Book Eighteen: their mother

So this chapter is a little bit dramatic, cliche and worth a nice cringe, at least to me if is. Just in case it is. Anyways, leave a vote.

Lavender's viewpoint

   Early Wednesday morning, almost three days since I kissed Rominic and have been doing things for the plan. I had work to do and Giovanna and I were going shopping after work. I needed new clothes for the plan and I still wanted to play cupid for her and Lucky. I was putting my stuff in my bag when the kids trampled into the room.

   "Good morning, mom!" They chorused. I paused and looked at them puzzledly, the smile on their faces were huge. Note that Sera and Zach were not present.

   "Okay?" Serene ran over to the bed and plump down on it while Zayne went straight to the TV remote. Zyaire remained at the door, scoring his father's signature "lean on he doorframe" look. Sometimes, I forget how much he looks like his father, along with the rest of them.

   "Mommy, remember that time I told you I want to join the swim team?" I nodded. "I went for tryout and the coach was very impress with my swimming. However, before I can join, she said my parents must sign the permission slip, you know, to confirm that you are aware of my intentions." I nodded with a wider smile.

   "Okay, when do you need me?"


   "Why didn't you tell me yesterday? I would have prepared myself. Your father and I have an important meeting to attend and..."

   "She went to sleep early, mom, and we forgot. Plus, there is nothing more important than us, right, mom?" Zyaire asked with a adorable tilt of his head. I furrowed my brows at him.

   "Did she specifically say today?" They all nodded. "Just go and tell her that I'll be there tomorrow..."

   "There for what?" Rominic asked as he walked out of the bathroom with his towel in his hand. He was dressed, almost. All that was left was the suit jacket I know he wouldn't wear.

   "Daddy!" Serenity jumped down from the bed and ran towards Rominic. He was wearing an all white outfit. Even his shoes were white. He stepped back a little and grabbed Serene before she hugged his legs and possibly leave a stain. I chuckled as he lifted her up like she has ordure on her. Serene whined and kicked her legs. "Daddy, you are suppose to hug me, not hold me up like this. I demand you hug me this instant!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty," he chuckled and pulled her to his chest. Serenity giggled, wrapping her hands around his neck. "How did my angel sleep?"

   "Perfect! Daddy, I made it into the swim team but now I need my parents approval. Mommy won't go with us," she turned and shot me a accusing look.

   "I said I would go, but not today. Tommorow is fine by me."

   "But the teacher said today, today, today, today! Daddy, do something!" Serenity said pettishly.

   "Calm down, don't kvetch. Laverne, just go with them, I'll go to the meeting on my o..."

   "No!" They all shouted simultaneously. Their shout made me flinch.

   "The coach said parents, and do you know what parents mean?" Zyaire asked with a snooty tone, "parents are two people who birth a child or children. Parents consist of a mom and a dad, not just a mom." I rolled my eyes.

   "Fine, Nic, go..."

   "Mom, don't you get the mom and dad part?" Zayne asked with a frown I never knew he could form. I was confuse by the frown on his face.

   "Laverne, nothing is more important than my kids. Shift the time for the..."

   "No, we can't. One of us has to be there." I insisted. I didn't want him to follow me to the school or me follow him there. I didn't want to be seen with him in public. There was no way we would step out in public and the news not get out. And even if it didn't, I knew us going together would make me feel like we were a family. I didn't want to feel that, I didn't want to have to endure those happy emotions.

Not yet.

   "Laverne, it's my company, I call the shots. Stop making it a big deal..."

   "This is not about me making it a big deal, this is about..."

   "You being ashamed of us!" Zayne shouted. I was taken aback by that. I stared at him with wide eyes. "I knew it, I knew that was it! You don't want anyone to see us with you because you don't love us anymore, you don't want us. You are ashamed to be our mother because we are stopping you from marrying that other man!" I was stiff. I couldn't comprehend what he was saying... Okay, I could hear him but the shock of his words wrapped around my head and strangled it. "Fine, don't come, whatever, go away!" He ran out in tears and I was still there, frozen.

