Book Twelve: swelling in pride

Lavender's viewpoint

   The greatest thing about acceptance is that the moment you accept it that it is like so, it is your past and all, you feel better and the healing magic begins. At least, that's how it was for me. I woke up with the most nasty headache I'd ever experience since... Well, I can't remember, that's how long. The pain might have been severe, but the lightness and peace in my heart made it felt like nothing. And sure, I ended up in a hospital because Rominic panicked, but it was good.

   A whole week since I admitted I needed help after hearing what Serenity had in her heart. I don't know why but when I woke up with him not beside me, I couldn't sleep and then went looking for him, only to overhear his conversation with my daughter. It shattered every little thing I had left in my head. I went back to my room and cried as I asked myself questions and gave answers that shocked me. I had no idea I was that emotionally and mentally messed up, but I would fix it, for them. My children must not go through what I went through and what I'm going through. They cannot be traumatize in any way, especially because of me. I can't let their lives be miserable when the only thing my mother gave me when she was alive is happiness. I can't be a bad mother and the only way to fix my condition was accepting and finding solution.

   Rominic got me a session with a therapist and talking to her really made me realize a whole lot of thing. She completely understood me because –according to her– she went through a similar situation, though mine was worse. Recovering was proving faster, especially when I knew I had a great reason to be. Not for him, but for them.

   "For goodness sake, Laverne, I'm going to miss my own meeting at this rate! Can't you brush your hair faster!" I rolled my eyes at him and he saw it through the mirror. I still hate him, not changing that, but the hatred wasn't as strong as before. I was still going to make him pay, once I can figure out how to.

   "Beauty takes time," he frowned even deeper. Rominic stood behind me in a suit. Since he would be attending an important meeting, he had to wear the gray suit and that was the main reason for his annoyance. And the fact that I wasn't talking to him except if necessary.

   "Since when do you care about how you look like?"

   "Since my ex boyfriend came back into my life," the face he made next almost made me laugh, almost. I was really starting to reconsider Phineas' "make him jealous" plan, it seemed to have more effect. He really hate Ferris.

   "You are not going on a date but to your place of work, why then do you need to butter your face?" Note, that was not a question at all. I pointed my brush at him through the mirror with a stern face.

   "You, out. Imagine I don't live with you, will you tell me what to wear and what not to? Rominic, leave me alone and go to work, I'll take a cab or drive any of the cars you never use."

   "You drove my car yesterday and now it has an unreasonable symbol on it," he said, giving me a glare that clearly said "I know you did it." What did I do? I took his favourite car out and used a nail to dash it a pretty dick. Then I wrote under the drawing, "King of Dickheads". Brilliant.

   "So, you are really going on a date with your ex?" I decided it was time to give him the cold shoulder again. We've spoken too much. "Laverne, answer me." I started humming while rolling my hair into a bun. He got the message, scoffed and stomped out, cursing under his breath. Asshole.

   I took the pleasure of making my face beautiful before I was ready for breakfast. Then I found out he left without me and placed a note of warning on the refrigerator.

   “You have until 10:30 to show yourself at the meeting or you are fired.” Well, fuck me, I only had twenty minutes to go. I forgot about breakfast, grabbed one of his car keys and rushed out. I successfully broke speed rules but no cop appeared. Three minutes left, I parked the car improperly, threw the key at the valet and made a mad dash inside the company. I still love my job for some reason, even if I'd only been to work twice.

   "Why are you always running?!" I heard Paxton shout after me.

   "Because I love my job!" I shouted back. Another evil work of the enemies, the elevator wasn't working. One minute. I was sure he wouldn't have mind if I came a little bit later. I used his elevator instead. By the time I got there, he was sitting with a scowl on his face as he checked the time while someone was speaking. I knew Rominic wasn't one to bluff when it came to work. He took the shit way too seriously. So yes, he was really going to fire me like he said and the scowl on his face was an evidence.

I hate being fired.

   Well, I did the only logistically stupid thing I could. I slipped in undetected. The boardroom had two exit: the double glass doors everyone could see since it was at front and the single black tinted door at the side. It was his private door, one he only used when he wants to come unannounced and watch what the people inside are doing to gather evidence or whatever he wish to gain. I was on my knees. I crawled over to the available chair. One of his guard saw me but I quickly gave him a pleading look to shut up. Since he knew who I really was, he looked away. He probably decided to leave me to face Rominic if I'm caught.

   I quietly pulled myself onto the chair, grateful that the two people sitting between the chair I slipped in was Micah and August. They gave me incredulous looks, but I silently begged them to be quiet. August leaned closer and whispered, "you are lucky I love Phineas and want to use you to marry him, need update?" I nodded vigorously. Micah filled me in on what I missed. The guy was the secretary to the marketing executive so he already had notes I copied with haste.

