
Chapter 26

In the county strolled around, South Geer asked for a sugar gourd, and in Xia Chen's reminder, to brother mother grandmother a person with a.

 Xia Chen took the opportunity to buy a few clay flowerpots and wanted to buy some bamboo baskets and bamboo strips. Xia Dalang stopped him. He said that someone in the village would weave them. He could change two for a bowl of brown rice. It was not worth buying.

 This kind of remote place small county, really nothing to visit, that is, Xia Chen has never seen a rare, soon to buy all the things to buy.

 Xia Dalang thought, this time is still early, his father explained, later back, simply drove the oxcart, took the two children to the home. Xia Chen a listen, and let brother buy two catties of pastry belt.

 Xia Chen and Xia Dalang's grandfather is the butcher of the town, in addition to the young daughter of Mrs. Xia, there are four sons, all of whom have learned his skills of killing pigs and cattle.

 According to theory, the family business should have been inherited by the eldest son, but the uncle married the only daughter of the county butcher shop, and the grandfather simply asked the uncle to come to the county to help his father-in-law open the meat shop, slaughtering one side and selling the other, which could guarantee the supply of meat. It can also guarantee the market, and both sides are right.

 Xia Dalang oxcart rushed to the butcher shop, uncle and a few cousins are weighing meat, see Xia brothers very surprised, want them to go home to eat. The uncle immediately ordered his son to sell the rest of the meat and take it home and cook it for guests.

 In fact, it was late, and there were no two pieces of meat left on the meat table, but the attitude of uncle was very comfortable.

 Xia Chen's second sister Xia Yinzi married the little cousin of the big family, although Xia Chen was born when the sister had married, but still very fond of Xia Chen this young brother, often to send some meat to her mother's home. Xia Chen and Nan Ge came to the county to study, Xia Erjie was not busy at noon, also sent them a few meat dishes.

 Seeing that elder brother came home, but also brought two bags of cakes, Xia Erjie was quite surprised. It's not that she thinks Xia Dalang is stingy, but she knows her brother, a intestine to the end, to these worldly natural not open, fortunately sister-in-law is a capable and polite.

 Thinking so, when avoiding people, Xia Erjie teased her brother. Xia Dalang scratched her head and said with a simple smile: " it's the ingot that reminds me."

 Xia Erjie immediately laughed and repeatedly praised Xia Chen. She also said that Xia Chen was a smart child before. This is not true. She is much smarter than other children. Then he gave Xia Chen two purses, saying that the eldest daughter fine niang gave him this little uncle sewn.

 Xia Chen was young but tall. When he touched his body, Nan Geer had already eaten up a handful of fried beans in his purse. He had to touch his nose and smile. He joked that he was still a poor scholar. If you can't afford to buy sugar for your niece, tell her a story.

 Xi Niang is a delicate and weak girl, a year younger than Dong Geer, a little bit of a temperament, listening to Xia Chen joke, hiding behind her mother's lips and laughing, and listening to him say to tell a story, eyes more anticipation.

 Second sister Xia is happy to let her daughter get closer to her younger brother. She has heard her mother say that their family has great talent for studying, and her husband has praised it several times. In the future, if she becomes a scholar, or even an official, their relatives. You can also follow the light.

 "We're not the same when we go to school. "Second Sister Xia boasted again, giving Xia Chen her great support: "Second sister listen to what story we tell ingot."

 Xia Chen thought a little, told the girl, fighting and killing is not appropriate, romantic, snow and moon, fine niang is still young. He hesitated for a while between Journey to the West and the fairy tale, and then caught a glimpse of his niece's shy appearance and made a decision.

 Then Xia Chen tells the story of the ancient vernacular version of "Wild Swans": "The story I told is a fiction, that is, a fake, you can listen to it."

 In ancient society, he dared not take the imperial family casually, so Xia Chen had to change his background for the female master. Considering the character of the fine niang, Xia Chen simply compared with the situation of his uncle's family, and let the female master become the youngest daughter of a small county grain shop from a princess.

 "There's a town of Andersen, and there's a grain shop in the town. The wife of the shop gave birth to him 11 sons and a daughter. The youngest daughter is Li Niang..."

 Xia Chen said this, passing by the big cousin suddenly interjected: "Good boy, whose daughter-in-law is this? It's so easy to raise. How old is her daughter? Your elder nephew has reached his age..."

 Xia Chen: "... "Agreed to pass through a story of the people worship it?

 Sister Xia said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, the story of ingot is false. No woman in our county has given birth to 11 sons."

 "It's a fake. "The big cousin sighed disappointedly.

 "Yes, it's false, and the woman is dead, and her daughter is still very young, less than ten years old. "Xia Chen reluctantly told his story: "The owner of the grain shop has married a bride again."

 This suddenly hooked up the interest of Xia Erjie and her elder cousin. One said that the bride had 11 more sons when she entered the door, fearing that life was difficult. The other said that if the bride was unkind, the children below would suffer.

 A good fairy tale has become a local house fight. Xia Chen's head is as big as a fight, and he hastily pulls the topic back: "The bride is not a human being, but a... a spider spirit."

 He originally wanted to say snake demon, fox spirit, later thought, if later to tell people about the white snake legend seal god gourd baby, that is not easy to play, simply a small group.

 This turning point suddenly shocked the people who listened to the story. At this time, ordinary people, spiritual life can be said to be extremely scarce. After all, if they want to read a book, they have to read. Listening to stories and singing operas is also a pastime for people with money and leisure.

 Ordinary women like Xia Erjie are daily pastimes to tell other people's gossip to their families. Therefore, sometimes women can't be blamed for breaking their mouths. There is really nothing to divert their attention. One by one, there is no gossip, and there is no topic to talk about.

 Xia Chen this new story told, suddenly attracted everyone's attention, even the side of the original not interested Xia Dalang and Nan Geer came to listen.

 Xia Chen's expressive ability is good. Even if he can't remember the original story clearly, he remembers the general plot. Based on the world's circumstances, the emotional drama was deleted by him, and the female master became younger. After all, it was to let Xi Niang learn the tenacity and bravery of the female master. Not to fool your niece into falling in love.

 The fairy who helped the female master became an old Taoist priest (refer to Xu Laodao), who seemed to be sloppy but hidden. He deleted the necessary condition of the cemetery and asked only to pick hemp for clothing. Other places were also localized.

 With Xia Chen's story, the people around are immersed in, this kind of psychic monster and not too scary, many turns, there is a face has a refreshing feeling, the ending is beautiful story, simply not too attractive.

