408 : End of Red Dragonfly

Feeling the concern in Huangfu's words, Murong pours a sweet smile on his lips. "Do not worry! Oh, I will never have anything, I will stay with you!"

Huangfu did not say anything, just clinging to Murong's face and telling himself the existence of this person with his warm body temperature.

The other people in the main hall, when they saw the appearance of Murong's face, almost cried. Their hearts are very clear, they are still here because of this woman. If there is something wrong with this woman, then they are afraid to be buried. Now that the woman has come out safely, it seems that she has not suffered any harm, and they are safe.

After a while, Huangfu finally let go of his hand, and Murong retired from his arms. Then he looked around for a circle and found that the whole hall was silent.

At this time, Murong finally found out that Huangfu had restored its original appearance. Probably because of what happened just now, let Huangfu’s emotions fluctuate too much, so it will be like this! After thinking about it, she also restored her original appearance.

When looking at the pair of people who stood there, the faces of other people could not help but show a trace of amazing. At the beginning, although Huangfu was in anger, he had already restored his original face. But because the breath that comes out of him is too powerful, no one dares to look up and see him.

Now the appearance of Murong's face has made the whole person's cold breath dissipate a lot, and it seems to have become softer, so the talents dare to look up at them.

Murong’s face was not noticed by other people’s eyes. When she saw Xianlang and Xianyi, she couldn’t help but sigh. “Oh, that’s—”

"The former one is Xianlang's twin brother, Xian Yi." Huangfu explained. "This is the real fairy."

Later, Huangfu told the story of Murong.

After listening to the words of Huangfu, Murong’s face really feels like a thunder! However, her attention was not placed on it for a long time, because she saw the red dragonfly that fell to the ground at this time. At the moment she saw the red dragonfly, her eyes were full of murderous.

She did not forget, before this time, this woman pushed her down. Although she did not have any accidents inside, and even got a blessing in disguise, the repairs have been greatly improved. But this does not mean that she will forgive this woman.

There is no hate to report non-gentlemen. Although she is not a gentleman, she is also a must.

"This woman, what are you going to do?" I noticed that Murong’s eyes fell on the red dragonfly, and the emperor directly said, "I keep her, I want to give you out."

"Well, this is very good." Murong nodded and nodded. Then he strolled to the front of the red dragonfly and looked down at the red dragonfly. Then he knelt down and took out a medicinal herb, which was directly inserted into the red dragonfly. In the mouth.

Then she stood up again and looked at the red dragonfly lying on the ground.

Hung Hom feels that he has not tried anything miserable in his life. Losing the palm of his right hand became a disability. Now she has been cut off her arms, and no one even cares about her. She can only feel the blood flowing constantly from her broken arm, making her consciousness more and more confused. She can feel that her vitality is continually passing away.

However, just when she thought she would die like this, she felt that something seemed to be stuffed into her mouth. Then she felt a warm current flowing in her body, which seemed to bring endless The same as vitality. Her consciousness has gradually recovered, and at the same time, she can clearly feel the pain of the broken heart at the broken arm.

Opening his eyes, Hung Hom saw the Murong standing in front of himself. When he saw the first reaction of Murong's face, he felt endless resentment. "You are not dead?"

As soon as she saw Murong’s face, she stood in front of her in perfect condition, and even when she saw no scars on her body, she felt dizzy. She did not expect that she had done so many things, and even paid the price of her arms for this, but the person she tried to get rid of, and now stood in front of her.

For a time, she only felt the blood rushing, the throat was filled with sweetness, and then she spit a blood.

Seeing the red sputum and vomiting blood, Murong’s mouth smirked with a sardonic smile. “You are not dead. I can die so easily! But I think, you should be determined to hold the death, dare to dare. This will kill me!"

After hearing the words of Murong, the whole person was shocked. When she looked up and looked at Murong, her eyes had a fear that she wanted to hide. "Murong pours, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? You should be easy to guess!" Murong squinted and smiled. "You want my life, then you think, I will let you pay." What kind of price?"

"You can't--" Hung Hom also has a hint of trembling in his tone. "You are all right, you are still standing here, aren't you?"

She knows that Murong will not let her go so easily. But even as it is now, she has lost her arms, but she still does not want to die. Here is the fairy world, everything is possible. As long as she has the opportunity to rejuvenate her bones, she can recover as before. Of course, all the premise of this is that she is still alive.

When I heard the words of Hung Hom, Murong almost laughed and laughed. "The logic like you is really funny! Is it because I am still standing here, so everything you do is Can it be erased? I am alive because of my ability. Of course, if you can continue to live if you want, it is your ability."

The implication is that she is absolutely impossible to let go of the red dragonfly.

It seems that I feel the killing in Murong’s words, and I can’t help but feel scared in Hung Hom’s heart. Because she didn't know, Murong's face was interrupted by what kind of means to deal with her.

Murong did not say much about it, but he immediately smashed his hand, and then a flame fell on the red dragonfly and began to burn.

The power of the fire of God cannot be underestimated. After the flame fell on the body of the red dragonfly, it immediately began to burn. Even if you just look at it, you can feel a hot breath.