   I was brought out of my serious copying work when the board members applaud. The meeting was for possible ideas to make Zachary's high-tech skateboard creation. His was the original design but Rominic wanted more ideas and design, more safe ones that would go well in the market. Zachary was so excited when he was told about it and as a gift, he get to name it and choose which design is better and what other idea to add, hence why he was sitting on his father's laps and grinning from ear to ear.

Did I forget to mention that earlier? Hmm, guess so.

   "So, what do you think of this one?" Rominic asked him with a soft affection in his eyes and a tender tone, one he won't be using for me when this is over. I rolled my eyes but smiled when I realize Zach being here meant escape.

   "The design is fabulous, really, but the idea, I'm not so sure," Zachary shook his head. "we are aiming for something simple but yet unique, something that won't endanger people's children's lives. The idea is good but the pressure of adding it to the construction of the board would be dangerous as it can result to heat and explosion after a limited time. If we end up doing it, the board has to come with a limit and that won't be fun to those who would be buying it. There will also have to be thought of where to keep it and how, to avoid the same outcome. Another thing, it will overpower the battery." My baby is so smart. I was grinning and almost gave in to the urge of telling August and Micah that he was my son.

   "We can change the battery..."

   "In other words, change the entire setting of the board because it was designed and created with the present battery and note that the battery is different and can't be found anywhere else. The other team came up with a great idea too, one that won't add too much pressure but their solar rechargeable idea is stupid considering the inbuilt battery created for the board use alone. This is what I'm going to do instead. Team B's electrical rechargeable idea will be adapted along with A's original idea, excluding the solar part. Then the appearance designs would be adapted from C. Then, I'm putting all the teams to work together to create a single board bearing all their ideas if they wish with a rechargeable battery that can take the power without overheating. It can be a adult version or something, I don't know." Zachary shrugged.

   "Should we include y..."

   "No, don't." The pride in Rominic's eyes made me grinned even wider. I don't know if you guys see it yet but that is my son and I raised him on my own.

   "Then it's settled then, you know what you have to do. Pasco..."

   "My name is..."

   "Don't care, get your team to complete the work and Mr. Beaver, I'm going to need a good marketing strategy so get on it."

   "Yes, sir,"

   "Paxton," he looked around, no Paxton. "Where's Paxton?"

   "You told him to remain downstairs, that your PA would take note of the meeting." A woman replied.

   "And where is my PA?" He hissed. My moment to shine.

   "Over here!" I shouted, raising my hand. All eyes turned to me. I almost sank into the chair but fought the urge to. "I already have everything accounted for, perfectly." I forced myself not to smile when Zachary gave me a look. "No wonder dad wants to fire you".

   "You," he pointed to Micah, "aren't you a secretary?" He asked. Micah nodded nervously. "Bring your notes and hers to me." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms stubbornly. Micah, the poor guy I subjected to such misery, quiver all the way to him. I'm not dumb, I'm a master answer thief, years of high school and college practice. Remember I hate books and homework and reading? Well, my photographic memory wasn't always accurate, so I learnt how to copy from any of the boys or students close to me. Provided they didn't share the same IQ with me.

   I would copy and rewrite the idea in a totally different way that got me higher scores than the person. Then why did I still get D's? Well, I never got to sit with smart kids so I managed. My friends were all book idiots, except for Cameron, Maverick and Elias, but they didn't share the same classes with us and Maverick was a grade higher. He's that smart. If you think I'm bad, tell Ferris to calculate a mathematical problem and he'll die. I only used him for subjects that didn't have numbers. Link use his muscles and dick to think instead of his brain. The only thing Gael knows is the lastest gossip and fashion and the coolest hair products and makeup to help his pretty parade. The last time I checked, Waylon still can't spell "acquiescence" or tell the simple difference between "absorb" and "absurd".

   "Did you see anything that says otherwise, Mr. Verlice?" I asked with a smirk. He raised his gaze from the his laptop and my book and wiggled his nose, looking at me from underneath his lashes. I held my breath but didn't make it obvious like the rest women. It was followed by little giggling.

   "Contact the shareholders and relate the discussion of this meeting to them, so they'll be aware. Also let them know that the meeting has been rescheduled and the venue changed. I've sent you the details, no need to read it, just send it to each one of them and to the contacts I'll give to you later." I nodded and made a mental note by counting my fingers.

   "Stop mentally saving it, you'll forget," I resist the urge to glare at him, knowing the double meaning of his words. "Stop putting pressure on your poor brain, your capacity does not permit it."

Arrogant cow.

