383 : Want to pay

Even the nightmare of the nightmare disappeared directly before it reached the white corps. Then, the little white **** raised his paws and gently swung a bit toward the front. Even the nightmare seemed to be attacked. He stepped back two steps, then he squatted down and grabbed his chest. It seemed to be affected. What hurts the same.

Even the nightmare was there, there was a pain in the chest, and she could even feel a sweetness pouring into her throat. She abolished a lot of effort and swallowed that sweetness. When she looked up again and looked at the opposite white corps, she had already lost her previous contempt and replaced it with full taboos.

Others may just see her hurt, but only she will know that her injuries are multiple. She never thought about it. It seems that such a small white scorpion that is so weak and deceivable can still have such lethality. And she can feel that this little white scorpion is very easy when dealing with her, and is not serious.

If this little white group is serious, she does not know if she can still escape this robbery.

Xiaobai looked at the nightmare coldly and said, "I have already said it when I first. Without the permission of the master, you are not allowed to leave."

Looking at Xiaobai's indifference, even the nightmare never dared to say anything. She feels that if she wants to say anything, I am afraid that it will really make this little white gang angry, and no one can save her.

Seeing such a situation change, others are very unbelievable. However, after this time, everyone has seen one thing clearly, that is, this little white group is absolutely not so simple on the surface.

Soon, everyone's attention was all returned to the fight between Murong and Yan Cui.

Although it didn't take much time, the fight between Murong's face and the emerald vine has already entered a fever. However, it can be clearly seen that the disadvantage is the emerald vine. The regeneration speed of the green vine is very fast, and almost tens of thousands of pieces have attacked the past with the face of Murong. However, Murong was not a fuel-efficient lamp. She constantly waved the sword in her hand and slashed the emerald vine.

As time went by, the emerald vines had already retired. It has now generated a touch of intelligence, and naturally it can be felt that Murong is not the person it can beat. So, now it has the meaning of retreating.

Soon, all the vines were all drilled into the soil again. The speed is so fast that everyone can almost react.

Seeing such a situation, Chu Linxing and others could not help but start cheering. Even Sun Lei, who has always been calm, has a bright smile on his face. They thought they were going to die here today, but they didn't expect that they could escape.

However, unlike them, Murong’s mood is not good. At the beginning of her life, she was not only trying to defeat the emerald vine, but what she wanted to do was to recover the emerald vine. This emerald vine is a good thing. Since it is encountered, there is absolutely no reason to give up.

Therefore, she did not have any fallacies. At the moment when the vine disappeared, she immediately released her knowledge, followed the direction of the green vine, and flew past.

Sun Lei was surprised to see such a move by Murong. He stepped forward and wanted to scream Murong, but he was stopped by Xiaobai.

"You don't want to go up." Xiaobai stopped in front of Sun Lei and said unceremoniously, "You will go up at this time and only add chaos to your host. Waiting for the master to come back."

"But that's too dangerous." Sun Lei frowned. "Since the monster has been defeated, there is no need to continue to chase it down. It's poor to chase. The girl's approach is very dangerous."

After hearing Sun Lei’s words, Xiaobai couldn’t help but turn a blind eye. “Since the master dared to catch up, it is natural to have his own plans. We don’t have to go to trouble.”

Looking at Xiao Bai's intention not to let go, Sun Lei knew that he said nothing was useless, so he could only retreat to the side. However, he still stared closely at Murong’s direction of leaving, and his eyes were full of worry.

In a place that everyone did not notice, even when the nightmare looked at the direction in which Murong’s face disappeared, there was a trace of bitterness in the eye. Apparently, she has already ruined her with just a little white, and all of them hate the face of Murong.

Now that the danger has been lifted, she does not need the woman to save her. Seeing the woman’s move, her mouth smirked. What she hopes most is that the woman can die in the strange vines.

On the other side, Murong was quickly chased up with the emerald vine. She knows that as long as he continues to follow, he will soon find the body of the green vine. Yes, it is the ontology.

Those vines are just the avatars of the emerald vines, which are spread from the body of the emerald vine, but that is not the body of the emerald vine. As long as you get the body of the emerald vine, it is really possible to recover the emerald vine.

Soon, Murong looked at the body of the green vine. It was just a small vine, and it seemed to be too inconspicuous in the vines of this forest. If you really say that it has something special, it probably means that it looks greener than other vines!

Murong leaned closer and looked directly at the emerald vine. The corner of his mouth smirked. "Because you are a cruel and violent plant, I didn't expect it to look good!"

The green vines drifted in the wind, without any reaction, and looked like a simple vine.

Murong looked at the silly vine, and the smile on his lips seemed even more sinister. "Only when we played this kind of game, you should not think that I can't recognize your breath!"

As soon as this statement came out, the emerald vine was no longer disguised. It once again stretched out the horrible vines and attacked the past toward Murong.

This time, Murong’s face was not even taken out by the scorpion sword. He directly attacked the fire and attacked the past with the vines. At the beginning, Murong’s face was only covered with a layer of fire on the sword, and the power of the fire did not really come out.

However, now Murong is not able to control the power of the fire, and a hot atmosphere spread directly from all directions.

