
Chapter 241 Extra 2 (8)

Su Ming was also unlucky. He rarely got to go on missions a few times a year. He went on the mission with his master. He thought he was foolproof, but he almost died at the hands of a fierce ghost.

 This time he specially chose a low-level haunted house mission. According to the information sent by his employer, there were some weird things happening in the house from beginning to end, such as the faucet could not be turned off and the lights could not be turned on.

 Except for a nanny who accidentally fell down the stairs and injured her leg due to fright when she got up at night, nothing happened to the people living in the house.

 This kind of ghost that can only play with things in the house and cannot cause harm to people is generally a wandering ghost with no great abilities, which is slightly stronger than those new ghosts who have passed the first seven years.

 If it weren't for the fact that this house was the ancestral home of the Cheng family in Haishi and couldn't be abandoned casually, it would have been more convenient for the Cheng family to simply leave the house vacant due to the Cheng family's wealth.

 This kind of task that is easy to solve danger, has small reward and high reward is very popular. If Su Ming was not a Taoist priest with a background, such a good job would not be available to him.

 Because he was thinking about the high-grade talisman in Wen Shu's hand, Su Ming wanted to solve the task as soon as possible and then concentrate on helping the boss find someone. So as soon as he arrived in Haishi, he went to the employer's house according to the address.

 Haishi is a big city, and there are many wealthy and famous families everywhere, but there are still not many of them. The Cheng family is not the top wealthy family in Haishi, but it is also in the middle class. They can speak well at the top and have considerable influence at the bottom.

 It was unfortunate that Su Ming arrived. He didn't say hello in advance before arriving. The Cheng family happened to have guests today. Mr. Cheng was entertaining guests in the living room of the main building, and only sent his own young children to receive Su Ming.

 The young master of the Cheng family didn't have any pretense, he was just bored and looking for excitement and wanted to see a ghost.

 If he was the only one who wanted to fool around like this, he would be seeking death. But there was a Taoist priest here. It was said that he was a disciple of some famous family. The little Taoist priest looked very confident. The young master of the Cheng family told Su Ming about himself. requirements.

 Su Ming himself was indifferent. Although he was not as good as the big brother, he was also a talented member of the new generation of Xuanmen who had practiced hard since he was young. As soon as he entered the house, he was sure that he was indeed an ordinary wandering soul and was not difficult to deal with.

 The Cheng family paid a lot of money, and some customers actually believed in what they saw with their own eyes. They had to watch them catch the ghost before they could feel at ease. Otherwise, if there was any slightest disturbance in the future, they would think that there was another ghost at work.

 Therefore, when they went out on missions, they would bring some cow tears with them. Mr. Cheng wanted to see it, so Su Ming wiped some on it for him.

 After that, there were no surprises when catching wandering ghosts, because ghosts would not show up at all during the day. It was very difficult to find such a large house, and wandering ghosts were not as sinister and obvious as ghosts.

 Su Ming waited until dusk and night fell before taking action to capture the wandering soul.

 Mr. Cheng witnessed the translucent ghost with his own eyes, and his whole outlook was a bit shattered. At the same time, he felt extremely excited.

 What's so great about playing with cars and watches? He has seen a ghost with his own eyes!

 Su Ming used a magic weapon to capture the wandering ghost. The ghost had not done any serious evil and could not be dispersed directly. He took it back and handed over the task. Someone from Xuanmen could send them into reincarnation.

 It was already very late after catching the ghost, so the Cheng family invited Su Ming to stay the night. Of course, they also wanted to test whether those strange movements had really disappeared.

 Su Ming was fine. After all, the accommodation conditions of the Cheng family were much better than those of a hotel, and there was also a chef with excellent skills. He was happy to stay one night to make the Cheng family feel at ease.

 Mr. Cheng witnessed the process of Su Ming catching ghosts and went to report to his grandfather. During the process, he could not hide his excitement. He also admired Su Ming and praised him for his greatness.

 Mr. Cheng nodded when he heard this and said: "I heard that he is a member of a big sect, and he is really extraordinary. You are so kind to entertain me, so don't neglect me."

 Knowing a reliable Taoist practitioner is a great guarantee of safety. After all, things like ghosts can kill people if you are not careful. If you meet a half-hearted person, you may really trick others and yourself.

 Especially for someone like Su Ming, who has someone behind him, even if he can't solve it himself, he can still call his elders for help. This is why Mr. Cheng agreed to allow a young Taoist priest like Su Ming to catch ghosts.

 Originally, this matter should have been settled satisfactorily at this point. Nothing weird happened at the Cheng family's old house that night, and they spent the night peacefully.

 The next day, Mr. Cheng received Su Ming in person. He praised him indispensably. In addition to the due reward, he also specially gave Su Ming a big red envelope. Su Ming was so happy that he almost stopped holding it.

 After meeting Mr. Cheng, Su Ming was about to leave. Unexpectedly, Mr. Cheng got entangled with him. He kept praising Su Ming for his abilities and flattering him, insisting on making friends with Su Ming.

 Su Ming, who was a little dazed by the praise, thought that Mr. Cheng was conquered by his ability, just like he admired the big boss.

 Moreover, he had a good impression of Mr. Cheng. He felt that he was good at talking and did not have the aloofness of a member of a big family. Also, if he wanted to help Wen Shu find someone, a local snake like Mr. Cheng would definitely have many ways.

 So I went with the flow and made friends with Mr. Cheng.

 Then Mr. Cheng revealed his purpose, saying that he had a few friends who also wanted to see ghosts and wanted Su Ming to release the wandering spirit for them to see.

 In fact, he couldn't hold it back last night and showed off to a group of gangsters. Then a group of rich second-generation people laughed and laughed, saying that we should also see it. Mr. Cheng was not confused at all. He said that he would first ask the masters who caught ghosts. .

 Of course Su Ming would not agree to such a thing, not to mention that their Taoist sect has its own rules. This kind of thing like letting ghosts out to entertain people will cause big problems if you are not careful.

 After he refused, although Mr. Cheng had regrets, he didn't bother much. He told his friends that the master had left, and everyone laughed and let it go. They didn't take it seriously in the first place.

 However, another group of young men who had no dealings with Mr. Cheng took this opportunity to cause trouble, saying that Mr. Cheng was a braggart, and what the hell, he himself was full of lies.

 He also said that there are no ghosts in the world. Mr. Cheng probably has a mental illness. If he goes to a mental hospital for treatment as soon as possible, he may be able to be saved.

 The two groups already had grudges. They had had many conflicts and disputes before. This time they took the opportunity to speak as harshly as possible. Master Cheng was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He wanted to kill them with a knife.

 It is impossible to kill people by cutting them. Master Cheng helped him speak, but the other side laughed at Master Cheng's words about seeing a ghost. The last words were rushed. Master Cheng said it, didn't he say that I was lying? Then I will take you to see the real ghost.

 Most people in this world live under the glory of socialism and have never been exposed to things in another world. Naturally, they do not believe in ghosts.

 The young men on the other side didn't believe it either. In the end, the two parties made a bet on whether Master Cheng could make them go to hell. The losing party had to apologize to the winning party.

 For young men who have been fighting for so many years, bowing their heads and apologizing to each other is more uncomfortable than losing a large amount of money or even getting beaten.

 Mr. Cheng made a bet in a fit of enthusiasm. After that, for the sake of face, he was unwilling to lose to the other party.

 He called Su Ming. It happened that Su Ming had completed the task quickly and wanted to send the captured ghost back quickly so that he could come back to help Wen Shu find someone. Now there was no news at all and he was too embarrassed to go see the boss. .

 Mr. Cheng checked his voice on the phone and confirmed that Su Ming could not let go. He gritted his teeth and called Su Ming out, saying that he would introduce some friends to him and do it for him.

 Su Ming was thinking about expanding his network of contacts to help Wen Shu find someone. Mr. Cheng's friends were all rich and powerful, and Su Ming was willing to do so.

 Mr. Cheng planned a game, called his group of friends, and asked them to get Su Ming drunk together, and then stole Su Ming's magic weapon to pretend to be a ghost.

 Mr. Cheng saw with his own eyes the process of Su Ming catching ghosts. That seemingly ordinary small wooden box could actually crash into such a large ghost. Moreover, ghosts are said to have no form, so they could not come out after being put in it.

 Mr. Cheng asked curiously at that time, and Su Ming told him that the box was a magic weapon specially built by Xuanmen to contain ghosts. As long as the sealing talisman does not fall off, the ghosts will never escape.

 Mr. Cheng held the magic weapon box in his arms and led a group of excited friends to the private room next door, where the rich kids from the other group had already been waiting.

 He had a good plan. He was right next door. If anything happened, he could call Su Ming to come to the rescue.

 He smeared the cow tears that he had gotten on others, and then Mr. Cheng rubbed his hands, with excitement mixed with a bit of fear and excitement, and tore off the talisman that sealed the magic weapon box.

 He won.

 Everyone present saw the translucent wandering ghost rushing out of the box. The rich kids who had only been left to commit suicide in their idle and boring lives were as excited as Mr. Cheng who saw the ghost for the first time. Look at the wandering soul.

 Even Mr. Cheng's enemies had forgotten to apologize for losing the bet, and were immersed in the excitement and excitement of seeing the ghost. Some of them were even bold enough to reach out and touch the ghost.

 Finally taking a breath, Mr. Cheng was very proud. Fortunately, he was smart, and this ghost was exactly what Taoist Master Su Ming said. It was not difficult to deal with. After being released, he could only stand there blankly and even ran away. Don't even know how to run.

 "Okay, okay, we have to catch them back." Mr. Cheng watched the others making trouble for a while. After realizing that they couldn't touch the ghosts, two of them even deliberately walked through the ghosts, feeling a chill that penetrated their bones for a moment. , didn't take it seriously, and just laughed and shared their feelings with others.

 "No, I haven't seen enough yet."

 "That's right, this female ghost is pretty good-looking and not scary at all. It's a pity that she can't touch her!"

 "What do you want to do if I can touch you? I still want to be a Japanese ghost, hahahaha"

 "Oh, this is a good idea, who knows? It's so exciting!"

 A group of people were chatting and laughing without restraint, until someone noticed something was wrong: "Why is it getting colder and colder? Is the air conditioner a bad guy?"

 The shrill howl echoed in the well-soundproofed box. Others didn't know why. The ghost was not just seen, and the ghost was stupid and stupid. What was it afraid of?

 They followed the line of sight of the frightened person, and screams suddenly started to appear one after another. It turned out that on the one-way viewing glass of the small balcony next to them, there were countless ghosts lying densely on them. There are so many ghosts stacked on top of each other. At first glance, they look like several deformed monsters with heads and hands.

 Moreover, these ghosts were not as decent-looking as the ghost Su Ming caught. They had heads and arms and legs cut off, tongues hanging out, and their faces were so mangled that they were so ugly that people would go blind.

 Of course, these rich young men have no intention of making fun of others' ugliness at this moment. Just by looking at their posture, they know that these ghosts are evil. Their eyes look fierce, as if they want to eat them alive.

 A group of people screamed and crawled on the ground, trying to escape. However, people couldn't outrun the ghosts, and they were quickly overtaken. Everyone was surrounded by several ghosts.

 These ghosts have not yet cultivated to the level of fierce ghosts and cannot directly kill people, but they are still very fierce. They pounce on them, bite, scratch and kick them. It seems that they do not leave any scars, but those people are so painful that they burst into tears and want to roll on the ground. .

 I don't know whether those ghosts forgot or were incompetent and did not bring out ghosts to hit the wall. The rich young people ran out of the room crying and howling. The club service staff and security personnel who came after hearing the sound looked at the rich young people with confused expressions. They yelled that there were ghosts and were calling for help and they were in pain, but they looked like a group of mentally ill people suffering from a collective attack.

 Of course Mr. Cheng was not spared. He ran after him for a while in a state of collapse, and finally remembered Su Ming, who was still lying in the box next door.

 But they worked too hard while drinking. Su Ming was so drunk that he couldn't wake up. It wasn't until someone rushed into the courtyard of the club and found that the ghost did not dare to come close when he was standing in the sun, and he slowly calmed down.

 The incident didn't end until Su Ming woke up and found out what good deed Mr. Cheng had done. What made people desperate was that all those ghosts had stalked the people present at the time. There were dozens of little ones, many big ones, and several more. Just blame ghosts.

 They cannot appear under the sun, but at night, they can flow unimpeded. The rich young people were tortured to death, and even their families could not live in peace.

 Not only had the mission not been completed, but such a big mistake had been made. Just thinking about the punishment he would receive after returning, Su Ming's head was about to explode, so he could only ask the boss for help.

 When Wen Shu came to sleep and gave him a pillow, Su Ming sent him more than ten business orders at once when he was thinking about catching ghosts and making money.

 On the other side, Wen Shu was pretending to be a heavenly master to catch ghosts and make money. On the other side, Xia Chen was so anxious that he was about to collapse.

 The plan he thought was foolproof turned out to be useless!

 Neither Lingge nor Zijian could be found, and there wasn't even any relevant information. Xia Chen even had to wonder, could it be that the two of them hadn't passed through at all?