 A story is told when the meal is ready, the people who listen to the story do not want to move, and the voice of discussing the new story at the dinner table has attracted the interest of others. Xia Erjie has a good memory. You don't have to bother Xia Chen to talk about it for him. If you don't remember, Xia Chen is on the side. Big cousin also held her ears up while listening, determined to remember this new story to tell their own several well-connected women to listen.

 When it was dark for a meal, Xia Dalang was anxious to take the bus home while there was still some light. The children of his uncle's family were bought by Xia Chen's story and were reluctant to part with him. The little nephew Bei Geer pulled Xia Chen to go with him. Listening to his story again, even the shy and timid fine niang also whispered Xia Chen next time, she gave him a purse. Being able to take the initiative to stand up and speak shows that Xia Chen's storytelling has a little effect.

 Before leaving the aunt to Xia Dalang's oxcart stuffed two catties of meat, is today when making dinner specially left, Xia Chen by the way their home piled up bones and to dispose of the water to some over.

 At this time, meat resources are not abundant, and people eat it in the water, but few people eat it. After all, most of the water is difficult to cook, the method is not mastered correctly, and the taste is not good. To cover the odor of the water, you need a lot of seasonings with a strong smell. However, seasonings are not cheap at this time. People who can afford seasonings do not despise eating water, and people who can only eat water are reluctant to spend so much money on condiments that are not full.

 Xia Chen bought in the mall in the miscellaneous books, there are teaching how to mix brine soup to make lo mei, he wants to try, if the result is still successful, the family has this condition, the excess water can be made into lo mei to sell, is also an input.

 As for why this business is not done by his own family, the scholar, farmer, industry and businessman, his family bought a shop to collect rent, if he started his own business, was classified as a business, he would not want to take a scientific examination.

 There are many children and grandchildren in the family, and it is not a way to learn the butcher's craft. Moreover, the family has always been good to their family. He gave a prescription for brine soup, and he gave it a prescription for brine soup, and the people would not treat him badly.

 You can take the extra bones back to stew the bone soup. He wants to grow. After stewing bone soup, bones smashed can do bone meal, teaching fertilizer books with bone meal to do fat.

 Well, he still bought the fertilizer book worth three dollars. It's not rich. In fact, the contents of the book are quite useful, and it's not too bad.?

 After delaying time in the family, it was dark when he got home. Master Xia was not at ease. He waited at the entrance of the village with Lao Yu. Xia Chen saw it from afar and jumped out of the car and let his father ride on the oxcart.

 His father had an old injury on his leg, and it was cold at night, and he could not sleep when he was cold.

 Although Xia Chen did not say clearly, but Xia master heart like a mirror, ironed very, you really did not in vain ah, young age know distressed people.

 Back home, Xia Chen remembered his father sent them out today, a look, really did not see Lei Pozi, then directly asked his father, Lei Pozi where.

 In front of Mrs. Xia, Master Xia said, without changing his face: "The slaves and outsiders stole your mother's hairpin. I sold her."

 Xia Chen blinked and caught the point of his father's words: " who's the outsider?"

 "That's the servant girl of the Tian family. "Mrs. Xia interjected: "I said that looking at that girl is not an honest, who once thought it was Mrs. Lei's daughter, but also stole to our home, such a servant who dared to stay ah, the Tian family also sold her."

 Xia Chen suddenly realized, he said that his father delayed so long not to start, it seems not only to squeeze Lei Po's surplus value, but also to catch the mother and daughter in one.

 But he still remembers the original Xia Dalang proposed to sell Lei Pozi, his father did not agree, said that selling them is the fulfillment of the mother and daughter, now how changed his mind?

 If you don't understand, Master Xia said with a smile: "Since ancient times, when a thief, he has to be prepared to be cut off. If he steals our things, he can't retract his hand."

 Xia Chen instantly clear, Lei Pozi that hand is afraid is wasted, she a cook, hand abandoned, there is a reputation of stealing the master's things, can think of the future. Even if she's sold with her daughter, I don't know if her daughter wants to keep this mother who has become a drag.

Chapter 27

Just after June, the weather is hot day by day, and in January, the rice is ripe, and it's time to enter the busiest time of the year.

 Qinghe village, an oxcart slowly walked to the village, the driver was a 27 or 28 young man, sitting in the car a woman and two small dolls, a look at the family of four.

 As soon as he entered the village, he met an acquaintance. The woman with a wooden basin was about to go to the river to wash clothes. When he saw the family, he looked around the crock pots piled high on the oxcart, and fell on the cloth, cakes and other sundries nearby. My heart is like drinking vinegar, so sour, and I have to say two good words on my side: "Second sister, I'm taking my uncle and children back to my mother's house? It's really filial to bring so many things with you."

 "Aunt three is washing clothes. "Sister Xia replied with a smile: "The things they make are not worth any money. My two small ones seem to chase the ingots with a small tail every day. When they heard that I was coming back, they had to follow them. They simply brought them back to meet their grandparents."

 "Oh, I've heard. "The three aunts spoke loudly and pompously: "It is said that the lo mei in your shop is called a incense. The county grand master's family buys it to eat. How can you say it is worthless?"

 "Wherever, the county grandmaster is just a taste of something fresh. "Sister Xia said so, and she felt a little proud: "Thanks to the wisdom of our family's ingots, we found such a prescription from ancient books."

 "Yes, I've only been reading books for half a year, and I'm sure I'll be a scholar. "The third aunt was sore that she had to lose a smile on her face to Xia Erjie. Who let her big boy still want to go into other people's lo mei shop to do things?

 "The old Taoist priest told your family's fortune-telling treasure that he was blessed in his life. Look, isn't that right? "The three aunts must have said that she was not the one who told people that Xia Chen was not blessed.

 Xia Erjie now likes to hear people praise her brother, three aunt said so, her mouth is pressure is not even pressure. Originally she was looking forward to waiting for her brother to read out, their relatives can get a little light, did not think, their family ingot, only half a year of study, found such a way to make money.

 The original home water is too much to sell, low prices are not easy to sell, can only eat their own home, so that the family smell that smell on the nausea, food is almost unable to eat.

 As a result, Yuanbao found a prescription for lo mei from the ancient book. I tried it first. I found that the water after treatment was made lo mei, salty and delicious, and unique. The child was kind and generous, understanding that the family was not easy, so he gave the prescription directly.

 Her father-in-law tried it at home, and it was a good business, not only to do it himself, but also to bring some brothers' nephews. Their family has a lot of water, only buy some brine back to boil brine soup on the line, the cost is not high, even if not, the loss also can not go.

 Who ever thought that business is so good, the price of the water itself is not expensive, although the brine condiment is not very cheap, but a pot of brine soup can brine many things, as long as it is well preserved, timely added brine, but also repeatedly used, and the more boiled, the more fragrant.

