
Chapter 11

  Since the last snow melts, the weather warms day by day, the river freezes, the buds of the trees are green, and the black and yellow ground is gradually dyed with a bright blue color.

  Farmers have been synonymous with industriousness since ancient times. If they can't, they can't be lazy in farming. They can't sweat less. Perhaps the family will eat two less meals. Who dares to joke about the food at home?

  The villagers of Qinghe village have few lazy people, early began to do spring ploughing preparation work, Xiajia land, although most of the leased to other villagers to plant, but also left a few acres of land to plant themselves.

  Unlike another landlord, the Tian family, all the land was rented out, and the rents were high. When the times were bad, his sharecroppers always had to change, because after paying taxes and rents, they had almost no food left, and it was normal for three or two people to starve to death.

  When the Xia family had something to do, Xia Chen was much more free. After he recovered from his illness, he had to take a "lunch break" after lunch. The elders of the Xia family felt that he was weak and happy to rest more. Xia Chen took this opportunity to go into the space and try to upgrade his experience. Strive for early automation.

  Now Xia Chen is squatting in the system space, holding the small shovel that his father specially gave him worried: "Baner, I think you're embarrassing me fat tiger."

  The matter begins with the seeds that Master Xia gave him. Most of the seeds that Mrs Xia gave him were vegetable seeds, and the varieties were very few. Master Xia gave him many seeds, including rice, wheat, sorghum, millet, yellow rice, soybeans, and so on. Each experience is more than vegetable seeds, which makes him brush a level of experience.

  Qinghe Village is located at the junction of north and south, rice and flour are eaten, and many poor families, staple food is more of the latter. Xia Chen had never eaten sorghum rice in his last life, but had drunk millet porridge, and the chef cooked it carefully. How could he think that this thing could be steamed into rice as a staple food to eat.

  Moreover, the yield of crops was really low at this time. Because of a Yuan Shennong in China, the highest yield of rice per mu was as high as 1,000 kilograms before Xia Chen crossed. And what about Anchao's present? Xia Chen and Xia master inquired, good weather years, rice per mu yield will only be 300 kilograms.

  Xia Chen never thought of it. He sighed when he was harvesting: "The output is really low. Then a random task was triggered.

  Random tasks are not on the task scroll. After triggering, you can choose whether to accept them. If accepted, they will appear on the task scroll.

  Novice task because the reward is too little, Xia Chen has been lazy to brush deliberately. Of course, it was also because he was stuck in the eighth ring that required him to own and read a farm book. There is no mall at home, a price of three liang silver, Xia Chen now on the book is a little more than three liang, buy a book to return to the liberation overnight, he was reluctant to part.

  However, the novice task was not completed, he could not do the main line task, according to his level of the daily task only opened part, simple planting and harvesting, to provide him with meagre experience and a few wen every day.

  Therefore, Xia Chen is quite happy to have a new task to do. Most of the tasks are farming. He has to plant the land without a task anyway. Multiple tasks get double experience. Moreover, this random trigger task is generally rewarded.

  The rewards are really great! Xia Chen was stunned. The money alone had fifteen golds, enough for him to smoke ten consecutively. There was a guarantee! There are also rich experience rewards and a booklet, Xia Chen looks a bit like the skill book opened in his gift bag.

  Xia Chen was rich rewards, even the task content did not look carefully on the choice of acceptance, anyway summer copper pit is pit, not to leave him a way to live. As a result, when the fun was over, the smile gradually disappeared.

  Random Task: Cultivating Excellent Rice Seeds
  Reward: XX (the above ones
  Requirements: The yield of cultivated rice seeds reaches more than 400 kg per mu.
  Time limit: one year.
  Note: This task is not completed. Other random tasks cannot be taken.

  Xia Chen: "..."

  Today is a long-term insight, I have never seen a shameless person who can put the reward at the forefront, physical graphics, but also with flash, he was gold flashed so that he did not even see the name of the task!

  Reasonable, compared with hybrid rice, 400 kg per mu yield is not too high, but he can not compare with Yuan Shennong ah! He is already Shennong, he is a farmer apprentice who can only dig pits and water.

  I don't know if he's been together for a long time. Xia Chen feels that Xia Copper seems to have some emotions of his own and is very happy to talk to him: [No task released by the system cannot be completed. If the task is not completed, ask the host to find the problem from itself.]

  Xia Chen: "... "One day, he will be angry with this garbage system!

  Fortunately, Xia Chen is good at mediating his own emotions. His childhood experience told him that the more difficult the situation is, the more calm he needs to be. Only by calming down can he think if he finds a way.

  "The task is actually in my favor. "Xia Chen pondered that his family, as a small landlord, would have more profits if he could cultivate good rice seeds. If you think about it, you may have something to do with it. You can leave it to your father.

  After thinking about it, Xia Chen is not angry, from the warehouse turned out a water cucumber, gnawing while tidying up their own warehouse.

  Space produced things really not ordinary, other things Xia Chen has not tried do not know, just said this cucumber, sweet and crisp, watery fruits and vegetables aroma strong, than Xia Chen before what fruit cucumber do not know where delicious.

  Unfortunately, planting experience is not high, Xia Tongban said that because he did not put up an air for cucumbers, so although planted, like the first malnourished radish he planted, each time only one or two, most of them let Xia Chen eat.