 Xia Chen didn't want to believe this speculation, so he decided to think of another way. Perhaps his promotion was not strong enough, and the two pictures were not popular enough.

 He called Jing Ye and asked him to help find two celebrities to repost it. As the second director of Light and Shadow Media, it was just a matter of one sentence to ask the company's celebrities to repost a Weibo that had no negative impact.

 As soon as the call was connected, before Xia Chen could speak, Jing Ye gloated: "I was about to call you, but you called me first. Did you hear the news too?"

 "You don't know?" Jing Ye was surprised: "I said, what have you been doing recently? You don't go out to play, you don't see anyone, and you don't know any news about such a big thing?"

 Xia Chen asked impatiently: "What is the news?"

 Jing Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, good news. I heard that your brother was hit by a ghost. He makes trouble every night, saying that the ghost is biting him and beating him. Tell me, did he take drugs and damage his head?" And hit a ghost hahahaha!"

 "My brother?" Xia Chen was stunned for a moment before realizing that Jing Ye was talking about his half-brother Xia Qi.

 Although they were brothers, their relationship was not good. The divorce lawsuit between Xia Chen's parents dragged on for too long. When Xia Qi was born, they had not yet divorced, so Xia Qi was an illegitimate child for many years.

 Although they were illegitimate children, Xia Chen's father had already brought Xia Qi and her son home at that time, but the name was not very nice. Xia Qi always made trouble for Xia Chen. Xia Chen's father had a falling out with his mother. , and even disliked Xia Chen, who looked a lot like his mother, and always favored Xia Qi. Xia Chen suffered a lot when he was a child.

 Jing Ye and Xia Chen have been friends since childhood. The two families live very close to each other. Knowing what kind of person Xia Qi is, they naturally side with him. As soon as they heard that Xia Qi was unlucky, they immediately became happy.

 Xia Chen was still a little confused. If he hadn't time traveled, he would have had the same opinion as Jing Ye and didn't believe Xia Qi's words. But after time travel, it seems that there is a ghost.

 And although Xia Chen hates Xia Qi, she also understands him. Xia Qi is bad, but she is not a fool. She knows what can and cannot be touched.

 "Do you know any more detailed information?" Xia Chen intuitively felt that something was wrong with this matter.

 Jing Ye thought for a while and said, "Oh, by the way, I heard that your brother was not the only one who got into trouble this time, but his group of gangsters, and your cousin Cheng Wenyan and the others. It's strange to say that these two gangs Aren't we enemies? Why are we getting together?"

 "My cousin?" Xia Chen was even more confused. His custody rights were with his father. His mother didn't care about him. She had visitation rights and barely visited him. However, he and his half-father The relationship with the little sister is pretty good.

 As for his mother's family, the Cheng family, their relationship has been very weak in recent years. They only send some New Year gifts and he goes to the elders on their birthdays, but they have almost no other interactions.

 His cousin Cheng Wenyan, like most of the Cheng family, only has a face-friendly relationship with him, and he doesn't have many friends in his usual circle.

 If I have to say it, their faction is the sworn enemy of Xia Qi's faction. When Xia Chen's parents divorced, it was so ugly that Xia Chen's father took Xia Qi and his mother into their home openly. My aunt had humiliated her openly and secretly.

 When two groups like this got together and bumped into ghosts at the same time, Xia Chen didn't believe it even if they said it was okay.

 Chapter 242 Extra 2 (9)

Although he found it strange, Xia Chen had no intention of paying too much attention to this matter. In fact, it was not his turn to care about it. He was a little cabbage whose father did not care for his mother, so he should stay away from such things. If you accidentally get involved, you will only become cannon fodder.

 Moreover, he is in a hurry to find the two lost bones, so he has no time to meddle in such matters.

 But he didn't want to cause trouble, but the trouble insisted on him. Xia Chen first received a call from his father. Mr. Xia angrily asked him to go to his grandfather's house. On the phone, he could still hear the sharp arguments and curses from his stepmother, which was completely thrown away. It shows the ladylike temperament she always carries.

 Xia Chen suddenly felt very upset. It could be said that this matter had nothing to do with him, but somehow it got involved with him again.

 There will definitely be no good things if he goes. If he doesn't go, Mr. Xia will have a problem with him and may cause trouble for him later. But Mr. Xia doesn't like him in the first place, so it doesn't matter if he hates him a little more.

 So Xia Chen pretended not to receive the call, but not long after, his grandfather called again, and the old man personally asked him to come over.

 It's no good not to go this time. Xia Chen's parents are unreliable and no one will care about Xia Chen when there is a quarrel. At least the elders of the two families reached out and took turns taking Xia Chen for a while, but that was until he got up. In elementary school, I went to boarding school.

 Xia Chen now has so much money, thanks to his grandfather's words. Otherwise, with his stepmother's greedy attitude of wanting him to leave the house, Xia Chen would definitely not be living so comfortably now.

 So no matter how reluctant you are, the old man still has to give you face.

 After thinking about it, he called his half-sister He Tong to inquire about the current situation there.

 He Tong is five years younger than Xia Chen and is a sophomore in high school. Today happens to be the weekend. The little girl joined in the fun and watched it from beginning to end.

 Upon hearing Xia Chen's question, He Tong chirped and recounted everything he heard and saw: "Brother, let me tell you, there really are ghosts in this world! I won't lie to you, cousin Wenyan saw it with his own eyes, Grandpa invited a Taoist priest to come to our house to catch ghosts, and then my cousin stole the ghost that the Taoist priest caught and showed it to others. As a result, they all became ghosts!"

 Xia Chen: ""

 He used to only know that his second cousin loved to play, but he didn't expect that he would even dare to play with ghosts. He was really an old man who hanged himself because he didn't want to live long.

 Xia Chen: "Then what?"

 He Tong: "Then cousin Wenyan was bullied by ghosts every night. Grandpa punished him severely, but he couldn't ignore him, so he invited the Taoist priest again. The Taoist priest didn't want to come. He said that cousin Wenyan was evil. According to the rules, this is retribution, but he didn't know why he agreed to it later. In the end, he couldn't defeat the ghost that was pestering cousin Wenyan, so he hired a helper to catch the ghost."

 "So why did my grandfather ask me to go?" Xia Chen asked.

 "I asked you to plead for mercy." He Tong said: "Your father and your stepmother brought Xia Qi to the old house and said that it was cousin Wenyan who caused Xia Qi's ghost attack and asked him to take responsibility. Auntie quarreled with them. They It's hard to talk. My aunt is so angry that there are no ghosts in the world. Xia Qi is mentally ill and she wants to send him to a mental hospital. Your stepmother started fighting with your aunt."

 Xia Chen: ""It sounds a bit refreshing.

 He Tong continued: "Actually, stepmother said that on purpose. When the Taoist priest and the helpers he hired were catching ghosts, grandpa, several uncles, aunts, and my parents were all present. I heard that they all saw it, and I was the only one who saw them. I was at school and didn't see anything."

 At this point, Xia Chen basically understood that his father and stepmother wanted to solve the problem of Xia Qi's ghost encounter, but they came to ask for help and refused to talk properly, which angered the Cheng family and refused to admit the matter.

 Originally, there was no way to talk about such things as ghosts in a serious way. If the Cheng family refused to admit it, Xia Chen, his father and stepmother would wither.

 But after all, Xia Qi is the grandson of the Xia family. Mr. Xia can't let him die. And who knows if this ghost will entangle other members of the Xia family after killing Xia Qi?

 So the old man had no choice but to come forward on his own. I don't know if it was because the stepmother had offended the Cheng family so hard - she even hit people's doors, so it was useless for the old man to come forward in person.

 Calling Xia Chen over is nothing more than trying to bring up some old relationships. Before Xia Chen's parents divorced, the Xia Cheng family also had good times. Now, in order to soften the attitude of the Cheng family, Xia Chen, who usually doesn't care about either party, The poor little love was called over.

 After figuring out the reason, Xia Chen was ready to leave: "Tongtong, please listen carefully and let me know if you have any news. I will go there now."

 "Okay, I promise to complete the task."

 Before leaving, Xia Chen hesitated and took the little prince with him. Although he hadn't seen the ghost that was pestering Xia Qi yet, he was prepared for any danger. If it weren't for a ghost of the level of Bones, ordinary ghosts should be unable to do anything to him.

 On the way, He Tong sent a message to Xia Chen, saying that Mr. Cheng had invited a Taoist priest who caught ghosts, and he was quite good-looking.

 Speaking of Taoist priests, Xia Chen thought of his friends Xu Helai and Xu Laodao. Those people in the Taoist Academy felt sad for a moment because they would never see them again.

 After coming back to his senses, Xia Chen had a sudden thought and asked the little prince: "Do you have a talisman there?"

 He likes to save supplies, but he is very lax with his friends and often gives things away. He can't remember whether he ever gave the little prince a talisman.

 The little prince rummaged around in the space silently and nodded: "There are a few, not many."

 Xia Chen glanced at the driver and didn't let him take it out. Just have it. Xu Helai is so powerful, maybe his talisman will be effective against the ghosts in this world.

 Thinking of this, Xia Chen felt heartbroken again that the supplies he had saved for half his life were just gone!

 Xia Chen had long forgotten how to drive, and had no time to practice during this period, so he still called a taxi. The car was parked outside the gate of the Cheng family's old house. After getting off the car, Xia Chen secretly asked the young prince to take out all the talismans.

 After being welcomed in by the servants of the Cheng family, Xia Chen found strangely that the atmosphere in the room was not as tense as he imagined. Although they were sitting on both sides, they were in a good mood. His father and stepmother were facing a man in a dress. The young Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and a bun said kind words.

 This outfit was very familiar to Xia Chen. He couldn't help but turn his eyes to the little Taoist priest. As He Tong said, he was a handsome young man.

 "Xia Chen! Your brother has become like this. He asked you to come over and take a look, but you ignored him. Why are you so cruel?"

 She was probably used to finding faults. As soon as Xia Chen came in, the stepmother, who had just been saying nice things to the little Taoist priest, immediately turned her gun on Xia Chen. Without saying a word, she threw a "cruel" cauldron and hit Xia Chen on the head. .

 Xia Chen lived too well in the life after time travel, so he couldn't recall his Buddhist mentality that he had endured for a long time. He exploded instantly: "What's wrong with Xia Qi? My brother is amazing, you are so black. Eye circles, are they new makeup? You are not in good spirits. Are you sick? Go to the hospital if you are sick. What does it have to do with me? Could it be that the Xia family is bankrupt? That doesn't matter. I have the money to pay for my brother's medical treatment. Aunt Luo, do you If you had told me earlier, if you had told me you were short of money for medical treatment, I would definitely not have ignored you."

 "You treacherous son! You" Mr. Xia stood up, ready to defend his wife and children.

 "Shut up!" Mr. Xia shouted sharply, and Mr. Xia sat back angrily. The three members of the family looked at Xia Chen with very unkind eyes.

 Xia Chen shrugged and didn't care, but the little prince glared at them fiercely, ready to pounce on them and bite them to death if Xia Chen gave an order.

 "Where did this wild child come from?" The stepmother curled her lips. Xia Chen glanced at her with a sharp look, and her words were halted.

 Mr. Xia, who was about to scold his daughter-in-law, was also startled for a moment. He looked at Xia Chen with a look in his eyes. The look just now was very powerful. It was the aura of someone who has been in a position of power for a long time. His grandson is not nice to say. Yes, you don't have any enterprising spirit at all. How come you suddenly have such momentum?

 Before the lawsuit was over, Taoist priest Su Ming suddenly interrupted: "Your name is Xia Chen?"

 He couldn't stop staring at Xia Chen's delicate and handsome face. He was excited and couldn't believe it. How could it be such a coincidence that he bumped into a good-looking person named Xia Chen. He hadn't yet We have officially started looking for someone to replace the boss.

 However, even if he thought it was too much of a coincidence, Su Ming was still unwilling to give up this opportunity and asked excitedly: "Which word is it?"

 Xia Chen was puzzled. He glanced at Su Ming again to confirm that he had never seen this Taoist priest.

 Mrs. Xia had already eagerly answered Su Ming's question for Xia Chen, and then said to please: "Master, do you know Xia Chen? Then you have to help our Qiqi, he is Xia Chen's biological brother! "

 Su Ming looked strange. He was not a fool. From what happened just now, how could he not see that Xia Chen's relationship with them was not good at all? This woman was scolding others just now, and now she could be so embarrassed. Xia Chen was so shameless.

 "I don't know Xia Chen." Su Ming said, "I told you that the Taoist priests are not good enough to catch this ghost. Otherwise, you just wait. After I report it, Taoist friends with high magical power will naturally come to deal with it. "

 Mrs. Xia was anxious: "Then we Qiqi will still have to suffer? But wasn't the ghost in Cheng Wenyan caught? Why can't we do it? Do you think the money is too little? We can add more!" Mrs. Xia pointed at Su Ming and wanted to scold him, but Mr. Cheng snorted coldly: "The Xia family is so prestigious. If you come to my Cheng family and insult the guests I invited, if you don't get a good stay, you might as well leave early." 


