
Chapter 91Xia Chen didn't like the yard where the man-eating beasts lived because it was too dirty and refused to live there. He originally planned to live in the yard next door, but there was no one on either side anyway.

 But after taking a look, I found that the yard next door was very dirty, and the only furniture, tables and chairs had been moved away, and even the bed boards had been cut down by these gangsters to use as firewood, making it impossible to live in.

 Xue Guangzong took the initiative and offered to stay at his and Jing Sheng's residence. Although they were children, they lived in a pretty good place with a separate small courtyard and all the furniture.

 This is all thanks to Jing Sheng, he is a strange person. There are a lot of empty houses in Zhongnanning now, and the houses they live in are not very good, so there is no need to take risks with them.

 Jing Sheng's supernatural powers are somewhat similar to Liu Shaoyan's, they are both arsonists. The difference is that Liu Shaoyan can directly set fire and throw fireballs, and the fire created by Jing must be in contact with his body.

 So he usually puts fire on his palms to fight people or zombies. The burning smell that Xia Chen and the others heard at the crime scene was that the dead man was half-burned to death by Jing Sheng's chest and abdomen.

 But this man was not killed by Jing Sheng, but by gangster leader Zhang Qihuang. Because this man was crippled by Jing Sheng, and there was no cure anyway, he might as well just kill him.

 These are the confessions of the gangster who was lucky enough to survive. He said, Zhang Qihuang said, half-dead and half-dead can only suffer, and for a brother, it is better to free him early and let the other brothers have a good meal.

 It was because this man was killed first that Jing Sheng, who was beaten half to death, was lucky to survive. Zhang Qihuang wanted to eat fresh food, so he ate the man first, and then killed Jing Sheng after eating.

 After hearing this, Sun Heihu was so angry that he stepped forward and beat the gangster violently, and said: "You beasts, how can you be called brothers!"

 Although Sun Heihu was a bandit, he still knew what it means to be righteous. Every bite of food was always shared among the brothers. This was the first time he heard that he would kill his brothers when he was hungry.

 In the end, the gangster also killed him. People like this who have eaten human flesh will be a disaster if they remain. Afterwards, the body was burned with a fire. Xue Guangzong said that they were not the only ones in this city to eat human flesh. If the body was left behind, it might be eaten by others. Just thinking about it made me feel sick.

 After that, they followed Xue Guangzong's guidance to their residence. The place where they lived was not far from here, otherwise Zhang Qihuang would not have targeted them. There were ordinary families nearby who were not very wealthy.

 After Jingsheng took the medicine, his breathing stabilized. With people's current physical condition, the recovery effect of the fruit blood was very good. The pumpkin carriage was fast and smooth. He was placed on the bed behind the carriage, and there was no bumps along the way.

 On the road, he encountered three or two zombies blocking the road. Feng Yanshan shouted, and Zheliu stabbed the zombies to death with a few swords. The car only slowed down a bit but did not stop.

 Xue Guangzong sat on the soft stool in the driver's seat. His screams were blocked before he could even leave his mouth. He looked at Zhe Liu with admiration in his eyes. He had really met a noble person.

 When Jing Sheng woke up, everyone was eating, and everyone was hungry for meat. Besides, they consumed a lot of food and would starve quickly if they didn't replenish enough energy.

 After they had the pumpkin carriage, they no longer had to rush on their way every day for fear of not being able to reach their destination in the dark. Therefore, if there were mountains or animals on the way, they would hunt down some prey and store it in Xia Chen's space.

 Since the last time he cooked braised pork, everyone has highly recognized Xia Chen's cooking skills. In fact, his cooking skills are average, which is at the level of an ordinary home-cooked meal. The key is the recipe and the seasonings.

 Xia Chen definitely doesn't want to be a chef all the time, so when he is cooking, he will invite people who are interested to watch, talk and cook, so that they can learn.

 Tonight's meal was cooked by one of Sun Heihu's brothers, a young man named Wen Guixi. This boy was extremely talented as a chef. He had a very sensitive sense of taste and smell, and he could control the weight in his hands very well. Xia Chen let go Go ahead and teach him what to do.

 Tonight's main dish is braised pork, with some dried vegetables added to it. The dried vegetables are full of oil and gravy, and with a little bit of toughness from the dried vegetables, it's even more delicious than the large pieces of pork belly inside.

 It was still a bowl of rice and a large ladle of meat and vegetables for each person. Xue Guangzong also got a bowl to eat. When he saw Wen Guixi starting to cook, he hid aside in embarrassment. Most of the cake in Jingsheng's arms was smashed, leaving only a few crumbs, so he reluctantly threw it away and put it away.

 The most important thing that Xia Chen lacked was food. How could such a little person be so hungry? He asked Feng Yanshan to bring him a bowl of rice. The child was so young after all that he couldn't hold on after just a few words of advice and ate ravenously.

 After Jingsheng woke up, he found himself lying on a familiar bed. Needless to say, he was surprised. There seemed to be many people talking in the yard. When he went out and saw a bunch of unknown people in his yard, Xue Guangzong was holding a bowl and eating with his mouth full.

 Before the end of the world, if you had been hungry for so long and ate so much oily vegetables, it would have been weird if you didn't have a bad stomach. But now people's physical fitness has been strengthened, otherwise a child like Xuan Niang would have been sick long ago after such a bumpy journey.

 Seeing Jing Sheng wake up, Xue Guangzong happily ran over with a bowl in hand: "Jing Sheng, this kind nobleman gave this to me, for you to eat!"

 After Jing Sheng asked what happened, he was about to kowtow to Xia Chen and the others on the spot. When he was stopped, he was still extremely grateful.

 Seeing his helpless look, Xia Chen made an excuse and said: "We want to buy some supplies in this city, either to exchange them or to buy them. We are outsiders and are not familiar with the people and things in this city. If Brother Jing Sheng is convenient, so you might as well give me some advice.

 He was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that even though Jing Sheng was young, he could explain the layout of Zhongning Mansion in a very clear and logical manner. It turned out that his father was the housekeeper of the Xue Mansion and had grown up with Xue Guangzong since he was a child. The Xue family planned to train him to take over his father's job and work for Xue Guangzong. He had been running errands with his father since he was a child, and he knew everything he needed to know.

 On the day the corpse was picked up, the Xue family was unlucky. The master and housekeeper in the mansion turned into zombies, and the wife was bitten. There was no one in charge, and the Xue family was in chaos. When Jing Sheng found Xue Guangzong hiding in the closet, Xue Guangzong The servants in the family were bitten and ran away, and there were only a few left.

 Xue Guangzong was young and had few subordinates. He didn't keep anything at home. His servants took away the family's money, and his shop property was taken over by other large households after stabilization. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jing Sheng ran away with Xue Guangzong and hid in Beicheng District and found an empty small courtyard to live in.

 After that, the two children traveled almost half of the city in search of food, and they also knew the current situation in the city very well.

 With Jing Sheng's guidance, they saved a lot of trouble. In a city as big as Zhongning Prefecture, which one is still doing business, which one is waiting for customers to come to eat, which one sells what and which one has bad goods, Jing Sheng has all said Clearly.

 When Xia Chen asked, he told him everything without reservation, and even offered to guide him. It was good to be able to lead the way. Xia Chen asked him to eat first and discuss the rest after eating.

 It was already dark at this time, and soon there were wandering zombies smashing into the door. The evolved zombies were not only more sensitive, but also stronger. It was difficult for the wooden door to withstand their long-term impact.

 With the current strength of Xia Chen and the others, unless they encounter a large group of zombies, it would be better to just kill such sporadic zombies.

 Brother Nan and Wangchen went out for a while, and it ended easily. Jingsheng, who was eating, heard the roar of zombies that suddenly disappeared, and secretly made a decision in his heart.

 After eating, Xia Chen called everyone together to discuss tomorrow's itinerary. He finally found a place to stay and had a lot to do.

 For example, preparing dry food and throwing away the dirty clothes that could be washed and those that could not be washed. Needle Girl also said that she wanted to wash the inside of the pumpkin carriage again. They stepped on it and the ground was dirty.

 Everyone treasures the Pumpkin Carriage. It is such a good car. I have never ridden in such a stable and comfortable car. It is not cold and it is comfortable to sleep and eat in it.

 In the past, when riding in a carriage, Needle Girl never dared to do needlework in the carriage, because the needle would stick into her finger if she wasn't careful, and she couldn't control it with her powers.

 Such a nice car, she felt heartbroken when she saw the footprints inside.

 So for the next day's itinerary, Wen Guixi and a few men who also knew some cooking skills stayed to cook. Xia Chen recalled asking them to make brown sugar steamed buns. Anyway, he has a lot of raw materials, this stuff is sweet, delicious and high in energy, and the production method is not very difficult. They do the hard work of kneading the dough just right.

 Tonight, the night watchman will stay all night, and then stay to catch up on sleep during the day. In addition, Zhenniang and her daughter will stay, and Wangchen will also stay as part of the defense force.

 The needle girl's superpower has no effect on zombies, but it has an unexpected effect on humans. Xia Chen also gave her a little bit of the floral dew of the sleep flower. After the needle was soaked in it, it became like an anesthetic needle. As soon as the needle goes in, the person collapses.

 Wangchen's defensive cover is very effective against zombies. Even if you encounter a large number of zombies, just open the cover and hold on until they come back.

 Others went out to collect supplies. It was good to have more people. Like before, they never dared to divide their troops and they all acted together.

 Originally, I planned to let the child Xue Guangzong stay, but considering that Jing Sheng might be worried, I took him with me.

 After the discussion, Xia Chen told Jingsheng about the materials they wanted to collect and asked Jingsheng for his opinion. Jingsheng thought for a while, first told where the items were, and then gave him a route map he had planned.

 Xia Chen did not underestimate the child, seeing that he was quite confident, Xia Chen directly adopted his route, and Jing Sheng finally had a smile on his adult-like face.

 He hesitated for a moment and asked Xia Chen where they were going.

 There was nothing to hide. Xia Chen told the general destination and said he was going home.

 After Jing Sheng listened, he picked his fingers and stretched his hand in front of Xia Chen. A layer of fire floated on it, turning his hand into a fire palm.

 "What...are you doing?" Xia Chen didn't know why.

 Jing Sheng already knew that he had a superpower, and said firmly: "Master Xia, this is my superpower. Although it's not very powerful, I can do a lot of things. Please take me and the young master together. I I will repay you like a cow or a horse!"

 Zhongning Mansion has become increasingly chaotic, and the ordinary people's lives are almost unbearable. They have to either eat people or be eaten. However, I heard that several large families such as Liu Mansion are recruiting people, and those with special powers can go and seek refuge.

 But Jing Sheng was unwilling. At the beginning, most of the Xue family's property was swallowed up by the Liu family. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, they might have been killed.

 So Xia Chen in front of him is the only way out for him and Xue Guangzong.

 The author has something to say: My statement yesterday was wrong. It was not that I did not take the two children with me, but that the main purpose of letting them come was not the two children.

 The super powers of Jing Sheng and Liu Shaoyan can be regarded as branches. One single target and one group attack. In the future, it will probably be like Liu Shaoyan's fireball fire wall burning the city, Jing Sheng's flame armor, flame whip, flame gun, etc.

 Oh, by the way, Liu Shaoyan has no future, Yun Bei.

 *Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

 w is Boss Wow 10 bottles; Huihui 1 bottle;

 Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 92"The silver wire charcoal in this shop is long-lasting and smokeless. In the past, this shop delivered charcoal to the big families in the city. I heard that the shopkeeper was a relative of a high-ranking official in the Imperial Capital." Jing Sheng introduced, pointing to the half-open door of the shop. : "The charcoal kiln just sent a large amount of new charcoal over two years ago. Now this store does not accept money, only exchanges for grain."

 To be precise, food is hard currency and can be exchanged for basically anything. Except for some people who are not clear-headed, most people no longer use silver to trade, and they all barter.

 Jing Sheng knew everything, and wanted to tell Xia Chen everything he knew. Last night he begged Xia Chen to take them with him, but in fact he didn't have much hope in his heart.

 They two little children really have limited abilities in this kind of world. Although he is a strange person, his supernatural power is very weak. Now he can only cover his hands with a thin layer of flames. When facing zombies, he can't kill them with one palm, so he still has to run. Fighting against someone is just like fighting those gangsters. As soon as they are burned to death, they will be killed in reverse.

 His young master is a complete dragster. Although he doesn't think so, he has to admit this fact. It was the little girl in Xia Chen's team that gave him a glimmer of hope. Since Xia Chen was willing to take in the little girl, maybe he and the young master could too?

 As for the information Xia Chen asked him to provide about Zhongning Mansion, Jing Sheng never thought of using it as a blackmail. Xia Chen and the others were his and the young master's saviors, and it was right for him to tell all the information he knew.

 So Xia Chen confirmed that they were really willing to leave and made it clear that it might be difficult to come back in the future. After Jing Sheng and Xue Guangzong still insisted, he agreed to take them with him.

 Jing Sheng was extremely grateful and regarded today's trip as an important task. Before setting off, he vowed to let Xia Chen spend the least amount of supplies to buy the most and the best things.

 However, when he saw the seemingly endless food reserves in Xia Chen's hands, he felt nothing but admiration and rejoiced. He really had met a noble person.

 I spent most of the day running around and visited five stores. The supplies I bought were piled up in piles. They were all moved to the car first and then allowed Xia Chen to take in the space.

 He doesn't hide his space from his teammates, but he still has to be cautious with strangers. He has also encountered secretly watching eyes. However, they are outnumbered, especially Sun Heihu's brothers, who are not easy to mess with at first glance.

 After they cleared out a small group of zombies like chopping melons and vegetables, the little tails that were following them all disappeared. After some deliberation, they felt that they couldn't handle this tough problem, so they chose to give up.

 This store is their last destination. The weather is very weird now. After the sun doesn't come out, it's cold and cold every day. There's no harm in preparing more charcoal.

 After entering the store, in addition to the shopkeeper, there were several men in the shop. They were not like waiters, but more like bodyguards. When business came to the door, the shopkeeper was not very welcoming. He sat behind the counter and let the waiters entertain them.