   "Mommy, you are mean," Serene sobbed and ran out too. Zyaire followed. I was still staring at the door dumbfounded. I turned my head to look at Rominic. He sighed heavily, running his hand into his hair and messing it up completely.

   "Don't let what he said get to you, he doesn't know better..."

   "Know better?" I asked, still in shock, "he said I don't love them anymore. Rominic, I would give my life for them. I'm here enduring you because of..."

   "Them, I know. But you have to remember that they are still children. Before, you would always take them everywhere and introduce them boldly as your children. But now, you avoiding them to avoid me is reflecting another meaning on them. Zayne and Serenity are not like Sera and Zach, they don't understand our situation and Zyaire understands to an extent. You have to remember that they are use to having you with them and now they want me too. In their heads, we ought to be the happy family but you don't want that. You bringing in that cock has given them the answer to what they have already mentally conclude on. I know you don't like being around me that much, but you have to try for Serene and Zayne." And of course, he was right. In a way, I was expecting it to happen but wasn't at the same time. I really was messing with my kids mental stability.

Fine then, no more hiding.

   I left him in the room and went to find my heartbroken children. I walked into their room to see Zayne crying into Sera's laps while Zach had Serene in his small arms, her crying into his chest. Zyaire stood at the window, looking outside and with the way his body was moving, he was sobbing too. Sera looked at me and raised a questioning brow at me.

   I didn't answer, instead I walked over to her. I sat on the bed and spread the smile he loves so much across my face. "Zayne, baby, will you come to mommy so she'll explain?"

   "No, go away," he cried. "You just want to see my face so you can hate me more."

   "I would never, baby, I promise. I don't hate you, neither of you. God knows I love you all so much that the thought of hating you hurts. I would never abandon you all, especially you and Serene. Remember it's me, your mother. The same one that raised you all and went through hell to make sure you survive? Baby, stop crying and come to mommy, please," I pleaded, at the verge of tears. Zayne raised his head and turned it to look at me. His red and wet face made my heart squeezed so tight the tears slipped out. "Come." I stretched my hands out to him. Zayne slowly crawled over to me.

   "Now listen," I whispered softly, adjusting him on my thigh, "I love you, I love your siblings and I would never choose another man over you all. I've just been so busy I forget sometimes but from now on, I would remember who matters most. Okay?" Someone tugged at my skirt. I turned to see Serene shyly pulling at it. "My moonlight," I carried her into my other lap and kissed her cheek, "don't be mad at mommy, okay? Mommy is very sorry."

   "Promise you'll come to school with me?"

   "I promise." I smiled, glancing at Zayne who was wiping my tears.

   "Mommy, you pinky promise to follow us everywhere we want to go?" Serene asked, sticking her pinky out to me. I hesitantly crossed it with mine. "Then it's official, mommy still loves us!" I looked to the door to see Nic and guess what he was doing, his doorframe leaning with arms folded and a very annoying smile on his face.

Great, another issue.


   I sighed heavily as I slouched back in the seat. We finally arrived at the school. Of course my kids were excited, I wasn't. I didn't want anyone to mistake Nic and I as a couple, that would suck. I already called Rylee and she told me the kids persistence might be a problem but also made me swear to keep them happy and just play along. Phineas assured me that it wouldn't interfere with the plans since I'm not planning to leave Rominic anytime soon. They already gave me the go ahead, but the only one left was mine.

   Well, since I couldn't get out of it easily, I made the best out of it by dressing up in my best clothes. It was the best I had so far from the little shopping Kara did for me. See the reason I needed to show shopping big time?