 As a result, the cost has fallen, and the price they sell is not expensive, and many ordinary people in the county can afford it. This lo mei taste is excellent, when the dish eats, under the wine eats, comes to the guests weigh two catties back to entertain guests, are excellent.

 The business of the braised pork shop suddenly became too good. At first, the restaurants in the county imitated their lo mei to sell it. Later, they found that the taste was a little poor. Moreover, you may not always order lo mei when you go to the restaurant to eat, so it is not cost-effective to have less halogen. I just come to their house every day to buy it.

 Later, the county grand master's family also bought several times, heard that he liked to use their brined pig ears to drink wine, so the reputation of their lo mei shop suddenly spread to the county, and the large family of the county sent people to buy it.

 Her father-in-law is a good-valued, pulled the brothers to do together, and gave her mother's family a 20% dividend, this is privately given, did not dare to let outsiders know, afraid of delaying her brother's later imperial examination.

 Now the second sister-in-law is in her husband's house, and she has a straight waist. She married into the uncle's house. Although there is no big conflict with the couple, there are small frictions. The sister-in-law's sister-in-law is the concubine of the county magistrate. Proclaimed to have an official uncle, usually can take up a small advantage of other rooms.

 Now well, her brother sent a cash cow, even her mother-in-law held her, the second sister-in-law also treated her a lot of kindness, this is her brother's credit.

 "Aunt, I won't tell you. It's hot, and the lo mei will be spoiled when it's stuffy. "After enjoying enough of the praise of others, Xia Erjie remembered the business to say goodbye to Auntie San.

 "You're busy, you're busy. "The three aunts quickly gave way to the road and watched the oxcart go to the village. At the same time, I decided to let my mother-in-law agree to send my youngest son to study this year. Only when I read can I read a book. If I can find a prescription, even if I don't make it myself, it's a lot of money to sell.

 Before I arrived at the doorstep of the summer, I saw a circle of people gathered in the open space under the big trees outside the small courtyard of the Xia family. There were men and women, old and young, and the most small dolls.

 "It must be the little uncle who's telling the story! "North Brother cried with joy, and before the oxcart stopped, he jumped quickly and ran to Xia's house.

 Yao Wulang hurriedly stopped the oxcart, before he came and reprimanded, his son had run fast and disappeared. Fine niang eyes looking at her father, heart has long followed brother run away.

 "It's hard to stop the car, but hurry up. "Sister Xia urged her and comforted her daughter: "Don't be afraid, your little uncle loves you, and I'll leave you a good place to listen to the story."

 The gate of the Xia family was half blocked by people who gathered to listen to the story. A small doll of the North Brother could not squeeze in. He shouted anxiously outside. Thanks to the quietness of the people to listen to the story, Xia Chen heard his cry and asked people to put him in.

 Xia Chen also did not expect, just temporary intention to tell a fairy tale to the little niece, development to now almost become the village's imperial storyteller.

 That day after talking about the local version of "Wild Swan", in the evening back to Nan Geer to tell his brother, two children did not sleep, one to listen.

 Nan Geer's memory is average. In ancient times, there was no teacher who would specialize in cultivating children's ability to express themselves. A good story was told without regard to the end. On this, all the insightful East brother bluffed a leng, repeatedly cross-examined later.

 Later Nan Geer also can not remember, if not dare not disturb Xia Chen sleep, afraid is midnight to get up to let Xia Chen tell him a good story.

 The next day two children are wearing black eyes, Dong Geer is fine, Nan Geer is to read, doze off in class, but also was picked up to stand, evening back was Xia Dalang smoked a meal.

 East brother did not care about sympathy for his brother, around Xia Chen to listen to the story, Xia Chen thought, storytelling and not class, to a person is also to tell, to a family is also to tell. Anyway, there is no entertainment at this time, after dinner at night, casually say a few words, is to close your eyes and lie in bed and wait for sleep.

 Xia Chen simply called the family to the main room, said to tell them a story to listen to. Xia master Xia Mrs. and Qiao Niang during the day listened to Xia Dalang said, Xia Chen told a good and interesting story in the family, but Xia Dalang mouth stupid, hold back a long time can not tell.

 Xia Chen said to talk, everyone was very supportive of sitting together, even had heard twice Xia Dalang and Nan Geer sat over, very willing to listen again.

 But this time Xia Chen is not going to tell the "Wild Swan", he wants to create a little entertainment for his family, the evening fixed time to tell a story, that had better tell a long story, there is more appropriate than "Journey to the West"?

 Young and old, although can not write down all, but the general plot context is clear ah, storytelling is not silent, he can also play freely.

 So that night, the Xia family listened to the story of the birth of a monkey king, fresh, too fresh, how can there be such a miracle, such an interesting story.

 Xia family people are intoxicated with hearing, which causes a very serious problem, when the urge is your own father, mother, brother and sister-in-law, how can you get out of?

 Xia Chen spoke for a whole hour, talking dry, drinking two pots of tea, sleeping at night almost wet the bed.

 The next day, the family gathered together to listen to Xia Chen's story after dinner. Even the little girl osmanthus and Lao Yutou could not help moving a stool to join in the fun. This became the most anticipated moment for the whole family every day.

 Afterward, Brother Dong took out the stories he heard to show off to his friends. He was more expressive than Brother Nan. He could not remember clearly. If he told the wrong places, he dared to get angry. "I'm not listening? Don't you listen to any more words!"

 Relying on these new stories, Dong Geer completely defeated the young master Tian Laibao with all kinds of snacks and became the child king of the whole Qinghe Village.

 When he became a big brother, he had to work for his younger brother's welfare. Moreover, when the weather was hot, Xia Chen changed the storytelling place to the yard. First, Dong brought one or two good-playing companions back to listen to the story, and then more and more people wanted to come. East brother and Xia Chen signed a bunch of unequal treaties, Xia Chen just changed the storytelling location to the yard outside.

 By now, Xia Chen has become almost the most popular person in the whole village, especially among the children, and people have stuffed him with some of his own vegetables on the road.

 Xia Chen: I am also very helpless ah, originally wanted to rely on the imperial examination to become famous, now because the Monkey King has become the village favorite?

 Today, Xia Chen was entangled by Dong Geer, just Xu He came down the mountain, he could not go down the mountain every day to listen to the story, missing a lot of, Xia Chen simply picked his missing section of retelling.

 Even if it's retelling, many people listen to it, and the story is never tired of hearing it. But the closest to Xia Chen, the best position to hear the most clearly, left Dong Geer brothers and Xu He to, the village children hate Xu He to come.

