455 : Provoking a crime

After playing outside, Murong’s mood is still very good. After returning to the temple, her face always had a smile.

Even Huangfu, his eyes are much softer. At this time, he did not have the coldness that refused to be thousands of miles away on weekdays.

However, all the good moods came to an abrupt end after returning to the temple.

Upon returning to the temple, Murong looked at the rotor that was waiting outside.

"Why, do you still want to wait for us today?" Murong said with a smile and said, "It won't be seen in a day, you worry about our safety!"

Of course, she is just joking, there is Huangfu around, but it is safer than ever. At least, now in this godland, people who can beat the emperor, I am afraid I can't find it!

In the face of Ni Yunya's joke, the face of the rotor did not stretch. After he went to Huangfu and Murong, he said, "I will be honored, and after the devil, Yayiru is injured."

"What?" After hearing the rotor, Murong was a little surprised, and her face suddenly sank. "You can make it clear, how can Yayiru be injured?"

The rotor has a low head and a hint of guilt in the tone. "It’s all the fault of the subordinate. It’s because the subordinates don’t protect the Yayiru girl, so that people can lead her out.”

“What is the matter like?” Murong frowned and continued to speak. “How is Yayiru now?”

"The girl of Yayiru was injured, but it was not fatal." The rotor continued to open. "Today, someone came to lead Yayiru. When the genus finds it wrong, he has already chased it." However, Yayiru is still hurt."

In fact, he is not very clear about the specific situation. Yayiru was injured, and he couldn't ask for details of the details of many things. However, in any case, before the time, the devil explained that he wanted to protect Yayiru. Now that Yayiru is injured, it is his responsibility.

"Let's go and have a look!" Murong also did not blame the rotor. "However, I think, the biggest possibility of this time is that Ni Yunya did."

Here is the **** world, except Ni Yunya, I believe that no one else will hate Yayiru like this. Even Yayiru came with them, and outside, it represents the devil. No one wants to go to the devil in this way. However, she really did not expect that Ni Yunya’s courage is now so big, and it is so direct.

During the speech, Murong’s face has gone towards the temple.

As for Huangfu, I didn’t say anything, just quietly accompanying Murong’s face.

Soon, Murong leaned into the room where Yayiru lived. She saw Yayiru, who was leaning against the bed and pale, and her eyes flashed a hint of haze.

Although she has not started the diagnosis, she can see that Yayiru was not hurt this time. Although it is not life-threatening, I am afraid I have to rest for a long time.

"The devil, the devil." Seeing the appearance of Huangfu and Murong, Yayiru wanted to get up and salute, but as soon as he moved, it involved the wound in the body, causing her chest to sting.

"Well, now, there is no need for so many gifts." During the speech, Murong leaned down and sat down at the bedside, and then began to check directly.

After the inspection was completed, Murong’s haze on his face was deeper. Because the current Yayiru, although not visible on the surface, but the body is already a thousand holes. It can be seen that no matter who is going to deal with her, I am afraid that she wants her life. Now Yayiru is still here, already very lucky.

Ni Yunya, I didn't expect that this time she was really awkward.

"After the devil, I am fine." Yayi Ru whispered. "I just have to take a rest for a while."

"Well, you really should take a good rest." Murong leaned over his face and said, "This time, Ni Yunya did it!"

This time, Murong’s face was not in doubt, but it was directly affirmed. In addition to Ni Yunya, she could not think of other people who would do such a thing.

During the talk, Murong pours out an remedy and handed it directly to Yayiru.

Yayiru did not have any feelings, but he took it directly and swallowed it. The medicinal herb has a fresh taste of the herb and a hint of sweetness. The entrance of the medicinal herb became a warm current and flowed through her whole body, making her whole person feel warm and comfortable.

However, for a moment, she felt that the wounds in her body seemed to be much better. Even the chest did not hurt, and the whole person was much more spiritual.

In the past, she always knew that Murong’s remedy for refining was very good. Now she knows that the drug is better? This is simply going against the sky.

"After thanking the devil." Yayiru's tone was with a hint of gratitude.

"These polite words don't need to say too much." Murong waved his hand and said, "You will tell the details of the matter in detail now."

"After you and the Emperor left, a maid in the temple came over and said that you suddenly asked me to go out with you." Yayiru thought about it and said, "Later, I am Under the leadership of the maid, he left the temple. However, I did not expect that all of this was the trap set by Ni Yunya."

After hearing the words of Yayiru, Murong’s brow furrowed more tightly. She sneered a few times and said, “It seems that this Ni Yunya is really anxious. She will actually start directly in the realm of the gods. Is she? Not afraid to be exposed?"

"Ni Yunya not only started, but also sent her confidant to personally do it." Yayiru’s mouth evoked a satirical smile. "She is probably worried that this thing will leak out! Just, she probably dreams too." Unexpectedly, it was because she sent her own confidant to do this thing, but instead sent the handle directly to our hands."

"What is going on?" Murong pouted.

"After the demon, Ni Yunya sent this thing to her own personal maid." The winger explained on the side, "When the subordinate went to save Yayiru, she just took her personal maid. It is."