 Su Ming's face changed. After all, he was young and energetic. He couldn't suppress his anger. He said in a bad tone: "You just give me all your family wealth. If you can't catch it, you can't catch it. Whoever asked your son to commit suicide will provoke ghosts." 

 Mr. Xia hit Mr. Xia with a cane and scolded: "You can't even take care of your wife, what's your future!"  

This is because he dislikes his daughter-in-law for not being able to speak. As a father-in-law, he cannot directly beat his daughter-in-law, so he can only beat her with his own son.  Mr. Xia was severely beaten by this stick. What made him even more embarrassed was that at such an old age, he was beaten by his father in front of his ex-wife, family and his own son. He was really humiliated.  

His relatively fair face suddenly turned red. He stood up with a blushing face and slapped his offending wife on her head.  

The father-in-law had already spoken. No matter how angry Mrs.  

Xia Chen was so happy to see it, and he was immediately impressed by this unknown little Taoist priest. 

 Mr. Xia came forward and said a few good words. After all, the root cause of this matter was Cheng Wenyan. If Xia Qi was really crippled and dead, the Xia family and the Cheng family would become mortal enemies, so Mr. Cheng also helped to say a few words. sentence.  

Su Ming was young and energetic, but not that thick-skinned. After being begged by the two old men for a long time, he finally relented and said with a confused look on his face: "It's not that I don't want to help. Mr. Cheng, you saw me last time. My ethics are really not good enough. If the big boss hadn't taken action, I would have ended up there." 

 Mr. Cheng said: "Then ask that gentleman to take action again? Of course, the reward will definitely be indispensable. Please pay more attention to Master Su Ming." 

 Su Ming shook his head and said: "No, the boss doesn't want to come. I asked you before you asked me to come. If the boss has something to do, I just refused."  

He also told Mr. Cheng at the time, but Mr. Cheng was afraid that the ghost haunting Xia Qi would harm their Cheng family, so even if he said he couldn't take it by himself, he still paid a lot of money to invite him to go. 

 "Can you help us ask again? Or if that gentleman needs any help, my Xia family can still get help in Haishi." 

 After Master Xia finished speaking, he called Xia Chen over and said, "The Taoist Priest and my grandson seem to have a certain fate. Just for his sake, please speak kindly to us again."  

Mr. Xia had not bowed his head like this for a long time, but what happened recently made him feel in awe. He had wiped cow's tears and saw the ghost tormenting his grandson with his own eyes.  As a person approaches old age, his courage becomes less and less. He is not afraid of death. Anyway, he has enjoyed all the blessings he deserves at this age. What he is afraid of is that if he dies, he will become a lonely ghost. , being bullied by other ghosts, or suffering other crimes.  So this time he took the initiative and even bowed his head to his old enemy. He had the same idea as Mr. Cheng. He had to get acquainted with a capable Taoist practitioner.  

He had already investigated before coming here. It was said that Taoist Master Su Ming was from a famous family and was very capable. He had easily solved the Cheng family's previous trouble. 

 Based on his background, he had great respect for the other person, which showed that the gentleman was more powerful. Mr. Xia thought that such capable people have their own abilities, so they are arrogant. Money generally cannot move them, and they will not ask for help. work.  

But it's not just that you have the opportunity to make friends by helping others. They take the initiative to come to your door, ask your husband to help them, and then give you generous rewards. This is how you have a relationship. The first time leads to the second time. They hold the person in their arms. Sir, if you need anything else, at least you can save face. 

 Mr. Xia has a lot of thoughts, but Su Ming didn't know what he had planned. He thought he was just worried about his grandson. Looking at Xia Chen again, he hesitated: "Then I'll give it a try, but the big boss won't care." Even if they come, they may not be willing to take action."

 Mr. Xia hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter. As long as you are willing to come, we will be very grateful. I will personally take care of the rest."

 "Okay." Su Ming didn't avoid it. He dialed the phone directly in front of them. I didn't know what was said over there. Su Ming said, "No, no, I didn't ask you to catch ghosts. I'll meet you at Cheng's house." I met a boy named Xia Chen, who was pretty good-looking."

 Everyone present turned their attention to Xia Chen, but Xia Chen himself looked confused. Why did it involve him again?

 Su Ming had already started to report his address at this moment. After he finished reporting, he handed his cell phone to Xia Chen and said, "The boss wants to talk to you."

 Xia Chen hesitantly took the phone, and his familiar voice came from the receiver: "Yuanbao?"

 Xia Chen's eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't contain his excitement: "Zijian? Is it really you? Where are you? I'll find you!"

 Although they haven't figured out what happened yet, others present already knew that Xia Chen actually knew the master Su Ming mentioned, and they seemed to have a good relationship with him.

 When they heard that he was leaving, the Xia family were all anxious. If he left, wouldn't the master not come?

 Mr. Xia also wanted to use his identity as a father to suppress him. Mr. Xia told him to shut up in advance this time. He rarely spoke to Xia Chen in a pleasant manner and said that he wanted to meet his friend.

 The Cheng family also advised him that if the master really has a relationship with Xia Chen, then they are also Xia Chen's maternal family.

 Xia Chen didn't hang up the phone, and was reluctant to hang up. When he heard his grandfather's words, he retorted calmly: "You're not a friend, you're my lover."

 Owner: ""

 Mr. Xia's "shameless" words were already on his lips, and he suppressed them in Xia Chen's calm eyes. The phone hadn't been hung up yet. He was Xia Chen's biological father. He had no problem lecturing his son. The man heard it, what would his little son do?

 The others didn't have many expressions, even if they felt contempt in their hearts, but now that they had something to ask for, no one wanted to offend Wen Shu, so naturally they wouldn't say anything unpleasant.

 Moreover, they didn't have a deep relationship with Xia Chen. Whether he liked men or not, he wasn't very touched by them.

 Su Ming's face was full of surprise. The boss actually liked men, so this man turned out to be the boss's man?

 "Hello, sister-in-law. My name is Su Ming, and I am a Taoist priest from Xuanqingguan. You have saved me twice. If anything happens to you in the future, just give me your order and I will never say anything."

 Xia Chen: "Don't call me sister-in-law."

 Suming: "What about Mrs. Sister-in-law?"

 Xia Chen: ""

 Hearing the laughter coming from the mobile phone, Xia Chen exploded: "Wen Shu, please take care of your friends. If you can't talk, stop talking!"

 "Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'll help you teach him a lesson."

 Wen Shu coaxed her in a good voice, but Su Ming was so frightened that his neck was shrinking. The wind on the pillow was too strong. How could such a powerful man coax others? !

 "Master Xia, I was wrong, please let me go!"

 Su Ming begged repeatedly, but Xia Chen didn't really think about what to do to him. Seeing that he took him seriously, he said: "Don't be afraid, he is joking."

 Su Ming curled his lips, are you kidding? He had seen the big boss tearing up Li Gui with his own hands, but he didn't dare to take the big boss's words as a joke.

 In the end, Wen Shu really agreed: "Yes, I was joking."

 Su Ming: ""

 This is too disrespectful. The boss's glorious image seems to have collapsed.

 Xia Chen and Wen Shu had a non-stop chat on the phone. Because there were other people around, some words were difficult to say. Fortunately, Wen Shu arrived not long after.

Chapter 243 Extra 2 (10)

Wen walked in from the outside with his clothes on, and the Xia family members who had never seen him all sighed, he looked really good.

 After he entered the house, he walked straight towards Xia Chen without squinting. The person who had always been calm and indifferent could not hide his excitement at this time. Fortunately, Xia Chen's appearance was not much different between his two lives. There is nothing strange about it at first glance.

 When lovers who had been separated suddenly met again, there was inevitably a hint of affection in their behavior. However, Xia Chen was thin-skinned, and most of the people present were his elders. The two only hugged restrainedly and then separated, but Wen Shu stayed close to him. Xia Chen stood, holding Xia Chen tightly with one hand and not letting go.

 Xia Chen knew that this was the sequelae of this unexpected accident. He had also been worried for so long, so he cooperated and returned his hand to calm his heart.

 Standing together, the two of them are both handsome and elegant, and they are very pleasing to the eye, just like a perfect couple.

 Originally, they had a lot to say to each other, but now that there are too many outsiders, they can't help but feel scrupulous.

 Xia Chen called the young prince over, squeezed Wen Shu's hand, and hinted: "Here, your brother, I have raised you well."

 This was an idea that came to him on a whim. The identity of the little prince was a problem. Even if he wanted to adopt him, he could not even get a household registration for the little prince if he was not a relative or acquaintance.

 Fortunately, Wen Shu seems to be doing well now. By giving the two of them the status of brothers, the young prince is considered to have been exposed. He and Wen Shu are lovers, and the young prince is considered his brother.

 By analogy, when you find Ling Ge, it will be Wen Shu's second brother. Although the three of them look nothing alike, at least they are quite good-looking.

 Wen Shu and the little prince looked at each other, with a bit of disgust and reluctance in each other's eyes. However, the little prince knew that Xia Chen was doing it for his own good, while Wen Shu was unwilling to contradict Xia Chen, so they both acquiesced.

 So everyone else in the room thought that these two people were really brothers for no reason. They would not doubt why Xia Chen made up the identity of the young prince, and if he was not his lover's brother, why would Xia Chen bring such a person with him? It doesn't matter what the child is.

 Xia Chen's uncles and aunts are all human beings. At first, Mr. Xia came to the fore. They were not in the same family and it was hard to talk to them, but they had the same desire to have a relationship with Wen Shu. They would quickly seize the opportunity and praise him. Speaking of the little prince, one said he was handsome, the other said he was clever and sensible, or else he said that his elder brother was so capable and his younger brother was no less good, and he would definitely become a hero among people in the future.

 It's a pity that they didn't know the true relationship between the two people. They praised a lot but didn't go to the point, which made the little prince a little unhappy.

 The Cheng family was happily building a relationship, but the Xia family had different ideas. Since Mr. Xia learned about Xia Chen and Wen Shu's relationship and saw the two of them getting along with his own eyes, he confirmed that the master was interested in his grandson. Love is deeply rooted.

 Xia Chen is not the only one of his grandchildren, and he has never been too close to Xia Chen in the past. He only maintained a very ordinary relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. However, accordingly, he has never done anything to make Xia Chen feel disgusted. As long as he is Xia Chen's grandfather, Xia Chen will respect him.

 In this way, his goal was achieved in another way. After all, his son-in-law was much closer than the benefactor who had helped him before.

 However, the relationship in the past was indeed a bit weak. His attitude towards Xia Chen will definitely change after this incident. In the past, Xia Chen was excluded from the selection of the Xia family's heir, but now Mr. Xia has relaxed his mind and wants to exclude Xia Chen. Chen was also included.

 Mr. Xia is sitting on top of the mountain by virtue of his status, but the other three members of the Xia family don't look very good. Xia Chen doesn't even want to answer the phone now, considering how bad his relationship with his father is.

 The father and son were in such a quarrel. Although it was because of Xia Chen's mother's anger, he was his son after all, so he would not really hate each other. The real reason for the quarrel was that Ms. Luo and Xia Qi were there to stir things up in the middle.

 It can be said that there is almost no possibility of reconciliation between Xia Chen and this family of three.

 In this situation, a very capable lover suddenly appeared in Xia Chen. Before Xia Qi and his mother even had time to despise Xia Chen for being gay, they had to face the fact that they had to ask Xia Chen for help.

 Just now, they had used Xia Chen's face to ask Su Ming for help, but they never expected that the relationship between the master and Xia Chen would be like this. Originally, they were trying to induce people, but they knew from Su Ming's expression that they were talking to Xia Chen. Chen wasn't very familiar with him, so it wouldn't be a problem to call him over and promise him a lot of money to get him on his side.

 But now that the master cares about Xia Chen, the three members of the family all look bad.

 Mrs. Xia secretly elbowed Mr. Xia and tilted her eyes towards Mr. Xia, hinting to him to ask Mr. Xia to speak.

 Mr. Xia had a dark face, but he didn't want to ask for help in front of his ex-wife's family and his two sons. Otherwise, wouldn't it look like he was a very disrespectful father who couldn't even surrender to his own son?

 But even if he directly asked Xia Chen to do something, he couldn't say it out loud. He had learned enough about Xia Chen's bad temper, and he would get back at him in a matter of minutes, which made his blood pressure soar.

 It's too late for the Cheng family to please Xia Chen. In addition, they already have old grudges with Xia Chen's father and are happy to see his jokes, so naturally they won't speak for him.

 Mr. Xia's face turned blue and white, and finally Mr. Xia spoke to help him out of this embarrassment: "Xiao Liu, after all, Lao Jiu is your brother. Since this Mr. Wen is your lover, he is one of our own." , please lend a hand and help Lao Jiu."

 Xia Chen is the sixth in the family, so Mr. Xia called him this, not only to remind him of his identity, but also to avoid calling him by his first name too bluntly.

 Xia Chen glanced at Xia Qi, who was looking down and biting her lip, obviously not convinced, and felt funny in her heart.