 North brother squeezed in, like a cannonball rushed to Xia Chen, this child is especially infatuated with the Monkey King, once told his parents to become a monk, later can also accept a Monkey King as an apprentice. After being suppressed by his mother with a feather duster, he settled down.

 "Sister and brother-in-law are here As soon as Xia Chen saw his little nephew, he knew that he could not have come alone. He quickly got up and looked out.

 It happened that Yao Wulang also came with the oxcart. The villagers who blocked the door gave way. Yao Wulang stopped the oxcart and laughed. "You don't care about us, just keep telling the story. Where's your brother? Tell him to come and see where these things are placed.

 "He went down to the ground with his father. "said Hsia Chen, and he told his nephew: "Brother Dong, you go and call your father back, and say your sister-in-law is coming to the house."

 "Don't scream. As soon as Xia Chen's words fell, Master Xia and Xia Dalang walked over with mud on their feet, apparently just returning from the ground.

 "Dalang, take Goro to the house and let your daughter-in-law burn the fish. Ingot, you come. I need to talk to you. "Master Xia's two words were clearly arranged. Xia Chen looked at his words and colors and found his father's face complex. He hurriedly sent the villagers who listened to the story and followed him to the small study where he was talking.

 Close the door. Before Xia Chen inquired, Master Xia opened his mouth: "Ingot, tell Dad, where did the rice you planted come from?"

 It seems that his father has discovered the production problem. Xia Chen blinks and looks innocent: "You gave it to me."

 " the seed of our family? "Master Xia was startled. After thinking about it, he asked: "In addition to cultivating seedlings ahead of time, ingot has done anything else?"

Chapter 28

"I picked the best-looking seed. "Xia Chen said with a serious face, as if good-looking is the most important criterion for choosing seeds.

 Master Xia is not laughing and crying. It's really a child's word. But when you think about it, most of the good-looking seeds are round and full, and of course the quality is better. But even so, the harvest is unlikely to soar. As far as he sees it today, after a month's harvest, the harvest of his family's ingots will be one or two percent more than the rice elsewhere in his family.

 Don't underestimate this one or two percent. The fields where the Xia family grows rice are all of the best, and they are carefully picked up. However, the harvest is only three stones (more than 200 kilograms) a year. This yield is already the highest harvest in a good weather, and even if he exerts his strength, he will not grow an extra ear of rice.

 And his family ingot, the child seems to have made a wooden frame to raise rice seedlings, the result unexpectedly increased the yield so much.

 "Dad's ingot, it's a blessing. "Master Xia lifted Xia Chen up and felt that Xu Laodao's words were true.

 Think again, the land behind the house ingots, everything is planted in a mess, and most of them grow very well. The water cucumber is sweeter than the vegetable field in their own. It seems that his family is not only good at studying, but also good at farming.

 If Xia Chen knew what his father thought, estimated to laugh out loud, every day by Xia copper plate ridicule, finally someone saw his talent. The vegetables in the back of the house grew well, not only because of the good seeds, but also because he contributed all the fertilizer he made to the vegetable field and the corn he planted.

 "Ingot, tell your father how you raised seedlings in the first place. Master Xia took a carbon strip and a wooden board. He could not read, but he could paint, and only he knew it.

 Xia Chen tilted his head to make a memory, and then from the summer copper plate that bought the rice seedling raising method to his father completely, in order to confuse the public, from time to time add a childish language, what bubble seed is to give the seed bath and so on.

 Master Xia dare not neglect, Xia Chen said every step recorded, determined to follow this step again to try. Of course, all the rice planted ingots have to be planted this time.

 "Well... that's all. When Xia Chen said, Master Xia asked him to repeat it from the beginning, confirming that he had not misremembered it, and then put away the plank.

 "Dad, I'm a little sleepy. Go get some sleep. Xia Chen yawned and pretended to be sleepy. In order to lock the door into the space reasonably, Xia Chen would be sleepy from time to time. His family thought that this was because he was not well raised. No one dared to disturb him when he said he wanted to sleep.

 The same was true of Master Xia, who hurriedly said: " go on, call you at lunch."

 Xia Chen got the words, turned around to run, he is not sleepy, but his family netizen Zijian children looking for him, just now still talking to his father, Xia copper plate reminded him, he put in the space of the flare flower in the glow.

 Before going to the county to buy a few flowerpots, Xia Chen found the opportunity to dig a few wildflowers back, mixed the trumpet flowers in the middle, in his house by the window set up a small table to raise flowers. Every time the flared flower sun enough to absorb energy, Xia Chen put it into the space, avoid the son paper looking for him, the flared flower glow was seen.

 This small half year, he and Zijian have been in contact, if the sun is good, the flares basically sun half a day can absorb enough energy.

 Zijian probably because a person is locked in a temple too boring, often chat with Xia Chen, but Xia Chen in the school during the day, except for the ten-day break, can only contact Zijian at night.

 At the beginning, Zijian looked for him more during the day, and later found that the day "can't wake up" his small flower demon, but often can get a reply at night, gradually did not look for him during the day, became a night call.

 Xia Chen's statement is that he had enough sun during the day and had the strength to speak at night. Flower demons are like this. I don't know if Zijian letter didn't believe it. It's probably a letter. Anyway, he couldn't find another flower demon to confront Xia Chen.

 Now Xia Chen and Zijian's relationship can be said to be excellent, although Zijian is not old or a blind child, but knowledgeable, Xia Chen said anything he can take two sentences.

 It is said that when he had good eyes, he read a lot of books and traveled many places with his teacher.

 Hearing Xia Chen pity unceasingly, such an excellent young man, now unexpectedly become this appearance, if he, estimated to have collapsed. Even if it doesn't collapse, it may become cynical, like a warm little angel.

 Xia Chen even dare not ask how his eyes are invisible, think should be related to his bad father.

 After all, Xia Chen is an adult who has passed through the era of the information explosion. His views have taken shape. There are many differences from the ancients. His thinking jumps and even rebelliousness can be said. In this time and space, the one who can really communicate with him is Xia Copper.

 However, Xia copper plate is simply the combat system in the system, often Xia Chen to say nothing, if Xia copper plate is Xia Chen's bad friend, that paper can be considered his close friend.

 The identity of the little flower demon gave Xia Chen cover. After all, the flower demon is a demon and cannot be demanded of him by human standards. It is too difficult to be a poor helpless and young flower demon. Xia Chen can wantonly show his hidden side in front of Zijian.

 And even if something goes wrong, he destroys the flare, and no one can find him.