 But this attitude changed after Brother Nan put down two bags of white-flowered rice. It's hard to change food now. Ordinary people don't have food on their hands. Even if they do, they can use charcoal now, but they can't stop eating. .

 Those wealthy families waited until he couldn't survive and sold their goods to them at a low price, and invariably stopped the business of the shop. Even though he was guarding a house of charcoal, his family was almost in ruins.

 Seeing so much food at once, the shopkeeper was overjoyed. When he heard Xia Chen say how much food he could exchange, he almost fainted with excitement.

 After confirming that Xia Chen and the others were able to pay, the boss took them to the warehouse. More than six thousand kilograms of charcoal was obtained in exchange for only five hundred kilograms of rice and five hundred kilograms of flour.

 The shopkeeper hugged the grain bag, his hands trembling, and ignored the store. He threw the warehouse key directly to Xia Chen, and led a few guys to move the grain back in a hurry.

 The business was going smoothly and smoothly, and it was convenient to collect the charcoal after the others left. Xia Chen didn't mind giving the shopkeeper a little benefit, and even gave him a big bag of potatoes.

 The shopkeeper felt even more grateful. He looked around and saw that there was nothing to give in return. He was heartbroken and simply gave Xia Chen his recipe for making charcoal.

 In today's world, there is no guarantee that one day he will not be able to survive. It is useless for him to cling to this prescription. Those companies are forcing him like this just for the sake of the prescription. If he doesn't give it, he will be holding back. Now, still It's better to give it to this kind-hearted stranger who doesn't know you.

 Xia Chen didn't expect that giving random gifts would have such benefits. His original intention was to reciprocate the favor by seeing the shopkeeper like him, so Xia Chen simply gave him two bags of food.

 The shopkeeper was so grateful that Xia Chen took the prescription and felt that the business was going well this time. He had a lot of food and didn't mind giving people some benefits, but he had to take the initiative to give them. Instead, he would be very stingy to those who cheated him.

 As soon as the shopkeeper left, Xia Chen collected all the charcoal in the warehouse. There was not just one type of charcoal. In addition to the best silver wire charcoal, there were also bamboo charcoal with a bamboo fragrance, and ordinary charcoal with a little smoke.

 Regardless of Xia Tongban's protest, Xia Chen piled up a mountain of supplies in the space. Every time he entered the space, he didn't want to look at it. These couldn't be put into the warehouse, and they could only be piled together in the open space. There were too many things and there was no suitable place. Storing tools seemed very messy, no wonder Xia Tongban was unhappy.

 In exchange for not listening to the warning, the total amount of wealth dropped like water. Xia Tongban increased the venue rental fee according to the square meter, but fortunately, he lacked money for everything now, and he could no longer spend the money. Every day The sales proceeds continue to increase his income.

 There is always a shortage of gems, but the gold is only used to pay Xia Tongban's venue rental fees and lottery draws. He even suggested to Xia Tongban whether to develop new functions, such as a hundred companies, ten companies are really tiring! Then he was ruthlessly rejected by Xia Tongban.

 After collecting the charcoal, he took a puff and was lucky. He was given a huge three-layer cake, thick creamy chocolate jam fruit pieces, and a soft and sweet cake base. Xia Chen almost couldn't help himself to have a piece first. .

 Meizizi put the cake away and prepared to take it out for everyone to eat tonight. Such a big one is enough to share.

 After collecting their things, they drove the pumpkin carriage back while there was still a little light. Although second-level black zombies can appear during the day, they are more active at night and seem to be stronger.

 After driving all the way and arriving home safely, Xia Chen looked at the young girl covered in blood in the room and said expressionlessly: "What's going on?"

 Zhen Niang hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative to stand up and said, "I was the one who saved the person."

 After Xia Chen and the others left, Wen Guixi took a group of brothers from the future cooking class and started steaming brown sugar buns using the ingredients left by Xia Chen. Zhen Niang took Xuan Niang to do needlework in the yard using magical powers. Xuan Niang was also allowed to practice her powers. Master Xia had said that the more he used his powers, the more powerful they would become. Zhen Niang thought that she and her daughter should practice more while Wangchen chanted sutras and watched over them.

 Xuan Niang just sensed it and told her mother the information she got in a whisper, such as a few people from the Dong family and zombies outside the Xi family's house, and they stayed like this for most of the day.

 When it was getting late, Xuan Niang, who was repeating the same message, suddenly opened her eyes wide and told Zhen Niang that someone was running towards them, and there was someone some distance behind.

 Upon hearing this, Needle Lady probably guessed that the person in front of her was running for her life. She hesitated for a moment, then leaned on the crack of the door and looked out. She saw that the person running in front of her was an injured young girl. The two people chasing behind her looked familiar. I thought, wasn't it the servant brought by Master Liu who ran away with him?

 In Zhenniang's heart, Master Xia is the best person, and those who oppose him are evil people. When they and the Liu family brothers and sisters had a fight and killed their servants, Wen Shu also killed Master Liu, and both sides had already They are mortal enemies. As Master Xia said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and those who are pursued by evil people must be good people.

 Zhenniang told Wangchen, and asked her daughter to call the others out, and stood ready. When the girl ran over and the two people behind her almost caught up to their door, Zhenniang controlled the thin needle and directly passed through the crack in the door. Shoot. Go out and stab the two people in their necks.

 Needle Girl's superpower was only used when she first awakened. The effect was very poor, the speed was slow and the accuracy was inaccurate and it was easy to be discovered. She always felt that her superpower was useless.

 Unexpectedly, she would take action again after more than a month. After long-term training, the thin needle she shot directly passed through the throats of the two people. The two even ran away for a while before falling to the ground.

 The girl running in front heard the movement and was stunned for a moment. She saw the pursuers falling to the ground and hesitated for a moment, wondering if they were deceiving her.

 Just for a moment, other pursuers who had been thrown away from behind also arrived. They were all wearing the same clothes as servants of the Liu family. When they saw the two people lying on the ground, they thought they were killed by the girl. The leader sneered: "Second Miss , you should follow us back home, the eldest young master and eldest lady have ordered that they must take you back, life or death."

 "Bah! The two concubines are such a filthy child. They want to kill me, so come and take it!" The girl didn't speak politely at all. The wounds on her body were still bleeding, and she didn't have the aura to curse. Not weak.

 When she saw that the two people were still lying on the ground, she believed that they were really dead. In other words, someone had helped her just now. But there were about ten people who came to arrest him, and it was impossible to escape, so she simply recognized him so as not to implicate her benefactor.

 "You dogs who carry your master behind your back can bite people, but dogs that bite people will be beaten to death." She raised her chin and pointed at the two unlucky guys, and uttered two words contemptuously: "Dead dogs. "

 This wave of hatred was so strong that all the servants of the Liu Mansion were so angry that their eyes were red. The young lady said reluctantly: "A villain who runs rampant when he succeeds deserves to be kicked by the iron plate. Liu Shaoyan has not been here for a few days." Have a good life, Liu Wu, that bitch who can only pretend, I'm waiting to see how she dies!"

 When Zhen Niang heard the servants of the Liu Mansion calling the girl Second Miss, she felt a little regretful that she had saved someone, but then she heard these words. Um? Liu Shaoyan is not dead? How can that be done? You have to tell Mr. Wen.

 Zhen Niang no longer hesitated, and fired out her fine needles in succession. The unsuspecting servants of the Liu Mansion all fell to pieces. Before the remaining people could react, Zhen Niang's second wave of needle rain arrived again.

 Because there were so many salvos, some of the needles this time were poorly aimed and did not hit the fatal spot. But that was an anesthesia needle that had been tempered with sleeping flower nectar. The effect was so great that they either died or fainted, and they all fell down anyway.

 Wen Guixi and others, who were waiting by the door to watch the excitement and were about to come to the rescue, turned to look at Zhenniang in disbelief, and Zhenniang immediately responded with a weak and innocent smile.

 A group of men shuddered together, mother, they all thought that the needle woman, who usually had no sense of existence and only lowered her head to sew, was a weak little flower, who knew she was a man-eating overlord flower!

 The author has something to say: The zombie levels in this article (from low to high): purple zombie, black zombie, green zombie, white zombie, hairy zombie, jumping zombie, flying zombie, and non-bone.

 Everyone knows who this new comer is.

 *Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

 33 bottles of YOYO; 10 bottles of Mr. Zhou Zhou; 8 bottles of Chen Lihua; 5 bottles of Wei and Gentleman Bu Pianpian, who debuted in the c position of the priest boy group; 3 bottles of Four Seasons Scenery;

 Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 93Wen Guixi added: "Those who were still alive in the Liu Mansion, we patched them up and then threw them into the back streets and burned them clean."

 The back street is where those gangsters live. It has such a bad reputation that everyone passing by will take a detour, which is very convenient for disposing of corpses. You don't dare to throw it away directly. Although zombies don't eat dead people, they do eat people. Sometimes people's hearts are more terrifying than zombies.

 "After I put the person down, the girl spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell down too." The needle lady was still a little scared when she said it. At that time, she thought her needle flew away and accidentally injured the young girl.

 The person fell not far from their door. Since she had intervened, she couldn't be seen dying here.

 The girl was seriously injured, and her clothes were almost soaked with blood. She was fed fruit blood potion, and her weak breathing gradually stabilized.

 Zhenniang told Xia Chen that she felt that this girl must also be a strange person, otherwise she would not have been able to last so long with such a serious injury, and she would have been chased for most of the city.

 After hearing what Zhen Niang said, Xia Chen looked at Wen Shu. Since he knew the identities of Liu Shaoyan and Liu Wu, he probably knew something about the Liu family's situation.

 Wen Shu looked inexplicably at the extremely weak young girl lying on the bed. He didn't expect that Liu Jiao was still alive. After thinking for a moment, he understood what was going on.

 They had not passed here in the previous life, so Liu Wu gathered Sun Heihu's group to escort her home. That night the zombies attacked. Without them, Sun Heihu's group of brothers would have suffered heavy casualties.

 Later, Liu Shaoyan picked up Liu Wu and did not get into any conflict with them and was seriously injured. He returned home safely. Liu Jiao was defeated in the fight between the Liu family. But this time, Liu Shaoyan was seriously injured, giving Liu Jiao a chance to escape.

 There are rumors that Liu Jiao was fed zombies by her family, presumably the brother and sister. They must have never imagined that in order to humiliate and torture Liu Jiao, they fed her zombies. This disgusting monster driven by blood-sucking instincts would one day be able to regain his memory.

 As for Liu Jiao's superpower, it is the clone that Wen Shu envied at the beginning, and the clone can also inherit part of her abilities.

 In the future, when the Zhongning Mansion was at its peak, it could be said that there were so many strong men. Liu Jiao single-handedly defeated a big force. Without this useful power, she would have died countless times.

 Unexpectedly, they picked up Liu Jiao who had not yet turned into a zombie. Wen Shu felt a sense of absurdity in his heart. The five immortals in the previous life were missing him and Liu Jiao. The other three were still missing. situation.

 Thoughtful, his face remained calm. He told Liu Jiao's identity, and then gave a brief introduction to the Liu family's situation. It was nothing more than a dispute between legitimate concubine and concubine, delusions of concubine birth, and mostly because she was favored by her father.

 Jing Sheng also knew Miss Liu's family, and he knew more details, but he didn't expect that Young Master Wen, who had always been quiet, also knew about the Liu family's affairs. He took a sneak peek to confirm that he had never seen Wen Shu. If he had seen such an outstanding appearance, he shouldn't have been unable to remember it.

 "If you save it, save it. Since we dare to come to Zhongning Mansion, we are not afraid of the Liu family. Since we have already made enemies, we can just solve it at once." Xia Chen also did not expect that Liu Shaoyan escaped with his life. But if you think about it carefully, it's not easy for Wen Shu to shoot such a far distance with such a bad bow. His winter clothes are thick and he needs some protection from the outside. In addition, he is a strange person with excellent physique. It's not surprising that he survived. .

 Only then did Jing Sheng realize that they actually had a grudge against the Liu family. He quickly whispered: "The eldest son of the Liu family is narrow-minded and loves to hold grudges. A scholar once scolded him for riding a horse in the street and almost hurt a child. As a result, he was scolded by Master Liu. Suddenly, two years later, he sent someone to break the scholar's hand before he rushed to take the exam."

 When Xia Chen heard this, he realized that with this kind of vengeful character, keeping him alive was to provide them with a potential enemy. He was also an enemy with a big business and great potential for development of his own abilities. They had to eliminate him while he was weak!

 He glanced at Wen Shu, the two looked at each other, suddenly smiled, and said at the same time: "Then kill again!"

 "Wait, as long as she is here, the brother and sister will find him." Wen Shu nodded at Liu Jiao. Liu Mansion was their base, and they knew nothing about the specific situation, so naturally they would not fall into a trap.

 Xia Chen nodded. They were making a lot of noise in the city today. The Liu family might have gotten the news. The enemies were gathered together. It was impossible for Liu Shaoyan not to come.

 He left Zhen Niang to take care of Liu Jiao while the others settled in their own places. Wen Gui was pleased to see that he had finished his business and happily invited him to try the newly steamed brown sugar buns.

 Wen Guixi was extremely talented in cooking. Wen Shu told Xia Chen that he would most likely awaken the ability to smell or taste. Xia Chen only told him roughly how to make it. The brown sugar buns he made were sweet and soft. , chewing it is full of fragrance.

 The new pot was eaten by a group of people. Xia Chen thought for a while and taught him how to make sugar triangles. There was no white sugar, so he could only use brown sugar mixed with crushed peanuts, sesame walnuts and other nuts to make the filling.

 The filling inside the steamed sugar triangle will turn into juice under high temperature. The sugar juice is wrapped in the fragrance of crushed nuts, and the dough flavor of the outer skin neutralizes some of the sweetness without being too greasy. It is simply a favorite for sweet tooth lovers.

 Wen Guixi nodded repeatedly and decided to give it a try tomorrow. Seeing him lowering his head and thinking about it, Xia Chen went to wash up and tidy up.

 He called Jing Sheng over. The young man was happily eating brown sugar buns with his young master. When he heard his call, Dian Dian'er ran over, followed by two little tails, one Xue Guangzong and the other Xuan Niang.