 Looking at Xia Qi's appearance, one could tell that she had been tortured a lot by the ghosts that had entangled her during this period. But even so, when the old man asked Zi Jian to help him, he still looked humiliated, as if someone was rushing him. .

 In the past, Xia Chen was isolated and helpless, and his father would always take sides. He just had to swallow his anger in order to protect himself. Now that he has such a huge advantage, if he is so obedient and lets Zi Jian take action, he is not a friendly brother, he is out of his mind. .

 So Xia Chen immediately sneered and said to Mr. Xia: "Grandpa, of course I have to listen to you. It's just that I treat him as a younger brother, but he never treats me as an older brother. I usually rely on my father's favoritism and I don't have a mother to protect me." It's okay to bully me. That ghost is so fierce, and my family Zijian is taking risks. In the end, he didn't appreciate it, as if we begged him. I was raised by the Xia family, and I owe the Xia family for their upbringing. Well, I don't owe Zijian!"

 As soon as these words came out, the little prince became furious and said loudly: "Whoever bullies you, I will help you beat him!"

 Wen Shu was filled with murderous intent. If Xia Chen hadn't patted his hand comfortingly in time, Xia Qi might have died by now.

 Even so, Xia Qi's already pale face turned even paler and uglier when she was directly targeted by Wen Shu, who was among the tens of thousands of people fighting. Then there was an abnormal flush on her face, but her spirit was already damaged.

 The couple sitting next to him were also affected, and they looked a little depressed for a while.

 The elders of the two families were well-informed, but they were also shocked and speechless by Wen Shu's sudden burst of murderous intent. They didn't know how they could develop such murderous intent that seemed to have killed tens of millions of people in this peaceful era.

 Shocked, the two of them strengthened their previous thoughts. Even if they couldn't win over Wen Shu, they would definitely not offend him.

 Fortunately, with Xia Chen here, they have a natural advantage. Mr. Cheng quickly expressed his position and pretended to be angry: "You child has been wronged and you don't even mention it. With grandpa here, let me see who dares to bully you without a mother to protect you!"

 Xia Chen's uncle and aunt Cheng Wenyan, who were present, expressed their opinions one after another, saying that they supported him. In fact, they were not unaware of Xia Chen's situation in the past, and they had never seen anyone take care of it.

 However, as they talked, Xia Chen listened. This world was different from the world he traveled through. A society ruled by law, and force could not be used casually. Generally speaking, he and the Cheng family had no grudges. If they were willing to show kindness, then Xia Chen then said, there is no need to embarrass both parties by bringing up old stories at this time. In the past, the Cheng family ignored him, in the final analysis, it was because he had no value.

 The Cheng family took the initiative to support Xia Chen, and Mr. Xia was not willing to be outdone. He gave Xia Chen's father a good beating in front of everyone, and even Mrs. Being scolded like this in front of the Cheng family was no different than ripping off their faces and trampling them on the ground.

 Cheng Wenyan's mother, who had just had a fight with Mrs. Xia, was even more jealous, saying that the mistress was not particular about being in a high position, and that the stepmother was cruel and could not tolerate her stepson.

 This is a slap in the heart. Mrs. Xia hates people mentioning the word mistress. After all, when she and Xia Chen's father were together, Xia Chen's parents had not yet divorced.

 Suddenly, Mrs. Xia's cheeks turned red with anger and she couldn't hold back her tears. She wished she could faint immediately so she wouldn't have to face this embarrassing scene.

 Mr. Xia's face was livid. He cared about face more than his wife, and he was especially unwilling to bow to his ex-wife's family.

 He usually acted like a father to Xia Chen, but now he was being trained like a grandson by his own father. He gritted his teeth and almost threw up his sleeves and left.

 This was not over yet. Mr. Xia also asked them to apologize to Xia Chen and asked Xia Qi to beg Xia Chen herself.

 The whole family was furious. Mr. Xia had already stood up angrily, but Mr. Xia stopped him with one sentence: "If you leave today, you can handle Xia Qi's affairs by yourself. I won't give up my life for you with my old face." Second time."

 Mr. Xia could see clearly that if he wanted to win over Xia Chen, he had to first get rid of the anger he had suffered in the Xia family over the years. Otherwise, he would have a grudge and not be able to get close to the Xia family no matter what.

 He still had something to say, and he had more than just one son. Although he was the most promising at present, he could still raise a grandson. Anyway, he was still in good health and could live for more than ten years.

 Mr. Xia was not very kind to Xia Chen, his son, but he was really nice to Xia Qi. He was so embarrassed and angry that he managed to endure it. He gritted his teeth and lowered his head to Xia Chen, saying sorry to his son.

 This scene seems a bit ridiculous. When the father bows his head and admits his mistake to his son, but thinking about the things he did in the past, he just ignores Xia Chen. Whenever Xia Chen and Xia Qi have a conflict, he will definitely be aggressive towards Xia Chen. She scolded him, saying that he didn't have the bearing to be an elder brother, that he was careless and petty, just like his mother.

 It would be okay if Xia Qi had the upper hand. Occasionally, Xia Chen would fight back and Xia Qi would suffer. There were quite a few such things. You know, Xia Chen was not yet an adult at that time.

 It is precisely because of this that Xia Chen moved out as soon as he came of age. Since then, he has basically not interacted with this family of three. They are the family and he is an outsider.

 Even though Xia Chen always thought that he had given up on his father, and after traveling through a lifetime, those old grudges seemed to be far away.

 But I have to say that at this moment, his heart was extremely happy. Only then did he realize that he had never let go of himself in this life. His stepmother and younger brother were both outsiders. No matter how much they did, Xia Chen would only hate that he would never have such a happy life. Many other emotions.

 But he is also his father's child. Why can a father be so partial?

 Xia Chen is no longer the helpless child who looked forward to his father's love when he was a child. Although the environment in the time he traveled through was not very good, he was extremely emotionally fulfilling. Master Xia's selfless father's love gradually made the scars in Xia Chen's heart fade away. It was not his fault that he recovered and was not liked by his father.

 At this moment, Xia Chen felt relieved. His father was only one person, Mr. Xia. As for the man in front of him, he was just a stranger who was related to him by blood.

 Others didn't know Xia Chen's change in mood at this moment. Only Wen Shu vaguely noticed it and looked over with a little worry. Xia Chen smiled back at him.

 After Mr. Xia apologized, Xia Chen didn't say any polite words to smooth things over for him. He just nodded calmly to express his acceptance.

 Mr. Xia was so angry at his attitude that he raised his head and was about to speak, but was shocked by Xia Chen's calm eyes.

 There was no emotion in Xia Chen's eyes. When his son looked at him, he seemed to be looking at a stranger.

 In a daze, Mr. Xia remembered for some reason that when Xia Chen was a child, he would timidly come over to him, hold his legs and call him daddy. Although he hated his ex-wife, he also didn't like this person who looked like his ex-wife. Xia Chen is a son, but Xia Chen is really well-behaved. Sometimes when he is in a good mood, he will hold him and coax him for a while.

 But what happened next? The younger son was born. Xia Qi looked like him, her facial features were like a smaller version of his. Her temper was not as good as Xia Chen's, and she was very domineering at a young age.

 But what's wrong with being domineering? The children of his Xia family are born to be the pride of heaven and will definitely have a bright future. In comparison, the eldest son seems too weak, like a little girl.

 After that, the divorce between him and his ex-wife came to a head. Xia Chen was taken to live in his old house for a while. After he was old enough, he was sent directly to boarding school.

 When he came back, he no longer liked to be close to him like he did when he was a child, and the admiration in his eyes was deep enough. However, his temper was much tougher than when he was a child, and he was not as obedient as before, and he always got into trouble with his younger brother. contradiction.

 I don't know since when, the relationship between him and his son has become worse and worse, and they always get into trouble when they meet. When Xia Chen looks at him again, there is grievance and resentment in his eyes.

 But now, all these grievances and resentments have disappeared completely. Mr. Xia felt lost and looked at Xia Chen blankly. There was a voice in his heart telling him that he seemed to have lost something.

 At this time, Mrs. Xia and Xia Qi also held back their shame and anger and apologized to Xia Chen. They wanted to just leave, but Mr. Xia was still watching.

 Mrs. Xia couldn't do anything else, but it was good to try to figure out the thoughts of the people she couldn't afford to offend. Although the old man didn't show it, she knew that if she left directly against the old man's wishes today, it would not only be the ghost lingering on her son that could not be solved.

 They have embarrassed the old man, and the old man can make them lose face again.

 I have to say that Mr. Xia really pleased Xia Chen with this move. It was so comfortable to see his former enemy bow his head and apologize in front of him, gritting his teeth and hating him so much that he could only endure it.

 He still had to solve the ghost that was haunting Xia Qi. After all, his grandfather came forward in person. If he didn't agree, he would be insulting the old man's face, which would be equivalent to pushing people to Xia Qi's side.

 Moreover, if Xia Qi is really driven to a dead end, it is too difficult to predict what a crazy person will do. In a legal society, he cannot kill people directly.

 However, Xia Chen would not agree easily. He asked Wen Shu for this matter, forcing the three of them to beg Wen Shu for a long time.

 Wen Shu shared his feelings, and after dragging Xia Chen through the drama, he reluctantly agreed to take action.

 This move was definitely not for nothing. Xia Chen asked his uncle: "I wonder if cousin Wenyan asked Zijian to take action, how much would he be paid?"

 His eldest uncle was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly and doubled the money he paid. His eldest aunt quickly said: "There is also an antique vase that dad bought for more than two million yuan."

 Mr. Xia really couldn't come up with such cash, so he had to transfer part of it to Xia Chen first. The rest was guaranteed by Mr. Xia, so he didn't dare to default on the debt.  

He asked simply: "Check or bank transfer?" as if he wanted to collect the money first and then do the work. 

 Xia Chen didn't care whether they felt bad or not, he could take a bite from their hand and make him feel refreshed. 

 "But this" Mrs. Xia deliberately stopped her. Although her husband held an important position in the Xia Group, the old man had not retired after all. Most of the shares were in his hands, and their family only received a little dividend. Money means money, but liquid assets Not much. For such a big sum of money, I might have to sell a house to cash out. 

 She opened her eyes and told lies. Mrs. Xia was so angry that she almost quarreled with her. Mr. Xia said sternly: "Okay, I'll pay for it." 

 Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his eldest aunt: "That's right, who is not a relative anymore? Our Wenyan is still Xia Chen's cousin. We have been friends since childhood, and our Wenyan has never Will bully brothers." 

 She tried to bargain with Xia Chen: "After all, he is your brother" 

 Just hearing this quotation, the pain on Mrs. Xia's face could no longer be concealed. She looked at Mr. Xia. The old man's eyes were slightly closed and motionless, as if he hadn't heard anything. He obviously didn't intend to pay them this money.  

The Cheng family was already at odds with the Xia family. Now, in order to gain favor with Xia Chen, they worked together to trick the Xia family. The Cheng family has contributed so much money, shouldn't the Xia family contribute? Is the Xia family poorer than the Cheng family, or is Xia Qi's life not worth so much? 

 Xia Chen pursed his lips to hold back a smile. Why didn't he know that Zi Jian also liked antique vases? Whatever he took out of his space was not an antique. 

 Mr. Cheng also nodded seriously and said: "If Master Wen hadn't liked it, Mr. I would have been reluctant to part with him, but who could have saved my grandson's life? The Cheng family can't afford this amount of money." ."

 Uncle: "Yes, there is also a vase worth two million."

Chapter 244 Extra 2 (11)

Mrs. Xia had always regarded Xia Chen as a thorn in her side, and regarded everything in the Xia family as belonging to Xia Qi. Now Xia Chen took the opportunity to ask for such a large sum of money in one go. It was like cutting her flesh, and she felt heartbroken. Breathe in straight.

 Xia Chen was quite happy. Now that he had collected the money, it was time to get started.

 He and Wen Shu had been getting along for a long time, and they could understand each other's meaning with just one glance. He had long known that the so-called ghost was no match for him, so he felt free to let him use it at this time.

 Su Ming watched a big show, and the big brother didn't say anything. Naturally, he didn't dare to interrupt. When he saw that the big brother was about to take action, the little Taoist quickly came over and asked diligently: "Big brother, what do you need me to do?" ?"

 Wen Shu nodded, and Su Ming was happy, thinking that he could finally help the boss and learn some real skills, so he heard him say: "Stay aside and stay out of the way."

 Su Ming: ""

 Xia Chen: "Pfft."

 He turned his head and suppressed his laughter, and followed the sad Su Ming to the side, but was grabbed by Wen Shu: "Where are you going?"

 Xia Chen: "Stay aside."

 Wen Shu pulled him back to her and said, "Stand next to me, I am the safest."

 Before Su Ming had gone far, his face suddenly wrinkled up with soreness after hearing this, and he was sipping lemons in his heart.

 Wen Shu had just met Xia Chen. He had a lot to say and couldn't bear to stay here longer.

 He called Xia Qi in front of him and was about to take action quickly. Xia Chen thought of something and quickly stopped him: "Wait a minute."

 Mrs. Xia was anxious, fearing that something might happen again, so she hurriedly said: "What are you waiting for? We paid for it."

