Book Fourteen: back as eight

Good morning, guys. Just wanted to tell you that I didn't use emojis because emojis aren't part of writing a story. At least, that's the way I think now. So the words in the bracket indicate what emoji is suppose to be there. Use your imagination. 😉

Lavender's viewpoint

   I laid on my bed, stomach and chest pressed against Rominic's favorite pillow and my legs kicking the air. Don't ask me why I'm using his pillow, because I don't know. All I know is that using it made me feel better in a sort of way.

   So I was chatting the guys up. Ferris added me to their group chat, a chat I hadn't left since I was added days ago. The guys were so happy and eager to meet me, even I too. I already had a plan to host a small reunion party, but the problem was the venue. Rominic's house is his baby and he would never let me throw a party, especially when it involved boys, Ferris especially. But, that's what makes it fun. I was going to throw it whether he likes it or not.

Ferris: I can't wait for you to meet the girls!

Me: girls? You mean your wives?

Link: and daughters.

Waylon: and sons.

Me: oh my goodness! You guys are fathers now!

Gael: you were gone for years, Jam, so of course we are married.

Maverick: who is we? Because the last time I checked, you are still jumping from one bed to the other!

Gael: hey! In my defense, I fell in love once but she died after giving birth to my baby girl. I'm mourning. (Sad face)

Elias: (frown) you don't even remember her name!

Gael: of course I do, it's Gabrielle.

Cameron: who's Gabrielle?

Me: hey! Cam, welcome. Gael said he lost his fiancee? Her name is Gabrielle.

Cameron: I thought her name was Clarabelle?

Elias: (roll eyes) yeah, he's mourning.

Me: so, Gael is still a whore. Why am I not surprise? Oh, yes! It was written in his destiny. (Bored)

Gael: you talk, bitch, we are both unmarried, Link is divorced and Ferris is a widower.

Ferris: holy shit! Gael! How dare you! That death belongs to your future wife!

Elias: (laughing) ignore him, he's too single and irresponsible to understand.

Gael: mind I remind you all that I'm a dad?

Cameron: (roll eyes)

Waylon: we literally take turns in watching your daughter, what are you saying?

Maverick: we are talking about the guy who bought his daughter tampons instead of diapers.

Me: what the fuck! (Laughing) why in the world would you do that, Gael!

Gael: I thought there were the same thing! Tampons, diapers, sanitary towels, nuance. (Shrug)

Ferris: (smug) don't worry, Jammie, my beautiful Annalise, whacked him with a bat and he spent the whole week mourning his balls after Sushi trampled on it.

Cameron: for heaven's sake! Her name is Sussy, not Sushi! When will you ever get it right?!

Me: (laughing) you are still with Anna?

Ferris: yes, she loves me and won't let me go.

Elias: so says the guy who does all the house chores and lick her feet anytime they fight. "I love her, she can't leave me or I'll die. If it means me licking her feet all the time, I'll do it to keep her". Who said that?

Maverick: baby, don't go, I'll die without you. You are the zipper to my pants, the oil in my engine, the player of my dice; my remote control.

Cameron: the only one who holds my kryptonite.

Waylon: my alpha and Luna.

Gael: the oral to my sex.

Link: and the "b" to my "read".

   I buried my face into the pillow as I laughed. Tears pricked my eyes and flowed down. I knew it was something Ferris would say because he was that much of a hopeless romantic. I was also glad he was still with Annalise, the lady I found for him. Annalise was a young naive scriptwriter when I met her. We became friends after I found her crying in a alley after her story was once again rejected. We just clicked real good, especially after some goons came out of nowhere and then she beat the crap out of them.

   As my friend, she saw Ferris' pictures and never let me be. Yes, she understood the thing Ferris and I had, and she accepted it the way it was. Eventually, when they both met thanks to my awesome cupid powers, they clicked and had been together ever since. I'm please to announce I found most of their wives for them. Super Cupid.

Ferris: stop laughing!

We all sent him voice notes or our delightful laughter.

Ferris: stop or I'll tell Annalise that you are bullying me again!

Cameron: I'm sorry.

Maverick: you know I'm kidding.

Elias: please, don't tell her, I beg you! I still haven't recovered from the last punch!

Gael: tch! Pussy!

Waylon: aren't you ashamed of yourself? Your wife beats up people for you.

Ferris: and that's why you are under my foot. (Smirk)

Me: you are all twats.

Cameron: it's not my fault you are the only one who can control her! Not even her own husband knows how to hold her collar without getting bitten!

Maverick: as if you can control your own tiger.