 Xia Chen took out a bag of crispy peanuts and threw them to them for them to eat and play with. Then he said to Jing Sheng, "Put your hand under this pot and try using your powers."

 He put a large pot of cold water in the pot and wanted to see if he could get Jing Sheng to heat it for him. If he could succeed, it would be convenient to boil hot water outdoors in the future!

 Jing Sheng immediately did as Xia Chen said. His superpower allowed him to withstand high temperatures and not be afraid of fire when using his superpower. However, because the fire was relatively small and the coverage was not wide, it burned very slowly.

 He glanced at Xia Chen timidly, feeling a little anxious, fearing that Xia Chen would be dissatisfied with him.

 Xia Chen touched his chin and thought for a while, then clapped his hands: "Just like this, slowly try to expand the range of flames you can control, and cover the bottom of the pot with a layer of fire."

 If his idea succeeds, it will not be a dream for Jing Sheng to get a suit of flame armor in the future, he will become a melee nemesis.

 Jing Sheng closed his eyes and tried it. Xue Guangzong clenched his fist and watched nervously. Jing Sheng was very smart, and the flame immediately spread out from his palm, but the range was still very small, about the size of an adult's palm.

 Seeing the frustration on the young man's face, Xia Chen comforted him: "It's okay. The more you use your powers, the more powerful they will become. Take your time, you are still young."

 When Jing Sheng saw that he was not angry and comforted him, he felt warm in his heart. Master Xia is such a good person. He and the young master are with the right person.

 Taking advantage of the free time while cooking dinner, everyone took turns to take a hot bath. Steaming the steamed buns burned a lot of hot water, which was enough for them. Xia Chen went to stock up on a lot of ready-made clothes and cloth of various sizes today. Sun Heihu and the others were finally able to change out of their dirty old clothes.

 There were too many people, so we didn't finish one round. Dinner was already prepared. Everyone wanted to eat the newly made brown sugar steamed buns. This was the staple food. Instead of making rice, Wen Guixi cooked a pot of meat and cooked it. Xia Chen I made another tomato and egg soup.

 There were no tomatoes in Da'an Dynasty, but there were in Xia Chen's space. Although everyone was curious, when they saw him taking out some unseen plant fruits, they automatically thought of the old god, without him having to waste any time explaining.

 After a hearty meal, Xia Chen was about to take out the cake and share it with everyone when Zhenniang suddenly came out and said that Liu Jiao was awake.

 Although Liu Jiao and Liu Wu are sisters, they look nothing alike. Liu Wu has beautiful eyebrows and beautiful eyes. When she doesn't reveal her true face, she always has a dignified smile on her face. If Wen Shu hadn't said anything, Xia Chen You would think that she is the direct descendant.

 Liu Jiao had a pair of sharp eyebrows, which were quite sharp by nature, with phoenix eyes and a sharp nose. She had a very majestic appearance. Unfortunately, men nowadays don't like this. They like soft and delicate girls like Liu Wu.

 At this time, even if the girl was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at Xia Chen and a group of strangers, her back was still straight, and there was no trace of panic in her eyes: "Did you save me?"

 Xia Chen did not take any credit and pointed at Pointer Niang: "It's her."

 Liu Jiao immediately stood up, supporting the bed board, and bowed to the end: "Liu Jiao thanks this sister for saving her life. In the future, if you ask for something, I will never fail to do it."

 Xia Chen thought this girl was quite interesting, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Don't you want revenge?"

 When Liu Jiao heard this, she knew that they should already know her identity. Also, this little scandal about the Liu family had been spread throughout the Zhongning Mansion. Her father was the only one who pretended to be deaf and mute and thought that the Liu family had a pure family tradition. Excellent reputation.

 "I can't defeat them now." Liu Jiao was extremely calm and said in a flat tone: "To seek revenge against them now is just to lose your life in vain."

 Xia Chen is quite aware of current affairs. Xia Chen has a good impression of Liu Jiao. He used to watch TV and couldn't understand it. She saved the protagonist's life through all kinds of hardships, but she was covered in injuries and screamed for revenge. There were thousands of obstacles. If you block him and your injuries become more serious, then why should you be rescued? It's not a waste of effort.

 "You..." Xia Chen was about to ask her how she planned to take revenge in the future, when Wen Shu suddenly said: "There are a large number of people heading in this direction, probably from the Liu Mansion."

 At this time, Xuan Niang also rushed in and said loudly: "Brother Tang, many, many people are coming!"

 Xia Chen made a quick decision and called Wangchen, Feng Yanshan and several children in, telling them to stay in the room and not go out. Feng Yanshan and the other children had little fighting ability. Wangchen fought in close combat and would suffer against a large number of men. He was kept here to guard against Liu Jiao.

 Then he called others to prepare for war. The only thing he worried about was that Liu Shaoyan would bring a large number of archers. They lacked long-range strike capabilities and insufficient defensive power.

 As long as Liu Shaoyan dares to bring people close, Xia Chen guarantees that they will never come back. To deal with such a large number of people, he has a magic weapon at the bottom of the box, the Sleeping Flower.

 Xia Chen has tested and found that the sleeping flower's hypnotic range is only limited, and those with a strong will can have a certain resistance. But it doesn't matter, one is not enough for him to put two. He must keep all these people today.

 First, he gave sleep flower petals to his teammates as an antidote. The rumble of horse hooves was getting closer and closer. Wen Shu jumped on the roof to observe the situation. From a distance, he saw that the Liu brothers and sisters were coming, and there was a huge crowd behind them. He brought more than a hundred people with him.

 The author has something to say: Liu Jiao's superpower is not a clone.

 *Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

 Thanks to the little angel who threw [landmines]: Ye Xiaoyu 1;

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

 20 bottles of Dora's Rat; 2 bottles of Shaoqing;

 Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 94Probably because he had brought enough people, Liu Shaoyan was full of courage and went straight to his destination. The doors and windows of other residents on two nearby streets were closed, and the lights were turned off silently.

 "More than a hundred people, more than thirty riders, no archers in sight." Wen Shu jumped off the roof and informed Xia Chen of the information.

 Xia Chen had already asked others to remove the door panel and temporarily use it as a shield. When he heard that there were no archers, he was reassured.

 The people from the Liu family came very quickly. After a while, the large group of people had entered the street and got closer to their small courtyard. The Liu brothers and sisters at the head tightened the reins of their horses and controlled the speed of their horses and retreated behind. It was obvious that Xia Chen had made a sudden move last time. It left a deep impression on him.

 "Listen to the gangsters in the house. Hand over the second young lady in my mansion quickly." A loud-voiced servant of the Liu Mansion rode on a horse and shouted with full force.

 Xia Chen laughed in anger. At this time, he used such villainous tactics to first beat them into bandits, and then took the unlucky Liu Jiao along with them, and praised them as messengers of justice.

 Liu Jiao couldn't sit still in the room, and held the door open despite the obstruction of others: "It's me they want to arrest. I'll go out and delay it. You can find a chance to escape. Liu Shaoyan is suspicious by nature and will not let you go easily." "

 She finally escaped and naturally wanted to live, but she was not willing to harm innocent people at all, let alone her benefactor.

 Xia Chen chuckled lightly, with a hint of murderous intent in his usually gentle smile: "Miss Liu, the hatred between us and those brothers and sisters cannot be resolved by handing you over."

 Liu Jiao was startled for a moment, then she reacted and asked in surprise: "Did you injure Liu Shaoyan?"

 Xia Chen smiled and nodded: "So you shouldn't mind if we take your enemy's head first!"

 Liu Jiao didn't understand where he could be so confident. She had heard it in the room just now. Liu Shaoyan had brought more than a hundred people with him. Although there are many servants in her home, not all of them are good at fighting. There are only about twenty guards in her home.

 Many of these people now were recruited by Liu Shaoyan after the troubled times. Some relied on their strength to seek a future, some had awakened their powers and were bribed with huge profits, and there were even prisoners on death row who were recruited by Liu Shaoyan because they were brave enough to kill. Under hands.

 With more than a hundred people like this, Xia Chen and the others only have a few people, and there are strangers among them, so there is no chance of winning in a fight.

 Therefore, in Liu Jiao's eyes, Xia Chen's self-confidence is really inexplicable, but at this point, she can only believe in him: "If you can really take that Liu Shaoyan's life, Liu Jiao should be grateful. Don't mind."

 A great revenge has to be avenged, who cares whether she did it herself or not. Now that she has no ability to kill those bitches, she should stop them from doing it and keep it for herself. It doesn't make sense.

 She spoke loudly and pleasantly. Brother Nan shook his knife and gave a rare compliment: "You are much better than your sister, and you have a clear mind."

 Ever since Liu Wu asked him for food to feed the dog, in Brother Nan's mind, Liu Wu was basically equated with a mental illness, so the compliment was actually not very sincere.

 But it is rare for Liu Jiao to be heard as someone who thinks she is better than Liu Wu. Liu Wu is used to pretending to be weak in front of her father and generous in front of outsiders. However, she has a character that does not want to suffer, so she was tricked. Even if you die, you must take a bite to vent your anger. Therefore, Liu Wu's reputation is getting better and better, and her reputation is getting worse and worse, especially for those blind men, who are fooled by Liu Wu as if they have a pickle jar on their necks, and when they shake, they are filled with sour water.

 At this time, I was praised by Brother Nan, and I immediately felt that Brother Nan was extremely pleasing to the eye. Sure enough, someone had a pair of wise eyes.

 "Let's go. If we don't go out, they will think that we are cowering." Xia Chen greeted, and everyone walked out immediately. Their small courtyard is too small, and the Liu family are not zombies who don't know how to adapt. They can block the door and let them kill one by one. When Liu Shaoyan is anxious, he throws two fireballs, which is enough for them.

 It's better to go out and force everyone to go to bed before the Liu family disperses.

 As soon as he went out, he saw Liu Shaoyan's green and pale face. He laughed so hard that he didn't want to be beaten. He thought that this kid had already recovered from his injuries when he came to block them. But now it seems that he is dragging his sick body to take revenge. It's time for him to take revenge. Hate them so much.

 Liu Shaoyan was so angry at Xia Chen's smile that his lips trembled and he could hardly sit still on the horse. Sitting next to him was Liu Wu. She wore a curtain hat to cover her face, but Xia Chen could still feel her. The hateful gaze projected towards him.

 "I'll see if you can still smile when you die." Liu Shaoyan's words were almost bitten out from between his teeth. Liu Wu also tore off her lady mask and yelled: "Death is too easy for them, I We must make their life worse than death!"

 "I'm so scared." Xia Chen's scornful tone almost made the two of them faint.

 Seeing that they couldn't bear it anymore, Xia Chen stopped talking nonsense and quickly opened the magic book with a wave of his hand. Liu Shaoyan suffered a loss and immediately rode his horse to hide behind the crowd. At the same time, he loudly ordered his men not to mess up and tighten their formation.

 Xia Chen was about to wonder if Liu Shaoyan had deliberately brought someone here to die. The tighter the person shrank, the more effective his sleep flower would be.

 In fact, this is really an injustice to Liu Shaoyan. The edelweiss flower last time made Liu Shaoyan mistakenly think that it was Xia Chen's ice power. When he saw him taking out his magic book, he was wary of his move. He had never seen Xia Chen. Chen has a pile of plants with various strange functions.

 Therefore, Liu Shaoyan, who had misunderstood because of insufficient information, watched helplessly as a flower that was completely different from last time fell in front of them. Before he could take a closer look, his eyelids fell asleep, and he almost fell asleep due to his groggy mind.

 Liu Shaoyan was not a weak-willed person to begin with. How could a person with no merit at all achieve anything in troubled times? He only fainted for a moment, and was startled by the sound of his men falling off their horses one after another.

 There were more than a hundred people, except for Liu Shaoyan, there were always others who were determined, but the effect of the Sleep Flower was so strong that most of them were knocked down in an instant. Less than ten people were really awake, and there were still more than ten people who were half-dazed and unable to sleep.

 "Needle Mother!" Before they could react, Xia Chen gave an order, and needles shot out in succession. She was brave and careful, and the first batch of needles she fired did not go towards the conscious person, but straight towards them. It rushed towards the half-conscious people who were not clear-headed and did not react in time. Two or three people were immediately penetrated into the throat and died under the needle.

 "Kill them!" Liu Shaoyan ran away without turning around this time. The distance between the two parties was too close, and he was afraid that he would end up like the last time if he turned around. Moreover, he has already brought out most of the people in the mansion. If he still fails to kill Xia Chen and the others, even if they run back, they will be dead.

 At this time, Zhen Niang had already killed seven or eight people with her needles. Among the half-conscious people, only five or six were awakened by their companions. They rushed towards Xia Chen and others. They saw that Xia Chen was the leader, and they all rushed towards Xia Chen. call.

 Brother Nan, Sun Heihu and the other brothers immediately came forward to greet them. Zheliu's body skills were agile, and he had a thin sword like a snake breathing out messages and wandering around to support him. Zhenniang hid behind to clasp the needle and wait for an opportunity. Wen Shu also held a sword. Protect Xia Chen's side.

 The most inconvenient thing about his mutated plants is that they cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. They cannot be released and used in such a group fight.

 Those who could still fight at this time were all good players. There was one person whose superpower was to control the wind. He blew sand and dust all over the ground and threw it at the face of Brother Nan who was fighting him. Brother Nan was so angry that he chased and slashed at him with a knife.

 There was another person who was of the strength type like Brother Nan. He brandished a mace and hit it on the wall. A large piece of the wall immediately fell down. The two brothers Sun Heihu fought with him, but they couldn't hold on and were knocked back repeatedly. .

 Brother Nan split the power user in half who could only let the wind blow the dust with one knife. He was used to chopping zombies and couldn't hold back his energy. When he saw Hunter Xin, he said happily: "I'll do it!" 

 Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard! 

 24 bottles of Ye Ma; 10 bottles of Six Blind Star; 2 bottles of Yu Fei Hao Fei Ting; 

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]: 

 Thanks to the little angel who threw [landmines]: Ye Xiaoyu 1; 

 *Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

 The author has something to say: Nothing happened to the little monk, don't worry~  "Hahahaha you guys..."