   "Mom, we are here, get down from the car before Zayne and Serene starts suspecting you again," Zachary whispered. I didn't even notice they had all stepped out. I quickly grabbed my bag, picked out my phone and step out, leaving my bag in the car. Zachary shut the door for me, took my phone and strolled off with Zyaire. Zayne came to my side and held my hand. The ebullient smile on his face and how vigorous he swayed my hand as he skipped along side me, I couldn't help but marvel at his unusual burst of vibrant energy. Zayne was never dull but he was never that vibrant either. This outstanding energy came with some sort of pride.

   I shook my head with a amuse smile and looked over to Rominic to see what he was doing. As expected, Serene made him carry her. She loves being carried about. She was rambling about something while she played with his hair, but her rambling was meant for Sera who was walking right beside them and between us. Zach and Zyaire were long gone with my phone.

   "Mommy, come over here," Zayne said, pulling at my hand, "hurry!"

   "Where are we going to?"

   "Daddy, I'm taking mommy somewhere, we'll join you in a few minutes!" Zayne shouted as he continued to pull me away. I let him pull me but gave Rominic a helpless look. He chuckled and was going to say something when Serene cupped his cheeks and turned his face around.

   Zayne pulled me all the way to the playground. There were three boys and two girls sitting at the slide and talking. Zayne pulled me over to them. I was in awe of the smirk on his face. The children stopped talking and looked at Zayne. A mocking smile made it way across their faces. They hadn't notice me at all.

   "Well lookie here, it's the orphan boy,"

Wait, what?

   "I told you all my siblings and I aren't orphans and we were not adopted. Look," Zayne pointed at me, "that's my mommy and look, I have her hair," he said proudly and patted his head. If the angry scowl on my face wasn't enough to scare them, then they had no idea how a monster looks like.

   "Zayne, what is going on here? Are you being bullied? Who told you all that my children were adopted?" I snapped.


   "At your age you are already forming a gang of bullies, shame on you all. Your parents would be hearing from me soon enough." I walked over to Zayne, took his hand and pulled him along. I was fuming with rage. That would explain why he cried thinking I was abandoning them. Those brats must have said things to them.

   "Mom, slow down," he cried. I looked down at him. I had the urge to whisk him into my arms, but I had a feeling he would get bullied for that. Instead, I slowed down. "Mommy, are you mad at me?"

   "No, but I am at them. Are they bullying the others too?"

   "No," he shook his head, "they are scared of Zachary and when they tried to talk to Sera, she verbally destroyed them. Zyaire hit one with a basketball so they don't like him. I guess I am the easy target because I'm weak." He looked down sadly.

   "And Serene?"

   "She's always with Gabby or Sera, so they can't touch her. Gabby is creepy, mom, nobody wants to get on her bad side." I stopped walking, let go of his hand and put it on my hips.

   "Zayne, you are not weak, you are just sweet and too much of a darling to hurt a fly. Don't let anyone intimidate you. How could you let them intimidate you over something that is false. You are my baby, you have a father and he is in this building. I know I bore you because the evidence is huge enough to fill a house. Next time, you handle them with confident and pride, chin up. If you don't, Captain Sweet would never be proud of you and neither would I. And if they are too big to handle, you report to Zachary and Serafina or you tell me. Is that clear?"

   "Yes, mommy."

   "Good." I took his hand again and pulled him along. When we got to the office, Rominic was already talking to the gaping teacher.

I know he's hot but can't you see he's married?

Wait, where did that come from?

   "Excuse me, are you the coach that would be taking care of my daughter?" She averted her stunned gaze to me. "Hi, I'm Lavender, their mother." I shot her a discreet glare, telling her to back off. Thankfully, she wasn't like other women who would want to put up a fight, instead she shook her head and smiled warmly.

   "Oh, hello, Mrs. Verlice," she said and I did not correct her. "It's nice to meet you. Serenity never stops..."

   "Yes, interesting, can we sign it now? We are running late for a meeting."

   "Oh, of course, hold on a second."

