us... Tomrrow, the Class of 1-A will be heading to an off campus facility for rescue training.." All For One said," Tomura."

"Yes sensei?" The man with the long stringy blue hair asked.

"Find a way to cause a ruckus tomorrow at UA..."

"It will be done, Sensei" Tomura said.

"Greeeds...Make as many of your minions as you can..."

"Yes sir. It will be done. I'll go inform the orhers." Kazari said, leaving into a room.

All for One shut down the connection, and turned around," Now...what can I do for you three?"

3 people stepped out into the light,

A man who looked like OOO, but also extremely different, having multiple parts to his suit, as well as the spiked shoulder blades.

A man who looked very familiar, with a purple streak in his hair.

And a man who had a red cloak covering his face, as if he didnt want anyone to see it.

"Ah, it's not what you can do for us..." said the man in the red cloak.

"But what we can do for you..." Said the guy with the purple streak, with a smirk.

All For One didnt know who they were, but soon a laugh rumbled out of his throat, and filled the whole room.

'This was going to be a wonderful opportunity' All for One thought, as the 3 bowed before him.



First was King OOO

Then Goda, from the 10th anniversary Movie

Then, if you didn't realize it, the last one was Shocker. (I'm not using his original design, because...well..just look it up. Idk what Japan was thinking with them)


I'm not going to spoil anything, just know..Izuku gets fucked up. Like badly. :)

Anyways, as always, any and all feedback is appreciated! Stay safe!