 So at the beginning, Xia Chen paid more attention to it, and later found that Zijian was less like an ancient than him. Not only was he without awe of imperial power, but some ideas were more rebellious than he was a modern man. So he can unscrupulously chat with Zijian, tell anecdotes, tell some strange stories he has changed, as for the source, all to other flowers, such as the daily copper coin grass.

 And Zijian will also tell Xia Chen some of the anecdotes he knows, Zijian voice is good, speech is not slow, occasionally insert a sharp comment or two, just right and let Xia Chen can not help laughing.

 Xia Chen says that on the sound of light, Zijian is no worse than the professional cv he knew in his previous life. Even Xia Chen himself didn't discover that he still had hidden voice — activated attributes. Now he doesn't talk to Zijian for a while every night, it's like he's missing something. Xia Chen is to understand why there will be a sister willing to spend money to accompany chat, the little brothers voice is really good ah.

 After a small half year of getting along, Xia Chen has taken Zijian as a close friend, for Zijian's situation, although he did not say clearly, but the words revealed some, Xia Chen also faintly had some speculation.

 Zijian should be the first son of a large family in the imperial capital, the kind of inheritance in the top, but the mother has long been gone, and the father is partial to the brother. Seeing that Zijian is now blind but has been assigned to the temple cultivation, I know that he must have a bad time at home.

 Xia Chen is also a person who has read many novels about the house fight and the palace fight. In this case, it may be a good thing to stay in the temple. It's just that his first son status is a problem for Zijian, who has lost his protection. Now that he is young and has avoided the house, it's okay to say that in a few years, if his father wants to give his family business to his brother, Zijian will be in danger.

 Xia Chen insinuated, want to know Zijian to their family business has any idea, Zijian's reaction is sneer, the tone of disgust said who loves who wants, anyway he will not care.

 Xia Chen thought that if he and Zijian have maintained such a good relationship, perhaps when he goes to Beijing to catch the exam, he can go to meet Zijian.

 A space, Xia Chen straight to the flare flower, Zijian has not contacted him during the day for a long time, also do not know what happened to you, just let Zijian suddenly contact him.

 "Sub-note? What's the matter? What's the matter? "Xiachen's breath was unstable. He ran all the way in, and now he's still breathing a little.

 After a moment, the trumpet flower came from the small, low voice of Zijian: " nothing. just wanted to see if you were there."

 Hsia Chen sat down cross-legged in front of the trumpet flower. He could not take things out of the space casually, such as the earth on the ground, even if they were stained with clothes. When he went out of space, he was automatically buckled back by the cheap summer copper plate, quite convenient.

 "Are you in a bad mood? Let's talk, then. "Xia Chen tried to make his tone sunny and cheerful.

 Sometimes he chats with Zijian, he often thinks of himself in a past life, even if one moment he is laughing with his classmates, the next moment he comes home, he is always the only one. Not suffocated sick, all rely on the developed online world, he plays games all night watching live, so it seems that he is not alone.

 But Zijian had nothing, he could not even see, only a small flower demon who could talk to him at night.

 "Ingot... How's your day? "Zi Jian's voice is cold, but he always speaks softly to Xia Chen.

 Xia Chen dutifully plays the little flower demon: "It's good. The sun is so warm that I want to sleep all the time. I fell asleep. I woke up when I heard you call me."

 Summer copper plate suddenly sounded: [There's something I need to tell you.]

 Xia Chen was waiting for a reply and casually asked: "Does it matter? It doesn't matter. We'll talk later. "Today, the summer copper plate has not dropped him. He is afraid of being angry with the summer copper plate and will bring it out when he talks to Zijian.

 [It doesn't matter. Summer Copper Road.

 Xia Chen relieved, then did not cross-examine.

 "Did I disturb your sleep? "Zi Jian seems to be in a particularly bad mood today. He was silent for a while before he opened his mouth again. Xia Chen guessed that he might have made trouble at home again.

 "No, no. "Xia Chen hurriedly said: "The sun is so big today. I'm full of spiritual power after a while. Now I'm not sleepy at all."

 "Yes, that's good. "Zi Jian's voice was still unhappy, and Xia Chen racked his brains to find a topic: "The last time the second son told me the story of the drunken boy and the wine girl has not finished. I want to hear it. How about Zijian tell me again?"

 Although the mood is bad, but for Xia Chen's request, Zijian has rarely refused, this time is also.

 Thousands of miles apart, through two flowers, the young man whispered a story to Xia Chen.

 "It didn't end well. "Xia Chen was disappointed. Mingming Zijian spoke half of it. He was a happy enemy with lots of fun. Otherwise, he would not have asked Zijian to tell him this at this time.

 How did the result be like this, a married lady who had never met, a lover holding the wine far away.

 "Not all good beginnings will have a good ending, life and bitterness, the heavens do more, everything need not have too much expectation. I don't know if it's because of a bleak ending, and Zijian's voice has lost temperature.

 "You can't say that. There are things in the world that make people happy. "Think of Zijian's situation, Xia Chen himself felt that he said this too futile, had to change the subject, told two funny jokes to amuse Zijian.

 Unfortunately, until the two ended the call, Zijian did not seem to be happy.

 The flared flower exhausted energy into pure white, Xia Chen took the flowerpot out on the window sill side sunbathing, looking at the lazy stretch petals of the flared flower, sighed, worried for their children.

 "Boer, how can I help you? This child is so distressing.

 Xia copper plate is silent, obviously also do not know how to solve this problem.

 Xia Chen sighed again, no longer embarrassed Xia copper plate, asked: " what were you going to say to me?"

 This question will be!

 [Torrential rain in Imperial Beijing today.]

 Xia Chen: "...? ¶ ¶!!!¶

Chapter 29

After the summer, the imperial capital did not rain a few heavy, even if there was rain, also only as fine as cow hair, soon stopped again.

 Today is an exception. In the morning, the sun was hanging high, and suddenly there was a thunderstorm. Soon dark clouds were rolling and a downpour began, covering the whole Emperor Kyoto in a curtain of rain, a long-awaited heavy rain. It was nearly an hour.

 Emperor Jing Baocheng Temple.

 It was nearly noon, the monks finished their homework and queued up to the canteen to eat. After the rainstorm, a layer of bright rain was accumulated in the slate depression. The monks stepped on clogs, and the clogs kicked the slate to make a rhythmic sound.

 In the small courtyard, but half a year, the scene has already changed. The flowers that were originally full of the yard were moved out, leaving a red Yunnan camellia alone.

 In front of the camellias, the young man in red held an umbrella and stood. The rain had stopped, but the umbrella in his hand had never been put down.