 Liu Shaoyan didn't say the last word. A row of tiny red dots appeared on his neck, which was the Needle Girl's needle that penetrated his throat.

   Feng Yanshan was fat and couldn't squeeze through the door, so he was behind him. He rushed into the kitchen and scooped out water. Liu Jiao was taking off her outer coat and desperately fighting the fire on Wangchen's body.

   Xia Chen and his party dodged again and again, and several of the fireballs, perhaps for revenge, were thrown directly at Xuan Niang and others. Wangchen stretched out his sleeves, protected the child beside him, and jumped out. 

 When Liu Shaoyan saw that his killer weapon was useless, he was immediately confused. He smiled sadly and fired fireballs continuously. He didn't care about his own people anymore and threw them at Xia Chen and the others regardless. He was determined to die, squeezed out all his superpowers, and fired more than ten fireballs in a row, which was overwhelming.  

"Interesting." The corner of Wen Shu's mouth curled up slightly, and he drew his sword randomly. After hitting two swords in succession, he walked out quickly and slashed with his sword. Suddenly, a naked man appeared in front of him, with several bloody holes poked in his body. The last blow The sword was wiped on his neck, completely killing this rare invisible stranger. 

 Liu Shaoyan's face changed drastically. Xia Chen naturally believed in Xuan Niang. Just as he was about to throw an edelweiss in front of him, Wen Shu suddenly drew his sword and stabbed Xia Chen's side. There was nothing, but the sword was stained red with blood.  Xia Chen didn't care to accuse the little girl of being disobedient, and looked in the direction the little girl pointed, but saw nothing. 

 The little girl should have stayed in the house, but Liu Jiao ran out to watch them fight. Feng Yanshan was worried about watching over Liu Jiao, so he also came out. Wang Chen simply followed him out. As soon as he left, a group of children arrived. In the yard, I hid behind the door and looked out through the crack in the door.

   At this moment, I heard Xuan Niang's anxious voice: "Brother Tang, there is someone approaching you over there, but I can't see it." 

 Seeing that the battle situation was in decline, Liu Shaoyan's eyes flashed with a hint of sinisterness. Xia Chen was secretly wary, wondering what other tricks he might have.  Although some people on Xia Chen's side were injured, none of them were fatal. Once the blood drained from the fruit, I'm sure all the injuries would be healed.

   The battle situation is tilting towards Xia Chen and the others. They have the advantage in numbers and they are all good players. One of the three superpowers on Liu Shaoyan's side was helpless, one was hacked to death by Brother Nan, and the other was about to be defeated. Liu Wan'er is dead.

   Liu Shaoyan and Xia Chen were separated by two groups of people who were fighting. His fireball had been trained to be very large. He was proud of it, but at this time he did not dare to use it indiscriminately for fear of inadvertently damaging his only fighting power.  Zheliu's body skills were flexible, but the power user was very cumbersome. He also used a huge mace, which could not hit him at all. After a while, his whole body was covered with wounds, and he became a bloody man.

 "Go Zheliu." Xia Chen gave the order, and Zheliu raised his sword and stepped forward. Nange curled his lips and raised his sword to face Zheliu's original opponent.

Chapter 95Liu Shaoyan died. Acupuncture needles were all inserted into his throat. Liu Wu was still sleeping and was killed by Liu Jiao with a knife.

 The remaining people who were conscious were either set on fire by Liu Shaoyan, or were killed by Brother Nan and the others in the battle, and their deaths were miserable. On the contrary, those who fell asleep at the beginning were killed with one knife without any pain.

 Not all of the more than a hundred people were killed, but some of them, Liu Jiao said, were ordinary decent family members in this city. In the apocalypse, when their families were broken and they couldn't survive, they went to the Liu family to make a living, and they also patrolled the Liu Mansion to kill zombies on weekdays. Guarding the Liu Mansion, he didn't really do anything harmful to nature.

 If these people are really as Liu Jiao said, their crimes will not lead to death, then Xia Chen doesn't mind letting them live. In the apocalypse, he had to kill people, but if he ignored the generalization, he was afraid that his bottom line would get lower and lower, and one day he would no longer take human life seriously.

 He called Jing Sheng over and asked him to see if he knew anyone.

 Liu Jiao didn't show any concern for Xia Chen's distrust. She stood aside and watched Jing Sheng look around and found a few people she knew. They were indeed honest and sincere people who had lived in Zhongning Mansion for generations.

 The others all killed the people before they woke up. Then Xia Chen beat those people awake. When he woke up, he found himself in a pile of corpses. You can imagine how scared these people were.

 Xia Chen asked his companions to observe together. Some were so frightened that they screamed, and some wanted to run away, but there was really no one who harbored hatred and wanted revenge.

 "Well, your master is dead. Do you want to seek revenge from me?" Xia Chen asked directly.

 Including the two who were caught trying to run away, they all shook their heads wildly. However, except for a few wealthy families in the city, they could no longer find food, so they sold themselves and went to Liu Mansion to make a living. Specifically, the food was They don't really care who owns the rice.

 Most of these people are ordinary people, and their treatment under Liu Shaoyan is not good. After the death of the master, they are worried about finding a new family to live in, revenge, etc. So many of them fainted before they could see clearly what was going on. Then Such miraculous means, how can they take revenge.

 Moreover, the corpse lying next to him showed no signs of struggle. He was obviously killed with one knife while he was sleeping. It was just a matter of them being slashed a few more times. Since they didn't die along with them, they were very lucky that Xia Chen and others could let them live. Who in their right mind would want to take revenge.

 "Then get lost. Don't go back to the Liu family." There were still many things to do, so Xia Chen didn't bother to bother with these people and sent them away.

 As soon as these two dozen people ran out, they were suddenly stopped again, "Wait a minute."

 A group of young men were so frightened that their legs were shaking. They looked at Xia Chen's handsome face as if they were watching the protagonist of some horror movie: "Master, we really don't want revenge."

 The group of people were so frightened that they almost cried. Xia Chen pointed at the corpses on the ground and squeezed the labor force very coldly, "move the corpses to the back streets and burn them."

 With so many corpses, how long can they handle them by themselves? Some of their companions are injured. Although it is not serious, it is not easy for others to work with injuries. These strong laborers are not in vain. They are the ones who caused the trouble, and it is naturally their responsibility to deal with it.

 Not being disobedient, a group of people began to work silently. Xia Chen ordered Feng Yanshan to bring a few brothers to serve as supervisors, and also asked Brother Nan and Zhe Liu to follow and use force to intimidate them.

 This group of people wanted to finish their work early and let the big devil let them go, so they worked extra hard to move over. The back street was about to start burning. Feng Yanshan divided it into several people to guard, and turned back to supervise their move. second round.

 With such a group of strong laborers, the cleanup work was particularly easy. After seeing all the corpses including the Liu brothers and sisters burned to ashes, Xia Chen nodded with satisfaction to the group of men who were looking at him eagerly and said, "Well done."

 The children's laughter added a bit of warmth to the small courtyard. Liu Jiao looked dazed, suddenly smiled, and got up to look for Master Xia. 

 The sinister-looking man who was steaming the steamed buns for them patted him on the head, took two large ladles of burnt yellow powder from a jar and poured it into his bowl. The child cheered and called Xuan Niang and Jing Sheng together. , shared the half bowl of sugar filling.

   She recognized this young master of the Xue family, and Jing Sheng looked familiar to her. She watched Xue Guangzong holding a bowl and smiling sweetly at the man cleaning up the pots in the kitchen and said something, which seemed to mention the young master Xia. 

 The brown sugar steamed buns were so sweet and soft that you couldn't stop eating them. Liu Jiao finished one in one go and saw Xue Guangzong running to the kitchen with a bowl. 

 After their physiques have been strengthened, everyone's tolerance has improved, especially the foreigners. They can hold the steamed buns that have just come out of the pot without being unbearably hot. They can all be called ruthless iron hands. 

 As Brother Nan said, it was not her turn for the first pot. After the second pot was heated, she walked over and the needle girl smiled and picked up two big ones for her. 

 Liu Jiao thanked Brother Nan in a low voice. Brother Nan was so confused that he shook his head and ran away with the bun in his mouth. 

 In fact, Brother Nan thought that his uncle didn't even drive people away, so he couldn't starve people to death. This girl's stomach growled like a drum, but she was a bit stupid. She was so hungry that she didn't even know how to get food. . 

 Liu Jiao felt warm in her heart when she heard that Brother Nan took it for granted that she could eat with them. This meant that he accepted her and did not reject her.

   He held two steamed buns and asked the girl to fight with a bunch of men, but he didn't say that he would share one with each other. It is impossible to share the food. There is no reason to let the meat out of Brother Nan's mouth.

   After nibbling the cold ones, Brother Nan quickly grabbed two hot ones and took them out. As soon as he squeezed out of the crowd, he saw Liu Jiao standing aside. He had a good impression of Liu Jiao, so he ate the hot brown sugar buns while Talk to her, "Why don't you go grab it? It'll be gone soon and you'll have to wait for the next pot." 

 Wen Guixi reheated a pot of steamed buns and let the hungry people eat another meal. Everyone went to grab the steamed buns in a lively manner. Liu Jiao stood aside with envy in her eyes, but she felt at a loss.

   Brother Nan took two cold brown sugar buns and gnawed them without raising his head. His superpowers consumed a lot and he was hungry after a game. 

 Wangchen's arm was slightly burned, but it was not serious after he was rescued in time. Xia Chen tried to sprinkle fruit blood potion on the injured area, and the healing effect turned out to be pretty good.  

It was already dark by this time. We had just experienced a big battle and everyone felt very tired. After treating the wounds and drinking fruit blood, the injured felt better.  

He thought for a moment and dismissed the group of people, saying that they had to take a long way.

   Xia Chen was moved for a moment. There was no problem in feeding more food in his space, let alone these few people. But he still had a small knot in his heart. The attitude of these people changed too quickly. Call him hypocritical. He didn't want people to think about his old master and take revenge on him, but he also felt that he could help dispose of the bodies of his former master and companions by turning around.

 After all, Xia Chen had done the work for him, so Xia Chen sent them away after giving each of them a catty of rice. Immediately, a few smart people knelt down in front of Xia Chen and said they wanted to do something for him.

 "You want to come with us?" Xia Chen asked in surprise.

 After all, this is the legitimate daughter of the Liu family. Liu Shaoyan's brother and sister are dead, and the Liu family belongs to Liu Jiao. If you don't want such a big family fortune, just give it up and go to the countryside with him

 There was a bit of coldness in Liu Jiao's smile, "My mother has been killed, and my enemy is also dead. Master Liu of the Liu family is not willing to give it to me, so I don't want it yet."

 She was alone, no matter where she went, she still had unpaid favors, and Xia Chen and his team made her feel very comfortable, and she wanted to be their companion.

 Xia Chen had a good impression of her. This girl had a courageous and resolute character, a clear mind about grudges and a good brain, and she carried her without any loss.

 "Okay, you can follow if you want. We'll live with Zhenniang tonight." Xia Chen made a simple arrangement and was about to let Liu Jiao leave, "By the way, Liu Wu has a wolf, did you know?" 

 She flipped her wrist, and a plate of identical cakes appeared in her free hand.  Liu Jiao chuckled lightly, with a bit of pride in her laughter, "Look."

 Brother Nan shook his head, "I don't want it from you. This thing is very rare. You can't get it anywhere except my brother-in-law."

 The Liu family didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They held up two spoonfuls of cake that they had just eaten and asked, "Do you mind if I eat it?" 

 As he was scraping vigorously, a person suddenly appeared in front of him. Brother Nan protected the tray and said, "I took it first." 

 "I will definitely eat it slowly next time." Brother Nan took the tray with the cake over and carefully scraped the cream on it and the broken cake that fell when cutting the cake.  Brother Nan's mouth was puckered. Although he protected the food, he didn't take it from others. He wouldn't take it if Acupuncture Mother gave it to him. 

 Xia Chen quickly stopped Zhen Niang with quick eyesight and hands, "Don't give it to him. I told him to eat slowly. If he doesn't obey me." 

 Brother Nan was so angry that his face bulged, and the others also laughed. After laughing, Zhen Niang wanted to share some of hers with him. It was so delicious that she could only taste it once, so she gave some to the children. point. Brother Nan is usually very nice to Xuan Niang. If he wants to eat, he can just give him some. 

 However, Xia Chen laughed in a very uncivilized manner. His stupid nephew was a bit like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. It was so funny. 

 "Uncle, are there any more? I haven't even tasted it." He pitifully asked Xia Chen for help.  "No more." Looking at the bare paper plate, Brother Nan had a thunderous expression on his face, regretting that he ate too quickly. 

 He almost stopped chewing as he ate the cake. The cake base was soft enough that it didn't cost his teeth. Xia Chen had just taken two or three bites, and Brother Nan, who got it first, had already finished it. 

 "It's so delicious." Brother Nan's mouth was full of cream. How could there be such a delicious thing? It melted in his mouth like clouds

 Although I don't understand the meaning of afternoon tea, I am very happy to have delicious food. Everyone can get a big piece of the three-layer cake. Everyone was amazed when they tasted this unique delicacy for the first time.

   After today, I had to go on the road again. It was a rare leisure afternoon. I didn't have time to eat the cake yesterday, so Xia Chen simply took it out and shared it with everyone as afternoon tea.  

Xia Chen stood in the yard and said, "Come in for afternoon tea." 

 After cleaning up, everyone felt extremely happy and satisfied looking at the brand new pumpkin carriage with its wheels polished to a shiny finish. 

 Xia Chen assigned Brother Nan a job, asking him to take a few children and throw a bag of rice into the neighbor's yard as an apology for disturbing the people.

   During the few days they lived here, they made so much noise that the neighbors were so frightened that they didn't even dare to open the door. Xia Chen asked Jing Sheng, except for those gangsters, everyone else who lived here was pretty good. When the two children settled here, the neighbors also helped them. 

 Everyone likes the pumpkin carriage very much, and they all take great care of it. When Needle Lady goes to clean it up, everyone goes to help, and several little ones also run around happily. 

 The pumpkin carriage couldn't be parked in the yard. It was too big. Xia Chen originally planned to put it away, but Zhen Niang said she wanted to tidy it up, so she stopped on the street outside the yard and asked them to clean it up. 