   "If I had my notes, I would have jotted it down. If you don't want me to mentally note it, may I have my pad back?" True words. "If you don't shut up your mouth, I will chop off your dick, rip out your balls and use it to play tennis. If you don't want that to happen, control your damn tone!"

   His jaw tightened and a crinkle appeared on his forehead. He didn't hide his displeasure as he stared at me. His glare was so intimidating but to me, it was nothing compared to listening to him whine about things. Trust me, my darlings, it's real torture.

   "Dad, stop looking at her like that before you make everyone's head explode. I know she's gorgeous and absolutely breathtaking, but please, make your ogling private. Nobody wants to know what you think about her." Did I forget to mention Zyaire tagged along? Oh, guess I forgot. He wanted to play office too so he was there, though messing with the tie of the man he claimed ownership of "thigh privilege". I should probably tell Jamie to stop talking to my son before he turns him to a Playboy or absolute tease, but for now, I'll enjoy the moment.

   Rominic choked on his saliva and broke into a violent bout of coughing. If only Serafina was here, she would have completed the tease. Zachary squeezed his lips so he wouldn't laugh but one could easily tell he was mentally roaring with laughter.

   "You are all excuse." Micah grabbed our things and returned to us. I didn't wait before I scurried out to the hallway and bursted into a fit of laughter. August joined me too along with some workers.

   "Okay, it's official, I love those kids." One declared. I felt a blush crawling into my cheeks. Again, they are my kids.


   Giovanna, Micah and I were laughing at the cafeteria as August told a story of his worse sexcapade, it was a bitter experience we laughed to. "Serve you right for trying a married woman." Giovanna said, pointing her fork at him.

   "She wanted my cock, what was I suppose to do? Turn her down?"

   "Yes." We said flatly before laughing and giving ourselves high-five for our awesome unison. Great minds think alike.

   "Idiots." August cursed and then angrily shoved Micah's spaghetti into his mouth and ended up choking. Again, we laughed.

   "Oh, look, Mr. Verlice's sons are leaving!" Someone shouted.


   "Wait, I want to see them!"

   "I haven't seen them, where are they?!" More shouts rang out as the workers rushed to the glass window-wall to see my sons. I wasn't ready to let anyone know they were mine yet, so I begged them to stay away from me and made it easier by avoiding them too.

   "Oh my God, they are so cute!"

   "That one looks like a puffball!"

   "They look just like him!"

   "I can't believe he has a son, let alone three!"

   "Their mother must be lucky, I wish I was her." I rolled my eyes at that one.

   "That one is very smart, I heard he is the creator of the new project and handled the meeting today, he's the oldest and it suits him." The talk went on until they left. Everyone, including Giovanna and August returned to their seats. Micah and some few men were the only ones who didn't rush to see.

   "Wow, they are so cute, especially that one that looks like a bouncing baby boy!" Giovanna chirped. Did I forget to mention Zayne came too but remained in his father's office eating all the snacks? Hmm, guess I did. "He was sleeping and Mr. Verlice had him in his arms. He's so small and adorable!" She went on.

   "That older one is cool. Did you see the way he strides with confident, his hands in his pockets like Mr. Verlice?" Another lady came out of nowhere to join us. I think her name is Eilish.

   "And the second one is funny, remember what he said at the meeting?" August asked, wiggling his brows at me. Those words grabbed everyone's, I mean, everyone's attention. I groaned and bit the inside of my cheek.

   "What did he say? Tell me?" Giovanna asked curiously and I'm sure everyone was too. August went on to narrate what happened earlier and by the time he was done, they were laughing. I really don't know why they were so excited over my kids. But who cares! They are excited over my kids, my kids!

   "You should have seen what they did to Athena this morning," Rain, the secretary of one of the executive said with a pitch loud enough to echo in the hallways. "You all know her, right?" They nodded.

I don't have a clue.

   "When Mr. Verlice came in, she was acting all sweet and polite because she was chosen to attend the meeting in her sick boss's place. She said, 'Mr. Verlice, it's such an honor to be here, working with you. Do you need anything before we go in for the meeting or after?' can you imagine what she said? So bold!"

And disgusting.

   "She was literally spilling her breasts to him with no care of anyone else in the room. She had 'I'm a green light' written on her forehead but then the one with gemstone green eyes changed it to 'get back, whore!' He told her, 'step away from my father and dress up properly. This is a place of work, not a club. If you want to be a stripper, don't do it on my father's property.' Like ouch!" They laughed.