 "Young master, go in and change your clean clothes. "The Lord gave the order, and no one was allowed to go near his flower. The willow did not dare to pass, but shouted at him from afar.

 Warm bundle of clothes had long been wet, when the rainstorm, he held an umbrella all over the camellias, he drenched into a soaked chicken, the rain has stopped for a while, but his clothes are still dripping down.

 Wen Shu seemed not to hear the shout of the broken willow, expressionless staring at the swaying camellia in front of him, as if through this flower, to see the little liar who cheated him.

 In fact, he should have noticed something wrong, but he did not want to study it deeply. The little flower demon knew too much, not like the beginning of wisdom.

 He lived two lives, traveled all over the river, and experienced legends, only to have the vision of the present. But this little flower demon never showed timidity in talking to him. Even if he had unknown knowledge, he absorbed it extremely quickly. In light of knowledge, he looked like an old goblin for years, but his character was like a newborn little flower demon, simple and easy to coax. Soft heart loves to laugh.

 In the past, Wen Shu chose to turn a blind eye, he was a good master, the family's flower demon a little secret is irrelevant, anyway as a flower demon, his body in their own hands, can not pull out the root to run.

 Who ever thought, today the rain is too big and urgent, he held an umbrella to run over, the small flower demon has been hit by the raindrops several times. Warm bundle worried that the floret demon was smashed, anxious to wait for the rain to stop, watching the floret demon bask in the sun for a while, then can't wait to rub the petals.

 And the results? Oh, what a big surprise.

 Wen Shu closed his eyes and tried to suppress his chest churning anger. He lived two lives and had never been played like this. If he hadn't been worried about scaring the snake away the little liar across the street, he would have had a seizure. When he catches that daring little son of a bitch, he'll have to take care of him.

 Throw away the bamboo umbrella that had been held for a long time, and Wen Shu raised his voice and ordered: "Fold the willow, bring a flowerpot."

 At first he feared that his casual transplant would hurt the roots of the flower demon, and forced to remove all the other flowers, lest the other flowers compete with his flower demon for nutrition.

 Later also planned to build a small pavilion for the small flower demon, and afraid of covering his sun, he planned to, now think, it is like a joke.

 The willows quickly found a flowerpot. Although their master and servant were sent to the temple to cultivate, Wen Shu was still holding the identity of the little father-in-law of the state government and holding his mother's large dowry in his hand, and he was excellent in food and clothing. There's never been a shortage.

 Because the master suddenly had an interest in planting flowers, the small courtyard warehouse prepared a batch of flowerpots in advance, all of which are fine.

 Fold willow is a family son, should have taste or have, he picked a fetal white porcelain flowerpot, the surface of the red petals, with the young master that baby camellia, better.

 Who knows Wen Shu looked at the flowerpot one eye, eyebrow a twist: "Do you need such a fine planter? But a common camellia rose up, and went to get a broken mud basin, and then a flower spatula."

 Fold willow footsteps a meal, very want to say that our family has no mud basin, more no mud basin, but as an excellent personal servant, should perfectly complete all the tasks that the master explained.

 So the willow ran back to the warehouse and searched for a while before finding a flowerpot that had been burned to earthy brown. After thinking about it, he knocked the flower shovel he had found twice at the edge of the flowerpot, and forced two holes in the good flowerpot. Just holding a flowerpot and carrying a spatula to hand in.

 Seeing the new flowerpot in the arms of the willow, Wen Shu eyes scratched a bit of disgust, but finally did not say anything, took the flower shovel, buried his head dug a few shovels, but in the will be dug near the camellia, stopped again.

 "Young master? Why don't I do it? "Trying the willow.

 His young master didn't know what happened. Suddenly he looked at the camellia plant like a treasure and didn't let others close. Every night before going to bed, he came to watch it for a while. Sometimes he saw his young master talking to the flowers and laughing, and he smiled very gently.

 Today, it seems that he is angry with the flower again. As an outsider, he can see very clearly. His young master's temper is temporary. After this time, he will be good. If you were really angry, the flower would have disappeared. For example, the young master who died in their family is still taking medicine. It is said that he has been flopping in the water for a long time and has too much water in his lungs. I'm afraid he will get tuberculosis if he can't cure it.

 "You don't need it. "He threw the flower spatula aside, crouched down, and gently shaved the soil with his hands, which had become so wet and soft, until the roots of the camellia were completely exposed.

 The broken flowerpot was put in the position of the hand of the warm bundle, and even a layer of soil was already cushioned to facilitate the warm bundle to transplant the flowers directly.

 Wen Shu held his camellia, looking at the gray gap broken flowerpot silent.

 Fold willow peeked at his young master's unhappy face and tried: "This flowerpot is too broken. It's not good for the young master to scratch his hand. Why don't you change it?"

 Wen Shu "hmm" in response.

 "Do you think that young master? That flowerpot looks okay, but it's not worth much money. I'm afraid I can't find a cheaper flowerpot in our warehouse. "Folding willows closed their eyes and nonsense, demeaning the fine flowerpots fired from Liuzhou's most famous porcelain kilns to nothing.

 " just that. "Wen Shu seemed to really not know how much the flowerpot was worth, and answered with reserve.

 The camellia transplanted into the new flowerpot brought by the folding willow, did not let the folding willow do, Wen Shu himself held the flowerpot on the window table in his house.

 Folded willow cooked hot water early, warm bundle bathed and changed a clean dress, Folded willow brought a bowl of ginger soup over: "Young master is drenched in the rain. Drink a bowl of ginger soup to dispel the cold."

 "Take it away." Warm bundle was frowned by the breath of hot ginger soup, he was in good health, although not to the point of cold and summer in the past life, but not to mention the rain for a while, is to soak in ice water for two hours.

 Fold willow see he refused simply, know there is no room to turn, had to take the ginger soup away, ready to go to the kitchen to cook some hot soup.

 Wen Shu sat at the desk, grinding ink while contemplating, and when the ink was enough, he took the pen and dipped the ink, and wrote down the elements he found and speculated.

 It is known that the floret demon is very likely to be human, the floret sound should be the original sound, without camouflage. Because the little liar is extremely good at using his voice to deceive people, when he wants to coax people, the voice is sweet and soft, like soaked in honey juice, very good at playing their own advantages.

 Age... this warm bundle is a little uncertain, only listening to the sound, should be a cub, if human, about seven or eight years old. If only on the knowledge, Wen Shu felt that most of the wine and rice bags should go home to eat themselves, completely not compared to this little liar.

 But usually get along, Wen Shu feels that the small cheater is like a 20-year-old young man, the personality is bright and pitying the poor and weak, to "the younger than him and the difficult situation" of their own protection.