The red dragonfly only saw a flame falling on her body, and then she felt a painful sensation of burning began to spread on her body. If it was before, she might still be able to use mystery to resist a period of time. However, now that she is poisoned, there is no way to use mysterious power.

However, this is just the beginning, but in a few seconds, she felt the pain in the depths of the soul. The flame is burning only her body, and her soul.

The pain in the depths of the soul made the red dragonfly unable to bear it anymore, and began to roll on the ground. She felt that as the flame burned, her soul seemed to be dying.

The shouting of Hung Hom is a hundred times more fierce than when it was just. Even the other people watching at the side could not help but shudder. They simply can't imagine how much suffering they have been able to have such shouting shouts?

Suddenly, when others looked at Murong, they also had a hint of jealousy. Not only because Murong is now the means, but also because of Murong’s identity. No matter who she is, being able to stand next to the emperor will not be an ordinary person.

As time passed, the shouts of the red dragonfly became smaller and smaller, and finally became awkward, and then gradually the snoring stopped. Even in the flame, they almost could not see a person.

Finally, the flame disappeared. When the flame disappeared, there was nothing left on the ground except for a pile of white ash.

Everyone can't help but feel terrified, seeing a person who is just alive, but now only leaves a ash, the method is really hot. Moreover, they can feel that the red dragonfly even the soul, I am afraid that there is no trace left.

Compared with other people's fears, Huangfu is much calmer. He did not have any opinion on the means by which Murong had to deal with it. If you think that it is not good, it is to let this woman die too fast.

If other people know the thoughts of Huangfu at the moment, they will not be surprised by the sultry means of Murong. There is such a person who indulges the face of Murong at any time, and Murong can be so arrogant.

As for Qi Jiayi and others, after seeing the end of Hung Hom, they were all scared of a cold sweat. Especially Qi Jiayi, before, he also played the baby's idea of ​​Murong. At this time, his heart could not help but secretly rejoice, but fortunately, at the beginning, he did not act rashly. Otherwise, his current end is definitely not much better than Hung Hom.

Others' views, Murong has always been in the eyes, she turned back to the emperor's side, and then cleverly stood next to the emperor, with a hint of sweet smile on his face. I couldn't see it at all. Just when she just killed someone.

The emperor took advantage of the waist of Murong's face, then looked at Xianlang and said, "The next thing will be handed over to you. I think, you should know what to do!"

After that, Emperor Huang directly took Murong to face and left the hall. But those black people are still in the hall, in order to assist Xian Lang to deal with the next thing.

Looking at the back of Murong and Yan Huang, the people in the hall, who dare not say anything, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, for fear of being alarmed to each other.

The things that have just happened are all telling them that this is a hot spot for men and women. If the two men continue to stay here, the pressure on them is too great. Now that the two men have finally left, they can be much easier.

Xian Lang sighed and then got up and walked over to the top of the main seat, then sat down. It belongs to the imposing manner of the lord, and it is natural.

If I had just said it, I still thought that Xian Yi didn't seem to have any flaws at all. Now, when it contrasts with Xian Lang's momentum, the gap will come out immediately. Although Xianyi looks exactly the same as Xianlang, but it lacks the natural momentum of Xianlang, which looks like a bad quality goods.

Although he was imprisoned for a long time, but after all, it was the lord, and Xianlang quickly recovered his own momentum. He directly told people to bring those poisoned people down and then sent them. The pharmacist went to detoxify them.

Not long after, there were only two people in the hall where Xianyi and Xianlang existed. Xian Lang sat on the main position, and the momentum was revealed. Xianyi has just been injured by Huangfu, and now the injury has not been treated. Although he struggled to stand up, he was a crumbling look, and seemed to fall down at any time.

Looking at the fairy squatting above the main position, Xian Yi’s eyes burst into a strong hatred of fire. He did not think that it was only a moment, and the situation between him and Xianlang changed so much. At the beginning, Xian Lang was still a prisoner of his ranks, and he could immediately get the position of the lord.

However, everything has now reversed. Just one step away, he can become the seat of the fairyland. He is unwilling, and his heart is really unwilling.

In the face of the hatred of Xian Yi, Xian Lang felt very sad. "Xian Yi, things are now, do you have no repentance?"

"Repent, what do I need to repent?" Xian Yi said dismissively. "We were born at the same time. You are just a little bit older than me. Why should I be stepped on by you for the rest of my life?" Ah? I am also qualified to sit in that position. I just want to recapture my own things. Is there anything wrong with this?"

When I heard that Xian Yi was so arrogant, Xian Lang was so angry that he was fainting. "You are a beast, and things have reached the point where you are now. You still have no repentance. Are you terrible?"

When I heard about Xian Lang’s life-threatening matter, Xian Yi’s eyes still flashed a trace of fear. However, it quickly disappeared without a trace. He sneered and said, “So, Xianlang, you want me. Life? Are you still killing your own brother?"

Although he heard that Xianlang said this, his heart was still very worried. However, he still believes that a soft-hearted person like Xianlang will not kill his compatriots. Therefore, he has nothing to fear.