 Because Jing Sheng, the human navigator, was here, Xia Chen completed the bulk material collection task early and was leaving tomorrow. He was too lazy to run any more, so he went back at noon and took a half-day break in the afternoon. 

 He pretended not to notice and continued to act according to the plan. Anyway, they were leaving tomorrow. With the fighting power they had shown, he thought those big players wouldn't be so confused that they would kick them out.  

The injured people stayed behind to recuperate the next day. Xia Chen still took people out to collect supplies. This time, there were people following them. Unlike the individual tourists yesterday, Xia Chen guessed that the big movement last night alerted other big players and came to inquire about the news. .  Xia Chen ""  

"I know." Liu Jiao showed a bright smile, "I skinned her and hung it at Liu Wu's door." She almost frightened her crazy, and the wounds on her face were split.

 He was quite curious. Liu Wu didn't bring her wolf when she came this time. According to her character, Xia Chen thought she would want her wolf to bite them to death.

Chapter 96Brother Nan looked at the two identical cakes in front of him with dull eyes. Even the size of the cream on the side of the plate was exactly the same. "Am I dazzled?"

 He reached out and touched the plate. The texture of the two plates was the same. He was even more confused. Others were also attracted by Liu Jiao's hand and looked at it curiously.

 Wen Shu raised his eyebrows, it turned out that the Liu family's superpower was not a clone at all, but a copy

 At this time, Xia Chen also realized "your power"

 Liu Jiao nodded and said distressedly, "Yes, according to you, it's called a superpower, but it's useless. It can only copy some small things."

 She tried. The largest replicable object was the stool in her room, but that was of no use.

 "What a wonderful superpower!" Brother Nan's eyes lit up. Wouldn't it be that you can never finish the delicious food?

 "That's great." Liu Jiao laughed. "I still envy you, you are so strong." She just wanted to have a superpower with stronger fighting power.

 "Who can tell?" Xia Chen was filled with excitement. He took out his magic book and gave her the lowest-grade Ying Ying grass. "Can the power still be used? Try to copy this."

 Liu Jiao took the strange talisman-like thing and skillfully used her powers to copy it. She could copy such a small thing very quickly.

 "Hey" Liu Jiao whispered strangely. It took more than ten seconds before an identical card appeared in her hand. She returned the two cards to Xia Chen and said sheepishly, "It seems it didn't succeed. When I copied it, Feeling a strange resistance."

 Xia Chen took the two cards and compared them. At first glance, they were exactly the same. Even the fine patterns on them were in the same direction. In fact, if you look closely, you can see that the original version had a vague sense of smoothness, as if there was energy that was hidden but not being released, while the replica version Just ordinary cards.

 He tried it, and sure enough, the copy couldn't be included in the magic book, and of course it couldn't be reproduced as Ying Ying Cao. It was just a fake with only appearance.

 As expected, if Liu Jiao's ability can directly copy his cards, it would be a bit outrageous. It is equivalent to an enhanced version of his magic book. After all, Liu Jiao only needs so much to copy a card. A little while.

 If he guessed correctly, the Liu family's abilities should be growth-type. They are weak in the early stage, but after they become stronger in the later stage, they can probably copy his cards, or even

 "Can it be copied?" Xia Chen suddenly asked.

 Liu Jiao knew everything and said, "I tried to copy goldfish, but they were dead after copying."

 In other words, life forms are also within the scope of copying, but I don't know whether the copy must have no vitality or Liu Jiao's superpower is not strong enough.

 But it's useless to think about it now. We have to wait until Liu Jiao's superpower becomes stronger to know the result.

 "The more you practice, the more you use your powers, the stronger you will become." Xia Chen told Liu Jiao this little trick. It would be great if Liu Jiao could really copy his cards in the future.

 "Okay." Liu Jiao is not used to relying on others. Although she has been accepted by the team, she is still uneasy and worried that she will not be able to contribute.

 "Can I copy food?" Liu Jiao said. "It's useless to copy other things. By the way, my superpower, the copy cannot continue to copy."

 Xia Chen kept this in mind, nodded and said, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

 Brother Nan waited for his uncle to finish speaking and immediately said, "Liu Jiao Liu Jiao, please copy this cake. This is so delicious."

 Others also looked forward to it. Liu Jiao was good at it. Copying anything was just copying. It would be better to copy what everyone wanted.

 She used her power in a circle and made copies of everyone's cakes. She also made three copies of the cakes for Brother Nan in one go, which made Brother Nan extremely happy.

 Xia Chen saw that her face was turning pale, and it was obvious that she had overused her power at one time. He quickly stopped her and asked Zhen Niang to teach her how to recover.

 Brother Nan ate four large pieces of cake in one go and didn't feel panicked. He wiped his mouth with satisfaction and patted Liu Jiao on the shoulder, "Good brother, I will protect you from now on, as long as you make delicious copies for me." ."

 "Okay." Liu Jiao was a bit dumbfounded. Although Brother Nan seemed childish and greedy, compared to those stupid men who were blind and thought Liu Wu was better in every aspect and were attentive to her, Brother Nan was not too pleasing to the eye.

 After a good night's sleep that night, he got up early the next morning and started on his way. The sky was still gloomy. Anyway, zombies were no longer afraid of the sun, so it didn't matter what the weather was like.

 Jing Sheng asked Xia Chen for a pack of brown sugar buns, and when he passed the door of the little girl's house, he threw it in from outside the wall of her house.

 The baggage fell to the ground with a slight sound. Jing Sheng grabbed the hand of Chen Heigou who was driving the car and jumped onto the pumpkin carriage, then entered the carriage through the driver's door.

 After he left, the door of the small courtyard opened a crack, and a little head came out, waving to the pumpkin carriage that was getting further away, just like he told them to run away that day.

 The seats in the carriage are now full and there is only one empty seat left. The night watcher last night was sleeping on the bed in the back. The others subconsciously lowered their voices, exercised their superpowers, and chatted.

 The needle girl was still doing needlework, but with her hands empty, several needles were shuttled back and forth together. Liu Jiao sat on the seat next to the corridor, with a clean bamboo basket lined with cloth beside her. She kept copying the brown sugar steamed buns that everyone used as rations, and soon she had a small half-frame pile.

 Brother Nan, who was sitting a little further in front, had an iron lump in his hand. Xia Chen gave it to him and asked him to hold it to practice his hand strength. The iron lump was pinched like a bit of hard plasticine. The ground is crooked.

 Xuan Niang finally has a playmate. The three children get together. Jing Sheng takes care of his younger siblings like a big brother. Xue Guangzong and Xuan Niang are neither spoiled nor naughty. The three children get along very well, and cheerful laughter can be heard from time to time. .

 If you don't look at the desolate land outside the car window and the occasional zombies passing by in the forest, the world in the car seems to be before the end of the world, and the years are peaceful.

 After leaving Zhongning Mansion, we drove all the way quickly. There was a pumpkin carriage with us. We didn't have to worry about finding a place to stay every day, and the journey was much more free.

 In the middle, all four mutant pumpkin seeds that Xia Chen had obtained were planted. In addition to the pumpkin carriage and the big pumpkin that couldn't be eaten, the other two were also big pumpkins that couldn't be eaten. Another effect was very strange. Its fruits were several small pumpkins that were only as big as an adult's fist. Xia Chen stared at the words in the description, "Making individuals who have eaten this thing lose their minds and become indistinguishable between friend and foe." He fell into deep thought.

 Later, he copied the pumpkin that caused people to lose their IQ and sanity, which was called the dementia pumpkin for short, and tried to plant it on the road where the zombies were rushing toward them. Then the first zombie who came into contact with the pumpkin involuntarily lowered his head and threw the pumpkin away. After chewing it, he turned around and attacked other zombies.

 Thanks to Big Mouth, Xia Chen gained weight by sacrificing one of it. Not only was the magic book upgraded, but he also got two extra useful cards.

 So when he was reminded by Xia Tongban again during the trip that there were mutant plants nearby, Xia Chen decisively seized the opportunity and took a detour to lick the bag. Instead, he went to eliminate pests for the people and clean up the mutant plants.

 The mutated plant this time is different from Big Mouth. It has purely physical attacks, no helpers and no weird looks, but it is still difficult to deal with.

 It was a big tree that soared into the sky. The exposed trunks were covered with leaves with a metallic luster. The leaves were as sharp and hard as razor blades. Once someone came near, the leaves would spin crazily like a meat grinder. The enemies were minced into pieces.

 Xia Chen's various cards were useless at all, and even the Thunderbolt was not very effective. Throwing one over would cause the leaves to burst into flames. After exploding, it would only destroy a small circle of leaves, leaving only a small part of the tree. No problem, the leaves grew back soon.

 The person who made the meritorious service in this battle was Sun Heigou. This silly kid suddenly awakened his superpower on the way. One day, when he got into trouble and was chased and beaten by his brother, his lower body went directly into the ground.

 Sun Heihu was shocked at the time. He thought someone was attacking him and chopped his brother into half. He twisted the knife and went to find the enemy. Sun Heigou lay on the ground crying.

 When Xia Chen was called over and saw that there was no blood on the ground, he said that Sun Heigou might have awakened his superpower and was not very skilled at it and got himself stuck in the ground. Sun Heihu was so frightened that he was so angry that he dragged the man out and beat him up.

 Sun Heigou's superpower is the same as Tu XingSun's. He can escape from the ground. He is currently slow and has a short distance, but with more training, he will also have a very powerful superpower in the future.

 This time, Sun Heigou's superpower came in handy when fighting mutated plants. The tree on the ground protected itself from water leakage, but it couldn't still have leaves growing underground. If the tree had broken roots, how could it still be alive?

 Xia Chen originally wanted Sun Heigou to use a thunderbolt to blow up the tree roots, but his superpower only allowed him to walk freely in the soil as if he were wrapped in a transparent protective film that fit his body. It is still soil and not a passage.

 So in the end, Sun Heigou was asked to explore the specific location and scope of the root system of the big tree. Sun Heigou followed the order. After the investigation, he returned to the ground. He naturally knew where he was looking. It is an inexplicable connection with the land.

 The root system of the big tree was very large, covering a much wider area than the leaves. They started digging according to the area drawn by Sun Heigou, and dug a circle to isolate the big tree in the middle. After all the roots of the tree were exposed, they chopped and burned them. The leaves of the big tree rotated like an electric fan at the highest setting. Unfortunately, they could only draw air. Xia Chen and the others only toiled underground and did not confront it head-on.

 The firepower of fire-type superpowers is higher than normal fire, and it will get higher and higher as the superpowers increase. Although Jing Sheng is not a very powerful fire-type alien, his fire is harder to extinguish than ordinary fire.

 So when he covered the main veins of the water-filled tree with his palms of fire, the thick roots were burned until they emitted white smoke and shrank rapidly. It was rare for a child to do meritorious deeds. He worked so hard that he solved most of the main roots alone.

 A big tree with top-notch defense and lethality that relied on offense to defend was just tortured to death.

 Xia Chen pretended to sigh that this is the power of wisdom, and then Le Diandian took people to collect the loot.

 The harvest this time was very rich. Although the root system of the big tree was destroyed, the leaves on the tree were still there and fell off with just a flick of the root.

 Just like leaves with stems, these leaves also have a stem with a thick umbrella handle. The leaves in the front are also of different lengths. Some are straight and sharp with two edges, like a sharp sword. Some are thick and curved, thick on one side and thin on the other, like a scimitar, and some simply have a leaf stem with a point at the end, sharp and sharp, just like a spear, just like a tree with weapons. Same.

 Chapter 97Everyone selected the leaves they had and tried them out, and they all thought they were very useful. The petiole was not as smooth as metal, but made of hardwood, with a bumpy surface that was non-slip and anti-falling.

 The blades were even more sharp. They used the original weapons to chop them in half, and the inferior knives in the hands of Sun Heihu and others were directly broken into two pieces. The sharp weapon brought out from the General's Mansion also had a big hole in it, which showed how hard the blade was made of.

 They happily put on new weapons. A weapon tree has hundreds or even thousands of leaves. They will not be short of weapons for a long time.

 After taking away all the leaves, Xia Chen took out the magic book, absorbed the alien energy from the remains of the weapon tree as usual, and upgraded the magic book again. This time Xia Chen chose to shorten the copying time, and the copying time of all cards was reduced to one-third of the original time.

 The remains of the weapon tree that had absorbed all the energy were like the original Big Mouth. Most of the trunks were turned into fly ash, but a tree core as thick as a wrist and more than three meters long was left behind.

 The core of the tree is extremely hard, highly dense, and very heavy. It took a lot of effort for a strength-based person like Brother Nan to lift it. They tried to chop with weapons, but ordinary swords could not leave even a trace. Instead, the shock made people's arms numb. They used blade knives to chop, and they barely left a white mark.

 This trip was very fruitful. With the weapon at hand, the combat effectiveness was greatly improved, and the card copying time was greatly shortened. Soon, Xia Chen accumulated a lot of cards that he could use.

 The journey went very smoothly after that. They encountered two large groups of zombies. With Xuan Niang's advance notice, they went around them. The speed of the zombie groups could not catch up with the fast-moving pumpkin carriage.

 After traveling for several days, it was the day of departure.

 Feng Yanshan's hometown is in another direction, and the rest of the journey is getting further and further away from Xia Chen's home direction. When Feng Yanshan wanted to go with them, he had agreed to say goodbye here.

 Having been together day and night for more than a month, Xia Chen felt quite reluctant to part with him. Moreover, Xia Chen felt a little uneasy letting him go on the road alone.

 "Master Xia, Brother Nan, everyone, thank you for taking care of me along the way. I, Old Feng, don't have much ability. It's my honor to meet you all in these troubled times. I wish you all a safe journey."

 Feng Yanshan bowed his hands to everyone, and then smiled at Xia Chen, who had a hesitant look on his face: "Young Master Xia, don't worry about me, you can just go on your own. After all, you came all the way here with the big guys, so I can't rely on you all the time. "

 Although Feng Yanshan is not a foreigner, he has learned skills from other people in the team intermittently. Although he cannot defeat foreigners with special abilities, it is not a problem to defeat a few ordinary people. As long as you are not unlucky enough to encounter a group of zombies, three or five zombies can fight and run away.