 Wen Shu will age this empty, continue to write.

 If the little liar is human, he should have had a similar experience with him, a biased father, a spoiled half-brother, and he reacts too strongly to these personnel.

 The little liar should be well-off, well-educated, read, literate, and count well.

 The little cheater has a close friend, often called copper coin grass.

 The little liar may also have a flower, through that flower to contact him, most likely a flared flower.

 Little liars spend the day in a controlled place.

 Little liar ......


 The little liar said he liked Zijian and would always accompany Zijian.

 Qinghe Village Xiajia.

 Second sister Xia went back to her mother's house and made a lot of her lo mei. It was hot in summer, and Mrs Xia simply asked her daughter-in-law to fish out and cut all the lo mei. Anyway, both men in the family could eat it, and another Yao Wulang, who was in the prime of life, was added. You can't eat too much.

 Seeing that the meal was almost cooked, Qiao Niang, smelling the aroma of lo mei, ran to the kitchen and put a mouthful of stewed pig intestines around her little son, who was turning around her legs, and sent him to call for someone: "Go get your uncle up and say you're going to eat."

 Nan Geer got a mouthful of food, contentedly ran out to call him uncle.

 In the room, Xia Chen lay on the table, with a sad face to communicate with Xia copper plate: " didn't you say it didn't matter?"

 Summer copper plate rightly: [It doesn't matter to me.]

 Xia Chen: "..."

 Oh, I just thought I hadn't been left today, but it's time to save it.

 "You've really screwed me. "Xia Chen looked desperate: "Zijian must be angry with me. I don't know if he will contact me tonight. He couldn't see it, and he wouldn't know if I were looking for him."

 And Zijian this age of youth, is puberty rebellious time, he has physical defects, certainly more sensitive, if misunderstood oneself deliberately teased him, in case of a moment of excitement destroyed the flowers there, later want to contact.

 That Xia Chen had to live in a long guilt, has been in the abyss, but also trusted friends stepped on a foot, light think, Xia Chen feel that he is guilty.

 It's no use reminding you. Summer copper plate rebuttal.

 "I'm sorry, but I'm angry with you. "Xia Tongban was right. It was too late for him to change his mouth. Zijian was so clever that he could not hide it for a while.

 Xia Chen sighed and held his head worried.

 "Let's eat, uncle! As soon as Nan Geer's cry fell, there was a knock on the door.

 Xia Chen opened the door and Nan Geer pulled him away with excitement: "There's a lot of good food today. Let's hurry up."

 "So happy, huh? "Xiachen couldn't laugh at all.

 "Of course. "Nan Geer said happily: "Of course be happy to have something delicious."

 Xia Chen thought about it and stopped: "Nan Geer, my uncle asked you, if your best friend lied to you and you were angry, what would you do to forgive him?"

 " who's my best friend?"

 "Well... if it's me or your brother that pisses you off."

 " give me good food and i won't be angry."

 Xia Chen wry smile, really stupid, for the foodie, nothing unhappy is a delicious meal can not solve, if not, then two meals, ask Nan Geer this question, it is simply for nothing.

 Seeing that Xia Chen was not satisfied with the answer, Nan Geer added: "Because I like good food, I don't get angry with something I like."

 Xia Chen is shocked, so he can send the son notes he likes things? But what does he like?

 He tried hard to recall the communication with Zijian, did not reveal the likes of Zijian in the chat, the result found that Zijian seems to rarely say their own things, the only said like ......

 " i like ingots."

 Oh, that's too bad. Can you give yourself to him?


Chapter 30

"Young master, we've made chicken soup in the kitchen. Have a bowl of hot soup. "The willow walked into the room with a tray and smelled the smell of paper ash. The young master of his family was burning a paper on which he had written in a copper basin.

 The willow bows its head, and the master wants to burn things, they should not look at the eyes of the subordinates.

 Burn all the information he had written down about the little liar, and warm bundle cleans his hands with hot water prepared by the willow, and orders the willow to be broken: " go get me a big flowerpot."

 " how big is it? "The willow bowed down and asked.

 The warm beam lifts the corners of the mouth: " can pretend."

 Didn't the little liar trick him into saying he was a flower demon? When he catches someone, put him in a flowerpot, let him dress up as a flower demon.

 Fold Willow: "......" Master, are you sure you want a flowerpot instead of a water tank?

 Qinghe Village.

 Xia Chen hair is almost bald do not think out should give his angry friend what gift to apologize, more frustrating is, he worried for most of the day, finally summer copper plate slowly way:

 [How are you going to get the apology to him ?]

 Xia Chen: "..."

 Yeah, there's no express anywhere at this time, and even if he thinks of what to send, he can't send it to Zijian.

 "That... that apology is always to be said."

 Xia Chen worriedly waited until evening, after dinner to tell his family about the Monkey King, while always paying attention to the movement of the flared flower, he asked Xia copper plate, must keep an eye on, the flared flower bright, hurriedly informed him.

 However, Zijian may be really too angry, Xia Chen waited a night, the flared flower quietly converged the petals, a bit of light did not bloom.

 Three consecutive days, Xia Chen did not wait for the contact of Zijian, he even doubted that Zijian has destroyed his flowers, which let Xia Chen mood very lost.

 But he could not help it. He had only one trumpet flower, and mutant plants were not so easy to appear. Up to now, he had planted almost all of the dozens of magic seeds he had (and later smoked several times ten consecutively) and only got two mutant plants in total. It's stinky fruit and this trumpet flower.

 He tried to plant again with the same soil and water Xu He brought, but only ordinary plants were planted.

 Three days did not receive the news of Zijian, Xia Chen more and more lost, the family asked, he can only hold on to the smile that the recent homework is some difficult, just reluctantly fool past.

 On the fourth day, Xia Chen still to the trumpet flower transport gas for a while, and then wilted head to collect today's mature crops, brush daily, sort out inventory.

 He first went to harvest a ripe peanut plant in the magical land, and then replanted a new magic seed.

 Over the past six months, Xia Chen has been able to harvest nearly a thousand pounds of grain, vegetables and fruits every day at the beginning. After the upgrade, the land has doubled and the harvest has doubled. He picks out some of the things he doesn't like and doesn't easily consume, such as coriander and celery.

 Later, he learned his experience and divided the land into four parts. One part planted high-priced crops for selling money, one part planted high-experienced crops for brushing experience, one part planted what he liked to eat, and the last part planted storage-resistant food crops such as rice, wheat, corn and potatoes. He's hoarding all of this and not selling it.

 Stocking grain is not to do anything, but the ancient environment, relying on the weather to eat, the state's relief capacity is not strong, casual drought and flood, no harvest, a death.