 Xia Chen glanced at her and sneered: "After we collected the money, we will not fail to do things, but we must make it clear first. We have caught the ghost this time. If anything happens to Xia Qi in the future, don't rely on us. On the head."

 Mrs. Xia's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

 "It means that I don't trust your character." Xia Chen said bluntly: "My Zijian is only responsible for catching ghosts, but the ghost has been pestering him for so long. If there are any sequelae or something, then we don't care."

 "What? Are there any sequelae?" Mrs. Xia looked anxious and said indiscriminately: "If you charge so much money and you can't do anything good, you are blackmailing!"

 Without saying a word, Xia Chen took out his mobile phone: "Okay, I'll give you the money back. We won't take care of this matter. Don't catch the culprit today and be falsely accused tomorrow."

 "Xiao Liu, don't pay attention to this person who can't carry it clearly. Let Master Wen do what you want."

 After saying that, he scolded Mr. Xia again: "If you can't control your wife anymore, you and your wife will get out of here together!"

 Mr. Xia must have suffered too much of a shock. He was a little stunned at the moment. He showed no reaction after being trained. He asked Xia Chen with a pale face: "What will be the sequelae?"

 Xia Chen looked at Wen Shu, and Wen Shu said calmly: "When Yin Qi enters the body, it is inevitable to be weak and sick for a period of time, weak and afraid of colds. You and those of you who have had a lot of contact with him are also infected with Yin Qi and have the same sequelae. But the situation will be a bit lighter than his own."

 As soon as these words came out, the other three members of the Xia family looked unhappy. They all recalled their physical condition during this period, and it seemed that they were indeed not as healthy as usual.

 Especially Mr. Xia. Although he has not been in contact with Xia Qi that long, he is old and cannot withstand this kind of consumption. Wen Shu said that the sequelae are not a big deal in other people, but the physical damage to the old man is not a big deal. Small.

 Immediately, I felt a bit disgusted with Xia Qi, my grandson. I felt that he had been taught a bad way and just caused trouble outside. He also implicated his family members. His thoughts on appointing Mr. Son, no matter how well Mr. Xia manages the Xia family, there will still be problems if it is passed to Xia Qi.

 "Is there a way to solve it?" This time it was Mr. Xia who asked.

 Wen Shu glanced at Xia Chen and when he nodded, he said, "Yes, find someone who can remove the yin energy to remove it for you."

 "Master Wen can help?" Mr. Xia said sincerely: "As long as Master Wen can help us solve the sequelae, my Xia family will be richly rewarded."

 He figured out that his grandson's elbow was turned outward and he was helping Wen Shu get money from the Xia family, so he decided not to talk to Xia Chen this time, so as not to offend them.

 Mr. Cheng also echoed: "Yes, so does our Cheng family."

 Wen Shu shook his head unceremoniously, telling lies as he spoke confidently: "I don't know how, I can only catch ghosts."

 In fact, Yin Qi is just a type of alien energy, and the bit left on a person's body after being haunted by ghosts is very weak. Although he does not have Xuanmen's means to eliminate Yin Qi, there is no problem in directly absorbing the Yin Qi. Anyway, this Not only are the gadgets harmless to him, but they can also improve his cultivation, but there are too few of them, and they are basically useless.

 He didn't agree, it was purely intentional. His lover had suffered at their hands, so he couldn't do it directly. Shouldn't he let them learn a lesson?

 The two old men were both disappointed, and even more angry at their grandson who failed to live up to expectations.

 Xia Chen asked Su Ming for some cow tears and asked the Xia family, especially Mrs. Xia, to put it on her face. She had to let her witness Wen Shugui's process with her own eyes, lest this woman refuse to admit her guilt and cause trouble.

 After spending so much effort in the past, Wen Shu's process of catching ghosts was very fast.

 Originally, it was broad daylight, and the ghost would not directly possess Xia Qi, nor would it appear directly, but it had left its own Yin energy mark and would appear directly at night.

 Wen Shu directly followed the Yin Qi mark left by the ghost and pulled it over forcefully.

 In principle, ghosts and the yin marks left by them are all yin energy. As a non-transforming bone, Wen Shu's body contains the best yin energy. Not only can he control the energy in his body, , and can also manipulate these low-level energies arbitrarily, and it is particularly easy.

 This ghost was waiting for darkness somewhere. Suddenly his vision turned dark and he changed places.

 Before it could react, it quickly tightened its neck and was pinched by a big hand. The soul body actually felt a suffocation feeling that it had never experienced since becoming a ghost.

 And it can't run away at all. You must know that ghosts are energy collections and have no real form. They can penetrate walls. However, they can't break away from this hand and can't change it.

 Not only did the ghost not react, but other people present also didn't react. It seemed like they just blinked, and with one move, Wen pulled out a translucent ghost out of nowhere. It looked so ugly that they didn't even have time to be afraid. Frightened, the ugly ghost had his neck pinched and looked like he was about to die.

 The Cheng family looked even more suspicious of life. Although Wen Shu also took action to catch the ghost of Cheng Wenyan last time, before he came, Su Ming was chased all over the house and even the rest of the Cheng family fainted. Got two.

 They even began to wonder, could it be that the ghost in Xia Qi was not very powerful?

 Only Su Ming, who knew Wen Shu's strength, wasn't too surprised. He called the boss "666" with special approval, and then cleverly offered the ghost box and put the ghost in it.

 After finishing the work, Wen Shu said goodbye directly and wanted to leave. The Cheng family wanted to stay, but he insisted on leaving. They could only say goodbye with regret and told Xia Chen repeatedly to come back to the old house to visit more often.

 Mr. Xia was blowing his beard and glaring at the side. It was clear that Xia Chen's surname was Xia and he was the grandson of his Xia family. This shameless surname was Cheng, making it seem like they were closer to Xia Chen.

 But he was not in the mood to talk about it now. The two families were pestering Su Ming. Since Wen Shu couldn't solve the sequelae, they wanted to start with Su Ming. Even if he couldn't solve it, they could still save him. Isn't that what Wen Shu did? I was called here.

 Originally, the Cheng family planned to arrange for a driver to take them off, but even Xia Chen didn't expect that his Zijian would drive here by himself, and it was a new car.

 Wen Shu briefly talked about his experience during this period. He learned to drive when he was in the Huang family's old house. He was good at learning skills, otherwise he would not be proficient in so many weapons. Driving requires a little physical coordination. Technology is really not difficult for Wen Shu.

 After he finished studying, he heard that he still needed to take the exam, so he asked Mr. Huang to help him make arrangements. The urban management in the small county was not so strict. He either applied for a fake certificate or condensed the exam time so that there was no waiting between each subject. So long.

 As for the car, he bought it today. He found that buying a car was more convenient than buying a house, and since he needed to find someone, he planned to buy one and drive it first.

 When Su Ming called, he had just picked up the car and was about to leave. When he heard that Xia Chen had been found, he got in the car and left, leaving even Mr. Huang, the little follower, in the 4S shop.

 The little prince listened with great interest. He was also very interested in cars. Hearing this, he asked Xia Chen to buy him one too.

 Xia Chen laughed and said: "That's not possible. You can only take the driver's license test when you are eighteen years old. You cannot drive without a license."

 The little prince said angrily: "I have already passed the age of eighteen!"

 Xia Chen glanced at the little prince who still had baby fat on his face and had no time to draw a strip, and said sympathetically: "No, the traffic police uncle won't believe that you are eighteen years old, you will be arrested." 

 If there is someone who can't wait and wants to find him later, he won't mind taking action if the price is right. If you can't reach an agreement, just wait. Anyway, no one will die in a while. 

 Su Ming had already reported the appearance of so many high-level ghosts at once this time, but the few experts at Xuanmen who could take care of the matter were temporarily unable to free their hands. Before anyone could come over, it was only then that Let Wen Shu take the lead and make two huge profits.  

Wen Shu said nonchalantly: "They may not be willing to find me. Su Ming and the others want much lower remuneration than me."  

He had long seen that his grandfather and grandpa wanted to win over Zi Jian. In this case, they had to do something.  

Most of the people who hang out with Cheng Wenyan and the others have similar family backgrounds, but they can also be distinguished. Cheng Wenyan and Xia Qi are the leaders of their respective factions, and no two families can compare with the Xia family and the Cheng family. .  

Finally talking about what happened this time, Xia Chen said: "They made too much noise this time. There will definitely be other families coming to you to catch ghosts. If you want to help, just help. If you don't want to, forget it. I'll go talk to my grandpa and grandpa." . "

 Moreover, Ling Ge has been working at the bottom since he was a child, and his insight is not comparable to that of ordinary people. To a certain extent, the safety protection measures for human beings in this world are quite adequate.  

Wen Shu looked calm: "What are you afraid of? You don't know his identity. Who can make him suffer."  

When it came to looking for them, Xia Chen said worriedly: "I don't know where the spiritual song is, there is no news at all." 

 As he talked and recalled, his already faded memory became clearer. 

 After that, Xia Chen took Wen Shu back to his home, and the two had a detailed exchange of their previous experiences. Wen Shu talked about his specific situation during this period, and Xia Chen also explained his life background in detail. Chu.  

He Tong carefully put away the talisman and did not ask Xia Chen to give her two more. Although she was young, she was not ignorant. Her mother was very good to her, but she did not fulfill her mother's duty to her brother. Responsibility, so she can't ask her brother to treat her family like she does.  

He just asked Wen Shu that these talismans are useful. He didn't know it before. Now that he knows that there are ghosts and other creatures in this world, giving him an evil talisman will give him a buffer in case anything happens in the future. 

 Xia Chen took out the evil-proofing talisman and gave it to He Tong, and warned: "Keep this with you and don't give it to others." 

 "I'm not only cruel, I'm ruthless."  

He Tong was so frightened by the scene he described that he trembled and said dissatisfied: "Brother, you are too cruel."

 Xia Chen: "You can see what happened this time. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, avoid it. Don't imitate Cheng Wenyan and seek death. Otherwise, I will ask Zi Jian to catch a ghost and put it beside your bed. See enough."  

​And these two people are so good-looking, they are a hundred times more delicious than her cp!  

He Tong's eyes rolled back and forth between her brother and her husband several times, wishing she could cover her face and scream. They were such a perfect match. They were cold to the outside but doting and doting to the inside. Her brother's personality was a bit hard to define, but this She looked so pampered and arrogant that her biological sister had never seen her before. 

 He Tong immediately looked at Wen Shu, who smiled and said, "I listen to your brother."  

Xia Chen pinched her face angrily: "You're disobedient, aren't you? See if you call him something else, he shouldn't respond."  

The little girl born in 2000 was disgusted: "This is too vulgar."  

Xia Chen thought for a while and said, "Let's call him brother. Wen Shu is older than me, so from now on I will call him brother." 

 He Tong covered his forehead and curled his lips and said, "I'm my brother's husband. Otherwise, what did you say I called him?"  

He was dumbfounded and slapped the little girl so hard that she lost her head, and said angrily: "What kind of nonsense is this?"  

Xia Chen: "" 

 At Cheng's house just now, this little girl was hiding on the second floor and peeking. Without Xia Chen's introduction, she already shouted to Wen Shu with shining eyes: "Brother!"  

He Tong knocked on the car window, and Xia Chen asked Wen Shu to get out of the car together, and introduced him: "This is my sister He Tong."  

After leaving the surveillance area outside the Cheng family gate, Xia Chen asked Wen Shu to stop the car. They talked for a while in the car, and then a little girl caught up with him.

 The little prince: ""I'm so angry!

 Xia Chen sighed and said: "It's a pity that my magic book is gone, otherwise I could catch ghosts with you."

 The money came really fast. With Zi Jian here, the danger was almost non-existent. Most people are still afraid of ghosts. He had seen too many of the terrifying and ferocious faces of zombies in their early stages. He had also been to the battlefield several times, so he had developed his courage.

 "How about trying the Taoist method?" Wen Shu said.

 Xia Chen's heart was moved, and he hesitated: "Is it okay? At first I wanted to become Master Xu, but he said I was not suitable."

 Wen Shu raised the corner of his mouth disdainfully, obviously not taking the old Taoist priest's words seriously: "You will know if you can give it a try."

 "How to try?" Xia Chen looked regretful: "I should have asked Xiaoniao about it from the beginning."

 "Ask him what to do, and I'll teach you." Even though they were a world apart, Wen Shu didn't like Xia Chen bringing Xu He here.

 "You know how?" Xia Chen was really surprised: "How come you know everything!"

 The other acrobatics are okay, but Zi Jian can't turn into bones, and he can actually practice Taoist cultivation methods.

Chapter 245 Extra 2 (12)

When he learned the news about Ling Ge, Xia Chen had already begun to learn Taoism. Wen Shu was bored in his previous life and read many Taoist scriptures from Xu Laodao, who had become immortal, and learned about the most orthodox cultivation methods of Taoism.

 He cannot learn the Tao without turning into bones, but this does not prevent him from remembering it clearly.

 He naturally tried his best to teach Xia Chen. Xia Chen's Taoist talent was probably not as good as Xu Helai's Taoist genius, but he was not above average. With Wen Shu's careful guidance, it didn't take long for him to get started.