   "And then she tried to act nice to the kids by saying, 'oh Mr. Verlice, your kids are so lovely. I didn't know you had a girlfriend, let alone, kids. What's your name, cuties'?" Rain was doing a good job mockingly imitating the Athena girl. "Then she tried to touch the first one but he said, 'touch me and that will be the last good thing you will ever touch'. Geez! I swear, the look he gave her and the coldness in his voice made me shiver. He is definitely a Verlice. Athena quietly sat down after that but then he spoke again. 'Oh, and you are fired. I will not allow employees that don't know their place to work here, get out'. So you hear that, Athena is fired!"

   "That can't be true, Mr. Verlice..."

   "Didn't say a word but inclined that his guards get her out of his property. Oh my God! It was excitingly terrifying! Remind me to never get on their bad side!"

   What was I doing? Listening and beaming with pride. I don't know why anyone wasn't seeing my glowing face, but I can swear the pride went off me in waves. My sons have made me so proud. Rominic must be feeling on top of the world too. They should wait and see Serafina. She would blow their minds and Serenity would make them fall in love. I felt like a school girl wanting to scream with excitement.

   "But, no one knew he had sons,"

   "Yeah, guess he kept them a secret. I wonder if their mother is his wife or just a baby mama..."

   "Definitely baby mama." Everyone chorused. My happy mode became sour and I lost the glow. I am not a baby mama. I was his fiancee, but they don't know that. Everyone went back to gossiping in groups.

   "So," August shifted closer to me with a wide grin, "about Phineas..."

   "Not this again," I groaned, "what's with him and Phineas? I thought you only like cunts?"

   "He's bi." Micah blunted out. Giovanna nudged his ribs roughly, causing him to double over in pain.

   "What Micah meant was August do loves cunts, a lot," she glared at him, "but at very rare times, he gets the urge to suck dicks and he follows that urge."

   "What's the bloody difference?" Micah hissed. "You made the definition of bi longer!"

   "You know August don't like being referred to as bi," see whispered harshly, "it hurts his feelings, especially after that guy cheated on him with a much more hotter guy!"

   "How is it my fault the guy wanted to tap a better ass?" Micah harshly whispered back. I rolled my eyes and August did the same.

   "You guys know I'm right here, don't you?" Giovanna scorned at Micah before turning her gaze to me with glowing excited eyes. These three have been friends since high school. They just amuse me.

   "August have always had a huge crush on Phineas, so now he won't ever let you be until he gets his one-night stand."

   "Whoo," I said sarcastically. Giovanna giggled. "Gio, do you know Lucky Dell?"


   "Lucky Dell,"

   "Yes, why?"

   "I met him and he mentioned you being his girlfriend..."

   "He wish." She snorted.

   "Lucky have been trying to woo her since she grew breasts, but stupid girl over here never looked his way. Yes the guy sleeps around, but he never dated because he loves her."

   "If he loves me, he wouldn't be a manwhore," she argued.

   "So what is he suppose to do when you don't give him your time? Remain a virgin when he has needs and you treat him like a bag of trash?" August said with a certain bitter tone. "He noticed you among other girls and still loves you till today. Others would kill for that chance. Lucky is gorgeous, rich, single, hot..."

   "Do you like him?"

   "Yes." August admitted without waiting a second. I caught Giovanna rolling her eyes. I couldn't help chuckling.

   "He took my cousin's virginity,"

   "How was he suppose to know you and her were related? They met in Miami." August countered.

   "He slept with my friend,"

   "They were two drunk people at a wild party, what do you want from him?"

   "He tried to kiss me," she huffed, "and he's too nice and too good to be true!" I gave Micah a look, he simply shrugged.

   "She likes him but believes that if you date a man you love, you'll end up with a heartbreak that'll kill you. Her mother died that way." He mouthed.

   "He slept with my sister," Giovanna argued again.

   "Stop lying, Matt was the one who got your sister pregnant, not Lucky. And you slept with his best friend to pay him back for what he didn't do, yet he still forgave you and never gave up on you. Over a decade now, Giovanna, grow up." Micah spoke for the first time.

   "Whose side are you on!" The matter went way back and too deep. I knew I had to talk to her privately. My destiny as a cupid would not be destroyed.

   "Enough. Vanna, how would you like to go shopping with me next week?"

   "I'm in!" I smiled and went back to quietly listening to them continue to talk about my kids. I'm so proud!

   After eating, we went our separate ways. I wanted to focus on my work and ignore Rominic, but when he walked up to me and seized me in a tight grateful embrace. I knew that wasn't going to happen.

   "What are you doing?" I asked under my irritated breath.

   "Thank you, thank you for bringing them into this world and keeping them alive. Thank you for raising them so well, thank you for letting me be part of their lives." And once again, I felt the emotion called pride. Those are my sons after all.

Oh my God! I'm so tired, please just leave a vote.