   "Zayne, are you okay?" I looked at Sera looking at Zayne worriedly.

   "Yes, that reminds me. Where is the principal's office? I would like to lay a serious complain," I huffed. The teacher dropped the file and gave me a puzzled look. "Right in front of me, a small gang of brats called my son an orphan and tried to bully him for being adopted. What kind of school doesn't watch the emotional stability of their students? Do you know that those brats formed a gang and are bullying others?"

   "Oh, I'm sorry about those children. You are the seventh parents making a complain. Their parents have already been summoned, we would handle it."

   "Better." I took the pen and angrily signed. It was pissing me off because I suffered to bear five kids and then some little brats just assume that their birth mother abandoned them and think treating them like fuck is okay. Maybe it was because my childhood was bad, either way, they didn't deserve to be bullied, especially my sweet mindless little Zayne.

   I knew no one could bully Sera, I mean, have you met her? Zachary didn't really care about what people say and Zyaire only thinks about toys, sport and games, nothing else. Serenity might be quiet and sweet, but she never let anyone try to belittle her. My sweet Zayne was an easy target.

   After signing, Rominic thanked them since I was too busy still fuming. I walked them to class, took my phone back from Zachary and left them after greeting George's children. When we got to the car, I jumped in and buckled my seatbelt angrily.

   "Will you calm down?"

   "No." He rolled his eyes. I crossed my arms in annoyance and murmured as he drove off.

   "Okay, why really are you angry?" I gave him a look that said he was stupid. "Laverne, I know you. Zayne's issue is just an excuse to get angry. Why really are you angry? And don't tell me you don't have any other reason because I know you do."

   "And how is it your business?" I snapped. He shook his head but uttered no more words. I asked myself why I was really angry because he was right. Maybe it was because we came together... No, it wasn't that. I was already angry before they came into my room. But then, the rage was contained. The rest situations were just fuel to my anger.

   I closed my eyes and tried to remember what pissed me off. I thought back to last night. I finally remembered. I slept in the kids room but later changed my mind in the middle of the night. But when I got to the door and turned it open a little, Rominic was on the phone with a lady.

   "I've told you, Hilary, it can't work," he had sighed very exhausted from the conversation.

   "I understand now why you have been turning me down, I get it. I know you have kids, it's all-over the news. Though no one has gotten any visual proof yet, I know they visited the company. All the workers saw them. If it's about them, you don't need to worry. I can take care of them, I don't mind becoming a mother. Rominic, I can take care of them better than their bitch of a mother, whoever she is. I can take care of them, I promise."

Those are my kids!

   "You don't even know if I'm still with their mother. And what makes you think you are not the whore? Hilary, I'm tired of trying to wad you off politely. Leave me the fuck alone! Geez!"

   Even though he said that, I was still angry because some me wannabe thought she could call my hu... Father of my children at that time of the night and claim motherhood over my own children. She had no idea what I went through to give them life but yet she boldly tried to steal them away from me. I waited for him to drop his phone and minutes to pass before I walked in and upsettingly went to sleep. Waking up and facing a similar situation of my children being called orphans must have set the bomb off.

   "Who was that witch that called you last night?" I blunted out. I glared at the side of his face, waiting for him to come up with an excuse or a lie. He simply crunched his face up in confusion for few seconds before his eyes lit in realization. Then he smiled as vibrant as Zayne.

   "So that's why you're mad, I understand now," he chuckled, "don't worry about her, she's in my list of nobodies..."

   "Nobodies trying to steal my kids. How many nobodies do you have?" Wait, is that jealousy in my tone? No, it can't be.

   "How many do you think I have?" He spared me only a glance. Of course he would have a lot of women chasing him. He was single and eligible, overripe for marriage. "And do you think anyone can steal your tranty kids from you?" Definitely not. But I was right to be jealous.

Are you sure?

What is that suppose to mean?