Cameron: hey! Don't bring Sushi into this!

Fuck! I meant Sussy.

   I laughed again. I was typing my reply in when the door opened and closed again. Did I forget to mention that Rominic had been standing at the door opening and slamming it close in annoyance for the last thirty minutes? Hmm, guess I did. I was ignoring him again and it didn't go too well with him. When he found out I was talking to the guys, he was okay because I was smiling. Well, not until he saw Ferris' notification and blew a fuse. Since I decided to ignore him, he was slamming his door to get my attention. And he said I was immature.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I decided to make him jealous as payback? Hmm, guess not. Well, I decided to make him jealous.

Me: guys, you still know my address, right?

Gael: yeah, and I'm bringing my stomach along with me.

Elias: hopefully, he'll bring his brains too.

Waylon: (laugh) not just his cock.

Gael: do you all have to always insult me?!

Ferris: yes.

Maverick: yup.

Elias: it's the only thing that makes your world go round.

Cameron: absitively posolutely yes.

Link: let's hope he doesn't truly forget his cock back at home.

Waylon: last time we had a get-together, he forgot his cock at some chick's apartment. And he kept screaming "size nine! Size nine! Size freaking fucking nine!" And we still don't know what that means.

Me: Gael, were you drunk?

Elias: he swallowed too much cum. (Laugh)

Gael: I'm not telling anyone about it, goodnight!

   He logged out. I was still laughing. I wished them all goodnight before signing out. I dropped my phone and finally sat on my calves to attend to the baby standing at the door. I folded my arms under my breasts and tilt my head, giving him a cute baby smile. He stopped slamming the door and pouted.

   "He made you laugh."

   "Because I don't hate him."

   "But, but, but... He's married!"

   "Exactly! And his wife is my friend, my first female best friend. What exactly is wrong with you?"


   "Shut up. I'm throwing a party tomorrow, they want to meet the quins and the girls are excited to meet them."

   "Yeah," he scoffed, "then they can steal my daughter's affection away from me." I'm sure he was referring to Serenity because we both knew Sera was the queen of snobs.

   "Am I allowed to?" He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, slamming the door again. I chuckled and shook my head. Wait still he sees who I invite. My plan included August and Micah. Of course, I bribed August with a promise to get him private pictures of Phineas and make sure Phineas attend the party so they'd meet. Then promised him three of Phineas' boxers. As for Micah, he just shrugged and said whatever. But of course, they didn't know that the ex-fiance I wanted to make jealous was their boss. They'll find out later.

   I picked up my laptop and checked the email. Rominic and I have been working from home since the sick period, the kids insist. As much as I hate to admit it, it was fun working from home. Getting to send the kids to school and welcome them when they return with a kiss. Then watch Rominic play with them. It was a sight I enjoyed watching and would give anything to see them be like that forever; especially when they play hunch cuddy hunch. But again, I had a strong hunch that they were up to something. I know my own kids so I knew they were up to something. Just couldn't tell what.

Whatever it is, I'll twat it.

   I spoke with some of the business associates I sent the exclusive email Rominic sent to me to send to them, the one I wasn't allowed to see. The email was designed to be sealed in a envelope and as far as I knew, inside the envelope was a link to whatever message he wanted to secretly pass. I wasn't that curious so I didn't care. When I was sure work was cleared for both of us, I wore my slippers and went downstairs to prepare dinner. The chef took a break to attend his daughter's graduation but would be back on Saturday evening, so he can help me with the party and introduce his daughter to Rominic. Rominic promised him a job for her, as long as her result is good. Chef Russo really admired Rominic, and boy was his loyalty hard to sway!

   "She thinks I care! I don't care. She can play with him all she wants but when he breaks her tiny crushable heart, I won't be there to save her. I won't let her cry on my shoulders because she didn't listen to me! She should know that I'm always right, I ought to be acknowledge for that. Instead, she don't even care! I'm only trying to help her but you know how pathetic women are. Can you imagine what she said to me, Zachary? The insolent!"

   I reached the kitchen to find Rominic standing by the door frame, watching the drama. I joined him and slightly leaned on his folded arms for leaning sake. Zachary sat at the kitchen island trying to work while Zyaire ranted on endlessly. Serafina was already preparing dinner and she glanced at them sometimes and shook her head.

   "I can't believe she chose him over me, me!"

   "Oh my God! If I say sorry and give you a lollipop, will you go away?!" Zachary shouted, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. A small giggle left both I and Sera's lips while Nic chuckled.

   Zyaire frowned and scoffed. "Here I am telling you about my issues with my dear friend and you are speaking to me like you don't care."

