Book Twenty-four: a little surprise

Short Chapter ahead

Serafina's viewpoint

   I kept smiling as mom complained endlessly about being stuck in a hospital while dad pushed her wheelchair around. She wouldn't stop nagging so Uncle Phineas and Aunt Rylee threw her out of her own ward, then pushed us all out so we could take a walk. Mom mentioned something about them just pushing us out to try how good the hospital bed is, but it made no sense. It was good though, to watch mom smiling and whining and this time, because she really felt it.

   Zyaire and Zayne were playing wheelchair race with Wren, Uncle Ferris' last child and Laverne, Aunt Terra's. Wren and Laverne sat in the wheelchairs while my brothers pushed them around as they laughed. Serenity was playing mom and daughters with Jewels (Gael's daughter) and Jamila (Terra's daughter) who was sitting on each side of her body while Stephan tried to understand what Zachary was explaining. He was in geek mode and blabbering grammatical nonsense. Stephan, (Ferris' son) was the unfortunate audience. Their parents weren't really around at the moment, they left them with us after visiting mom.

   Back to mom, dad was enjoying listening to her complain, though Uncle Gael looked like he was few seconds away from strangling her. I was sitting alone, trying to think of something to finalize their union. They needed something for themselves, no us or friends or family. Their bond need to be reconnected. But how? I couldn't think without my double, not for the moment.

   "Hey, Zachary!" I shouted, waving at him to come over, "urgent meeting here and no Stephan!" Stephan mouthed a ouch while Zach chuckled. He dropped his phone with Steph and jogged over to me. Since our parents settled three days earlier, he had been in a really happy mode, happy enough to talk to Stephan and that's something you don't see everyday.

   "Yo, sis, wuzz up?"

   "Them," I pointed at our parents, "they need something unique to snap their bond in completely,"

   "Hmm, I thought about that too but also thought you would disagree. I already have a plan but need more to it."

   "And what's your plan?" He looked at mom who was now looking at us suspiciously. I understood immediately, not here. Got it. To be continued.

Rominic's viewpoint

   Finally! I was free from my burden. She finally forgave me, she finally gave me a chance. It had been a week but it felt like years. I wanted the moment to last forever. I already had everything planned out, the things that would prove to her that I mean everything I said. My lawyers already had the new documents legalized, all that was left was to show her. I would do anything she want as long as she stays.

   I noticed the change in the atmosphere around us. It was way better than before, not like then but better than the past months. Finally, I could hold her with no fear.

   "Home sweet home!" She shrieked as we made it to the door. Home sweet home indeed. This is her home now, this is our life now. Me, her and the kids and this time, I will make the most of it. I already planned to ask her for another child, so I could actually experience what I missed out on, but not yet or any time soon. It'd take a while before I ever ask her for that. When I'm sure she won't freak out and when the quins are older than they are. Perhaps teens, so they wouldn't feel neglected when I turn my full attention on my future angel.

Hopefully, she'll say yes.

   "What in the...!" She took the words right out of my mouth. The moment we stepped into the house, we were welcomed with dim lights, different colors of rose petals and lanterns. The walls were adored with flowers, along with the white roses scattered on the floor. A different kind of thing but extremely breathtaking.

   "Ahem," a small voice cleared her throat. I almost awned while Laverne did. Standing there dressed like the cutest little butler was Jewels, her hands folded behind her back and a serious look on her face. She looked so adorable. "Welcome to The Venice Nomance Lam, your hotel brooms is ready for you, Mitre and Mrs. Venice. If you'll fowo me, please." She turned and walked away with a step that ought to be elegant if she wasn't walking like a penguin.

   "Nomance Lam?" I asked chucklingly. Laverne nudged my elbow with a small laugh.

   "Come on, Mitre Venice, we wouldn't want to keep them waiting, would we?" She threw her head back and laughed beautifully as she walked away. I shook my head in amusement and followed, wondering what the kids were up to.

   The flower petals covered the whole house, they really put a lot of effort into this. Jewels led us to separate rooms and instructed us to wash up and be down for dinner. On the bed was my outfit carefully and professionally ironed and a pair of silver Chelsea boots. Thank God they didn't get me a suit but a really cool silver blazer and flannel pants. The shirt was white with the words "I'm an ass" written on it. No doubt Rylee messed with the children's arrangement. She even draw a dick on the white shirt and wrote my name on it.

Stupid bitch.

   The next surprise was in the bathroom, nice candle scented bubble bath. Soft jazz played at the background, adding to the mode. I shook my head when I saw another of Rylee's masterpiece written on the mirror with a red marker. She drew me lifeless on the floor with a giant fist punching my head into the ground. The message was clear, "don't mess it up or I'll kill you, dick ass."

What a lovely sister I have.

   After enjoying the bath and dealing with my underwear drawer filled with my shredded bleach dipped boxers, I finally found a new one in my closet. Rylee was aiming to frustrate me. Jewels came to get me and led me out to the gazebo in the garden where another wonderful arrangement laid. Lavender was there waiting for me, dressed in a short lace satin flare dress. She had her hair brushed to the side and her makeup glowing like it was done by a professional.

   "You look glorious, Laverne," I commented, planting a kiss at the back of her palm as she laughed, "where have you been all my life?" She continued to laugh. "This is lovely, and why are you laughing?" She threw herself back on her seat and sniggered.