  Xia Chen's current savings, mostly on gift packages and achievements, are less than one or two silver pieces, is he hard to brush the task to do daily, and he is also carrying debts.

  Poverty makes the little rich Xia Chen become like the summer copper plate buckle rope, reluctant to spend money, he has to see the mall every day, but what is reluctant to buy, really very miserable.

  But today was the random task that rich reward stimulated, Xia Chen a little wavered, want to brush the novice task, early open the main line.

  He clicked to open the shopping mall, just today noon brushed out a agricultural book, Xia Chen stared at the small silver ingot sign below, finger on the purchase button, feel his heart is bleeding.

  Hesitant for a while, Xia Chen regretted again, or let his father help to buy a good, always not more expensive than he buys in the space. But he can't read, excuses are hard to find ah, and this era books are not easy to buy, also do not know their small county has agricultural books.

  When Xia Chen struggled back and forth, Xia copper suddenly sounded: [Someone's coming.]

  Xia Chen a hand trembling, directly pressed down, too late to distress their disappearing small money, casually put the book into the warehouse, Xia Chen quickly returned to reality, lying on the bed pretending to sleep.

Chapter 12

  The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, Xia Dalang rushed to the bedside, reached out to tap Xia Chen: " ingot, wake up."

  Xia Chen half squinted for sleepy eyes: " big brother, what's wrong?"

  Xia Dalang picked up the little jacket that had been placed by the bed, and quickly helped Xia Chen to put on his clothes: "The little boys who bullied you were coaxed in the house. Now they're making trouble. Dad asked me to take you there."

  Xia Chen eyes a bright, his father can be really fast, he does not believe that for no reason a few keep the common secret will suddenly make a scene, must be his father did what manipulation.

  "Ingot, Dad asked me to tell you that when you go there, you will only tell who deceives you to go to the river. Don't say anything else. If you cann't, you will cry. "Xia Dalang didn't know why his father had asked his brother to do so, so he had to pass the word word for word.

  As soon as Xia Chen heard it, he understood that several children had committed crimes together, and there was always a mastermind. Now they were coaxing them. If someone pressed Xia Chen who had taken the lead in cheating him, if Xia Chen answered, the others would surely unite together. Put all the mistakes on the child who led the way, and clear your child.

  However, according to the investigation of master Xia, the child who really accepted the benefits of the Tian family harmed Xia Chen, is not actually the person who coaxed Xia Chen, this so-called mastermind is just a blame.

  And that group of bear children, are the favored children of the village's well-off families, not afraid of the Xia family, which is no different from ordinary farmers, usually abused and bullied Xia Chen.

  "Brother, I see. "Xia Chen nodded obediently. Xia Dalang picked up his brother and strode to the place where the villagers gathered.

  On the beach near the river, a large number of village people gathered. Xia Dalang held Xia Chen over. The people immediately gave them a way. Xia Chen saw the scene in the crowd.

  The children who cheated him that day, except one of them wet their lower body, were all soaked as if they had swam around the river.

  Although now day by day warm, but before the real arrival of spring is still early, there are still unmelted ice in the river, a few children down to soak, cotton-padded jacket soaked in water, sinking like iron lumps.

  Their adults cried down to fish people, one by one also became soaked chicken, adults with children together, wearing wet cotton-padded jacket long hair frozen into a ball of water hugged together shivering.

  It's not that they don't want to go home and change their wet clothes, but Xia Chen's cousins and nephews, a dozen strong prime men, carrying a pig's knife, cutting a bull's knife and beating a pig's stick, blocking the road with momentum.

  Although Mrs. Xia is weak and weak, in fact, her mother's family is the only butcher in town, the first three brothers, all tall and strong, heavy pig knife dance Huo Huo Huosheng wind.

  This is the first time Xia Chen saw a relative outside the family after recovering from illness. When he was still stupid, he went to his grandfather's house with his mother. The family treated him well. His second sister Xia Yinzi married the little cousin of the big family.

  Of course, Xia Chen knows that inbreeding is not good, but he was born when his second sister married, stupid when his sister even gave birth to two children. Fortunately, except for the little nephew Bei Geer a little weak, the two children are not a big problem.

  Then again, when he saw his family, Xia Chen was more sure of his speculation that his father must have planned the incident, otherwise they would not have come so timely, from the town, on foot more than half an hour.

  " here we go. "I don't know who saw Xia Chen and shouted. The mother of a few bear children, who were akimbo grabbing their hair and quarreling, rushed to Xia Chen and was stopped by Xia Dalang in time.

  "Little fool, tell everyone who put you on the ice and which one, you point out."

  "Who are you talking about, little fools? "said Xia Dalang angrily. " can't talk. shut that stinking mouth of yours!"

  Open your mouth and shut up, little fool, elders this attitude, no wonder the children of the family have learned.

  The woman who said the wrong thing was quickly pushed back by several other forces and asked the same question.
  Hsia Chen, pretending to be timid, huddled behind Hsia Dalang, leaned out only one head, and reached out to the children whose snots were frozen on their faces: " him, him, him and him, just the few of them."

  To cross-examine which specific opening let him go to the ice, he refused to speak, straight to Xia Dalang behind hide, was Xia Dalang protected tightly. When Qiao Niang held the red-eyed Xia Mrs over, Xia Chen followed his mother and sister-in-law home.