 Xia Chen gave him a handful of fruit blood. After thinking about it, he gave him a few Thunderbolts and Stinky Fruit. He repeatedly told him to handle it with care and not to bump into it.

 Immediate cards cannot be given to others. For example, the Sleeping Flower Edelweiss must be used when summoned, and it is gone after it is used up. However, although the card cannot be given to others, such as the Fruit Blood Sky Thunder, it can be embodied. Afterwards, he was able to give the mutated plants to other people.

 Feng Yanshan had seen Xia Chen use the first two. After that, it was the first time for him to take out the smelly fruit. Xia Chen told him the effect and said that he had not used it before. He would try again depending on the specific effect.

 Feng Yanshan was so moved that he burst into tears while holding a bunch of mutated plants. He really didn't want to be separated from the team, but he knew that Master Xia was worried about his family, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed home desperately. How could he have the nerve to let others go first? Send him home.

 Others were also very reluctant to give up. Several children gave Feng Yanshan all the snacks that Xia Chen had saved and asked him to take them home for his children. Mother Needle made new clothes for his family, and she quickly made a few cotton covers for him to hold the thunder from, and added thick cotton to the outside to protect them from shock.

 Wangchen gave the beads he had coiled up to Feng Yanshan. Although they were not as useful as the beads in his hands, they still had the effect of warding off evil spirits.

 Brother Nan silently moved a large basket of dry food, salt, sugar and condiments, and said loudly: "Old Feng, you always say that I protect food, so don't say it this time, I'll give these to you."< a i=21> Feng Yanshan covered his eyes and nodded: "No more." 

 Others also sent some miscellaneous things. Looking at the pile of supplies piled up at the foot of Feng Yanshan, Xia Chen raised his forehead and said, "Do you want a pumpkin carriage? How about I get one for you?" 

 Xia Chen's pumpkin carriage can be released when used, and can be taken back as a card when not in use. However, if it is used by Feng Yanshan, the pumpkin carriage equipment can only be revealed first, and then the carriage can be given to him. After that, it cannot be carded. melted. 

 Feng Yanshan was moved for a moment. He knew firsthand how good the pumpkin carriage was. It had a hard outer shell and a comfortable carriage, but it was too eye-catching. He drove the pumpkin carriage alone, fearing that he would be stared at.  "Forget it, I'd better drive the carriage." Feng Yanshan expressed his concerns, and Xia Chen had no choice but to take out the two carriages that he had put away and let him choose. 

 Feng Yanshan chose the small carriage, and then Brother Nan chose two good horses for him.  Helping Feng Yanshan load all the supplies onto the carriage, everyone was silent, knowing that it was time to say goodbye. 

 Feng Yanshan jumped on the carriage and forced a smile: "Since the number of people in our team has increased, it has been a long time since I, Old Feng, drove a carriage." 

 "Let's go, have a good trip, everyone!" Feng Yanshan whipped his horse, and the pony carriage jolted away. Everyone watched their companions leave.  

"Let's go too." The outline of Feng Yanshan's carriage could no longer be seen on the horizon. Xia Chen withdrew his gaze and called for everyone to get on the bus. 

 Feng Yanshan has returned home, and he has already walked most of the way home. I wonder what is going on at home now. Are his parents, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, brother Dong, son, and mother-in-law all okay?  

Qinghe Village. 

 The originally quiet and peaceful small village had long since changed. None of the children who were usually seen playing around were gone. The village was silent, not even the roars of the zombies could be heard.  

As evening approached, the village suddenly became lively, and people from every household went out with bowls and basins, slowly moving to Xia's house. If you look closely, everyone's lips are chapped, which is a symptom of dehydration. 

 The reason why Qinghe Village is called this is because there is a Qingshui River near the village. Even in the driest years, this river has never dried up. Therefore, young and old in Qinghe Village have never experienced the feeling of water shortage. 

 But now, the water in the Qingshui River is still flowing. Everyone in the village is dying of thirst, and no one goes to the river to fetch water. 

 Arriving at the door of Xia's house, the door opened early. Master Xu Laodao and his apprentice stood under the big banyan tree at the door. The villagers consciously lined up in two lines in front of them.

 Two Taoist priests twisted a talisman, and the talisman spontaneously ignited without fire. In the basin in the hands of the villager in front of them, a small half basin of clear water suddenly appeared.  

The villager bowed gratefully and held the water in his hand tightly. This was the drinking water for their family all day long, and they did not dare to ignore it.

 The queue in front of the two Taoist priests was long. Xu Laodao's face gradually turned pale. Xu Helai stopped his movements, frowned and said: "Master, please go and rest for a while."

 These water talismans are not difficult to draw, but there are too many of them. There are more than 100 households in the whole village, and their drinking water depends entirely on them, the master and the apprentice. Even an iron man cannot hold them.

 Xu Laodao waved his hand. He is too old and his physical strength is not good enough. The young apprentice is talented, but his skills are still too shallow. This time, let someone take the lead. He is relying on his youth and not taking it seriously. He is oppressing him too much. His future will be hindered. .

 Neither the master nor the disciple could persuade the other, so they had no choice but to continue burning talismans and pouring water on people. They worked for nearly an hour before sending everyone away.

 As soon as they entered the Xia family's gate, the young girl ran over with two frozen pears and stuffed them into their hands, urging: "Eat quickly, there is so much sweet water."

 Xu He came to touch the little girl's head and took off the top of the frozen pear. The thawed frozen pear was filled with clear and moist pear juice. After taking a sip, his dry throat was immediately moisturized.

 "Sit down and have a rest." Qiao Niang brought two stools over. Master Xia looked at the two Taoist priests who were extremely tired and said worriedly: "It won't work like this."

 Xia Dalang said harshly: "If you want me to tell you, you should take care of that water ghost. When everyone is so thirsty that they can't even move, you can't fight even if you want to!"

 "That's easy to say." Mr. Xia slapped his reckless eldest son. Didn't he want to put an end to the water ghost? But where will there be any results?

 As he said this, Mr. Xia couldn't help but sigh. I don't know what happened to this world. As soon as he got older and was approaching old age, his appearance suddenly changed.

 Not to mention the sudden appearance of the blood-sucking monster, because their family reacted promptly and had the talisman in hand, they easily got through the initial period when everyone was confused.

 Later, relying on his prestige in the village, he organized Qingzhuang to clean up the zombies in the village, preventing villagers without the ability to fight from being bitten by zombies and turning into zombies, and saving the vast majority of villagers.

 It is also because of this incident that their family's prestige in the village has grown. Especially when facing unknown dangers, their family is regarded as the leader.

 Several clan elders in charge of Qingshui Village were so frightened when they faced the zombies that their legs paralyzed and they did not dare to run. Naturally, they did not have the courage to fight for power with Mr. Xia.

 After that, Mr. Xia made some arrangements. I don't know when this disaster will end, so that everyone can save food and store all kinds of materials to be prepared.

 These were very correct decisions. Because they were worried about their father-in-law's family and eldest daughter living in the town and county town, after Xu Laodao and Xu He came down the mountain, they asked for a talisman and asked Xia Dalang to take Brother Dong to explore the road.

 There were many zombies on the road at that time. They did not dare to go forward and ran back. The trail was covered in heavy snow for half a month, making it impossible to walk on it.

 The Xia family was worried all day long, worried about their relatives outside, and even more worried about Xia Chen and Brother Nan who were far away in the Imperial Capital. Mrs. Xia secretly cried many times, and her eyes almost broke from crying.

 The situation in Qinghe Village was pretty good. Whenever a zombie wandered over, Xia Dalang and his son took the young people of the village to deal with it. The villagers had food in stock and would not go hungry.

 However, just over half a month ago, a woman who went to the river to wash clothes was swept into the river. The people who escaped were so frightened that they almost collapsed. They said that something emerged from the river and swept her away at once. .

 Brother Dong led people to investigate, but the thing didn't come out at all, but as soon as someone approached the river alone, he immediately took action. It was extremely fast. If the man who was caught hadn't reacted quickly and grabbed the tree by the river, the other hidden people would have been hiding. The people on the side also went to help, and they probably lost their lives there.

 The author has something to say: I'm probably going home soon.

 Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

 Aibiliwuyou 5 bottles; Yu Fei Hao Fei Ting 2 bottles;

 Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 98The unknown water ghost lurking in Qinghe Village has cut off the water source of the entire village. Because it is convenient to use water close to the river, the village does not even have a well.

 They also thought about going up the mountain. There is a mountain stream on the mountain. However, when Xu Laodao and Xu He came down the mountain, they encountered huge winding vines, and they felt it was abnormal at that time.

 After they had lived at the foot of the mountain for a while, they wanted to go up the mountain again, only to find that an unknown plant was already entrenched in the mountain. Its exact location was unknown, but its vines could be seen everywhere in the mountain.

 The villagers once saw vines hunting prey. A hare was strangled by the neck, and the vine's sharp tentacles penetrated into the rabbit's skin. In a moment, only shriveled bones and fur were left.

 There are vampire vines on the mountains, water ghosts in the river, and the road into the county is blocked by a large group of zombies. Qinghe Village is trapped alive in this.

 Ordinary people are only worried about water sources, but those with a clear mind like Mr. Xia understand that Qinghe Village has become a trapped beast.

 Because of the existence of water ghosts and vampire vines, zombies have not entered Qinghe Village for a long time. They are attracted by the blood and are unwilling to leave, and they are afraid to approach because of the threat of mutant plants.

 Water ghosts and blood-sucking vines each have their own limitations. One's weaknesses will be revealed when it leaves the water, while the other must be surrounded by a big tree to rely on. Therefore, the three parties become horns. Qinghe Village is sandwiched in the middle, with turbulent waves beneath the brief tranquility.

 What Xia Chen didn't know was that after parting ways with Feng Yanshan, the road ahead would not be smooth.

 They have met real bandits, who are different from Sun Heihu and others, but real villains who commit crimes by burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of crimes.

 These people were originally extremely vicious people. After the end of the world, two people were lucky enough to awaken their powers, and they became even more rampant. The nearby villages and counties were occupied by these bandits, and they committed countless evil deeds.

 After a fierce battle, most of the bandits were slaughtered, and Xia Chen left a batch of supplies for the survivors.

 During this battle, the pumpkin carriage was hacked with knives, axes, and arrows, leaving countless marks on its outer shell. Fortunately, the defensive power inherited from the big mouth is really strong. Those marks not only add a domineering look to the pumpkin carriage, but do not damage the body of the carriage at all.

 To Xia Chen's surprise, Wen Shu transformed a burst gun with better stability. Due to material limitations, it was temporarily impossible to re-create it with metal.

 In mid-February, after more than two months of long journey, Xia Chen and his party finally entered Qingyang County.

 Brother Nan was lying by the window, staring at all the scenery outside. Everything was dim under the darkening sky, but he seemed to see some beautiful scenery.

 When I was at home, I never thought there was anything good about the mountains and rivers that I was used to seeing. But when I finally returned from a thousand miles away from home and saw the familiar countryside, I felt the urge to cry for a moment.

 Wangchen quickly twirled the beads with his fingers, but his slightly trembling eyelashes revealed his uneasy heart. He had traveled thousands of miles to find his relatives. If something happened to his sister, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

 "Uncle, uncle?" Brother Nan shouted twice, and Xia Chen suddenly came back to his senses: "What's wrong?"

 Brother Nan rubbed his hands and opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He didn't dare to think about it when he was on the road. When he got close, he couldn't help but start to get scared. They have seen too many life and death along the way. Life in the apocalypse is as fragile as a joke. If you are lucky, your family will be safe. If you are unlucky, your whole family will be filled in on the day of the corpse.

 "It's okay." Xia Chen forced a smile: "Our family must be okay."

 The low outline of the city wall of Qingyang County was already in sight. At this time, naturally no one was guarding the gate, and the pumpkin carriage drove into the county smoothly.

 Like many cities they passed through, there were almost no pedestrians on the road. From time to time, they would encounter wandering zombies, which were easily killed by Xia Chen and the others.

 The first place they arrived was Mr. Meng's house, and Uncle Xia Chen's house was a few blocks away. The familiar courtyard had only been around for a few months, but it already looked a little dilapidated.

 The big copper lock on the door was still hanging on it, but there was a big hole in the wooden door, as if it had been split open with an axe. Wangchen's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

 He rushed into the courtyard. There was no one in the small courtyard. The furniture was overturned on the ground and everything was messy.

 Xia Chen followed in, looked around and comforted: "Don't worry, there is no blood, the door is locked from the outside, sir, they should have left on their own."

 Moreover, the husband's family has no relatives in the county, only a few friends. The closest among the students is his family. If you want to avoid trouble...

 Xia Chen pulled Wangchen and jumped onto the carriage: "Let's go to my uncle's house."

 His uncle and sister have always been very grateful to Mr. Meng for teaching him. If there is chaos in the county, Mr. Meng is most likely to be picked up by his uncle's family.

 Qingyang County is not big, so they arrived there quickly. The braised food recipe given by Xia Chen made the uncle's family become rich day by day. After saving money, I bought a house nearby. After all, my grandchildren are getting older and it would be very difficult to live in one place.

 The carriage stopped at the door of my uncle's house. Brother Nan jumped out of the car and knocked on the door: "Uncle, grandpa, aunt! Are you at home? Open the door!"

 He knocked for a long time before someone inside asked: "Who is it?"

 When Brother Nan heard it, it was his third cousin's voice, and he immediately said excitedly: "I'm Brother Nan. Third cousin, please open the door quickly."

 "Brother Nan? Didn't you go to the Imperial Capital with Yuan Bao?" Yao Sanlang did not open the door, but there was a faint voice inside. After a while, a head poked out of the wall of the courtyard. Yao Wulang stood on the wall and saw a huge thing. pumpkin carriage, gasp.

 Xia Chen heard the noise and waved to him quickly: "Little cousin, it's me. Brother Nan and I are back."

 "Yuanbao?!" Yao Wulang suddenly became excited and turned to his brother: "Hurry up and open the door. It's Yuanbao and Brother Nan who are back!"

 The door creaked open, and Yao Sanlang hugged Brother Nan: "Good boy, you have grown strong."

