380 : Ferry

On a high mountain in the center of the ancient city, Murong squats and stands there, exuding a strong atmosphere. At this time, she appeared here, just for the sake of the robbery.

Since returning to Chen, the emperor has left. Soon after Huangfu left, she also began to retreat. A retreat is fifty years old.

After the retreat, she left the Chen family and began to practice everywhere. Her heart is very clear, if it has been closed, the growth of cultivation is very slow, and may even be stagnant. Therefore, after a period of retreat, she chose to go outside to experience.

Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui are very reluctant to have this daughter of their own. For a long time in the past, they have not been able to accompany this daughter. Now they are finally back, but the daughter has grown so big. Their hearts are very embarrassing to this daughter.

However, they also know that they cannot be a stumbling block to their daughters. So although the heart is full of sadness, they still have not retained.

After leaving the Chen family, Murong has been practicing outside. The place is dangerous, she goes to that place.

After about 30 years, she felt that her experience was enough, and she went back to Chen. After 30 years of experience, her cultivation has grown rapidly, but it is also very stable. Not only her, but also the progress of the three little beasts. Especially Xiaohong, after experiencing the experience of the forest in the ancient city, plus the experience of these 30 years, its progress is the biggest. Although it is still not comparable to Xiaobai and Shantou, it is already very powerful in this continent.

Going back to Chen’s Murong’s face, it’s already in the late stage of the robbery. Chen Shanghua couldn't help but be shocked to see the cultivation of Murong. Because he has never seen such a genius, it is so fast to cultivate for growth. Moreover, although Murong’s cultivation has grown rapidly, it is very stable.

The current Chen family and the past are almost completely different. After all the severe changes of Chen Shanghua and the fact that the heirs have been confirmed, the Chen family now almost jumped to the top of the four families. Probably because I saw the progress of Murong's face! Now people in Chen’s family are working hard to cultivate, and hope that they can become stronger.

Seeing such changes, the most happy person is Chen Shanghua. He did not think that when he was a family owner, he could actually see such a Chen family. At the same time, his heart also understands that it is not others who bring all these changes, it is Murong.

His heart was also secretly glad that after the events in the past, he chose to listen to his ancestors. Otherwise, the current Chen family will not be so brilliant.

After returning to Chen, Murong began to slow down the pace of cultivation and spent more time practicing alchemy and accompanying her parents. She is very clear that it is not an easy task to see her parents again after she has soared. So she wants to take advantage of it now and stay with them.

Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui’s heart are naturally very happy. They have always wanted to make up their daughters, and now they have this opportunity.

In this way, the days are very calm.

After twenty years have passed, there has been a major event in this continent, that is, some people have successfully sneaked into the world. In fact, this successful person is not someone else, it was the strongman who was at the peak of the late robbery period. At that time, Huangfu and Murong were obsessed with refining the restoration of the Sultan, and he was noticed that something was wrong. After that, he did not give up, he has been tracking this matter, but there is no tension. Finally, one day, as if he suddenly sensed the call of the upper bound, he would no longer restrain his own cultivation, and then ushered in the robbery. Everyone thought that he would fall like a robbery in the past. No one even thought that he would have successfully risen.

As soon as this news spread, the entire continent will almost boil. Because this continent has not been able to rob the upper bound for many years. Everyone can't remember how many years have passed.

Now that someone has succeeded in flying, it means that as long as they work hard, they will be able to fly. At the thought of this, many people have been more diligent in cultivation.

After knowing that someone has successfully climbed, many of the strongest peaks in the late stage of the robbery did not suppress their own cultivation. They have waited for so many years, and finally waited for hope, naturally they are not willing to give up this opportunity.

However, among these people, some people have successfully ascended. However, some people have fallen during the robbery. Because many of these people are still not ready, they will rush to rob, just as if they are afraid of missing something.

The fall of these people just gave everyone a wake-up call. It also made those who wanted to rob as soon as possible, for fear of missing the opportunity, began to calm down.

When Murong Yanyan heard the news, he knew that the words that Huangfu had said had already been realized. After a hundred years, the curse between this heaven and the earth will be broken.

However, after knowing this news, Murong was not rushing to rise immediately. Although she is already thinking about the imperial concubine. However, she did not have impulsiveness, but continued to work hard to cultivate and make her cultivation more stable. At the same time, she also constantly refining various kinds of medicinal herbs.

Now she is already a ten-in-one alchemy teacher. It can be said that on this continent, her alchemy grade has reached the highest.

When I knew this news, the happiest person was the Yuan. He has always known that his apprentice is very talented in alchemy, but he did not expect that he would reach such a height when he was young. This is not just blue, it is much higher than his talent.

After another three years, Murong pours a lot of medicinal herbs to Chen, and then goes to the mountain in the center of the ancient city.

After knowing that Murong was going to go to the robbery, Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui were very worried and full of reluctance. Because they are very clear, they will never see this daughter again after the daughter has been robbed. But even then, they can't stop because they can't block their daughter's path.