When the vines of the green vines touch the fire, they are directly turned into ashes. Feeling the danger of the fire, the emerald vine immediately took the vine back. Then the vines twisted a few times, and the leaves on the tops were pulled down. Even at the top of the vines, there was a little sap of juice that looked like a human tear. It looks like it is being bullied by someone.

Murong looked at the look of the emerald vine, Murong leaned and touched the nose, did not know why, felt a hint of guilty, but then she felt a little funny. What is this sorcerer's grievance! Obviously it was the first attack launched, and now it is still poor here.

"Do you want to surrender to me now? Or do you want to die here?" Murong looked at the emerald vine and went straight to the local language. "You choose one yourself! Don't expect to fool me, I know." You can understand what I said."

After listening to the words of Murong, the emerald vines began to frantically sway, and the meaning of resistance was already obvious.

Seeing the appearance of the emerald vine, Murong’s mouth smirked with a strange smile. “Since you don’t want to follow me, then we are enemies. I have never left any feelings for the enemy.”

After that, Murong poked his right hand and made a snap, and a cluster of flames appeared directly on her hand. The temperature of the flame is higher than before, and the hot temperature seems to be able to burn everything in the world.

Murong squinted and lifted the fire, and sent it directly to the green vine, and the corner of his mouth was still with a cold smile.

Looking at the fire that is getting closer and closer, the emerald vine was scared and shivered. Just when the fire was about to burn, the emerald vine immediately extended a vine, and continued to make a nod to the direction of Murong's face. For fear of slowing down, it would be burnt to the same.

Seeing the movement of the emerald vine, Murong retired and recovered the fire. He was very satisfied with the nod. "It seems that you are still very acquainted, so good. After all, you are a good thing. If you burn you like this, I also feel a pity."

During the speech, Murong had already taken out a knife and cut it on his finger. Then he squeezed a drop of blood and dripped it toward the emerald vine.

After a drop of blood dripped on the vines of the green vine, it was quickly absorbed.

Immediately, there was a contractual arrangement between Murong and Yan Cui.

However, for a moment, Murong can feel the connection between himself and the green vine. It was also at this time that Murong had a clear feeling of the grievances that the emerald vines had uploaded.

In fact, it is really a very wrong grievance. You know, it has been in this forest for many years. From the beginning of a sense of spirituality, it almost became the hegemon of this forest. Even the Warcraft in this forest, many of them are dead in its hands.

However, it is not a killer, no, it should be said to be a plant. As long as others, or other beasts, do not invade its territory, it will not kill.

Today, if not for those who step on its vines first, it will not chase the group of people. I just didn't expect it to be planted today, and it was planted on a woman who looked so young. If you know that there will be such a consequence, today it will definitely not pursue a few people. It’s just too late to regret it.

Looking at the slouchy look of the emerald vine, Murong couldn't help but sneer. "Okay, don't be so wronged, you can follow me, it's also your blessing. I promise, you won't regret today. Such a decision."

After that, Murong pours his hand and directly puts the emerald vine into the space.

Cui Mo Teng did not know what happened, but in a blink of an eye, it changed a place. However, when it found that the aura in this place was much richer than the previous forest, all its grievances disappeared without a trace.

It happily waved its own vines and continually twisted its body. If Murong is here, it is sure to see the appearance of the green vine, which is really like dancing.

Although I haven't seen it, but now I have already contracted with Cui Mo Teng, and Murong can still feel the joy of the emperor's body.

She shook her head with a smile and then walked back in the direction of Xiaobai.

Since Murong’s departure, Sun Lei and others have sat down and started to deal with the injuries on their own. They have more or less injuries on their bodies, but fortunately, there are no fatal injuries. After everyone handled the injury, they also went to find a place to change a clean dress. After all, when they just wrestled with the monster, they were already embarrassed.

Now that the crisis has been lifted, everyone naturally has no previous tensions and seems to be more relaxed.

However, it is worth mentioning that the person with the most serious injuries is actually a nightmare. In the beginning, because of everyone's protection, her injury was the lightest. However, afterwards, all the crimes were sinful, and the ones attacked by Xiaobai would be seriously injured.

After Sun Lei and Chu Linxing and others managed themselves, they couldn’t help but look at the direction that Murong’s face had just disappeared. Although Xiaobai has already said, she will be fine. But they still worry in their hearts. Especially if the other party is still trying to save them, they will be on the monster.

Of course, these people are going out and even dreaming. She now wants to let her face and die, and she will not worry about anything.

"Master, you are back." Xiaobai first saw Murong's face. It took two steps and made two steps. He flew straight toward Murong and jumped into the embrace of Murong. "Master, is things going well?"

"Yeah." Murong's face was full of smiles, and she nodded. "It's very smooth. Now the green vine has been contracted."

This may be her biggest gain this time! I have to say that she fell to this place after flying, and it is really lucky.

Sun Lei and others saw that Murong was coming back, and finally he was relieved. They went straight ahead.

Sun Lei arched his hand and said, "This girl, I really appreciate your help this time. If it is because of your help, maybe we will die here."

Although Chu Linxing and others did not say anything, the expression of gratitude on the face is enough to explain everything.