 Then he pulled Xia Chen and asked him to go in quickly: "We are worried to death. You said that you two little babies ran so far, were unfamiliar with the place, and had no one to take care of you. Your sister has been talking about it all day long."

 Xia Chen stopped: "Third cousin, I still have some companions..."

 Just as Yao Sanlang was about to say hello, Liu Jiao, who was sitting in the cab, waved her hands quickly: "Leave us alone, we will rest in the car tonight."

 It was a long-awaited reunion of family members. It would be unreasonable for more than twenty of them to squeeze in together. Besides, there was no room for them in the yard, so why bother others.

 Xia Chen thought the same thing. If his uncle's house couldn't accommodate him, he might as well let everyone sleep in the car. When they return home tomorrow, the accommodation problem would be solved. If that doesn't work, they could still build a house.

 Everyone else stayed in the car. Wen Shu followed Xia Chen with his hands folded. Everyone was used to him and Xia Chen being inseparable, and no one dared to say anything. Wangchen also followed him into the house. Xia Chen quickly asked: "Three Cousin, do you know where Mr. Meng's family has gone?"

 Yao Wulang interjected: "Everything is fine in our house. Don't worry. That's your husband. Can our family just ignore it? Dad can give us a discount on our legs."

 A big stone fell to Wangchen's heart instantly, and he bowed to the Yao brothers with red eyes and thanked him. The Yao brothers had already noticed this outstanding-looking monk, and felt strange and embarrassed to ask. Seeing his demeanor again, they were even more at a loss.

 Xia Chen hurriedly explained: "This is Master Wangchen, the younger brother of Master Wangchen."

 After saying that, he invited Wen Shu to introduce them to them: "This is my close friend Wen Shu, who has helped me a lot."

 Facing such a noble young master who looked like an extraordinary person at first glance, the Yao brothers did not dare to communicate, so they responded vaguely and led them into the house.

 The Yao family's house has a courtyard with two entrances. Later, they bought the courtyard next to it and opened it up to live separately. At this time, the people in the house heard the noise and came out. When they saw Xia Chen and Brother Nan, it was natural to have a close relationship. Sister Xia hugged her Xia Chen cried so much that he almost twitched.

 When Mrs. Meng saw Wangchen, she was in disbelief at first, and then she cried uncontrollably. For a while, the yard echoed with the cries of the two women, like a duet.

 Afterwards, Mrs. Meng's family and Wangchen went to talk. Only then did Xia Chen have the intention to observe his uncle's family carefully. The more he looked at him, the more dejected he became.

 My eldest aunt, second cousin, husband and wife, and fourth cousin are all not here, and my nephew, Brother Bei, is actually missing an arm!

 "Uncle, I'm fine." Brother Bei stood next to his sister. Seeing that Xia Chen's face was extremely ugly, he quickly comforted him: "I can use my left hand very well now, and I can also use chopsticks to pick beans."

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!  139 bottles of Rainy Night Impression; 6 bottles of Master Zhou Zhou; 

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]: 

 *Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~ 

 The author has something to say: There is a little more today 

 As a result, Brother Bei's wings were not attached, and Xiniang grew a pair of her own. She flew into the sky with a bag of stones, and smashed Luo Jinxi to death.  

"Uncle, do you still remember the wild swans you told me when I was a kid?" Xi Niang whispered softly: "Brother Bei had his arm chopped off. I felt so uncomfortable that I felt so useless. I couldn't sleep at night. No, I thought it would be great if I could be like that Liniang and give Brother Bei some wings."

 Xia Chen: "..."  

"Huh?" Xia Chen looked at his weak and timid niece in confusion. Xiniang smiled weakly, and suddenly a pair of huge snow-white wings appeared behind her. The wings flapped, and Xiniang flew up.  

Brother Bei chuckled and said, "My sister has already avenged me." 

 Xia Chen was furious when he heard this, and Brother Nan even picked up a knife: "Where is that man named Luo? I'm going to chop him to death!" 

 Luo Jinxi held a grudge over this. He relied on his own powers and the food in his hands to gather a group of idle men and established a Shenlong Gang. He considered himself the leader of the gang and brought his people to the Yao family to snatch people, including Brother Bei's arm. It was cut off by Luo Jinxi.  

His "good reputation" had long been spread. How could the Yao family let him in? They threw back his betrothal gift and threatened to break off the engagement. 

 With a house full of beautiful women of all kinds, Luo Jinxi was still thinking about his gentle and virtuous fiancée, so he came to the door with half a bag of rice to welcome her.  In troubled times, when the villain succeeds, the ugly face that was once buried suddenly explodes. Luo Jinxi took in the orphan girl from the Wu family, and took home the young lady who was in trouble. He also opened the door when the widow on the front street came to her for help. He is like a kind-hearted Bodhisattva, but unfortunately his kindness is only towards beautiful women.

   The county town was short of food, so the Luo family opened a food store. Zombies have corpse poison, and Luo Jinxi's superpower is to metalize parts of his body, so he won't be afraid of being scratched or bitten. Luo Jinxi has learned the two-handed technique, and it is not a problem to beat two ordinary people. Coupled with super powers, it is even more powerful.  

Who would have thought that they were just about to welcome the bride. The end came, shopkeeper Luo and his wife died, Luo Jinxi awakened his superpower and became a strange person.

   In such a marriage, everything has been taken into consideration. If you marry so close, you won't be afraid that your daughter will be bullied in the future. 

 Sister Xia Er was afraid that her daughter would not be able to bear marrying into such a family, so she made a lot of choices and finally chose Luo Jinxi, the only son of the shopkeeper Luo of the grain store on the same street. My sister is very eloquent, and Luo Jinxi is also a decent and upright young man.  

As for Brother Bei, he belongs to the first class. Xia Chen passed the examination and the marriage market for the younger generation in the family also increased. The girl is old enough to marry. She is good-looking and has a docile personality. She has a direct uncle like Xia Chen, who passed the imperial examination at a young age. The matchmaker who came to marry her has almost crossed the threshold, and there are many big families in the county. 

 The death of two sons in a row was a huge blow. The eldest aunt was so sad that she couldn't afford to fall ill. It was hard to find a doctor after the turmoil, so she also went there soon.  

She rambled on and told Xia Chen everything about her family. Yao Erlang and his wife disappeared that night when their corpses were raised. Yao Erlang turned into a zombie, and his roommate Yao Ersao did not escape. Yao Silang was bitten when he and his family were catching Yao Erlang and his wife. He thought that the family was too ruthless and ended up losing another one. 

 Second Sister Xia patted her daughter: "What nonsense are you talking about? Let your uncle judge you."

 Xiniang lowered her head: "It's all my fault."

Chapter 99After the apocalypse, cities generally have less food than rural villages. Farmers are self-sufficient. After the autumn harvest, they keep enough food for a year before selling the excess - if there is any surplus food.

 Because of Xia Chen's contribution of improved rice varieties and high-yielding potatoes and corn, as well as the good weather in recent years, people's lives have become slightly easier, and most farmers have more or less food in their homes.

 It's different in the city. Few families can prepare enough food for a year at a time. There are rice shops in the city, so you can't buy rice at any time.

 So the world was in chaos, and the people in the city who had finally survived began to worry about how to fill their stomachs. Food is no longer available. Like the Yao family, the family is well off and has a lot of food stored at home, but the population is also large. Even if you save money, you still don't have enough food. In the later stages, it is not only difficult to find food, but also unsafe. It is often said that people who went to look for food never came back. It was not that they were eaten, but that they were beaten to death while fighting for food.

 Fortunately, cannibalism has not yet appeared in the county like Zhongning Mansion, but it is common for every family to be hungry due to lack of food and rice, and the Yao family is no exception. Even with a strange person like Xi Niang, she has a gentle personality. I am not good at fighting, and I don't know how to fight with others.

 The eldest uncle coughed and asked his daughter-in-law to take out the bacon stored at home and cook something delicious for Xia Chen and the others. rations, and quickly asked Brother Nan to go to the car and bring two bags of rice down.

 Regarding the legend of the little fairy, Brother Nan and others have already had a complete, detailed and highly credible version after repeating it again and again. Xia Chen did not need to say more, Brother Nan said it again as if he had endorsed it.

 They obviously watched Xia Chen grow up, but the uncle's family vaguely felt that something like this was happening. It turned out that there was really an old god who took a fancy to Xia Chen and wanted to take him to cultivate immortality.

 Why didn't you go later? It seems that his sister is reluctant to let go of the child, yes, that's it. The eldest uncle automatically completed the cause and effect in his mind, adding another powerful explanation for Xia Chen's immortal reserve status.

 When they heard that Xia Chen had a lot of food, everyone in the Yao family was very happy. Xia Chen asked them if they wanted to go back to Qinghe Village with him. Everyone hesitated for a while and then went to see Uncle Yao, who was in charge of the family.

 Uncle Yao slapped his thigh: "Go, Yuanbao is capable, and you must all listen to him from now on."

 Being able to run back from a place as far away as the Imperial Capital, the friends around him looked extraordinary, and most importantly, there was an old immortal master, his nephew was amazing.

 Hearing that the road from the county seat to Qinghe Village was blocked and a large number of zombies gathered in the middle, Xia Chen was very worried. He was not afraid of zombies. With the pumpkin carriage's defense, it would not be a problem to rush forward. He was just worried about his family. Condition.

 There was no use just thinking about it. After a feast that night, the Yao family started packing their luggage in a hurry. There were more than a dozen people in the Yao family, plus Mr. Meng's family, and they couldn't fit in a pumpkin carriage alone. Xia Chen also A pumpkin carriage was summoned.

 Because there is space, there is no need to worry about large luggage. The overhead storage compartment is enough for small items, so Xia Chentu conveniently bought another car with the same internal structure.

 Early the next morning, two pumpkin carriages drove out of the county. Considering safety issues, both vehicles were equipped with some combat-effective personnel.

 The night before, Xia Chen gave Xi Niang some grain and asked her to throw it to other families in the county. The Yao family has lived here for many years, and there are always people who are familiar with each other and can help. Those who have done good deeds can also help. Someone should help.

 Because there was no one to clean them up, there were a lot of zombies encountered along the way, but this was nothing to be afraid of for Xia Chen and the others. They were cleared away by others without even using Xia Chen to take action.

 On the way, we first went to other uncle's houses in the town. The second uncle's house was also in trouble. Two of the family's children ran away and were taken in by the younger uncle's family. Both the third uncle's family and the younger uncle's family were depleted. They were even more short of food and almost couldn't hold on anymore. Xia Chen wanted to take them away, so he didn't even pack their luggage and just followed without saying a word.

 On the way, they ate some brown sugar steamed buns that they used as dry food. Liu Jiao copied them as soon as possible. She didn't know how much she got out. The others almost vomited after eating them. They didn't expect that sugar and big steamed buns could still make them vomit.

 There were so many more people, but it would be difficult to fight against the zombies if the combat power was too thin, so they were allowed to squeeze into the car first, so that more people could sit on the benches.

 Before getting close to the zombies, Xuan Niang issued a warning, and Xia Chen summoned a sunflower to take root in front of the pumpkin carriage. I originally thought that the sunflower would be useless after the zombies became resistant to sunlight, but after Xia Chen's experiment, he found that, as expected of a space product, the light of the sunflower would still have a certain restraining effect on the zombies, although it was not as lethal as the original. Used, but it can expel zombies and cause certain damage to zombies.

 Xia Chen guessed that when the magic book evolves again in the future and can contain cards, his mutant plants will continue to become stronger, and there is no need to worry about losing its due lethality due to the evolution of zombies.

 The sunflower rays on the front of the car enveloped the area, and the zombies quickly avoided it. They have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid harm. A few zombies who could not restrain their thirst for blood and endured the burns attacked them, and were guarded by the combatants at the driver's door and the window. Resolved quickly.

 With the speed of the pumpkin carriage, they rushed out of the zombie group. In fact, this group of zombies was not as many as Xia Chen imagined, only a few hundred. They killed this number that night in the cave.

 It's just that this time I didn't have the right location and I had to travel, so I chose to rush over and took advantage of Sunflower's convenience without spending too much effort.

 Once the pumpkin carriage starts running, the zombies will not be able to keep up, especially since the pumpkin carriage is still very stable and you can run with confidence, leaving the roaring and roaring zombies far behind.

 Qinghe Village is not very far from the county seat. It takes about more than an hour to walk. Xia Chen and the others took a car, which was delayed by meeting people and fighting zombies, but it didn't take long.

 The car rushed into Qinghe Village. The familiar road made Xia Chen and Brother Nan excited. Other villagers who heard the noise just peeked their heads out, and the two cars had already arrived at the gate of Xia's house.

 "Dad, mother, grandpa, grandma, brother, we are back!" Brother Nan jumped out of the car before it even stopped. He rushed over and pushed the door. He didn't push it open. He immediately started knocking on the door, knocking and knocking. shouted again.

 "Brother Nan?" It was Xu Helai who opened the door. When Brother Nan saw an acquaintance, he was so excited that he hugged him: "I'm back, little bird. Where are my family members? Are they all okay?"

 Xu Helai was stunned for a moment. He nodded and looked behind Brother Nan. He was relieved when he saw Xia Chen and opened a big smile: "Yuanbao, you are back."  The master said that Yuan Bao was destined to be a man and would be fine, but he always felt uneasy when he didn't see anyone.  

"Well, I'm back!" Seeing Xu Helai, Xia Chen instantly felt at ease. With him and Xu Laodao at home, he thought his family would be fine. After all, Xu Helai's spell could have saved his life. 

 After hearing the commotion, the Xia family came out and saw their child, who was thousands of miles away, appearing in front of them. They immediately had another tearful intimacy.

 "You kid, you ran so far. If anything happens, how will your mother survive?" Mrs. Xia hugged Xia Chen and cried so hard that Xia Chen's eyes turned red.

 "Okay, okay, don't cry anymore, mother, I'm doing well, okay? I won't leave again, okay?" Xia Chen patted Mrs. , fearing that her eyes would be broken from crying, she would coax his mother to cook for him on the pretext that she was hungry.