  Not long after, Xia master with Xia Chen they home, Xia Mrs. and Qiao Niang and pale and ugly Lei Po together to the kitchen to boil water to prepare food, Xia master invited them to dinner at home.

  A group of men in the living room talking, Xia Chen aboveboard hiding outside the door eavesdropping, so know Xia master in front of the whole village, with these few broken friendship, said that the future will not contact.

  Xia Chen understands his father's approach very well, even if they want to make compensation, according to the temperament of these several, need to entangle, it is better to break clean at a time, but also can get a good reputation among the village people. Anyway, Master Xia has retaliated back. Those who should go down the river have been sent down the river. A good freeze must be able to wake up the brain.

  Fearing that the road was not easy to walk at night, the Xia family began dinner early, and after dinner, the Xia Chen — kun got up and left. Mrs. Xia packed up some dried vegetables for them to take, the town is not compared to the village, her mother's butcher often can touch meat, winter vegetables are rare.

  Sending away her uncle and her party, Mrs. Xia and Qiao Niang went to clean up the house together. Master Xia whispered to you: "Ingot, dad said, who bullies you can't, you wait, dad won't let those people go."

  Until evening, Xia Chen entered the space, the mood has not eased over, lived more than 20 years, now feel the father of the child is really a treasure.

  In a past life, his father was handsome and rich, went to some business magazines, and did image marketing for the benefit of the company. Many netizens called his father, but his father had not been to the parent-teacher meeting of his own son.

  "Boer, my father is very nice, really, very nice, my mother and my family are very nice. "Xia Chen, like a little fool, grinned silly, and happily poured out his heart's turbulent feelings.

  However, Xia copper plate is not a qualified listener, otherwise he should praise a few words, not a single-eyed:
  [I helped you choose this time and space. If the host doesn't work hard to farm, he will become a nibbler and let your "best family" feed you.]

  Xia Chen now has a certain immunity to Xia Tongban's words, and he is in a good mood now, and he does not bother to worry about Xia Tongban. Obviously, compared with the father of the small landlord, the champion father has more face.

  "Farm the field, plant it here. "Xiachen skillfully harvested the ripe crops in his sixteen fields, and then planted new seeds. At a glance, he was halfway through grade four.

  After doing daily, Xia Chen heartbrokenly looked at only a few hundred copper money savings, the noon bought that agricultural book from the warehouse.

  When Xia Chen's parents were the most violent when he was a child, he lived in the old people on both sides for a while. Grandpa Xia loved to write brushstrokes and taught Xia Chen to read traditional characters. And this time and space writing, with his last life of ancient traditional characters very similar.

  "Let me see what books are worth three taels of silver. "When Xia Chen reported the numbers, he bit these words out of his teeth.

  The agricultural book uses the vertical typesetting commonly used in this era, without punctuation! Xia Chen only knows commonly used words, even with guessing, see extremely difficult, from time to time with Xia copper plate for help.

  Fortunately, the book was not thick, and after reading it, I found that it talked about the cultivation of common vegetables, just those in his space. Xia Chen felt that these contents were useless to him, and that the planting restrictions in the space were so small that outsiders knew how to plant these vegetables all the year round.

  Fortunately, the summer copper plate has not yet pitted to the extreme, there are also strawberry planting methods, plus some vegetable processing recipes, such as sweet and sour radish how to pickle, sauce cucumber how to do.

  Xia Chen swallowed saliva, a little want to eat that sweet and sour radish, but he only radish, white vinegar no sugar also did not, can only dry watch.

  "It's still useless. "Xia Chen — kun threw the book back to the warehouse and clicked on the task scroll. The eighth ring of the novice task showed that it was completed.

  Let Xia Chen surprise is, the ninth ring task also shows that has been completed, because this ring task requires him to have an iron agricultural tool, ahead of time by Xia master this plug-in help Xia Chen completed.

  The first few links of the novice task experience and money rewards are very little, the last few links gradually increased, and the completion of the two links in a row, although the summer copper plate deducted half of the debt, but the combined still let Xia Chen's savings again more than one or two silver.

  "No loss, no loss. "Xia Chen makes a humble voice from non-chiefs. People who have been unlucky all the year round are really easy to be comforted.

  After completing two tasks in a row, Xia Chen was only one step away from the novice gift package. He looked at the last novice task: Host up to level five.

  Xia Chen immediately went to look at the experience bar. Just now, the two — ring task rewarded a lot of experience. He directly rushed the experience bar to the far right. It seemed that it was full. In fact, it was only a trace away. As long as ten experience values, he could upgrade.

Chapter 13

  Two gift bags!

  Xia Chen excited uncontrollable, novice task completion will have a novice gift package, to level five there is a level gift package, even open two gift packages, it is double happiness!

  With only ten experience values missing, Xia Chen scratched his head in a hurry and searched everywhere to find out where else he could pull out ten experiences.

  Unfortunately, after searching back and forth several times, the daily brushing has been finished, all the land has been planted seeds, and there is no ripe crop to harvest for him.

  Xia Chen looked at only a trace of experience, pitifully pleaded with Xia copper plate: "Boer, you credit me ten years of experience, I can give interest!"