   "That's because I don't care! Whatever is going on between you and your girlfriend is your business, not mine!"

   "She's my dear friend, not girlfriend. I can't have a girlfriend until I'm fifteen, that's what grandpa says." Zyaire defended calmly. Jamie, you will spoil my son for me.

   "Dear friend is your way of giving it a normal name, nuance, brother, nuance." Zachary puffed out air, blowing his curls out of his face. His eyes landed on us. He tilt his head and smiled weirdly.

   "What kind of brother are you! You are suppose to help me when I have emotional problems. That's why you were created, to give me moral and emotional support. Why can't you just help me?" Zyaire cried.

   "Remember I was created first, so no, you were created to bother me and give me a headache. I love you, Zyaire, but I swear on Serafina's hair, I really don't care. Now go bother someone else." He gestured for him to shoo. Serafina giggled. She still hadn't seen us.

   "I can't tell Zayne, he turns every single thing to the philosophy of food! And when he isn't eating or talking about food, he is thinking, dreaming or drawing food. What use is he to me!"

   "Then bother Serenity,"

   Zyaire pouted cutely. "I tried, but then she yelled at me to get lost and when I didn't, she tried to hammer my brain to my butt. That little thing is fierce." I shook my head and made myself known by walking inside.

   "Sera, what are you preparing?"

   "Tonight, we are eating salad. Serenity and Zayne's needs to eat more but Serene don't like salad. I was thinking we should eat it together to encourage her. Then maybe you can make her favorite pudding for dessert."

   "That was exactly what I had in mind when coming down here, but instead of pudding, let's have ice cream cake instead..."

   "Yes! Cake!" The boys shouted with joy. "we have to tell Zayne!" I watched them with a smile as they gathered their things and rushed out of the kitchen to share the good news. Rominic too.

   "Boys and food," Sera murmured, making me chuckle. "Mom, can you complete the cooking? I'm going to see if Serenity needs my help with her homework. Dad, can you help her too?" She questioned politely as she climbed down the stool she stood on.

   "Since when did I need his help to prepare a meal?" I snorted, rolling my eyes.

   "Since you promised three boys ice cream cake when there is none in our possession," they said simultaneously, "and you wouldn't want to disappoint them, would you now? You also know that Serene would be eager to eat now knowing there's a reward. So yes, you need his (my) help." I rolled my eyes in disbelief and scoffed. I didn't admit it but I knew they were right.

   "Daddy dearest, would you be a darling and help mom rush out to get any cake?"

   "No need, I'll have it brought to me," I rolled my eyes when he winked at me. Yeah, he has money, big deal. "I'll make the call, happy cooking... Ooh! Can I get frittata as a special order? And tachos, can't have my frittata without my tachos."

   "I'm not your..."

   "Mom, you don't have to retaliate at everything, just do it sometimes and be the bigger person." My lips spread into a smile while Rominic frowned, but he didn't comment on the speech. She patted his thigh before making her way out while humming to a song not a nursery rhyme. This children are too smart for their own good.

   I shook my head and averted my gaze back to Rominic to see him shamelessly staring at me like he hadn't seen a woman for a century. Okay, let's not exaggerate it. He was looking at me the exact same way he looked at me then when I cook. Arms folded, bicep bulging, muscles ripping, body leaning on doorframe with legs crossed into a number 4. Did I forget to mention thick abs straining in his muscle shirt and smooth bisque skin showing not a single calf muscles? His legs looked like a woman, at least the calves and shins smoothness. His thighs like I remember was a combination of feminine and muscles, thick muscles. Now don't ask me how he achieved that because I don't know. But whenever those thighs imprisoned me in-between...

Urgh! Gross! No thinking about it, Lavender.

But you can't deny that you enjoyed the moments.

I never denied it, just don't want to think about it.

   I turned around quickly to focus on the food instead of watching him watch me and getting my nerves all tangled up. There was no way in hell I was going to let him drive my senses crazy. I cannot get arouse for Rominic, never!

   "Stop staring and get the cake ordered!" I barked out the command, praying he would listen and leave before I collapse. I was trying my best to calm my thundering heart and quivering hands. My legs were threatening to give up on me. My eyes flickered from clear to blur and my breathing was almost rasp. I didn't want him to know he still had that effect on me. But when he chuckled before leaving, I knew he knew and that pissed me off.

Damn you, heart!

Next chapter titled, reunion (1)

So she has admitted to herself that hating him is a waste of time. Now she wants to make him jealous but how would that turn out? And the quins haven't even started their plan yet.

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