"You don't have to be so polite, I don't help it for free!" Murong smiled and waved his hand and said, "As long as everyone is fine, it will be fine."

"In any case, you are our savior." Chu Lin took a step forward and said with gratitude, "You saved our lives."

"Hey!" Just at this time, a cold voice directly broke this beautiful atmosphere. And it’s not someone else who is chilling, it’s just a nightmare.

"What's so thankful." Even the nightmare's mouth sneered a sneer, and she dismissively said, "If I didn't want to pay, she might not be willing to take it! You think she is a good person." If she is really a good person, how can she collect money from us!"

Now that the crisis has been lifted, even those parts of the nightmare have naturally come up. Especially when she thinks of something that has just been injured by the little white scorpion, her heart is even more uncomfortable. Obviously she is the one who paid the money, but she was also injured by this little white group. Moreover, everyone is now grateful to the hypocritical monk.

If this monk is really so kind, will he still need money? It is obviously a monk who is robbed by fire, and what kind of generosity is still here.

When this statement came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing. When everyone looked at the nightmare, there was a trace of blame in the eyes. Anyway, it’s a fact that people have saved them now, even if it’s really rewarding, it’s not too much!

Sun Lei looked at Murong and looked at it. When he found that the other party didn't seem angry, he looked at the nightmare and blamed. "Dream, don't talk here. This girl is an indisputable fact. You are like this. It’s too bad to talk.”

"Sister Sun, even you have to blame me here?" After hearing Sun Lei’s words, even the nightmare felt special grievances. "I said that it was a fact, and, just now, her contract. The beast still hurts me. Why are you still standing on her side! I am with you on one side."

When talking, even when the nightmare looks at Murong, the resentment in the eyes is deeper. Especially after seeing the face of Murong's face, she became even more hated. All along, she is most proud of her beautiful face, but now the monk looks even more beautiful than her.

Moreover, even Sun’s brother is standing on the side of the monk. This fact makes her heart more disgusted with the face.

Murong squinted and touched his nose, looking at Xiaobai, and some doubts opened his mouth. "Xiaobai, have you just hurt her?"

Although this is the case, there is no trace of blame in Murong’s tone. It is self-evident that she is standing on the side between Xiaobai and Even Nightmare. Moreover, she is very familiar with Xiaobai. If nothing happens, Xiaobai is unlikely to rush to hurt people.

"Master, she wants to pay the bill." Xiaobai raised his little paw and said with a deep resentment. "When you and the green vine are still fighting, she actually wants to escape, not paying you." Money. So when I get angry, I will hurt her."

When this statement came out, Murong looked at the nightmare and brought a trace of inquiry.

Others did not know what to say after hearing the explanation of Xiaobai. In fact, they are very clear that even the nightmare is going to go because it is worried that they will be implicated and die here. However, the statement of Xiaobai Tuanzi seems to be correct, because even if the nightmare is really gone, it is not paid. In the beginning, she promised to pay a thousand angelic stones. This should also be considered a debt.

"You are nonsense." After hearing the words of Xiaobai, even the whole face of the nightmare was red. She pointed at Xiaobai and said angrily. "You don't want to filthy me here, my dear lady, how? Will rely on a thousand miles of fairy stones."

No one has ever dared to say her like this. If this is the case, it will be spread out, saying that her even the lady of the family has to rely on a thousand of Xianling Stones, and then she will have any face to walk out!

"Hey, when you just started, didn't you just want to escape?" When Xiaobai looked at even the nightmare, his eyes were all contemptuous. "If you didn't plan to pay the bill, why should you sneak away? I see you. Just don't want to pay."

This time, even Murong pours his face, and when he looks at the nightmare, he brings a glimpse of it.

She really did not think that such a big lady who seems to be arrogant and willful will actually want to pay. Sure enough, this forest is big, and it really is what birds are. Even if it is the upper bound, there are still such shameless people.

"I won't be in a hurry!" Even the nightmare rose with a red face and snarled. "It's just a thousand fairy stones. Do you think I can't get it?"

"Hey, why did you just want to escape?" Xiaobai said without hesitation.

Even the nightmare bites his teeth and doesn't know what to say. She can't always say that she just saw Murong swaying in the wind, so I want to escape first! If you say this, it will only cause more contempt for everyone.

In the end, she didn’t know what to say. She took a small bag from her own space and threw it in the direction of Murong’s face. “It’s just a thousand fairy stones, I I will give it to you now."

Murong leaned out and reached out, grabbed the small bag that even the nightmare had thrown, then opened the bag and began counting.

Seeing the move of Murong to face it, for a time, everyone still feels speechless.

Especially the nightmare, after seeing Murong’s move, I felt a nameless fire. “What do you mean by this? Are you still worried that I will give less?”

She felt that the other party’s move was simply insulting her.

Who knows, after hearing even the nightmare, Murong turned his face and nodded, and said, "Yes, I just don't believe you. When you just thought about it, I know how you know it." When I am, will there be a few pieces of fairy stones? And, I think, when this is the case, it’s better to have a face-to-face point, and it’s not good to avoid any contradictions.