  [Please don't have the idea of such loan enjoyment because the host has not yet paid off his debts.]

  Xia Chen skimmed, in the final analysis is because he still owes money refused to borrow, he is not not not to return, this is not no money, but his previous life wealth did not bring, or minutes to the summer copper krypton burst.

  Reluctantly looking at the twinkle of the eye, Xia Chen ruthlessly out of the system space, lying in bed, calling Xia copper plate: " call me early tomorrow morning."

  One night, enough for some short-growing crops to ripen, he got up early to collect a wave, easily ten experiences, and then he could get a gift bag raffle.

  [All right. Such a small matter has always been very straightforward.

  The next morning, however, Xia Chen was woken up by his mother. As he dressed, Xia Chen called Xia Tongban in his mind: "What's the matter, Comrade Xia Tongban."

  [I told you to shut up, you told me to shut up. The mechanical sound of the summer copper plate seems a little wronged.

  Xia Chen embarrassedly smiled twice, embarrassedly with Xia copper plate apologized, this is the mind to his mother.

  The elders of the Xia family spoiled him. Xia Chen did physical work in the space at night. In the morning, he usually stayed in bed for a while. Mrs. Xia let him sleep and ordered him to warm breakfast in the kitchen.

  Today, Mrs. Xia came to call him in advance, and Xia Chen asked: "Mother, what's going on today?"

  Mrs. Xia changed the new thin jacket to Xia Chen, Xia Chen looked long parents, long eyebrows and show, nose peak, high mountain roots, eyes big eyelashes long, are with Xia master. Instead, the slightly delicate lip shape and a milky white skin followed Mrs. Xia.

  The new clothes made Xia Chen's lips red and white, and her eyes were picturesque. Mrs. Xia smiled and praised: "We're so well born ingots."

  He also answered Xia Chen's question: "It's a fine day. My mother takes you to the fairy to meet Taoist Priest Xu and says thanks to others."

  "Ah, I remember, the great warrior! "Xiachen exclaimed. The day he fell into the water, an old Taoist priest picked him up. The old Taoist priest is not ordinary people. Xia Chen remembers clearly that the old Taoist priest did not go into the water at all. He jumped out of his toes and picked him up as soon as he reached out.

  "What great warrior, what are you talking about? "Mrs. Xia looked at Xia Chen in a strange way and exhorted: "Taochang Xu is a capable person and your lifesaver. When you see someone, Yuanbao should thank them."

  Xia Chen obediently nodded, eyes bright, since the recovery of illness, is busy farming and catching bad people, Xia Chen almost forgot the old Taoist priest who was shocked. Now I think it's a hermit master. When I saved him, I'm afraid I didn't use the Lightness Skill to float on the water! Even the name is unique.

  "Boer, I think this is my chance! "Xia Chen is full of excitement. Legendary kung fu ah, which Chinese boy has not dreamed of walking the world with a sword. If you can learn kung fu, even if you are not a champion.

  Summer Copper doesn't agree at all: [According to the systematic calculation, the host has no future to cultivate Taoism, so it is better to farm for a living.]

  Xia Chen booed him: "I don't believe it. You just want to trick me into farming. Wait. I'm going to learn a master today. I'll be Shaoxia Xia in the future. It's super cool!"

  No longer take care of the summer copper plate, Xia Chen Gao happy wash, after breakfast, waiting to set out with Mrs. Xia.

  Mrs. Xia did not take him alone, Xia Dalang and Qiao Niang will also go, if not Xia master chores, is also to go, after all, Xu Daochang is Xia Chen's lifesaver. A few days ago, it was snowy, and the mountain road was not easy to walk.

  Before setting off, east elder brother and south elder brother to follow together, was Xia Dalang Qiao Niang held the ear a training, small poor look strange let people distressed.

  Hsia Chen, who had the appearance of an elder, had a few words of comfort and whispered to them: "When my uncle comes back, I'll bring you some delicious food."

  He planted his precious strawberry seeds last night, and when he came back from the mountain, he would probably be able to harvest them, and then he could give his nephews a sweet mouth.

  A group of people set out, Xia Dalang carried a large bamboo basket, inside is to the Taoist temple alms, the Taoist priest refused to take their gold and silver, Xia Mrs. arranged to buy rice flour cloth oil salt and other practical things.

  The mountain road was difficult to walk, and there were two women and Xia Chen's short legs. It took nearly an hour to walk to the Taoist temple.

  The Taoist temple of Fairy Hill is still the same. It is full of rags everywhere. Even the plaque on it is only half rotten. Xia Chen squinted his eyes to see it. There is a mysterious character on the dusty plaque. And half of it looks like water.

  "Is there a fairy in the Fairy View? "Xia Chen looked like a child's tongue, and he could not explain why he could read.

  "Say something stupid. "Qiao Niang interjected: "This mountain is called Fairy Mountain. It is said that fairies once lived. I don't know when it was built or what its name was. Everyone directly called Fairy View."

  There is indeed no fairy in the fairy view, only an old Taoist priest, with a slanted bun and a dirty and broken robe. Listening to Mrs. Xia's saying to donate some food and clothing to the Taoist temple, the old Taoist priest smiled all over his face, and had no temperament of his predecessors.

