You wake up with Eddies arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against his chest. You could hear his breathing, snoring.. You try to squirm out from under his grip when you feel his arm tug you back to him. "Just a little more." He says in a sleepy voice. You throw your head back and look up at him, "fine." You say, he leans down over you, laying a kiss on your forehead. "Thanks." He mutters under his breath, pulling away from the kiss. "Good morning." You say, turning over to face him, still tight to his chest. "Good morning." He says, loosening his arms a bit so you could scoot back. You stare through his eyes, taking in the dark brown color. Your thoughts get interrupted when you feel his hand rubs back in forth against your waist. Making a circular pattern, repeating it over and over, shivers spike through your whole entire body. All of sudden, you hear crashing noises coming from below you. You jerk your head towards the door and look back at Eddie who is just as concerned as you. "Robin and Steve." He confirms. You finally sit up from his grip as he lets you go, and you Stand up from the bed. "C'mon, let's go before they destroy the house." You say, pulling his hand as he slides closer towards the edge of the bed. "Alright. alright." He says, finally standing up as he clears the wrinkles from his clothes. You both head downstairs and are alarmed by Steve and Robin who are in the kitchen pacing around the room. You creep closer towards the kitchen as you feel a set of hands come towards your waist. Eddies face had made its way to the crook of your neck as he holds your waist. "Lets scare them." His voice echos in your ears. You two walk closer, he finally lets his hands down from you, walking towards the other side of the wall. "1..2..3.." He whispers, looking over at you. "BOO" You both shout, jumping towards Robin and Steve. "SHIT." You hear Robin shouts as she drops a pan on the floor, backing away before it had hit her toes. "Don't do that again." Steve says in a stern voice, holding his hand to his chest. You and Eddie laugh as you make your way towards the kitchen and see Robin and Steve had make food.

"I actually made it, not Steve." Robin says before you could even speak. "Oh thanks Robin." Eddie says as he takes a piece of bacon and throws it into his mouth. "Thank you." You say laughing as you grab a plate, filling it with food. "I helped." Steve pouts, holding his hands up towards Robin. "Yeah? with what." She asks, scoffing at him. "I mean its my stuff, my house, I bought the food.." Steve assures everyone. "Harrington's right you know." Eddie says, stuffing his mouth some more. "Oh shut up Eddie, continue eating your food and let the grown ups talk." Robin says to him, smacking his arm down. "You're legit younger than me Buckley." Eddie says laughing at her. "Eddie, just eat." You say, smiling at him while he continues to eat more bacon. "Whatever you say." He adds, shutting up for the rest of the conversation.

"Thanks for having us." Robin yells out to Steve as you three walk out of his house. You all made your way to the car, yours and Eddies suit cases going in the back seats. "Bye Robin!" You call out as she gets into her car, you getting into Eddie's van. "Bye y/n!" She shuts her door. You shut yours also and buckle up, looking over you see Eddie smiling at you. "Ready to go home?" He asked you while starting the car. "Yeah.." You say in a faint voice, remembering you would see Jason... Remembering what he done to Eddie, and he was gonna just act like everything was normal once you two saw him, act like he had no part in it. Well little did he know, you found his ring, you found evidence, and you weren't gonna let what he did slide. "Whats wrong?" Eddie cuts your thoughts, picking up your hand as he throws a concerned face at you. "Nothing, Im ready!" You say, bringing a smile towards your face as you squeeze his hand tighter.