Looking at Xian Yi’s appearance without fear, Xian Lang couldn’t help but sneer out. “Xian Yi, you should not naively think that you can escape this robbery! Even if I am willing to let you go, then One does not necessarily forgive you."

Moreover, he never thought about forgiving Xian Yi, he is not a good person, so he can't do those stupid things. Xian Yi imprisoned him for so long, and he tortured him. Even if this time is not because the emperor is present and ruined the calculations of Xian Yi, then he should not be in this world now. Plus, because of the fairy, almost the entire fairy world has to be destroyed. More importantly, Xian Yi will harm his only daughter.

His love for Xianyi’s brothers has long been worn away in such a time. He has already vowed that if he had the chance to leave the ghost place, he would never let go of Xianyi.

When I heard that Xian Lang mentioned the one, Xian Yi could not help but shudder. He could even feel his injury and it seemed to start to hurt.

"Big brother, you have to help me, you must help me." At this time, Xianyi also refused to hate Xianlang, and he immediately changed a poor appearance. "I am your only brother! Are you?" Is it really necessary to watch me go to death like this?"

Although I don't want to ask for help from Xianlang, his heart knows that the only person who can save him is Xianlang. At that time, did the one have already handed over everything to Xianlang to deal with it?

Seeing that Xian Yi changed his face, Xian Lang almost laughed out loud. He sneered and said, "Xian Yi, do you know what you are saying? You used to do this to me, you are now Also kindly ask for help?"

"Big Brother, can you not read the feelings of brotherhood!" Seeing the appearance of Xianlang, Xian Yi is also anxious. "You can't see death like this!"

He didn't believe that Xianlang would watch him die like this. Anyway, he will continue to live. As long as you are alive, you will have hope.

"Xian Yi, you are coming to talk to me about brotherhood now." Xian Lang said indifferently. "In the beginning, when you imprisoned me and wanted to take my air, why don't you want us? Brotherhood! I tell you, now that I am out, I will never let you go."

Seeing the decisive attitude of Xianlang, Xian Yi is also anxious. "Do you really have to be so unrequited?"

"Not my unrequited love, you are too greedy." Xian Lang looked at Xian Yi, the eyes flashed with unknown deep light, "Xian Yi, other things, I can forgive you. But you for your ambition, hurt For the month, until now, she is still awake. Even, you have drawn the entire fairy world into danger, you said, how can I let you go?"

Xian Yi, is bound to die.

Seeing the fascination on the face of Xian Lang, all the glory of hope in the eyes of Xian Yi disappeared. He sat there in a dull, desperate face.

At this time, all that happened in the main hall, Murong’s face and the emperor’s nature are completely unknown. The two of them had already found a palace directly and then lived.

Although it is the main hall of the Immortals, they are completely regarded as their own places, and it is not at all polite. Of course, they also have capricious capital. Even if Xianlang knew it, he would not dare to say anything casually.

After Murong’s face was dropped into the vortex, all the things that happened were originally told the emperor. At the beginning, in the hall, there were too many people, and she could not say it directly. Moreover, to really say it, the mystery that she absorbed was sucked out from those people.

If such a thing is known to those people, I am afraid that my heart will not be very comfortable! Even if they don't dare to do anything, they will be dissatisfied with her! Therefore, she feels that it is better to have more than one thing, or not to say it better.

Now there is only one person in Huangfu, and she naturally wants to say things locally.

At the end, Murong couldn't help but sigh. "This red dragonfly can help me indirectly. However, it is undeniable that her original intention is to want me to die."

Speaking of it, she really doesn't think that there is any deep hatred between her and this red dragonfly. Before, there was indeed a contradiction between the two of them, but it was not a big enemy of life and death!

"You are so cheap to her, she is too cheap." Huangfu’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief. "There is too little torture for her."

"It's enough." Murong smiled and shook his head. "And, she is now gone, and there is nothing to say. However, I think that this fairyland is really like a big show. Ah! This Xianlang is indeed stupid enough to be imprisoned by Xian Yi."

"He is too stupid." Huangfu said with a blank expression. "I don't know how this person was in the position of the Lord of the Immortals."

"Isn't that the choice of heaven?" Murong leaned and smiled.

"That day, the road really has no eyes!" Huangfu sarcastically and mercilessly.

"Hey, do you want to be suppressed by the heavens?" Murong asked with a curious look. "Is that really so powerful that day?"

"Tiandao, but it is a constraint on the weak." Huangfu shook his head and whispered openly. "This heavenly way has no effect on me. Yan, wait until you get there. You will be clear."

After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong did not continue to ask questions. "Hey, do you think that this Xianlang will kill Xianyi?"

"If he can't get his hands, then he really is not qualified to continue to sit in the position of the lord." Huangfu said mercilessly. "After so many things, if you still care about the so-called The brotherhood, such a person, even if he is dead, is not enough to die."

After hearing the straightforward words of Huangfu, Murong swallowed his tongue. "Well, don't say this. Hey, when will we leave!"