 Later, in order to let him practice his skills, Wen Shu specially took on a few small jobs. After the ghost haunting incident, Wen Shu came into Xuanmen's sight. With his consent, he became a half-staff member of Xuanmen organization and could pass Xuanmen's unique app to receive tasks is not subject to Xuanmen's control, but you cannot enjoy the corresponding benefits.

 Cultivation resources are scarce in this world, and many casual cultivators are greedy for Xuanmen's official cultivation resources and voluntarily sell themselves.

 There are many good things in Wen Shu Gourd Baby, but he doesn't like those things at all. Besides, his cultivation method is different, and he will not give up his freedom for a few resources.

 Originally, he didn't even want to be such a non-staff member, but in order to help Xia Chen practice Taoism, he reluctantly accepted Xuanmen's invitation.

 Xia Chen had just gone out with Wen Shu that day and caught a little kid with no skills. After finishing the incident, he found that he had received several messages. When he opened them, he found that they were the two marketing accounts he had been looking for several months ago.

 Because there had been no movement for so long, he had almost forgotten his original plan to find someone. After so long, he suddenly received a reply.

 Xia Chen followed the reminder from the marketing account and opened Weibo. He first checked their Weibo account and found that there were many young fans claiming spiritual songs under the two pictures.

 [Fairy lady! The charm of Zaizai is completely depicted. ]

 [This red eye is so cute to me. I wonder when Zaizai cosplayed it. Does anyone have a video of it? Want to see. ]

 [Want to see 1]

 [The little brother in the other picture is also very good-looking. Who knows his name? ]

 [I feel that Zaizai's clothes are better looking than the costumes in "xxxx"! ]


 Ten minutes later, Xia Chen and Prince Wen Shu sat in rows on the sofa, falling silent while watching spiritual songs on TV.

 Li Chengze, a new generation of Internet-addicted boy who has long since learned to play games on the Internet, opened Weibo and searched the Weibo of the new actor Ling Ge. He exclaimed: "It's amazing, he has more than 500,000 followers." ."

 "I told you earlier, don't worry about him, he should be very happy now." Wen Shu said calmly.

 Xia Chen thought about it. Ling Ge was originally a lunatic in drama. No one had ever accompanied him to watch him perform before. He could play several roles by himself, and he could even cry in front of a stone.

 The stars in this world have money and status, so it is suitable for Ling Ge to play. The show on TV is a costume drama, Ling Ge is just a male number in it, but even a layman like Xia Chen can tell that he is in the drama. It's brilliant.

 Not only his looks, but also his acting skills have a strong ability to empathize and easily bring the audience into the show.

 "We still can't ignore him. We have to contact him first and communicate the situation." The four of them have a common secret and are a natural gathering.

 Now that there is no contact information for Ling Ge, Xia Chen can only send him a private message on Weibo, leaving his name so that he can see and contact him.

 He might not be responsible for Ling Ge's Weibo. Xia Chen waited for two days and didn't get a reply. Instead, he came to see him with other matters.

 Jing Ye called Xia Chen and told him thiefly: "I suspect that my brother is hiding a darling in the golden house. I want to catch someone raping someone. You can come with me!"

 Xia Chen said speechlessly: "You are too idle. Your brother is single. It is not normal to fall in love. Why are you going to catch a rapist? Bah, is this called catching a rapist? Do you know how to use words? Your brother is sure I will beat you out. Besides, why do you ask me to do such a thing?"

 Jing Ye said confidently: "I just knew that my brother would beat me up, so I brought you with me. If you can, help me block it. My brother is too embarrassed to fight with you."

 Xia Chen: "" I really don't understand what this kind of behavior of seeking death is for.

 Even though he really didn't want to go, he was persuaded in the end out of nowhere. It might be that he was annoyed by Jing Ye, or it might be Xia Chen's last kindness to his brother that made him want to collect Jing Ye's body.

 Xia Chen originally didn't want to take Wen Shu with him when it involved other people's private matters, but Jing Ye took the initiative and asked Wen Shu to go with him. He had seen Wen Shu's skills by chance, and then he shouted like a big brother and asked Xia Chen to go with him. Chen must not have any fancy thoughts, otherwise Wen Shu won't be able to beat him with two punches.

 Xia Chen sneered at this. He was not a playboy like Jing Ye, and it was impossible for Zi Jian to take action against him.

 Speaking of which, when Jing Ye heard that Wen Shu was willing to go, he said enthusiastically: "With big brother here, my brother will definitely not be able to hit me this time!"

 Jing Ye drove them directly to the apartment where Jing Yang lived, which was close to the company. Jing Yang usually lived here, and would go back to the Jing family's old house for a day or two during weekends or holidays.

 "He used to go home almost every week, usually on Saturdays, sleep one night and come back the next day. But in the past few months, he would go back for a meal and then leave. Sometimes he wouldn't go back for ten days and a half. ."

 Although Jing Ye has grown up, he is too promiscuous. His parents and brother don't trust him living alone outside, and are afraid that one day he will overindulge and kill himself, so he is still with his father. Mom lives in the old house.

 "He said he was busy with work, liar!" Jing Ye said indignantly: "I asked Duo'er and Xiaoyun, he ran away as soon as he got off work, and sometimes he would arrive late and leave early, if he hadn't known that he had not been transferred , I even suspect that my brother has been replaced by a different person."

 Xia Chen's focus was distorted: "Who are Duo'er and Xiaoyun?"

 Jing Ye: "I don't know how many girlfriends I had before, all of them were from my brother's company."

 Xia Chen: "Your brother has such a good temper." I won't even beat you to death.

 "Nonsense, you still don't know about my brother's violent temper, even my dad beat me that hard."

 Jing Ye was indignant: "I'm always said to be indiscreet and live like a monk. Who would believe that he is the president of an entertainment company? He doesn't even know unspoken rules! If I were like him, our family would Isn't it true that I have to be the last to have a descendant? I shoulder the heavy responsibility of carrying on the family lineage of our old Jing family!"

 There were so many flaws that he didn't know where to complain. Xia Chen held it in for a while and said speechlessly: "Then you are quite proud."

 "That's right." Jing Ye looked proud.

 "How did you know that your brother has someone he likes?" Xia Chen asked.

 Jing Ye suddenly had a confused expression on his face: "I have seen my brother holding his cell phone several times and not knowing who to send a message to, and the expression on his face was so confused. Really, how do you say that word, with a smile on his face, I always thought This kind of word is absolutely impossible to associate with my brother's coffin face, but reality slapped me in the face."

 Although Xia Chen wasn't particularly familiar with Jing Yang, they had plenty of contact with each other. After all, he had such a close relationship with Jing Ye.

 Hearing what Jing Ye said, he imagined Jing Yang's smiling face, but found that he couldn't imagine it! He seemed to have never seen Mr. Jing smile very often. At most, he curled his lips to show gentleness and politeness. Even this kind of moment was rare.

 Xia Chen, who had no interest in it at first, suddenly wanted to see what kind of person he was that could touch the stone heart of Young Master Jing.

 We chatted all the way and found out that the community where Jingyang lived had strict access control, but Jingye's car had been registered and was immediately let through.

 "What to do now?" Xia Chen asked.

 Jing Ye proudly took out the elevator card and shook it: "I stole it from home. Let's go straight to Huanglong!"

 Xia Chen no longer wanted to comment on his messy use of words. He hesitated: "It wouldn't be good to go in directly, right?"

 Jing Ye said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? We are not sneaking in to pick the lock. I went to my brother's house openly. What's the problem?"

 He insisted on having his own way, so Xia Chen had to follow him upstairs in silence and watch him poke and poke in front of the combination lock.

 Wen Shu, who had been silent until now, suddenly frowned and whispered to Xia Chen: "The spiritual songs are inside."

 Xia Chen: "???"

 "Are you serious?" Xia Chen looked surprised.

 Jing Ye had already opened the combination lock and waved to Xia Chen with a stern look, asking him to follow him in.

 Xia Chen was thinking about the spiritual song and followed him without saying a word. Wen Shu hesitated for a moment and followed him in without holding him back.

 Turning around the entrance hall, there was the spacious living room. Jing Yang took the lead, but he suddenly stopped after taking two steps, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

 Xia Chen and Wen Shu followed closely and took a clear look. Wen Shu was quite calm. Xia Chen was stunned for a moment, then turned his head in embarrassment and pulled Wen Shu back.

 In the living room, the tall Jing Yang was pressing Ling Ge on the sofa and kissing him. The two were obviously in a state of passion. Ling Ge's shirt was unbuttoned, leaving only one sleeve hanging on his shoulder, revealing The skin of his fair and thin upper body was dotted with red marks.

 Jingyang's back was turned to them, and because he was all focused on Ling Ge, he even ignored the sound of the password lock opening. It wasn't until Ling Ge gave him a hard push that he saw his younger brother and the entrance hall standing not far away. A figure flashes by.

 Jing Yang's face suddenly darkened, he pulled the blanket aside and wrapped Ling Ge around him, then kicked Jing Ye: "Get out!"

 Jing Ye didn't even bother to cry out in pain, keeping a dazed expression, and crawled out the door, still looking like he couldn't recover.

 "Brother, I just thought I saw my brother in love with a guy," Jing Ye said in a flirtatious tone.

 Xia Chen: "I think you haven't been beaten enough."

 Jing Ye ignored his words and murmured to himself: "My brother actually knows how to love relatives, and he is so fierce. Damn it, I always thought he was asexual. He has been married to his job all his life, and he actually knows how to love relatives!" 

  If he had known that he would encounter this scene, he would not have dared to come even if he had only two courages!  

Jing Ye's face collapsed: "I just made a random guess! I thought he was an old virgin who was horny and horny. I came to his house to look for evidence. I also gave him some pocket money and asked him to unfreeze my card. Who the hell would want to get it?" Old virgins are so excited when they start having sex, and they did it in the living room in broad daylight. Isn't this some kind of daytime prostitution?"

 Xia Chen looked at his good buddy with caring eyes: "Didn't you say that your brother is hiding in the golden house, and you came to arrest him?"

Chapter 246 Extra 2 (13)

"Hey, what's wrong with your eyes? They're twitching."

 Before he finished his sentence, Jing Ye, whose body reacted faster than his brain, had already taken out his legs and was about to escape. Unfortunately, it was too late. Jing Yang came out of the house with a black face and kicked him to the ground. .

 "Brother, brother, I was wrong, brother! Don't slap me in the face!"

 Jing Ye really pissed off Jing Yang this time. He was hit with a blaster, causing him to scream: "Xia Chen! Brother, help! Brother, Uncle Wen, save my life!"

 This time Xia Chen couldn't be saved. He quickly took two steps back to show that he had no intention of interfering. He avoided Jing Yang's dark gaze and allowed Jing Ye to be beaten with a black nose and a swollen face.

 In the end, what stopped Jing Yang was not his scumbag brother holding his thigh and crying and repenting, but the spiritual song that came out of the house.

 Ling Ge didn't say much, but as soon as Jing Yang saw him coming out, he immediately stopped his hand and blocked Jing Ye, who was beaten miserably and lying on the ground, as if he was afraid that his beating would scare Ling Ge.

 Although his face was ugly, his tone could not hide his gentleness: "Why are you out? Nothing happens. You go back first. I will be back with you in a while."

 This is too different a treatment! Jing Ye suddenly felt that the injuries on his body were even more painful.

 Ling Ge had already changed into clean and tidy clothes and was standing quietly by the door, looking well-behaved.

 Xia Chen hesitated to speak, but Wen Shu had already laughed out loud. There was actually a human coaxing Ling Ge like a little white rabbit, and his eyes were probably just decorations.

 Jing Yang was protecting Ling Ge as if he was protecting someone else. When he heard Wen Shu's unkind laughter, he looked repulsive and wary: "Who are you? This is my home, please leave."

 Wen Shu was not a good-tempered person. He ignored others who praised and respected him, not to mention Jing Yang's attitude. He immediately sneered and was about to cause trouble.

 Xia Chen quickly grabbed him, and what was even more anxious about Ling Ge was that he instantly stepped in front of Jing Yang and stood between him and Wen Shu, protecting Jing Yang behind him.

 Jingyang was stunned for a moment, and Ling Ge said anxiously: "Brother, they are my friends. Can I talk to them alone?"

 "Friend? But you are not"

 Jing Yang hesitated to speak, wasn't the spiritual song from ancient times? Where are the friends? One of them is a friend of his younger brother.

 Did they meet during the filming of the spiritual song? That's not right, we didn't shoot for a few days in total, and Ling Ge is very well-behaved. He will tell him everything and everyone he meets every day. If he makes new friends, he will definitely not hide it from him.

 "Brother, I'll just chat with them for a while." Lingge didn't expect to see Xia Chen and Wen Shu in this strange world. He hadn't figured out the situation yet, so naturally he had to chat first.

 "You won't let me accompany you?"

 Jingyang was a little worried. Lingge nodded. Looking into Lingge's pleading eyes, Jingyang suppressed all doubts and said unhappily, "You guys go to the study, I'll be outside. What's the matter?" Call me."