  Xia Chen watched the old Taoist priest directly with the black hand grasped a handful of flour into the mouth, feel that his mind of the image of the master split a corner.

  The elders of the Xia family are not surprised. They probably have seen the old Taoist priest before. People with ability have a little quirks, and everyone will not care.

  Mrs. Xia took Xia Chen and asked him to thank the old Taoist priest. Xia Chen thanked him obediently. The old Taoist priest waved his hand unconcernedly and said: "It's just a matter of effort. The little householder is a man of great blessings. Although he has a small worry in the future, he will die auspiciously and his life will not be lost."

  XiaChen was boasted a face confused, XiaLady and XiaDaLang QiaoNiang but full of excitement, seems to listen to what amazing words.

  He twisted his eyebrows for a while and vaguely remembered that when he was two or three years old, the old Taoist had been to his house, but he had forgotten it for a long time.

  At that time, he grew to three years old still can not speak, the Xia family has found that he is a fool, invited a doctor to see, said not to see. Later, the old way passed by and asked for a bowl of water. Mrs. Xia was kind-hearted and not only gave water, but also took care of a meal.

  After that day, the family accepted that he was a fool, and never bothered to hire a doctor.

  Some time ago when he was still burning, heard his father say, Xu Taoist said that he hit this disaster, think should be the old Taoist to his parents said what.

  "My master asked me to ask, he, he will not harm my son......" Mrs. Xia said this difficult, but before leaving Xia master told several times, let her ask clearly.

  Xia Chen doubted to look up, do not understand why his mother asked such, his father how can harm him.

  But he did not know that this was Master Xia's heart knot. In those years, he was stationed at the border, and the grasslands invaded the border people year after year, burning, killing and looting. He saw many tragedies of the whole village being exterminated. He never treated the enemy as a human being on the battlefield, and he was merciless.

  Later, General Fu Yishan led the army to counterattack the grassland, all the way to the grassland royal court, the road passed some tribes, in order to cover up the news, but also to revenge, were all killed.

  The grasslands are brave, women and children can ride and shoot arrows. Master Xia was stabbed in the chest by a foreign child who was only five or six years old. If he had not blocked his chest armor, he would have died immediately.

  It was the first young child to fall under Master Xia's knife. They followed General Fu and fought all the way to the prairie king's court. They killed unknown people and did not know how many comrades in arms, Master Xia's two fingers and the lame leg. It's the injury from that battle.

  Xia Chen did not know that his father took the money to buy a family business, in fact, it was also that time, after the invasion of the grassland royal court, General Fu rewarded his subordinates, let them rob some gold and silver property.

  Later, Master Xia returned home because of injury. After Xia Chen was born, Master Xia was born stupid. Master Xia inevitably wondered whether it was because he killed a foreign child, that crime should be on his son.

  Xu Laodao seemed to have never thought that Master Xia would think so. He smiled and waved his hand and said: "The lady went back to tell Xia Jushi that he was murderous but not sinful, and that he would not harm his family, and let him be relieved."

  Mrs. Xia relaxed and was more grateful to the old Taoist priest. She knew more about the pillow people's thoughts, but she did not know how to comfort them. With this sentence, Master Xia's heart disease was finally cured.

  The Taoist temple was too broken. Except for the main hall and a few rooms in the backyard, almost all other buildings had collapsed. The Xia family and his party had worshipped the founder in the main hall and planned to leave.

  Xia Chen suddenly became anxious. He had not yet learned his master. He did not care that his mother was still around. Xia Chen rushed to the old Taoist priest's side and asked: "Taoist, will you accept me as an apprentice? "Teach me to float on the water with the Lightness Skill. Tathagata's Palm is also good!

  Before the old Taoist priest spoke, Mrs. Xia caressed her chest with a great shock: "Ingot, you want to become a monk?!

Chapter 14

  Monk ?!
  Xia Chen leng for a moment, he only want to learn kung fu, not want to become a monk ah, become a monk how to find a target? When a single dog for two lifetimes, you'll be laughed at by Xia Copper.

  He did not speak, and Mrs. Xia's tears were about to come out. As soon as the wind blew, a door panel that would not fall off the temple slammed down, raising a thick layer of dust, and Mrs. Xia sneezed. I want to cry when I think of my baby's life here.

  XiaDaLang and QiaoNiang also repeatedly urged, afraid of XiaChen twisted temperament to stay here.

  The old Taoist priest seemed to see something interesting and looked on with a smile. Xia Chen looked at the two groups of people who were different. He twisted his eyebrows and politely saluted the old Taoist priest. "Taoist, can you accept me as a disciple of a secular family?"

  In ancient times, disciples in temples or Taoist temples were to be ranked to worship their masters. However, disciples of secular families were not so particular. Many children in families were weak or had other taboos, and they would be sent to become disciples of secular families to raise their temperament.

  If the old Taoist priest is willing to accept him and teach him three or two skills, his parents will not have any opinion, and will certainly repay the Taoist temple.

  The old Taoist priest took a look at Xia Chen and said with a smile: "Why do you want to learn from me?"

  Xia Chen tried to hold back a red face, his eyes gleaming with anticipation: "The day the Taoist priest saved me, I saw your toes gently and floated on the water. I wanted to learn such powerful skills."

