
"Y/n, wake up!!" You hear your mom bang on your door, waking you up. "Im up." You yell back, throwing the cover off of yourself, and as you look over you remembered Eddie had stayed the night last night. You hurry and start shoving him, trying to get him up. "Eddie, you need to leave. You need to go home and get ready for school." You say, shaking him. "Alright, Alright. Im up." He starts yawning, he covers his face with the pillow.

After a while Eddie finally was making his way out of the window, it was around 6:40am. "Be careful!" You shout out your window, as he makes his way down your brick wall. "I will, bye Y/n." He says, looking back at you waving as he walks away. "Bye!" You reach out your window, waving back. You continue getting ready, and find a cute outfit and pick out some shoes. You walked out of your room and went to the kitchen, "Alright, Jason. Are you ready?" You say loudly, letting him hear you from his room. "Yeah, are you driving ?" he calls out, "Yeah, now let's go." You say, grabbing your keys off the table and walking out of the door.

You grabbed your things out of your locker and heard Eddie laugh coming from beside you. You look over and see him talking with his dnd club. God. You loved the way he expressed things, his facial expressions, the way he talks.. He was perfect to you. "Guys stop, it meant nothing to her.." He says to them, rubbing the back of his neck. You didn't mean to eavesdrop but you keep listening to their conversation. "Eddie has a crush !!!" Gareth laughs, one of the dnd members. They all laugh and he looks over at you shyly and waves at you. He mouths the words "Hey" as you wave back at him, smiling. You close your locker and head to class. Luckily, this class you had with Eddie so you got to see him. You had just finished writing your notes down when someone taps on your shoulder from behind. "Psst, y/n." You hear, you turn around and see Steve. "what do you want." You say, knowing he forgot something and was gonna ask to borrow it. "I just wanted to give you this." he hands you a folded piece of paper. "Oh okay.. thanks?" You turn back around to your desk and unfold the paper, as it gets bigger you see words forming. The paper in your hands had read,

Meet me in the bathroom ?

- Eddie

You look over to where Eddie was sitting and smile at him, nodding your head yes. You hear behind you, Steve scoffing. When you look at him, his face looks impressed and shocked. "What are you laughing about?" You ask him, knowing it was about you. "Nothing.. just wouldn't see Eddie being y/n Carvers type.." He says laughing, looking back at his paper.

After class, You walk down the hall on your way to the bathroom to meet Eddie and see Chrissy. "Hey, where are you going? Lunch is the other way." She says, tagging along with you. "I just need to use the restroom." You say looking at her. "Well the girls bathroom is towards lunch.. The only bathroom this way is the neutral one? For teachers? Why would you need to go ..." She looks up at you squealing, stopping both of you in the hallway. "Omg y/n.. I'll leave you to it.. tell me everything at lunch." She says, rubbing your shoulder as she walks away. You continue walking towards the bathroom, when Eddie rushes right past you. "THE LOSER HAS TO KISS THE WINNER." He shouts, getting closer to the bathroom. You start running along him, and pass him, making it to the bathroom. Right before you walk in, Eddie makes it past the wall before you, sliding next to the sink. As you turn the wall, and make it in there, before you can say a word, he scoops your waist into his arms and pulls you into him, making his lips meet your own. He pushes himself against the sink, and spins you around, placing you on the sink as he stands between your legs, making out with you. You pull away from him and catch your breath, "Omg." you say, laughing whilst your breath is heavy. "I know right." He says, grabbing your face on both sides, pulling you into him more. You and Eddie have kissed before but.. God It had been amazing this time.. You wanted to kiss him forever. "Okay.. Eddie." You say, pulling away from him again. "We should go to lunch, im starving." You say, wiping your lips and hoping down from the sink. "Alright, whatever you want Carver." He says back, smirking at you. "Hey but one more question.." He says, grabbing your waist, turning you around to face him. "How would you like to be.. my girlfriend..?" Eddie asks. He finally asked, it was happening. You looked at him, your face turning red and you grab his face. You kiss him one more time, and pull back, your hands still on his face. "Yes" You say. He grabs you and pulls you into another kiss, this one lasting a little longer. "Wait.. I thought you were hungry." He asks you laughing, "Oh shut up, let's go." You say, smiling and grabbing his hand.