 After all, Xia Chen was here. Although he was worried about the stranger, Xia Chen's character was still trustworthy.

 Ling Ge brought Wen Shu and Xia Chen into Jing Yang's study. Jing Yang also took Jing Ye by his back collar and dragged him into the house, then threw him away.

 Jing Ye was lying on the floor, his eyes blank, as if he had been hit hard: "Brother, you actually let him call you brother, brother, you are sleeping, Jingyang, you are not a human being"

 Jingyang's face turned red when he was poked in a painful spot.

 He raised Ling Ge at first, just because he picked him up, and Ling Ge was too well-behaved, so he felt an inexplicable sense of responsibility.

 Later, after raising him, he got a taste for it, and he couldn't bear to let it go, so he thought that Ling Ge had no father or mother in this world anyway. If he was willing, he could let his parents recognize him as a godson in the future, and Ling Ge would be his brother, so he asked Ling Ge. Song calls him brother.

 Ling Ge is really much better behaved than his biological brother who is a debt collector. He calls him brother obediently and keeps repeating the same sound, which makes Tian's heart soften.

 Later, it was true that he was a beast and was not a human being. He gradually fell in love with spiritual songs without realizing it. Until when he was taking spiritual songs out, he met another girl and asked him for her contact information. At that time, he became very irritable and felt even more sour and difficult in his heart. Then he lost his temper, like a tyrannosaurus being coveted by someone for a treasure, lost his grace, and scared the girl away.

 After calming down, he was shocked by his abnormal possessiveness. It was obvious that his other brother had so many girlfriends, but he had no other unnecessary emotions except that he thought he was too noisy and too trouble-making. Why? Is it different for spiritual songs?

 Jing Yang is a rational person. When he encounters a problem, he first thinks about how to solve it. He thinks that he may have some mental illness. In order not to hurt Ling Ge for his own reasons, he quickly found a reliable psychiatrist.

 As a result, after he finished describing his condition, the doctor asked with a strange look: "This brother of yours is not your biological brother, right?"

 Jing Yang: "Yes, but I regard him as my biological brother. I will give him everything my biological brother has. He is much better behaved than my biological brother."

 Doctor: "Do you feel this way about other people?"

 Jingyang has never encountered the situation the doctor said, but he imagined that other people, whether it was Jing Ye or his friends and subordinates, it didn't matter to him if they were approached by girls. Only spiritual songs, just thinking about it, made him feel uncomfortable Can't accept it.

 "No, it's just him." Jing Yang said.

 The doctor laughed and said, "Mr. Jing, you are not suffering from a mental illness. You are suffering from a love illness. Anyone who sees the person they like being talked to will be jealous."

 "Jealous?" Jing Yang rarely looked at a loss: "You mean, I like him?"

 Doctor: "Based on your description, I can only draw this conclusion."

 Jing Yang felt so complicated that he actually fell in love with spiritual songs? ! He fell in love with his own cub!

 Although Ling Ge is well-behaved, obedient, sensible and considerate, Ling Ge is his younger brother. How can he fall in love with his younger brother? If it were Jing Ye, he would get goosebumps just thinking about it.

 But while thinking this, another voice in my mind became louder and louder: Are you willing to give such a good spiritual song to others? What should he do if others bully him? What should I do if I get hurt? Don't you feel bad?

 I feel bad, why don't I feel bad, he taught Ling Ge step by step how to survive in this world, I wish I could give him the best, how could I not bear to let him suffer a little or get hurt.

 He couldn't bear to bear it, he was so upset when he saw a little girl taking the initiative to strike up a conversation. If Ling Ge really fell in love with another boy or girl in the future, he didn't know what he would do.

 Jing Yang never likes to procrastinate. He himself is also resolute and decisive, and he will do whatever he decides to do immediately.

 After figuring out his thoughts, Jingyang no longer hesitated and quickly asked his assistant to sort out some of the most popular, most implementable and most likely to succeed plans for him. After studying for a period of time, he made appropriate deletions. Adjustment, after many revisions, a scientific and reasonable pursuit plan was formulated.

 Jing Yang believed that the success of his plan was quite high. First of all, he made some insinuations about the spiritual songs' sexual orientation and views on homosexuality.

 As a result, Ling Ge's answer made him overjoyed. In his world, there was such a thing as a contract between a man and a man, and it was not uncommon. It was a formal marriage relationship with official documents. He even had friends who formed a contract with a man.

 Ling Ge said that he doesn't care about the gender of his lover. As long as he likes her, it doesn't matter whether he is a man or a woman.

 Once the biggest hidden danger is eliminated, all that's left is to pursue.

 It's not that Jing Yang is boasting. He thinks that his personal conditions are pretty good. His appearance, temperament, family background and personal abilities are not bad. He has a certain social status and can protect his homosexuals.

 The most important thing is that he and Ling Ge have a certain emotional foundation. When Ling Ge comes to this strange world, he is the leader and protector who teaches Ling Ge. Even if it is a fledgling effect, he should be the best for Ling Ge. special.

 In fact, there is nothing special in Jing Yang's pursuit plan. It is nothing more than to treat Ling Ge well, create more romantic and touching relationships, and strive to show his own advantages to gain Ling Ge's favor.

 For Jing Yang, the most difficult thing is to create romance. In his opinion, most of the so-called romantic actions compiled by his assistant are boring and meaningless, but since so many people agree with them, they may be useful.

 Being kind to spiritual songs has long been his habit. Jingyang tried to make himself more considerate and meticulous, caring for everything.

 I used to be a younger brother, but now I am a suitor. I like the spiritual songs everywhere and wish I could give him my heart.

 However, he only slightly changed his attitude towards Ling Ge, and before he even had time to implement the first romantic date in his plan, Ling Ge took the initiative to ask him: "Do you like me?"

 Jingyang still remembered how frightened he was at that time. He calmed down for a moment and asked as if admitting: "How do you know?"

 Ling Ge smiled: "Your eyes told me."

 He learned a saying in this world, the eyes are the windows to the soul, and he thought it made sense.

 In his previous life, when he was studying opera, his master told him that there must be drama in the eyes, which actually meant that the eyes had emotions.

 From first learning to observe other famous actors to taking the audience into the play himself, he is accustomed to always paying attention to other people's eyes and analyzing the meaning in their eyes.

 Jing Yang looked at him with love and care. It was the look of a simple brother protecting his younger brother. But now Jing Yang's eyes have changed. He has seen too many such loving looks. It's not a brother to a younger brother, but a man. He is possessive of the people he likes.

 Jingyang had known for a long time that Ling Ge was very sensitive to people's emotions, but he never expected that he would be so sensitive. He discovered him before he even had time to pursue the person.

 He was quite honest and said bluntly: "Yes, I like you, like a lover. I want to pursue you. Can you give me a chance?"

 Ling Ge looked at him with a pair of sparkling peach blossom eyes without blinking: "I have never liked anyone, and I don't know how to like others."

 The faintly relaxed tone and suggestive words made Jingyang so excited that he couldn't contain himself.

 "It doesn't matter, I'll teach you. No, I can't do it either. Let's learn together, okay?" After asking the last sentence, Jingyang's heart beat rapidly.

 Lingge pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

 From that moment on, Jing Yang had a new crush on him, and he loved and protected him even more than before. He fell in love with him more and more day by day, and he didn't know what to do with him.

 In the study, Ling Ge and Xia Chen finished talking about their experiences during this period and were also talking about Jing Yang.

 "He is very kind to me, better than anyone else. I absorb the moonlight at night and lie to him that I can't sleep because of insomnia. He stays with me all night long to coax me to sleep. In the restaurant, I eat one or two more bites of food. He would remember it and secretly learned from the chef to cook it at home for me to eat. I said I wanted to act, but he obviously didn't want me to be an actor, but he still helped me arrange a role. I know how good he is to me, and there will be no one better than him. It's better for me."

 When Ling Ge talked about Jing Yang, his eyes sparkled, and there was a gentle smile on his face that he didn't even notice.

 The words Xia Chen wanted to dissuade were choked in his throat, and he said sadly: "What if, what if he finds out your identity?"

 Ling Ge opened his eyes wide: "I don't need to suck blood or take a sip. How could he find out? I've checked. Some people in this world will have their eyes turn red when they are sick. That's what he thinks."  

He has made up his mind, so Xia Chen can only support him. Since ancient times, love is the most irritating word. He only hopes that Ling Ge and Jing Yang can have a good outcome. 

 Ling Ge was silent for a long time and whispered: "Then I can stay with him for a few years. When he finds out that he doesn't like me, I will leave."  

He has an immortal lover, and he is very aware of the complicated emotions of watching his lover grow old and still feel the same as when he first met her, not to mention that Jing Yang is eight or nine years older than Ling Ge in appearance. 

 Xia Chen was even more sad: "But you won't grow old."  Ling Ge is willing to suppress his instincts, which shows that he is really attracted to Jing Yang.

 It is instinct for zombies to suck blood. Even if they do not turn into bones and can replenish energy through moonlight, their bodies will still have a strong desire for blood every once in a while.

 Chapter 247 Extra 3 (1)

In the pitch-black alley, a thin figure stumbled out. Pedestrians passing by looked at him in surprise, their indifferent eyes swept over the young man's blood-stained face, and then turned their heads indifferently.

 This is the norm in the apocalypse. Human survivors of huge natural disasters are extremely thirsty for power, which has distorted the social structure. The law of the jungle has become a consensus. Pity for the weak will not only not be encouraged and rewarded, but will be regarded as a weakness of the mind. The focus point when attacked by the enemy.

 Especially in these small and medium-sized urban areas, their own security capabilities are insufficient, there are powerful enemies outside, and the internal order is even more chaotic. The official security force will only maintain public security in specific areas. Fighting is not prohibited in most areas, as long as it does not cause any harm. There were a lot of casualties, and the officials didn't even bother to care.

 Of course, there are exceptions. Under strict orders from the central city, children are strictly protected. As long as they do not make aggressive actions, they are not allowed to harm minors wantonly.

 This ban is targeted at adults. Due to the special living environment, children in this world have been aggressive and aggressive since childhood. Gambling fights often occur between children. Not only will this behavior not be stopped, it can even be said to be prohibited. Encourage, many primary schools offer martial arts classes, and children are often allowed to practice in the classes.

 In many urban areas, there are also large-scale gambling arenas for minors, who gamble on their own cards.

 This kind of gambling battle is illegal from a legal point of view, but there are many of them. Once a group is blocked, another group will pop up soon. Some underground gambling battlegrounds are even more dangerous. There are usually life-and-death battles that attract audiences and The gambler's gimmick, no matter life or death, the winner gets all the cards of the loser.

 Later, big capital went out and established more formal gambling arenas, which were officially registered and legally taxed. Gambling arenas gradually became entertainment venues that can be found in almost every city. At the same time, a wide variety of more interesting gambling methods were derived. Most of them Combat card masters will play a few games when they have nothing to do. If they can win rare cards, it will be like winning a big prize.

 Not only did minors gamble in the fighting arena, but there were also adults gambling in the fighting arena. In other words, from the beginning, adults gambled in the fighting arena first, and then minors gambled in the fighting arena.

 Having said that, Xia Yi's body has just turned seventeen and is still underage. Because of poor living conditions since childhood, his body is so thin that he even looks like he is fourteen or fifteen years old. He should have received legal protection.

 But this passerby passed by at a glance, just too lazy to mind his own business. Xia Chen accepted Xia Yi's memory and was not surprised by this.

 In the alley just now, Xia Chen had already thought in advance about how to go next. Zijian was definitely looking for him, but the first thing he had to do now was to let this body survive safely.

 This is not a joke. For Xia Yi, living a safe life is really a luxury hope. As a disabled person, his social status is unimaginably low. Even a physically disabled person, as long as he has a companion book, is better than him with sound hands and feet.

 Not to mention his parents and younger brothers who dislike him, and his classmates who bully him in school. When he reaches adulthood, his family members who already hate him will kick him out of the house like trash, and they will not receive any legal or legal consequences for this. Axiomatic condemnation.

 Of course, Xia Chen will not get Xia Yi's turn. Although his magic book has been put away, he can feel the presence of his old buddy.

 In the alley just now, he took a look and saw that all the cards in the magic book were still there. He had accumulated so many cards all his life that it was unimaginable. The numbers displayed on many of the cards were all 999. They were the same card. The number of cards present.

 There are so many types that he can hardly remember them all. Fortunately, they are magic props and the thickness of the magic book will not be increased by the thickness of the cards. Otherwise, it would not be called a magic book, but a super thickened version of the Grand Magic Book.

 The function of copying nourishment cards is still there, which provides great convenience to Xia Chen's plan.

 The only thing that worries him a little is that, perhaps following the rules of this world, he must use mental energy to use cards.

 The companion book determines the upper limit of the talent. The quality of the cards and the combination of the deck affect the combat effectiveness. Then the amount of mental power affects the battery life. High-level and high-cost cards usually require more mental power stimulation. If the mental power is insufficient, There may be a dilemma where you still have cards but your mental energy is exhausted and you can't use them.