  The old Taoist priest laughed and shook his head. "It's just a superficial boost, and it's not a small householder to praise. If you want to learn from me for this reason, you'd better go down the mountain."

  Astonished, Xia Chen thought that the old man felt that he was not sincere in his heart towards the Tao, and hurriedly said: "I'll work hard to study the Tao Sutra."

  But the old Taoist priest continued to shake his head: "It's not that I don't want to accept you. I don't have the talent to learn martial arts. I'm just wasting time leaving you on the mountain."

  Xia Chen like was face-to-face broken a basin of cold water, Xia copper plate said he had no talent, he felt it was fooling him, but the old Taoist also said so, let Xia Chen some difficult to accept. Is it true that he has no talent other than farming?

  Mrs. Xia was very distressed when she saw her son's lost soul. She was reluctant to part with her son to become a Taoist priest, but Laodao Xu did not want to accept him. Mrs. Xia changed her mind and went to say good words to the Taoist priest: "Taoist, we are very clever ingots. He will certainly learn. You..."

  Xu Laodao interrupted her and said: "The little householder has its own great opportunity. The old way is a person outside the square. Don't interfere. Madam, let's take the little householder down the mountain."

  XiaDaLang and QiaoNiang followed persuasion, XuLaodao refused to let go, XiaLady had to lead the land of the son down the mountain.

  Back home, Xia master waiting at the door, Xia Chen remembered his mother and the old Taoist priest inquired, restrained the face of displeasure, past hug Xia master coaxed him happy.

  Xia master was flattered, smile almost grinned to the ear, noon lunch, Xia Chen then drilled into the bedroom, Xia Mrs. pulled Xia master, told him about the morning Taoist temple.

  Xia Chen was lying on the bed, not directly into the space, in the mind to communicate with Xia copper plate: "I'm not very useless, poor talent still don't listen to advice, obviously you showed me the most suitable way, I want to go to another road."

  Summer copper was silent for a moment, and the cold mechanical sound was unexpectedly warm: [Please don't underestimate the host, even if the host is seriously lacking in self-confidence, trust the system's vision of choosing the host.]

  Xia Chen face quietly evoked a smile, he was the first time to hear Xia copper plate comfort him, although proud and awkward.

  "The last time you said you hit me on the head when you landed, you chose it. "Xiachen teased him deliberately.

  Xia Chen seemed to hear a sneer in the trance, and then the summer copper plate crisply counterattacked: [Probably it took two lifetimes of luck for the host to get hit on the head by me.]

  "Wow, you're so fierce! "Xia Chen gave a false cry, with a bad smile on his face. He thought he might be sick. He had been thrown away by Xia Tong, and he was not sad at all.

  "It's okay. I can't practice martial arts. "Xia Chen's self-confidence comes quickly and quickly. At least those who have received 12 years of compulsory education and have gone to college will not even be able to go to school in a different era.

  Xia Tongban thought that he would take his heart to farm well when he was hit by this. Unexpectedly, he did not give up at all. He could not help saying: [Based on systematic calculations, farming is the most suitable path for hosts.]

  "You said so. "Xia Chen said indifferently: "People are not frivolous youth, life has started over, always have the courage to do what they want to do."

  This time, Xia Chen did not return to him, and Xia Chen flashed into the system space. One night and half a day, all the crops were ripe. Xia Chen saw at a glance the three strawberries, each of which had more than a dozen red fruits hanging from them. It's not too big, but it's bright and full in color, and you can smell a sweet and sour strawberry aroma before you get close.

  Not to wash, anyway he did not hit pesticides, directly picked a mouth, sweet and sour strawberry juice instantly overflowed the whole mouth, strawberry slightly grainy pulp in the mouth melt open, delicious.

  Xia Chen resisted the desire to continue eating. There were too few fruits. According to his experience, crops like this can be harvested repeatedly are not harvested indefinitely. At most three times, strawberry seedlings will wither directly.

  And he only these three seeds, also do not know when to get strawberry seeds again next time, after all, he only brushed in the mall once, as high as 500 wen price let Xia Chen directly give up.

  Xia Chen carefully picked all the strawberries, three strawberries harvested a total of 42 strawberries, he ate one, only 41 left, Xia Chen in the warehouse to find a separate grid storage.

  Then he quickly harvested other crops and planted the seeds. The seeds that Master Xia gave him were almost used up. He tried to keep them himself, but they failed. The seeds seemed to have lost their activity and did not sprout at all.

  Harvesting a wave and planting all the land, Xia Chen's experience value easily rushed through the five-level mark, Xia Chen full of excitement opened the main interface, first click small tips collar level gift package, after all, received a time of experience.

  When the level five gift package opened, the light flashed brighter than the level one, but Xia Chen was reluctant to blink, watching the small tips in front of him become three items, and an extra raffle opportunity, but this time it was a gem prize pool.

  The three items, like Xia Chen's first-class gift package, are still money, skill books and seeds.

  This time, he gave not silver, but one or two gold. After looking at it for a while, Xia Chen moved his eyes away from the small gold ingot. Anyway, the gold would be half deducted by Xia copper to repay the debt, and the rest was silver.

  The last skill book was easy to use, allowing Xia Chen to perceive the needs of plants. Because of the powerful ability of land in the system space, his skill did not work much, but it also helped Xia Chen understand the habits of many crops and increased crop production.