 Xia Chen thought that at any time, it is always right to stock up on more grain. Anyway, it is not bad in the space. He has set aside several storage compartments to store grain, one in each compartment, and there is no limit on each compartment. Xia Chen himself did not notice how much grain he had hoarded. It's gonna have to be more than 100,000 pounds.

 Now Xia Chen's space operations have entered a virtuous circle, with inventories increasing every day. For daily tasks and crops sold, Xia Chen uses 50 gold as the bottom gold, and the excess is used in the lottery. Or buy all kinds of new books and seeds from the mall.

 After haggling with Xia Copper, Xia Chen leased a piece of Xia Copper's land at a high price of 20 wen a day. He smuggled in a wooden shelf to hold some of the things he had secretly purchased for six months. For example, a good can boil soup crock pot, put sundries bamboo basket, a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

 He also learned to build a small earthen stove with Dong Geer, with some of the firewood he had saved next to it, some of which he had picked up by himself in the mountains, and some of which were stolen from the firewood stacks at home. It was very convenient to use in space.

 At this time, it was time to boast of the omnipotent prize pool of Xia copper. He drew out a pack of matches, the kind of matches of ten boxes and fifty cents a box. Without this thing, Xia Chen could be tossed to death every time he made a fire. He's really not used to the fire fold.

 These things can be stored in the open space he rents with Xia Copper, otherwise when he gets out of the space, everything will be taken into the warehouse, and the earthen stove he has finally built will become a lump of dry mud.

 With these things, Xia Chen has more room to operate. He cooks a lot of tender corn. The corn seeds produced by the system should be a kind of sweet corn. They are picked at their tenderest time and eaten directly. It's delicious. Xia Chen can eat several corn on the cob alone.

 He also cooked a lot of rice balls, no meat, inside can add boiled red dates red beans or black plums, sweet rice balls taste very good.

 As more and more kinds of crops were planted in the space, Xia Chen's supplies became more and more abundant, and the thirty grids of the warehouse gradually became insufficient. Xia Chen painstakingly opened five grids of the fifty gemstones he had finally accumulated by brushing himself. To barely put their own storage in place.

 After receiving all the things, Xia Chen went to wash a hand, and then took a boiled corn to eat up, he was in a bad mood, did not eat much at night, now hungry.

 Half of the corn gnawed, three days of no movement of the flare suddenly began to shine, Xia Chen a moment of excitement, teeth on the corn cob did not bite, the upper and lower front teeth knocked together, first a pain, and then the mouth gushed a bloody smell.

 Xia Chen leng for a while, faintly feel something wrong, he took a big leaf bah, spit out in addition to blood, there is a white thing.

 " tut like..."

 [poof... your front teeth.]

 Knowing each other half a year, Xia Chen first heard Xia copper plate can not help laughing out loud, but he is not happy at all!

 Recently, his teeth seem to be a little loose, the child changes teeth very normal, he has changed the second time, one life and two ripe, than the first tooth change Nan Geer much calm.

 But he didn't think his front teeth were cut off from the cob!

 "You don't have a conscience, and you're waiting to laugh at me. "Xia Chen lost his front teeth, and his speech leaked. It was obviously a wronged questioning, but it sounded especially funny.

 While embarrassed geology asked summer copper plate, Xia Chen rushed to the flared flower, quickly touched the flared flower, the call connected, but after the connection, the other end of the flared flower silent.

 Xia Chen wanted to apologize first, just opened his mouth, suddenly remembered his front teeth dropped .....

 Bewildered a moment, Xia Chen reacts, in the mind crazy call Xia copper plate: "Ah ah ah ah ah quickly think of a way ah, do you have any voice changer or can repair the sound of things, give me one, do not laugh, laugh again I will be angry!"

 [Please don't think about it, I'm a trained professional system and don't laugh unless I can't help it.]

 See Xia Chen was angry to be angry, summer copper plate busy way:

 [It is recommended that the host not use any camouflage, as the current situation is conducive to de-escalation.]

 "Are you serious? "Xia Chen always felt that Xia copper plate was pitting him again.


 Critical time, summer copper plate or relatively reliable, and he can not continue to be silent, or he doubted that Zijian is afraid will be more angry.

 "I'm wrong about this note. I shouldn't..."

 Before Xia Chen's apology was finished, suddenly the quilt paper interrupted: "What's wrong with your voice? The tongue hurts?

 Xia Chen more want to borrow the slope donkey so admitted ah, he would rather say that he was eating bite tongue, do not want to tell Zijian he changed teeth to knock off the front teeth.

 But this is still admitting the mistake, at this time Xia Chen is a little thunder dare not step on, in case he is found lying again, that is really playing ball.

 So Xia Chen was silent for a moment and whispered: "I'll change two, and the doors fall off..."

 " poof..."

 "You laugh at me, too! "Xia Chen was so wronged that he wanted to deform.

 "Also? Who else laughs at you? The copper coin grass?"

 Wen Shu did not contact his family cheater for three consecutive days, is to stretch him, such soft character, meet this situation, must first reflect on themselves. Wen Shu knows that he is not a good person, if he, will only do more than the small liar, but this does not prevent him from taking advantage of the small liar.

 Since cheated him, he believed, then continue to cheat, said that is his small flower demon, he has been raised for half a year, but also ready to continue to raise, even if it is a person, that is his person.

 Waited for three days, estimated that the fire almost, Wen Shu dialed the call, small cheater really waiting for him, quickly connected, Wen Shu deliberately did not speak, the result there is no sound?

 In the warm bundle thinking whether there was an accident, heard the little cheater vague small milk sound.

 He really didn't want to laugh! Really, but think of the little liar with the missing front teeth...poof.

 Xia Chen was Wen Shu casually a word to scared, only three days did not contact, he was not only exposed his identity? Why do you think you've lost your waistcoat with the summer copper ?!

 "The most, the most, just like him. "Xia Chen did not care about his own words and stammered.

 "Poof......" Wen Shu leaned against the head of the bed, covering his mouth and laughing bent over, he was going to do a good job with the little liar today, now the conversation is completely unable to go on, as long as the little liar opened his mouth, he could not help but want to laugh.

 Xia Chen's small face was redder than the trumpet flower during the call. He was so ashamed and angry that he shouted: "Laughing Sen smile, you small as if not lost teeth this?!"

 Xia copper plate has no teeth, but toothless system, so he can't fight back like this, but Zijian is twelve, must have changed teeth.

 Wen Shu slowly said: "Well, it's been changed now, so I can laugh at you casually, and I don't have to worry about being laughed at by you later."

 Xia Chen: "......" gas cry!
