
"omg.. no way." You hear a slight voice say. "y/n Carver ... and Eddie Munson.. laying down together." you hear again. Not fully aware of what had been happening, your eyes stayed closed, and you didn't move. "How cute.." another voice says, walking up. "Cant wait for the squad to see this." you hear, the voice goes faint. You zone into reality, and open your eyes a little. Not remembering why you had been in the room you were in, you get up to stretch. Your back had been throbbing from laying down, and you were freezing. You hadn't known what time it was, and you searched your pocket for yoy phone, 3:02pm.
"Omg, I fell asleep in school.." You went to jump up from the ground, using your hands as support. "Yeah we did." You turn around startled, Eddie ?!
When did.. what happened, wait.. Did I lay on him...? "Good afternoon gorgeous." He says again, stretching and yawning. You look confused, and disappointed. "What happened.. I didn't lay on you surely." You start to Panic. He reaches his arm out, clearly to sign for you to help him up, "Yeah, you did actually." he laughs. You grab his hand and pull him up onto his feet, "It was the best nap I've had at school." He says smiling, "And i've had plenty." You look around the room, and see your bag and purse on the ground. You picked them up, and go to leave the room. "Woah Woah Woah, So we're gonna ignore what just happened Carver...?" He asks, walking over to you with one last stretch. "Like we didn't fall asleep on each other.." He says in a cocky voice. You roll your eyes, "We didn't mean to, we were just tired.. Ok Eddie?" You twist the door knob and open the door, Eddie holds it open for you and himself. "Well, you seemed to enjoy it." He said, pointing to the drool on the bottom of his t-shirt. "Oh you so put that there." you say scoffing. What was with him, why did he have to be like this. "Yeah, I just drooled on myself. What are you talking about?!" You suddenly zoned out from his conversation, to a notification from your phone. You pull it out, and see it was a message from your brother, and another one from the cheer squads. "You cant deny your feelings for me Y/n." He says, You searched through your phone and clicked messages, and just like you expected, Jason found out about Eddie. "Wtf is this Y/n ?! You and Eddie laying on each other. What are you dating the freak now ?!" He sent the image that the squad sent him, you couldn't believe it. "Are you even listening to me right now?" You hear, the message from the squad said, "Sorry, Maybe don't hang out with freaks." You turn around to him, and stop in the middle of the hallway. The halls had been clear, since all the kids had already left and went home by now. He's smiling and looking you up and down. You finally had enough of Eddie Munson, so you went off on him. "Why cant you just fuck off and leave me alone already ?!" You tell at him, you felt the stress build up, "I never wanted to do your stupid ass club anyways. So stop acting like I like you and all that, when in reality I can't fucking stand you." You scream, grabbing you hair, and breathing loudly. "What the hell is that supposed to mean.." He says, his voice goes soft. He don't sound like the normal him, he sounded upset. "You heard me Eddie, I don't want anything to do with you." You yell again, His eyes are dark, and his face shows no emotion. "Okay, sorry Carver." He gets up, you can see tears forming in his eyes, and his face shows he is holding them back. He turns away from you and walks the other way.
"Don't bother coming to the meet tomorrow." you hear one last time, probably the last words you'll hear from Eddie Munson.