  Therefore, Xia Chen is also quite looking forward to this skill book, and this skill, also live up to Xia Chen's expectations.

  "Boer, I think I've had a turn for the day. "Xia Chen's happy way.

  If the last skill is reconnaissance, this skill is acquisition, and Xia Chen uses this ability to randomly collect its seeds from mature ordinary crops, and can be used in reality.

  Just because the skill level is low, it can only be used three times a day and the chances of collecting seeds are only one in ten.

  Speaking of this skill level, Xia Chen's previous skill used many times without upgrading, and he could not find the skill level. He asked Xia Tongban to know that the skill upgrade can only be through the skill point, and the skill point will only appear in the gift package and gem award pool.

  Xia Chen did not care at that time, his reconnaissance this level is enough, now Xia Chen looks at his outrageous collection probability, deeply feel his heartache.

  The seed given this time is aloe seeds, still three, Xia Chen thought for a long time, remembered an aloe juice liquid as if many girls used to wipe the face, other uses he did not know.

  Put the seeds away, Xia Chen rubbed hands, received the novice gift package, full of excitement opened this look at the larger gift package.

  The novice gift bag opens with a gift box opening special effects, the ribbon-tied box suddenly explodes, a pile of gifts fall from the sky.

  Xia Chen opened a big mouth to see summer copper plate gimmicks, the United States Zizi number inside the items, gem 10, one or two gold, one or two silver, copper coins 100 wen, developed!

  In addition, there is a seed gift package, Xia Chen did not even have time to open to see, his eyes were all attracted by the other two rewards.

  One skill point, do not hesitate to add to the collection, the number of collection times per day plus one, the collection probability increases to 20%.

  One prize left, ten raffles in the gold pool!

Chapter 15

  Xia Chen live to Xia copper plate performed a ecstasy dance.

  Ten raffle opportunities, means there must be a guarantee, this is poor and black-faced Xia Chen, what a rare opportunity ah.

  "Boer, what's the level of the guarantee? "Xia Chen has not been carried away by the sudden happiness, want to ask clearly again draw the prize.

  [The prizes in the Gold Prize pool include energy water, various seeds, gemstones, magic seeds and other common items.]

  Xia Chen's eyes are bright, energy water is put first, must be a good thing, just like his previous game to do activities, will certainly put the best but difficult rewards in the front to attract players.

  "What is energy water? Is the guarantee it? "asked Xia Chen.

  [Energy water is the product of special energy liquefaction and dilution, which increases the probability that magical seeds will grow into magical plants.]

  Xia Tongban was serious when he explained it, and after he explained it, he was less polite: [Energy water is extremely scarce. In the words of the host, it is the exclusive reward of the European Emperor. Please face the reality and do not have illusions. If the host has a certain number of seed species, the ten-series seed may be a seed that has evolved after artificial cultivation.]

  Xia Chen Xia copper plate his words as a wind, heard it, but behind the explanation of the bottom, but let Xia Chen heart some heat.

  The bottom is the seed he doesn't have, perhaps not as rare as energy water, but it's also a very practical reward. The last sentence, let Xia Chen more uncontrollable thinking, Xia copper plate means that as long as he collects enough seeds, it is not impossible to draw hybrid rice seeds?

  " smoke and smoke. "Xiachen couldn't wait for a moment. After thinking about it, he took out the water for vegetables in his space and washed his hands. He clasped his hands and closed his eyes and said a few words. He did not know which god and Buddha he was praying to.

  After praying, Xia Chen rubbed hands, some nervously with Xia copper plate said a word: "Here I go. "Then he held out his finger and poked it on the ten-point button under the gold pool.

  Summer copper plate special effects have always been well done, see a golden light into the twisting egg, the egg body dyed a layer of gold, twisting twice, and then suddenly exploded, a piece of items jumped out of the air suspended in front of Xia Chen.

  Xia Chen only felt his heart pounding, drawing a prize as exciting as doing high-risk sports.

  The light dissipated, all calm, Xia Chen took a deep breath, concentrated to see his ten consecutive prizes.

  Xia copper plate really did not deceive him, the magic seed sounds tall, in fact belongs to the bottom level, Xia Chen this draw, directly draw out six, see his heart straight draw.

  In addition to the six magical seeds, five gemstones were drawn, compared to the former, and Xia Chen's attention was focused on the remaining three items.

  Three seeds, do not know what plant, should be the summer copper plate said the bottom. But the two items next to the seed, let Xia Chen some doubt life.

  "Sprite... water gun... board, are you giving me early Children's Day? "Xia Chen is not laughing and crying, Xia Tongban said that he will draw ordinary items, he completely did not expect such ordinary items ah!

  Summer Copper Plate Rebuttal: [It's not ordinary Sprite, it's not a water gun.]

  " what's so unusual? "Xia Chen said while taking Sprite to hand, actually he was quite happy to smoke this, after crossing unexpectedly can drink carbonated drinks.

  As soon as Sprite got in hand, Xia Chen immediately appeared in his mind the name of the item: Sprite in '82.

  Shachen pulled the ring's hand, incredible way: "What the hell? Where did Sprite come from ? in '82? Is that still drinkable? No, was there Sprite at that time?"

  Summer copper plate rightly: [It's on the emoji. Why can't you drink it? It's exactly like the original Sprite.]