   "Whatever. But if I see her anywhere close to my babies, I'll go ninja turtle on her." I vowed. And I meant it. Well, Rominic thought it was funny because he laughed.


   After work, Giovanna and I went to pick up my kids. August already told her who I was. The first thing she did when she saw me was squeal and squeal and squeal until I successfully pushed her into the restroom and splashed water on her face. Then I had to help her catch her breath for five minutes before she calmed down enough to plead that I let her see my kids. She didn't ask how I met Nic, all that concerned her was getting the opportunity to hug Zayne and meet the girls. So after work, Nic gave me his car. I knew Sera would throw a tantrum if I go shopping without her and Serene wouldn't want to miss a time with me.

   "Nice school," Giovanna said as she looked around. I nodded as I locked the car. I walked towards the school building looking around for the kids. Giovanna sagged behind awning at every cute kid she saw.

   I stopped when I saw a lady hunched over my kids trying to talk to them. Zachary looked bored out of his mind. Zyaire was meticulously playing a game with his phone, Serenity was staring at her like she's the biggest clown on Earth. Zayne was frowning and Sera looked like she was a few seconds from exploding. I walked closer to them. Zachary saw me first and let out a breath of relief.

   "Lady, who did you say you are again?" Sera asked, glancing at me.

   "I said I'm Hilary, your father's fiancee. I know he hasn't introduce us but he sent me here to pick you up so we can get to know each other. If I'm going to marry your father, we need to get along, right? Who wants to go for ice cream?"

   "Hmm, that's funny," Sera said with a stroke of her chin, "the last time I checked, my mother is married to my father. So unless you are my father's mistress and official gold-digger, you are not his fiancee." I placed my hands on my hips and stood behind her. The lady straighten up but I couldn't see her face.

   "No need to get harsh, kids. I know you want your mother and father to be together but..."

   "No, they are together. Stop trying so hard, it's humiliating." Zachary interjected. She scoffed.

   "And who's the so called perfect mother of yours? Where is the high and mighty bitch now?"

   They smirked. "Behind you." They chorused. I smirked as she stiffened. I moved my hands from my hips and folded them under my breasts. She turned around with a wavering smile. When her eyes fell on me, she sized me up before gulping. I can say my intimidating face was working perfectly.

   "Hilary, right?" I tilt my head and smirked menacingly. "You see," I stepped closer to her, she stepped back. "I wouldn't want to get violence in front of kids so I'm going to say this as politely as I can. I don't know how you found their school, but let this not repeat itself. The next time I see you close to my kids, you'll hate the outcome."

   She scoffed and folded her arms to try intimidating too. "Yeah, and what makes you think I'll lose Rominic to you?"

   "He was never yours to begin with," I smiled, "and I have them to prove that. Look behind you, Hilary, I am the mother of his five beloved kids. What makes you think he'd leave me for you?" She opened her mouth and shut it speechlessly. "Leave. Whatever you plan to do with him, do, but never involve my kids."

   "Daddy," I heard Serenity sobbed. I looked over her shoulder to see Serene on the phone. "There's a mean lady here bullying us. She said you'll leave mommy for her and when you marry her, she's make you throw us away. Daddy, she called us tiny unfortunate witches." If Sera was the one who said it, I wouldn't have been shocked.

   "She said her name is Hilary and she would do anything it takes to become your wife, even if it means getting rid of us. Daddy, I'm scared... Mommy is here! Mommy!" She hung up and smirked sadistically. "You better start running, miss. Daddy is coming for you."

   "Witches!" Hilary screamed, "bloody witches!" Serene watched her with a dark glint in her eyes before she turned to laughing Zachary and Serafina and gave them high-five. Everyday my kids were changing. Something was up with them and I knew I couldn't find out. Whatever it was, I would still be there. I am their mother after all.

The quiet ones are always the devils. Oh, well, that's over. Leave a vote and a comment and do share this story for more to find. Thank you.