After hearing the explanation of the rotor, Murong couldn't help but laugh out loud. "If this is the case, then Ni Yunya should be in a hurry to get angry!"

She really did not expect that Ni Yunya would actually send her own personal body to do such a thing. However, it can be seen from this that Ni Yunya is really anxious.

"She wants to kill me, but she didn't think that it will fail at the time. What will happen?" Yayi Ru said with a cold smile. "If this thing is open, I am afraid that other people in the interface will produce for Ni Yunya." Dissatisfied!"

Everyone is coming to your godland to congratulate you. You are good, just send someone to assassinate. Although such things do not happen to people on other interfaces, they will also be dissatisfied.

"The most important thing for you now is to raise your body first." Murong looked at Yayiru and continued to speak. "And, since Ni Yunya dared to be so blatant, I thought it would be urgent. Two days, your injury is stable, I will send someone to send you back to the Devil."

In fact, her heart also understands that the person Ni Yunya really wants to do is her. However, Ni Yunya has no way to deal with her, so she will turn to deal with Yayiru. Since dare to move once, no one can guarantee that Ni Yunya will not start again for the second time. Therefore, it is best to send Yayiru back first.

"No, I won't go back." Yayiru directly refused. "I am not afraid of Ni Yunya, even if she comes again, I am not afraid."

She did not want to leave like this because it was like she was afraid of Ni Yunya.

"This is for your safety." Murong's tone of tone is faint, but the meaning of the words is not to be refuted. "Don't you want to live to see Ni Yunya's miserable end? You know, life is not Then, there is really nothing left."

Yayiru’s mouth opened a bit, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he had not had time to open his mouth, and he was interrupted by Murong’s face.

"Also, I am not consulting you now, but I am notifying you." Murong continued to speak. "You just have to follow my orders."

After seeing Murong’s reluctance to rebut, Yayiru did not say anything. Because she is very clear, Murong has already made a decision now, and that is not to be changed.

After so many years with Murong’s face, she still knows about Murong’s temperament. So I also know that this time is not the time when she can refute.

Soon, Murong and Yan Huang left. However, before leaving, Murong has already commanded the rotor, and must be optimistic about the person who caught it.

After returning to the rest of the dormitory, Murong stretched his face and smiled. "Tonight, I really have to rest well. When I am tomorrow, I will go to Ni Yunya to ask for sin."

In this case, no matter how you look at it, the truth is on their side. That Ni Yunya said that it broke the sky, I am afraid there is no way to justify it!

"Looks, you are very happy!" Huangfu looked at Murong's face with a funny smile. "But it is a small encounter, is it worth your excitement?"

"Oh, as long as the enemy is not happy, then I will be happy." Murong said with a smile. "Now that person is in our hands, Ni Yunya’s heart must be very anxious. I think, tonight, for For her, it should be very torturous! As long as she suffers, then my heart will be comfortable."

Hearing the theory of Murong's face, Huangfu didn't know what to say. He shook his head helplessly. "Well, then let's take a rest soon! You have to go out for a day today, and you should be tired." ”

"Alright." Murong pours his face.

Soon, the two went to bed.

In fact, whether it is Murong, or Huangfu, at night, there is no need to rest. It can even be said that few immortals are willing to waste the night to sleep. Many people are even willing to choose to practice at night.

However, the sunrise and the sunset are the habits that Murong has developed over the years. Even at the time of cultivation, at night, she will wake up and go to bed. Unless she is caught in the state of meditation, she can't be separated from day and night. Otherwise, she still has to be like an ordinary person, three meals a day, and rest at the time.

On this side, Murong leaned and slept comfortably, and Ni Yunya on the other side really said that it was difficult to sit still. Because she sent Miner to go out to perform the task, but until now, Miner has not returned. Even now Murong and Yan Huang are back, but there is still no news.

However, what makes her feel fortunate is that Murong seems to have no movement in the guest hall where they live.

One night, for the immortal, it is just a blink of an eye. However, for Ni Yunya, it is still somewhat difficult.

In the early morning of the next day, Ni Yunya was originally planning to continue to do the things that God's Lord enthroned. However, before I went out, I heard that Murong and Yan Huang came to visit.

When I heard the news, Ni Yunya’s first reaction was that the visitor was not good. At the same time, she immediately remembered the fact that Miner had never returned. However, even so, she did not refuse to see the two. Because, if this time, she avoids seeing, the impression that gives people is definitely a guilty conscience.

Soon, Huangfu and Murong leaned in and walked in. The two did not even call, they just found a seat and sat down.

Seeing the actions of the two, Ni Yunya’s face is not very good. However, she did not say anything.

Murong sat down and looked at Ni Yunya sitting on the main seat, and could not help but admire in her heart. This Ni Yunya’s psychological quality is really not bad. I did that kind of thing yesterday, but today it is still a kind of candid appearance.

"I don't know if the Emperor and the Devil came over today. Is there anything?" Ni Yunya did not turn around and directly spoke. "Still in this temple, who is not waiting for it?"

"Oh, the saint is polite, the people in the temple are waiting very well, and I have no opinion." Murong pours a cup of spiritual tea, then raises his head and looks at Ni Yunya, his eyes flashed a sharp light. "I came over today, I just want to ask, is the saint very dissatisfied with us in the devil world?"