Standing in the highest place on the mountain, Murong’s mouth smirked a light smile. Although it is about to face a day of robbery, and the skyrocketing skyrocketing is very powerful, as long as you can’t hold it, it is very likely that it will fall. But even then, her heart is full of excitement, and even with a small expectation.

Taking a deep breath, Murong began to release all the repairs in his body. Soon, the breath of a strong man who was at the peak of the late robbery period spread out on this mountain. If you cultivate a lower person, under such a breath, even if you don't die, you will lose half a life!

It seems that I feel the strong breath of Murong's face, and it is still a clear sky, and it is beginning to gather clouds. But for a moment, the blue sky became a black pressure. The dark clouds are very low, as if you can reach them as long as you reach out. In the dark clouds, there is not a flash of lightning, bringing a light.

However, it is obvious that the light of this silk does not bring a hint of bright color to this dark sky, but it makes people feel more heavy.

As the dark clouds gathered more and more, the wind began to blow up on the ground, and the winds of the bursts of wind continued to blow, bringing up the gravel and fallen leaves on the ground. In such a scene, it is even more horrible.

It can be said that the current situation is like the end of the world is coming. As long as people who see this scene, I am afraid that few can still calmly respond.

Murong was still standing there calmly, and there was no change in her face. Her mouth even had a touch of smile.

She had already made all the preparations before she came here. Now facing such a situation, she is still able to calm down.

I don't know how long it has been, and it seems that the sky is already brewing. An adult with a thick, purple-colored thunder in his arms, squatted directly toward Murong.

In the face of such a thunder, Murong is not afraid. Because she now has the power of purple thunder in her body, even in the face of the thunder, do not need to be afraid.

The skyrocketing sky is not so simple. In the past, when you advanced, you only need to get through the thunder. However, at the time of the ascent, it is necessary to pass the thunder, the ice fire and the illusion. It is only after these three days of robbery that it is possible to fly up the upper bound.

Among them, the last day of robbery fantasy is also the most difficult to spend. Because the day of the robbery is not the human body, but the human spirit. Many people have fallen in the last days of robbery.

When the nine heavens thundered, Murong leaned forward and smashed the past. Probably because her body already has the power of purple thunder, so the nine heavens thunder, although she was also injured, but they are only minor injuries, and did not hurt the root.

After the thunder was over, Tiandao did not give Murong any time to take a break, and the ice fire came to the sky again. Ice and fire robbery is not that simple, it is almost a catastrophe that can burn and freeze people's souls. However, for Murong's face, she has a fire in her body, so it is not very difficult.

I don’t know how long it took, and Murong’s face was overwhelmed.

Although there is a fire body, but even so, she is still not hurt. At least her clothes have been stained with blood, and her hair has become messy. The whole person looks particularly embarrassed.

However, after experiencing the ice fire, Murong did not know what happened to him. Suddenly she felt a pain in her head, and then she seemed to have lost all her consciousness.

"Well--" Murong suddenly opened his eyes and found that he did not seem to have any wounds.

She looked around and found that she was now in a very luxurious room. At this point she was lying on a big bed, and she had already put on clean clothes.

Murong’s alertness immediately rose. She didn't know where she was at the moment, but she remembered that she had just experienced a catastrophe.

At this time, suddenly there was a "Oops--" voice, and then the door of the room was opened. A woman dressed up in a sly appearance came in. When she saw the face of Murong sitting on the bed, her face was full of joy. "Miss, you finally woke up, it’s really great, slaves are now Go to the Lord immediately."

After that, I haven’t waited for Murong to react and the **** has rushed out.

Seeing that the cockroach came and went in a hurry, Murong felt a headache. She was so hard to see a person, and did not ask the situation clearly. Now that people are gone, it is really enough.

After a while, a rushing figure rushed in from the outside. Then, a familiar figure rushed directly to the bedside, and then put Murong into the arms tightly, "Yan, you finally woke up."

Feeling the familiar embrace, Murong pours like a stupid, she stared at the familiar figure, and then could not help but feel a sense of acidity, "Hey, how come you are here!"

Yes, the person holding her at this time is Huangfu. This is how it happened? At the beginning, she was still robbing, how is it here now? Also, Huangpu appears here, does it mean that this is the devil world?

When thinking about this possibility, Murong couldn't help but frown. Because she thinks it all seems too unreal.

"You!" Huangfu let go of Murong's face, then reached out and clicked on her forehead. "Don't you know where it is!"

"Is this the Devil World?" Murong said, "Is it already in the Devil?"

"You are really too dull." Huangfu shook his head with a funny smile. "You have already succeeded in flying and flying. Now you are already in the devil world. Yan, you finally come to me."

Said, Huangfu once again poured Murong into his arms.

Murong took a deep breath and felt the familiar atmosphere. The eyes flashed slightly. "Oh, I am very happy."