   "There's a dick named after you on your shirt, what do you want me to do? Did Rylee do that?"

   "Who else?" I snorted.

   "You could have changed it," I opened my mouth to argue but shut it back, she laid a good point. Zayne walked in with two little books in his hands. He was dressed like a butler too, only this time, his uniform had different food printed on it.

   "Hope you are enjoying your stay here in Verlice Romance Longue, Mr. and Mrs. Verlice?" We nodded, bewilderedly looking at him. "Good, here is your menu," he dropped the menus for us. I thanked him, opened mine and frowned. Rylee.

Nicky pork, dicktorian sausage, ass stick and spaghetti and chopped balls.


   Lavender covered her mouth as she chortled. "Ma'am, is anything wrong with the menu?"

   "Oh, no, it's fine," Laverne sniggered, "I'll have three dicktorian sausage and the" She burst into laughter, Zayne's confuse face made her explode. I rolled my eyes with distaste.

   "Do you have a pen?" Zayne immediately brought out a pen. I took it and write a message for Rylee in Italian, hopefully, the kids don't speak Italian. The words were simple.

"You have drank too much cum, sis. Too much of Phineas' dirty sperms have swam up to your brain and conquered your senses. Now you are thinking with his dick, not the dead cells that makes up your fish brain. Get your coconut head back to order."

She's going to be really mad.

   "We'll have everything on the menu, and give this to my sister," I handed him the menu. Zayne nodded happily and ran off while my wife was still laughing. "Shut up."

   "You are both sick." Serenity came out of nowhere with Zach holding a guitar. I chuckled. Zach cleared his throat and gave me a glare.

   "Right," I jumped to my feet with a grin, "milady, care to dance?"

   "Of course, ass stick." I threw her a dirty look which made her laugh as she put her hand in mine. I pulled her to her feet and swayed her to the little dance floor glowing with different romantic lights. Zach and Serenity sang to some kind of Spanish song. How they knew we both liked Spanish dances, I already knew.

   Lavender never stopped laughing as she danced, keeping her hand on my shoulder to support herself. Maybe the excitement was getting to her, or maybe peace finally gave her a reason to laugh so much after so many years of sadness. And I would do anything to keep that.

   After the dance, Zyaire arrived with a trolley of foods, dressed like a superhero. I dare not question that. I was still wondering what they were up to but enjoyed every minute with Laverne, eating and conversing normally in the peaceful atmosphere. The night was over and hopefully, they would give us the big finale. I knew it was time the moment Sera stepped in dressed like a hostess.

   "Thank you so much for visiting, lady and gentleman, but your flight is leaving in an hour and you need to be ready for it. Your luggage is already in the car and your driver ready to take you to the airport."

   "Wait, for real?" Lavender asked quizzically. Sera nodded.

   "Mom, we your children decided you both need a break alone, so Zachary came up with the idea of a vacation. With the help of grandma, we got you both a trip to Hong Kong Island, just to rest. I came up with this dinner idea," she waved her hand around, "Serenity came up with the song and chose the music, Zyaire planned the outfits and the idea to make it a hotel and Zayne surprisingly came up with the idea to not just decorate the gazebo but the whole house with flowers and lanterns, including the bath. Jewels chose the roses."

   "Awwwn," Lavender awned, "but who would take care of you? What about Beau's business?"

   "I'll handle it, I am his sister after all," Rylee, when did she get here? She was standing at one of the pillars of the gazebo, hands folded on her chest and she was wearing my lucky green shirt. "Mom and I will take care of the children in your absent, and they still have Tyra, Phineas and your friends. They'll be fine. You both just go have fun, and make me more babies."

   "Like I said, too much dick sucking," I said with a smirk. She glared warningly at me.

   "I can still shred all your clothes," she threatened.

   "And I still have access to all your accounts, try me." I challenged back, playing with a fire that would burn me. She growled and lifted herself off the pillar, no doubt to punch my face, but my savior grabbed her in time.

   "Easy, babe, breathe. We need his face for now." Phineas said with a chuckle. Rylee whimpered childishly. Always so soft for him.

   "Just one punch, I promised, I won't punch him twice,"

   "Pussy, just get married already and bear him children. Maybe then, you won't suck." I scoffed, knowing the kids would think pussy is a cat. Rylee groaned in Phineas' arms, clenching her fist tight.

   "Say that again! My fist is ready this time!" I stuck my tongue out to her and blew raspberry. "Can you see that, Phineas? He's insulting me! Just one punch, I promise, I won't kill him." She pleaded.

   "No, babe."

   "Can I at least take his cock and shove it down his throat?"

   "Still no." I smirked triumphantly. She would never disobey him.

   "Phineas, have I ever told you how much of a blessing you are? If I haven't, you are." He rolled his eyes while Rylee hissed venomously.

   "As amusing as this is, you guys need to leave for the airport or I'll cry to grandpa that you threw our efforts to our faces!" Serenity shouted. "Hurry!"

   "Well then," I swayed on my feet, grinning at Laverne, "ready to make more babies since Rylee is too barren to?"

   "That's it!" I sprinted for my dear life, just in case Phineas let his tiger lose. I looked over my shoulder to see her running after me in full speed. I might have ended up with a black eye and burst lip, but listening to my family laugh in pure happiness was worth it. Oh, and getting Phineas to give her the silent treatment for hurting his best friend.

Ha! Hong Kong, here I come!

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