 Qiao Niang followed, and the young mother snuggled next to her little uncle and listened to her father and grandfather talking to him, briefly describing the family affairs. Although the water ghost of unknown origin and the mutated vines on the mountain have not yet been solved, as long as they can see the complete As a family, Xia Chen is not afraid of anything.

 Then came the other people brought by An Dun. It was much more convenient for Mr. Xia to do this than Xia Chen. With so many people suddenly added, they would definitely not be able to live in them. The house couldn't be built in a while, so we couldn't keep everyone there all the time. Living in a car, naturally you have to disperse to other homes in the village.

 Needless to say, it goes without saying that the uncle's family will simply introduce the other companions to his father. If there are too many people, he will meet first. After getting along with him in the future, he will gradually become familiar with each other, so there is no need to rush.

 Xu Helai stood aside and waited for Xia Chen to finish his work before walking over with a smile: "It's great that Yuanbao is okay."

 "I haven't thanked you yet." Xia Chen took out the treasured talisman: "Thanks to the talisman you gave me, I saved my life, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see me now."

 Xu Helai's eyes lit up and he smiled sheepishly: "As long as I can help you, I should give you more when you leave."

 "Thank you very much. I..." Xia Chen was having a heated chat with Xu Helai. Wen Shu came over and stood next to Xia Chen, shoulder to shoulder: "Yuanbao, I'm hungry."  Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard! 

 Yiyun 2 bottles; 15521311531, Shaoqing 1 bottle;  Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:  

*Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~  The author has something to say: Those who have confirmed the look in their eyes are those who cannot be dealt with.  

The two of them had their own thoughts, but when they faced Xia Chen and met his expectant eyes, Wen Shu and Xu Helai smiled at the same time: "Nice to meet you."  

Wen Shu was also chewing on the words "grow up together" in his heart, and the strange sourness in his heart made him feel very bad. He was obviously the little flower demon he raised, but he didn't know that there was someone squatting next to him who wanted to steal flowers. 

 Wen Shu and Xu Helai looked at each other silently, and both saw rejection in each other's eyes. Xu Helai had a gentle personality but was arrogant. It was unclear whether it was because of the hostility in Wen Shu's eyes or the familiar attitude between him and Xia Chen. Xu Helai felt a wave of dissatisfaction in his heart. happiness. 

 Apart from his family, these are the only two best friends he has in his life. He introduces them to each other, hoping that they can also become friends.  

He also introduced Xu Helai: "This is my friend who grew up together, Xu Helai, he has a very good character." 

 Xia Chen hurriedly took Wen Shu and introduced him: "This is Wen Shu, my best friend. He doesn't like to talk much, but he is a very nice person. You will know when you get along." 

 "Yuanbao, this is..." Xu Helai met Wen Shu's hostile and scrutinizing gaze, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable when he saw Xia Chen standing so close to him without any awkwardness.

 Although Wen Shu doesn't like to talk to others, he still respects Xia Chen. With his cultivation, he rarely interrupts others. Suddenly he shouted that he was hungry. Xia Chen looked at him strangely, thinking that he really We were hungry, and everyone had eaten enough brown sugar steamed buns, so they quickly asked the young girl to go to the kitchen to see if there was anything edible.

Chapter 100Dozens of people came to the Xia family at once, and the family couldn't accommodate them. Fortunately, there were extra houses in the village.

 Another big family in Qinghe Village, the Tian family, who had harmed Xia Chen, has now been completely ruined. Mr. Xia did not use any means. Mr. Tian, ​​who was in charge, was old and sick all year round. The playboy Tian Laibao lost all the family property bit by bit. He did everything he wanted to eat, drink, whore, and gamble, and he also had people set up traps to defraud him of large sums of money. All his family property and property were sold, and the old house was forced to stay by Mr. Tian.

 Their big house is larger than the Xia family's yard. After all, they have been wealthy for several generations. The land in the countryside is not valuable, so they built a three-bedroom mansion. This is the reason why the Tian family has always looked down on the poor Xia family.

 It's a pity that with such a big family business, the younger generations failed to live up to expectations. On the day the corpse was raised, the Tian family was unlucky and the only remaining servant turned into a zombie. Tian Laibao abandoned his grandfather and ran for his life, but he still couldn't escape and was turned into a zombie by his grandfather. Zombies bite to death.

 The Tian family's big house became empty all of a sudden, and there were people who were greedy for it, but they couldn't open their mouths. Now the relatives of the Xia family and Xia Chen's companions had no place to live. Master Xia asked Brother Dong to clean up the house.

 Brother Dong had just gone out when an old Taoist with a white beard wandered in. When Xia Chen saw him, he immediately smiled and bowed his head: "Good morning, Mr. Xu."

 Xu Laodao recited the Taoist number and said with a smile: "Well done, little layman. It is not easy for the little layman to return safely after a thousand miles journey."

 Xia Chen hurriedly thanked Mr. Xu for the talismans he and Xu He came to give to his mother, and for their master and apprentice's care of his family.

 Xu Helai who was standing aside, because he didn't get along well with Wen Shu, paid some attention to him, but found that he was slightly startled for a moment when he saw his master, and he was confused. Could it be that this young man from the imperial capital knew his master? Can't? But his master didn't act like he knew anyone.

 Naturally, Xu Helai could not guess that Wen Shu was speechless at this moment. He also did not expect that in this remote mountain village, he would meet an acquaintance from his previous life.

 For a moment, he looked at Xia Chen with a bit of amazement. What kind of luck is his ingot? There are five ingots in total, and three of them have gathered around him!

 Yes, Xu Laodao is one of them. He was a Taoist priest during his lifetime, and he was a very powerful Taoist priest. After becoming a zombie, he actually retained part of the Taoist priest's abilities. Who can explain why zombies can use spells?

 But there are still some differences. His talisman has become a Yin talisman. In addition, he can also refine weapons and make elixirs for zombies. The one who built the Zombie Kingdom is his big customer.

 However, in this life, depending on the situation, it is unlikely that Liu Jiao will become a zombie again. Xu Laodao doesn't know, but he will definitely not fall into the same situation as in the previous life.

 Thinking of this, Wen Shu's heart froze. He had always had a doubt as to why Xia Chen's name was never given up in his previous life. Judging from his current potential, it is impossible not to achieve something.

 He once suspected that it was his rebirth that caused some things to develop differently in this life than in the previous life, but now it seems that the bigger variable should be Xia Chen.

 Like him? Impossible, Xia Chen's unfamiliarity with this troubled world is genuine.

 Could it be that he is really a little fairy who descended from the earth? Wen Shu thought of Xia Chen's rhetoric. He didn't really believe it. There might be truth in it, but there were also lies. The little liar had been deceiving people since he was a child. He told a lie that was half true and false and deceived a lot of people.

 But now he is shaken. The difference between the two lives is too obvious. With Xia Chen as the center, the future pattern has almost been changed. His various strange abilities are also miraculous that he has never seen in his life. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are magical means.

 But what about gods? Since they have already come to this earthly world and fallen into his hands, he can still make people return to heaven.

 Wen Shu's mind was spinning, and he almost peeled off a layer of Xia Chen's skin. If the ancient entertainment industry hadn't developed to the level that Xia Chen had in his previous life, he would have revealed Xia Chen's identity as a time traveler.

 At this time, Xia Chen had finished greeting Xu Laodao. The old Taoist priest felt his stomach and complained that he was hungry. He smelled the aroma of the food in the kitchen and went over to it, and by the way, he took the distracted little apprentice away.

 Xia Chen pulled Wen Shu's sleeve: "Zijian, I have something to ask you. Let's go to my room and talk."

 It was impossible for Wen Shu to live in Tian's house with other people, and Xia Chen didn't mention it. Anyway, it wouldn't be a problem for one or two more people to live in his house. At worst, they would just live with him.

 Along the way, the two of them shared a room and even shared a bed many times. Xia Chen loved to be clean, and Wen Shu was a mysophobic. Xia Chen was a light sleeper, and Wen Shu had excellent sleeping habits. He didn't snore or grind his teeth. He was waiting outside, wanting to hear a bedtime story, but Wen Shu opened his mouth and came.

 So he didn't object at all to letting him sleep with Wen Shu. Although he occasionally woke up in the morning and found that the two of them were too close to each other or even had their limbs intertwined, which was a bit embarrassing, but the ancients didn't say that they should sleep with each other's feet. Then so and so, two great poets are still traveling hand in hand. Is it okay for him and Wen Shu to be like this?

 Moreover, after two months of being inseparable day and night, Xia Chen got used to Wen Shu being by his side. He knew that Wen Shu didn't like to communicate with others, probably because he had lived in isolation since he was a child.

 He respects his friend's personality and habits. Since Wen Shu is willing to follow him, he also likes his friend, and Wen Shu knows more. He is used to communicating with Wen Shu when he is undecided and asking him to help him think about it.

 Xia Chen has been away for several months, but the room is still clean and ready for move-in at any time. It can be seen that there are often people cleaning it, either his mother or his sister-in-law.

 Xia Chen asked Wen Shu to sit down at the table. There was no water in the teapot. Xia Chen thought for a while, then went into the space and loaded some washed fruits out. The two of them ate and chatted.

 The first thing I want to talk about is the current situation in Qinghe Village. The vampire vines on the mountain and the water ghost must be solved, otherwise the lives of the villagers will be worrying.

 Xia Chen wanted to deal with the water ghost first. So far, they had never encountered a ghost or a mutated animal. He guessed that the thing in the water was most likely a mutated plant.

 He is looking forward to mutant plants now. They are difficult to fight, but if you solve one, you will get a fortune and work hard to plant magical seeds. It is better to find mutant plants, which can not only upgrade the magic book, but also collect the seeds that must be mutated.

 Speaking of mutant plant seeds, the weapon tree probably had its roots burned too hard and only one seed was collected. Fortunately, the mutant plants grown were very useful.

 It was a strange dwarf tree, only as high as Xia Chen's knees, with two kinds of metallic-colored fruits as big as a child's fist hanging on its branches.

 These two fruits, if you add a little bit of their extract when smelting metal, one can improve the hardness of the metal, and the other can enhance the toughness. They are both excellent auxiliary materials.

 Based on the relevant information he has obtained so far, the water ghost's combat effectiveness is not very outstanding. The difficulty is that it hides in the water and has a home field advantage. It is also fast and elusive, making it difficult to guard against, and you don't know where its body is.

 But Xia Chen has a way to deal with it. The freezing ability of Edelweiss can be enhanced to a certain extent in water. As long as part of the limbs of the water ghost are frozen, it will be easy to find its body by following the clues. Then the solution will be simple.

 However, the blood-sucking vine on the mountain is more difficult to deal with. The best way is to set it on fire. Once the fire goes down, nothing will happen. But once a wildfire breaks out, it is difficult to control it manually.

 Xia Chen told Wen Shu his thoughts, and Wen Shu first confirmed his method of dealing with water ghosts, and then said: "Don't worry about the vampire vine, I can solve it."

 Xia Chen had no doubts about Wen Shu's words. He still didn't know the upper limit of his combat power: "Huh? Do you need us to do anything?"

 "No, I am enough." Wen Shu said lightly, it was just a blood-sucking vine. Want to suck his blood? Ah.

 "Okay." Xia Chen thought for a while, but still felt uneasy: "I will take people to meet me at the bottom of the mountain. Safety is the most important thing. If something goes wrong, run away quickly, leaving the green mountains without worrying about running out of firewood. Living is the most important thing. "

 Xia Chen talked a lot. Although he had great confidence in Wen Shu, it did not prevent him from worrying about him. Wen Shu did not feel annoyed at all, nor did he feel slighted. He listened to him with a smile.

 After he finished speaking, Wen Shu pressed the table and asked, "Has Yuan Bao thought about the future?"

 Xia Chen was startled, the topic changed too quickly, and then he started thinking along Wen Shu's question: "In the future... I want to build a city here to protect my family. If I have the ability, I will also protect them." We are neighbors here."

 If you are poor, you can be alone, but if you are wealthy, you can help the world. Xia Chen has no ambition to save the world, nor does he want to be an overlord in troubled times. He just wants to build a safe city so that his family does not have to live in fear in the apocalypse.

 If possible, of course he would like his city to shelter more people, but now it is just an idea of ​​his.

 "Is this your wish?" Wen Shu asked.

 Xia Chen pondered for a moment and nodded vigorously: "Yes, this is my wish and I am working towards this goal."

 Wen Shu smiled casually: "Since you want to do it, then I will help you."

 He has been at the border for several years, and he knows very well what kind of city wall can resist foreign enemies. He also knows a little bit about how to build defensive facilities.

 Although Xia Chen had never been on the battlefield, he had watched documentaries before traveling through time, and had a rough outline in his mind so that he would not be confused.

 The two communicated about this, and both were amazed by the other's knowledge reserve. During their discussion, the city concept gradually took shape.

 At the end, Xia Chen sighed and said: "It's a pity that we don't have enough manpower. For a city of this size, we can only think about it first. It would be great if there are strangers who can help build the city."

 The earth-type aliens he has seen can build earth walls, but their defense is very low. If they don't attack, they will fall into pieces of earth.

 "We can build some simple defense facilities first." Wen Shu helped with an idea: "Dig the moat. The conditions are ready. When the digging is complete, you can plant the water ghost in it." He knew that Xia Chen could collect the mutant plant seeds. Grow plants that perform similar functions.

 Xia Chen's eyes lit up, yes, building a city is a technical job, but digging trenches is not. Villagers can do it. When the time comes, the water from the Qingshui River will be diverted there, and then filled with water ghosts with entangling and pulling effects, no matter whether it is a zombie Still an intruder, if you want to come in, you have to take a dip in the water first.

 The group of zombies on the road that have not yet been dealt with will definitely come after they kill the water ghosts and vampire vines, so they have to make plans in advance.

 "I don't know if blood-sucking vines can go into the water. It would be better if they were planted together in the water. The plants should be fine." The more Xia Chen said, the brighter his eyes became. Isn't the energy of zombies in the blood? If you get in the water, don't get out.

 The author has something to say: Yuanbao: I shouldn't have come down to earth in the first place!

 *Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

 Thank you to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

 Go with the flow 26 bottles; My nickname is 10 bottles; Long lasting 5 bottles;

 Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
