
Everyone started to get tired, so you decided it was time you started heading home. When you all were leaving the mall, Robin and Steve have been filling Chrissy in on "How the Fire Started." So that gave you and Eddie some alone time to talk about the kiss, even the ice cream thing he just let slide. You were a little behind them three, but you couldn't see Eddie anywhere.. "BOO" Eddie grabbed onto you from behind, and made you scream. "Omg Eddie, you are such a JERK." You grab his arm and pull him to stand next to you. "Did little y/n get scared..?" He mocks puppy eyes and acts like he didn't mean it. "Omg just shut up Eddie." You say laughing at how complicated he was to talk to. You both walk for a while, laughing until you remember the kiss. You look over at him, and he had been staring at you already. You look into his eyes, and then look away, "Hey, uhm.. Eddie?" You say, "Whats up Carver?" He asks, looking at you still. "Why.. why did you kiss me?" You finally let it out, you wanted the truth. Even though it was a risky question, you needed the answer. "Oh .. that silly thing I did?" He tried to play it off and laugh about it. He looks back to you laughing, noticing you were being dead serious and he stops. "Wait what, are you not joking?" He stares at you, waiting for an answer. You just shake your head no, and he continues, "It was for your ex to see, Im sorry if it made you uncomfortable y/n.." You look at him and smile, "No it didn't make me uncomfortable.. I just thought maybe you did it because you wanted to maybe..? I don't know, just forget it, ok?" You ask, trying to laugh off how stupid you were sounding. "Wait, you wanted that to be me just wanting to kiss you?" He asks, you could see him go a little red. "I.. well I don't know." You start to get flustered, "Oh, that's good to know." You hear him say, "same." Again, under his breath this time, maybe it was for you not to hear but you did anyways, and it made things a lot better.

"Are you two slowpokes coming, or are you gonna stay here ?" You hear Robin shout, they had already been in the car. Eddie looks over at you and words come right out of his mouth, "Race you, loser has to kiss the winner" He starts running to the car before you even processed what he meant. Oh my god. Did Eddie Munson just say that? You still haven't even ran, you were walking at this point. "Y/n, You're letting him win!!" You hear Chrissy shout, she laughs at how dumb Eddie looked running. He held up his pants, apparently his belt did him no good. He was running out of breath, and so he took a break, giving you a second chance of a head start. You ran faster, and without him realizing, right past him. You were so close to the car, Eddie had gained speed on you and was just behind you. You deny giving up and losing so you go full speed, and you make it to Robin, and smack her hand to show you won. Eddie came right up behind you, out of breath, bending down over his knees, "I" .. "Need." he takes a big deep breath, "water." and another. You grab your bag from the car, and pull out your water and hand it to him, "Thanks.." He takes a big long sip of the bottle, probably finishing it up, "Carver."

You finally made it to Eddie's house and it was just you, Eddie, and Chrissy. You already dropped Robin and Steve off at home. Eddie got out of the car, and pulled you with him. He peeked his head through the window, "Hey, y/n left her charger in my house, we will be right back." he said, He closes the door fast and pulls you with him to his house, "I didn't bring in my charger, I didn't bring anything in earlier?" You says confused, as he pulls your arm into his house, he closes the front door and makes you turn to him. "Okay I lost, so I have to kiss you." He says, you turn your head in shock, giving him all your attention, "what." you asks, dumbfounded with what he just said to you. "You heard me, I lost the race. And I specifically said loser has to kiss the winner." Eddie says again, this time he's looking at your eyes, then your lips, and your eyes again. "Wait I didn't think you were being serious.." You try to reason, but before you could finish your sentence, he grabs your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, and pulls your lips into his. You guys kissed for what seemed like forever, and when you finally let go, catching some breaths, Eddie smiled. "You better get going aye?" He says, breathing loudly. "yeah.. yeah I should." You say, wiping your mouth. You open the door and slowly take your hand off of it as you leave, "Great kiss Munson" You say, before walking back to the car, and getting in. As you and Chrissy drive away, You see Eddie smiling and waving at you.