  Xia Chen choked up and asked quietly for a long time: "Just like the original, why would you add a year?"

  [Aren't you humans all like that? Add the year to appear more precious, sell also expensive.]

  Xia Chen: "..."

  That's a good point, and I can't argue, and suddenly I want to try Sprite in 1982.

  Intrigued by the god of Xia Copper, Xia Chen collected his precious 82-year-old Sprite into the warehouse and went to pick up the last item, shaped like a water gun made by hand from a bamboo tube, which he had seen people do on a video website. But Xia copper said it wasn't a water cannon.

  When he picks it up, it's not a water cannon, he's an ancestor of firearms. However, this thing is not the older the better, modern production process of perfect guns may also have accidental explosion, this thing oneself use, Xia Chen is afraid of not keeping two hands.

  What's more, pit brother's summer copper plate did not give him gunpowder, the barrel is empty, he wanted to use no chance.

  "Yes, at least it's a collection. "Xiachen laughed and cried and threw the old antique, which might never be useful, into the warehouse to guard the warehouse.

  "Let me see what a guarantee is. "Xia Chen said with a smile.

  In fact, seeing now, the most exciting time of his raffle has passed, the prize how to say, not as European as he dreamed.
  Perhaps he washed his hands or prayed to work, and it was not difficult to accept, but he remembers that Xia Tongban said that the probability of drawing magic seeds was seven out of ten, at least he only drew six, barely Asian.

  Therefore, Xia Chen was a little careless when he picked up the seeds. There were more seeds he did not have now. The more this happened, the more likely it was to appear useless seeds. He was ready to draw seeds such as bitter gourd, celery and coriander. He won't plant any of these seeds if he gets them!

  As a result, when the name of the seed appeared, Xia Chen was stunned. He shook his voice to verify with Xia Copper: "Board, am I mistaken, this... this is beet seed?"

  Beets! Sugar! With this stuff, who's going to be short of sugar ?! He can build a sugar mountain for his nephews to roll around!


  The mechanical sound of Xia Copper was particularly reliable at this time. Xia Chen's excited eye circles were red. He choked: "Boer, you're so good, we're brothers, brothers, I'll save you a sugar, right, the system can eat sugar?"

  Summer copper plate unmoved, even very coldly said: Please don't try to bribe the system. And, do you know how to make sugar from beets ?]

  Xia Chen: "..."

  Oh, I really can't.

  Summer Copper's always calm voice becomes passionate, giving a sense of physical familiarity and boredom: [The secret method of sugar beet, only one gold, only one gold !]

  Xia Chen: "..."

  What have you saved up, big brother, a big alien system, what's not good to learn TV shopping.

  Remembering that he had not brushed the system mall at noon, Xia Chen opened it and saw the "Secret Method of Making Sugar with Beet" that Xia Copper had vigorously promoted. The price was at the top of the whole mall. Next to it was a radish seed that was asking five wen dollars. The contrast was tragic. It makes people realize that knowledge is the meaning of wealth.

  Just look around and then repent for his once uneducated years, Xia Chen closed the system mall, beet seeds and other prizes were put away and thrown in the warehouse.

  Aren't you going to buy it? Summer copper plate is rarely doubtful. The system mall is randomly refreshed. I don't know when I can brush it next time if I don't buy it this time.

  "If you don't buy it, I'm poor and I can't afford it. "Xia Chen shouted poverty with righteousness, and he was still carrying debts.

  Summer copper plate was silent for a moment, and several signs showing currency on the main interface began to flash wildly.

  Xia Chen was not laughing and crying. He knew he had enough money. The two gift bags combined gave him two golds and a silver and a hundred copper coins. After deducting half of the debt repayment and adding his original savings, Xia Chen now has a total of one gold, two silver and more than 200 copper coins to buy a book, and he returned to the pre-liberation overnight.

  "All right, all right. Don't flash. I know there's enough money. "Xia Chen explained: "I don't need to buy this now. I have to have tools to make sugar. I don't have anything. I don't need to buy this now. I need to spend rationally, Comrade Xia Copper."

  In fact, I want it very much, even if I don't have to buy it now, but this is not no money, alas, are poor.

  Xia Chen, who had been a rich man all his life, once again felt the sadness of poverty, and pretended to be rational that I did not buy it, not that I was poor but that I did not need it. "Potatoes and corn are gold, and I might as well buy them. At least they're practical."

  The words were well-spoken, and the Xia copper plate was educated. In fact, Xia Chen was crazy in his heart: I'm dying for candy, and I'm dying for it!

  I had to add with tears: "The board, next time I brush out the potatoes and corn, I'll buy it."

  Summer copper plate silently turned off the flash, probably by the host's cheap hurt, later did not speak much.

  Xia Chen sorted out the warehouse, thought about it, took out the can of Sprite, opened the pull ring to drink, the long-lost carbonated drink brought the bubble explosion feeling let the body and mind comfortable, really as the advertisement said, the heart cool heart flying.

  Put Sprite down, Xia Chen back to the room, took a tea cup, poured more than half a cup of Sprite, and then put the rest back to the warehouse, but also specially found a separate grid.

  What to store in the warehouse to take out what, do not worry about the bubble run away, greedy take out a drink, the United States.