When she heard Murong’s sudden appearance, Ni Yunya stunned. She frowned and said, “I don’t know what happened after the devil? Is it because of what is wronged in my realm?”

Her heart is not clear about the purpose of Murong’s coming face today. However, she also knows that the person is not good, but she still hopes that the matter of Miner will not be revealed.

"Oh, since the saint does not understand, then I will make you plain." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and evoked a meaningful smile. "But before I start talking about it, I think it is necessary to see you." Just one person."

After hearing the words of Murong, although it was not obvious on the surface, Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a little bit of surprise, but nothing could be seen on his face. “I don’t know who the queen said?”

Seeing the calm face of Ni Yunya, Murong sighed with deep and deep thoughts. "When the saints see it, don't you know who it is? However, I am sure that this person is very close to you."

After that, Murong turned his face and let the rotor bring people in.

Soon, the rotor was carrying a figure in his hand and walked in. After coming in, he did not have any pity and cherished jade heart, and directly dropped the figure on the ground.

As long as there are people with eyes, you can see that the one who was thrown on the ground by the rotor is not someone else. It is Ni Yunya’s personal maid, Miner.

However, since entering the hall, Miner has remained silent and has not said anything. Even, she didn't even look at Ni Yunya.

From the moment I saw Miner appear, Ni Yunya’s heart stunned. It seems that the worst situation has occurred, and Miner’s plan has failed. Not only that, but it has also been caught. However, she also knows that the more she does, the more she can't panic.

Ni Yunya’s face became a bit ugly. She looked at Murong’s face and said very angrily. “What do you mean after the devil? Min, but my personal maid, you treat her like this, is there no? Put our gods in your eyes?"

"This sentence, I also want to return to the saint." Looking at Ni Yunya thief shouting to catch the thief, Murong pours a corner of the irony smile, "now it seems that the saint is also admitted, this person is your personal maid However, this person, yesterday, went to murder our devils. So, shouldn’t the saints give us a reasonable account of the devil?”

She did not think that Ni Yunya's face was so thick. At this time, I was able to beat it.

"What?" After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya’s face was shocked. "After the devil, words can’t be said casually. Miner is my maid, I know her best, she will never do it. There is such a thing. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"There is no misunderstanding." Murong looked at Ni Yunya and looked at him with a smile. "This is not the other person who is murdering. It is Yayiru. Moreover, she is being caught. So, holy What do women plan to do? Do you want to give us an account of such a thing?"

"After the devil, I am sure that this matter will be thoroughly investigated." Ni Yunya said with a sigh of relief. "Min is my maid. If she really does that, I will never be light." She will dispose of it as soon as she checks it out."

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, Murong looked up and raised his mouth with a sarcasm. "The saint, I think, you don't quite understand what I mean. Now what the truth is, it is already very clear." What I want now is an account, not a thorough investigation."

Is Ni Yunya really a fool when she is? After the thorough investigation, wait until that time, this Miner is still not original. Since she came here today, it is impossible to return empty-handed.

Even if there is no way to prove that Ni Yunya is involved, she will never let things go through like this. At least, this so-called Miner, there is no need to continue to live.

After hearing Murong’s words, Ni Yunya’s face suddenly became less and better. “I don’t know what it means after the devil?”

"Actually, I felt that a little maid, how dare to make such a thing?" Murong looked at Miner, who fell to the ground, and said something, "Now everyone is here." We can ask if there is any person behind this."

"That's good." Ni Yunya looked at Miner, and said with a stern voice, "Min, how can you make such a thing? You said, is there anyone who is instructing you?"

"No," this is the first time Miner has spoken since he appeared. "It is the idea of ​​a slave who is alone. It has nothing to do with anyone. In the past, the slaves had a personal complaint with Yayiru. This time again. When they meet, the slave wants to give her a good lesson."

After hearing Miner's words, Ni Yunya took a sigh of relief.

For such an answer, Murong did not feel surprised. "Is it? It seems that your position in the realm of the gods is really high! Actually, you can take such a strong to besiege Yayi Ru."

Miner is not willing to give up Ni Yunya. At the beginning, she already expected it. Otherwise, Miner could not have an opening from beginning to end, and even did not want Ni Yunya to ask for help.

I really didn't think that Ni Yunya would have such a loyal subordinate!

After hearing the words of Murong's face, Miner did not say anything, but kept silent. Obviously, she is not willing to say more.

Looking at such a sensitive child, Murong did not continue to ask questions. She looked up and looked at Ni Yunya. She smiled and said, "The saint, it seems that things are very clear now. I don't know what you plan to do?" ”

"Min's doing such a thing is really too bad." Ni Yunya's face was filled with indignation. "However, now Yayiru has not had an accident, isn't it? So, I still hope that the queen can exalt his hands and put allergies. This time, no matter how to punish, just leave her a life."

"It seems that the saint is really valued this maid!" Murong leaned his head and smiled, but when he said it, he was very embarrassed. "But, I wanted this later." What about the life of Shantou?"