"Me too." Huang Dagger, "Yan, now you can't refuse to pick me up. You have come to the devil world, and our marriage should be on the agenda. What kind of wedding do you want? ”

At this time, Huangfu looked up and looked at Murong with disbelief. At this time, a short sword was inserted in his belly, and the blood was soaked in the body. At this time, his eyes were inside. All are injured, "Yan, how can you treat me like this?"

The eyes are full of complaints and unbelievable. It seems that he simply does not believe that his beloved woman will do this for herself.

"Why can't I do this?" Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and sneered. "You are not a prince, you should be part of this illusion!"

In fact, at the beginning, after seeing Huangfu, she also believed that she was really in the devil world. When she saw Huangfu, the joy in her heart could not be stopped. However, even then, she did not lose her mind, but looked more clearly at this.

Although all the words and expressions of the imperial concubine in front of me, even the tenderness and tenderness of the fundus seem to be true. But she can feel that the person in front of me is not Huangfu. There is no trace of imperialism on his body.

This also made her affirm one thing, that is, she is still in the robbery. And this should be the last part of the robbery, which is the illusion.

"Yan, how can you say this?" When Huangfu looked at Murong, he had a trace of doubts in his eyes. "You are already in the devil world. You thought you were still robbing! Oh, You can relax, though."

During the speech, the look of the wounded on the face of Huangfu has completely disappeared, replaced by endless tolerance and tenderness. It seems that he knows very well why Murong’s behavior has just been the same. He did not feel angry because Murong poked his sword.

"Hey, you don't have to continue to pretend. You are not a prince," Murong said, without any change in his face. It is still a face of indifference. "I am very clear about the breath of Huangfu. There is no trace of imperialism in your body. I have already seen it already. This is the last day of robbery! Since I have already seen it, it means that I have passed."

The voice of Murong’s face fell, and the imperial concubine in front of him began to become blurred and then disappeared. Then, everything around it is like a broken mirror, it becomes a fragment directly, and then disappears without a trace.

Open your eyes again, Murong pours and finds himself still on the top of the mountain. After the last catastrophe such as the illusion, she felt that her body seemed to be a lot easier, as if she had lost any shackles.

At the moment when Murong opened his eyes, the dark clouds that the sky had gathered were slowly dissipating. The sky once again became brighter, even revealing a burst of golden light.

Bathed in the golden light, Murong can feel the injury in his body slowly healed, and a lot of aura continues to swarm in her body. After a large amount of aura came into the body, she did not feel any discomfort, but the aura directly turned into a mysterious force, swimming in her body. She felt the ease of her body in an unprecedented way.

Then, a dazzling golden beam of light illuminates.

Murong knows that this is the light that leads to the upper limit. She glanced at her back and seemed to look at everything she was in love with. Then she turned her head and stepped into the light column without hesitation.

Soon, the pillar of light disappeared, and at the same time disappeared together, and Murong stood in the light column.

Such a big movement is naturally unstoppable. When you see the dazzling beam of light from afar, everyone knows that another person has successfully sneaked into the air.

Many people are very envious in their hearts. You must know that it is almost the dream of everyone in this continent to be able to cross the upper bound. Now that others are flying, how can they feel uncomfortable in their hearts!

Chen's home -

Chen Shanghua sat in the study and looked out through the window. He seems to have sensed something, looking at the direction in which Murong is rising, and his mouth is full of a proud smile.

In the habitat, Murong Xizhao is holding Chen Ruoshui tightly. "Water, don't think too much, we just separated for a short time. Have you forgotten? Let's leave us a lot of remedies, we just have If you step up your cultivation, there will always be a day when you can reach that place. It’s just that you’re going to pass.”

"I know." Although the mouth said this, but Chen Ruoshui's tears still can't stop, "But my heart is still uncomfortable, she just left. I finally saw my daughter again, now It is separated again."

Murong Xizhao did not say anything more comforting. He just hugged Chen Ruoshui tightly, and his right hand patted Chen Ruoshui’s back to give Chen Ruoshui a silent comfort.

Within the Dragon House, Long Lizhen is practicing in his own room. Suddenly, she seemed to have sensed something and suddenly opened her eyes.

Then, her mouth twitched a smile, "Look at the face, you succeeded, I am very happy for you. Believe me, I will go to that place soon."

A few days ago, Murong had already come and said goodbye to her.

When she knew that Murong was going to sneak up, her heart was also reluctant, but she was still very happy. Because she is also very clear, this century, Murong has poured out his feelings for the emperor.

Now that Murong has finally reached this step, she is also very happy to admire the face.

At the same time, she secretly urged herself in her heart. She must not be lazy. She must practice well, because only then can she reunite with the rotor.

She hasn't seen the rotor for a long time, and she doesn't miss it. However, she is convinced that through their own efforts, the time for their gathering will soon come.

Moreover, when Murong was coming to say goodbye to her, she still left a lot of remedies for her, which can be supplemented, but there will be no sequelae.

Looking at the medicinal herbs on the table not far away, Long Li's mouth smirked a smile. Then she closed her eyes again and began to concentrate on cultivation.