 On the contrary, no matter how strong a person's mental power is, but the level of the natural companion book is low and there are few card slots, the cards he can carry are very few - if the cards are not placed in the companion book, it will be fine in a short period of time, but it will not be able to pass half the time. There will be energy overflow after a few hours, and the card will be useless if it lasts for a long time.

 If there are not enough cards, there will be no cards to use in battle. Mutated animals and plants are extremely lethal and aggressive. Facing them with a fragile human body is purely seeking death.

 Therefore, for card masters, there are never too many cards, and the more card slots, the better. Especially when fighting alone, you are not far away from death when you run out of cards. If you lack mental power, you can still use mental power. It can be restored through potions or other means, and once the cards are used up, it's really over.

 Xia Chen definitely has no shortage of cards now. To be precise, he has enough cards that he can use them for wholesale.

 But what he is facing now is another problem. His mental power is insufficient, or in other words, the original Xia Yi's talent is really poor. Not only does he have no companion book, his mental power is also so thin that it is almost nonexistent.

 Fortunately, mental power is related to soul power. Xia Chen's own mental power is as thick and vast as the sea. He can feel his endless spiritual sea. Unfortunately, it is all sealed. There is only a slight crack, and a trace of spiritual power slowly leaks out. Replenishing Xia Yi's dry spiritual sea.

 His mental power is not only abundant, but also of high quality, but there is currently too little available. Xia Chen estimates that with at most three green cards, his mental power will be exhausted.

 By the way, in Xia Yi's memory, this world's classification of card levels is more detailed than his own. All cards are divided into one to seven stars, with one and two stars being low-level cards, and so on. Seven-star cards are also called Divine cards almost exist in legends.

 It is said that there is a seven-star card in the central city, called the Space Barrier. At critical moments, a territory as big as a city can be loaded into a different-dimensional space.

 This kind of power amazed Xia Chen. There were many kinds of cards in this world that he had never heard of before.

 According to Xia Chen's estimation, he can now use cards with three stars or below. The lower the star rating, the more cards he can use.

 He originally wanted to use a piece of fruit blood to heal his wounds, but unfortunately the effect of fruit blood was too strong, and he didn't know how many star cards it was counted as. Anyway, it was not three stars or below, so he would not be able to manifest it.

 There are also other healing cards in his magic book, but their levels are not low. To be precise, not only the healing cards in Xia Chen's magic book, but also the healing cards in this world are also of high level, but this one is not low. Because it requires a lot of mental energy to use, but because it is rare.

 Most combat or auxiliary cards can be used multiple times or even permanently until they break or run out of energy, but most healing cards are disposable.

 This means that one less healing card is used. However, when all card players go out, they hope to have spare healing cards in their team. There are auxiliary card players with healing cards and those without healing cards. The remuneration received by the card's auxiliary card master can even be doubled, even if the card is not used in the end.

 It is precisely because of this that the level of healing cards is often one or two levels higher. A two-star card is worth the same as a three-star card.

 So the dilemma Xia Chen faces now is that he has a scarce healing card, but the level is too high and he doesn't have enough mental strength to use it.

 There are low-cost treatment cards in this world that he can use that are not that powerful, but the price is so high that he dare not think about it. Poor little Xia Yi, who doesn't have a penny on his body, and the little change he carries, He had long been snatched away by the group of teenagers who bullied him.

 It was when he was blocked and blackmailed that he accidentally dropped the food card he picked up, which led to this disaster.

 With blood on his face, Xia Chen dragged his feet slowly towards Xia Yi's home in his memory.

 He had used a water hose before, and it was the lowest type without any evolution. It moistened his thirsty throat, but did not wash away the blood on his face.

 The Xia family lives in a medium-sized community. Xia Yi's father, Xia An, is an auxiliary card master. He only has three card slots and his qualifications are very mediocre. He is a small employee in a company.

 Xia Yi's mother, Ms. Jin Qili, is a combat type, but unfortunately her qualifications are even worse, with only two card slots.

 Although there is no scientific proof, based on the existing data, it is estimated that the talent of parents will affect the talent of their children to a certain extent. This does not mean that parents of nine-card slot companion books will definitely give birth to gifted children, but the probability is always higher than that of ordinary parents.

 Correspondingly, it is usually difficult for parents with low talents to give birth to highly gifted children, but there are always exceptions, such as Xia Cheng, who was the result of the great luck of Mr. Xia An and Ms. Jin Qili.

 Xia Yi's talent may be a little too bad, but even if he has a companion book, there is a greater chance that he will be disliked by his parents like Mr. Xia and Ms. Jin, with two or three card slots and the lowest talent. .

 In Xia Yi's memory, after this poor child was treated coldly by his family and was bullied at school but had no way to seek help, he blamed all the sins on himself, thinking that it was because of his disability that his parents didn't love him. Even the food card, he didn't want to use it himself, but planned to take it home to his parents.

 But Xia Chen's experience makes it very clear that what the Xia couple needs is just a talented son who can make them look good, change their lives, and improve their class.

 Xia Chen will not have any expectations for this couple. He will not take over Xia Yi's body because he wants to honor his parents and bring them glory. The only thing he will do for Xia Yi is to take revenge and let those The person who killed him will pay with his life.

 But now he chooses to return to the Xia family because he needs a safe place where he can stay temporarily and recover from his injuries before he can prepare for his funeral.

 On the way home, I met a few neighbors I knew in the community. These people may have been used to Xia Yi being beaten often and didn't even say a word of greeting, or they thought Xia Yi was not worth wasting their words.

 When Xia Chen arrived at Xia's house, a family of three was sitting at the dining table eating. No one was waiting for Xia Yi, and no one left food for him. The table was almost full, and the cups and plates were in a mess, with only the bottom of the plate being poked and messed up. There are a few black ones that don't know what kind of vegetables they are.

Chapter 248 Extra 3 (2)

"Ah!" Xia Cheng, who was sitting at the dining table and picking his teeth, suddenly saw a man with a bloody face coming into his house, and he screamed in fright.

 Xia An and Jin Qili were startled by his cry, and looked back along his line of sight. They were immediately frightened by Xia Chen's current appearance, and reflexively took two steps back. Xia An should be calmer. Son, first you can tell Xia Chen's identity from the shabby clothes and the messy hair that covers half of his face.

 "Who are you trying to scare when you run around without going to school and come back looking so slovenly?" Xia An shouted displeased.

 When Jin Qili scolded her husband, she realized who was standing in front of her. She said in disgust: "You debt collector, you don't have to pay for your clothes! You come back with injuries all over the body every three days. Our family has no money to treat you. What do you think?" You are one year older than our baby, why can't you learn from your brother?"

 She rambled on about Xia Chen's faults, and as she spoke, she began to praise Xia Cheng, from his talent to his appearance, and from his appearance to his studies. In short, the second son was good in everything, and the eldest son was bad in everything. The more they compared, the worse. Angry, the look in Xia Chen's eyes almost made knives fly out.

 The boy who was praised sat with his hands on the dining table without moving. After listening to Ms. Jin's praise for a long time, he pretended to be modest and said: "Mom, please don't say this outside. Although I am a top-notch talent in the seven-card slot, but There are many students in our school who come from well-off families, and their future development will not be any worse than mine. If people hear this, they will think our family is so arrogant."

 "Money is nothing. Our Bao'er is so talented. We will have plenty of money in the future. When the time comes, our family will also move to the central city to live a better life." Jin Qili said happily.

 "Mom, don't worry. When I graduate, I will definitely become a three-star card master. In the future, I will form an exploration team and let you two live a good life."

 A chrysanthemum smile appeared on Jin Qili's face, and she grinned and said: "My Bao'er is filial, much better than your good-for-nothing brother."

 Hearing this, Xia An also showed a comfortable smile

 From the corner of his eyes, Xia Cheng glanced at Xia Chen, who was standing aside with his head lowered. A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. Comparing this loser to him was simply disgusting him.

 Xia Chen watched a good show calmly, taking in the performances of the three Xia family members. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It was no surprise that Xia Yi was not favored at home. Not only was he poor in talent, he was also stupid and acted like a fool. No matter how much he said, it couldn't be as good as Xia Cheng's two words of obedience.

 "Why are you still standing here and don't know how to wash the dishes? You can't eat anything, what can I do for you!"

 Xia Chen shrank his neck and said with a trembling voice: "I, my hand seems to be broken, I think"

 "What are you thinking about? I have no money!" Jin Qili cursed and said: "I don't even wash a bowl. I deserve to serve you, right? If you can be like Bao'er, I will put food in your mouth. The young master is a despicable person. Still want to enjoy happiness?"

 Xia Chen was trembling slightly, as if he could hardly stand after being scolded by her. He sobbed and whispered: "I, I don't have it. I picked up a wild food card and I want to give it to it."

 The eyes of the three people in the Xia family all lit up. Jin Qili rushed over with a quick stride and said excitedly: "Where is the card?"

 "It was taken away." Xia Chen whispered: "If I didn't give it to them, they would beat me. I told him that my brother was the second-year genius Xia Cheng and I wanted to give my card to him. They didn't believe it and said "

 "What did you say?" Xia Cheng asked with a gloomy face.

 "Say, say you are just a dog following Master Wu. If a dog dares to bite someone, he will be killed and eaten as dog meat!"

 After he finished speaking, he held his head and took two steps back, sobbing loudly: "I said my brother was not a dog, and they beat me. They also said that even if I came back to complain, you wouldn't believe it, and even if they did, they wouldn't dare to find him. He, I don't have any evidence anyway, and when they don't admit it, I will be retaliated against, so let me be honest and give them whatever good things I have in the future."

 He covered his face with his arms, looking like he was frightened and collapsed in despair. In fact, the eyes under his arms were extremely calm.

 Although the Xia family lives in a medium-sized community, their conditions are actually very average. Xia An is the only one who earns money. Jin Qili quit her job and became a full-time housewife after Xia Cheng was born.

 When Xia An lived to the age of forty, he was only a two-star card master. His companion book never added a single card slot, making him a typical example of waste.

 However, he has a companion card, a hydration card. This auxiliary card can increase local humidity. Some women use it to keep their skin moisturized. Some exploration teams operating in arid areas will prepare some of these cards to prevent excessive loss of moisture. But the most widely used one is to mix fruit powder to reduce the dryness and choking sensation of this staple food.

 Because the effect of the companion card is better than that of others, and the fruit is one of the staple foods of survivors, Xia An relied on the talent bonus of the hydration card to support his family.

 However, he only knows this one trick. The company thinks that he can use the Hydra Card better than ordinary people and can save some cards, so he is willing to give him a slightly higher salary than his colleagues.

 But that's it, he will not be promoted based on his work ability, nor will he be promoted, let alone give him a salary increase.

 The Xia family was from such a background, but Xia Cheng considered himself a genius and lived according to the standards of a genius. The Xia family and his wife tightened their belts to provide for him, but they were unable to meet his requirements.

 Xia Cheng accepted the recruitment at school from the young master of the Wu family of the same school. The Wu family was a prominent family in Linyan City, a small town, and the city lord was considered a relative. Master Wu was referring to the third son of the Wu family, Wu Mingyang, who was born with a six-card slot. , can be regarded as having excellent talent, and he is the most talented person in this generation of the Wu family.

 However, even though there is only one card slot difference between the six-card slot and the seven-card slot, they are actually very different. The seven-card slot is the same as the nine-card slot, and both are used during promotion

 It is possible to add one to three card slots, but the chance of adding three card slots is slightly smaller than the latter.

 Six card slots are the same as four card slots. When you advance, there may be zero to two more card slots, and there is not even a guarantee. If you are a little unlucky, you may have two fewer card slots than the European King at the same level, and you may not even be able to make up for it. No chance.

 As for those with talents below four card slots, they have to be very lucky to be able to add a card slot when they advance.

 It is precisely because of this that Xia Cheng is called a genius. He is only sixteen years old this year and is already a two-star card master. The first two star upgrades increased one and two card slots respectively. Now the companion book has a total of twelve card slots. , there is no student in the entire Lin Yan High School who has more slots than him.

 Xia Cheng always felt that it was because his family didn't prepare auxiliary tools and medicine for him that he didn't get more slots when he was promoted. After receiving the invitation from Master Wu, he declined twice and became a member in name. He became Master Wu's brother, but he was actually busy with the work of a follower, but Master Wu was more polite to him than to other followers.

 But no matter how polite you are, it's still a different status. For the extremely proud Xia Cheng, accepting Master Wu's solicitation out of poverty is a humiliation for him. On the surface, he doesn't care, but in fact he cares a lot.

 Xia Yi didn't like to talk and would only listen and memorize silently. However, after Xia Chen accepted these memories, he quickly extracted useful information.

 A few words of provocation could not only divert Xia Cheng's attention to Daxiong's gang of bad boys, but also give the murderers something to do before taking revenge personally.

 Otherwise, when Xia Chen reappears in school, those murderers who don't feel guilty for killing his classmates may not just let him go. And he has too many things to do now and doesn't have time to tangle with them.

 "Who are those people?" Xia Cheng gritted his teeth and asked after being stabbed in a painful spot.

 Xia An and Jin Qili also looked angry and heartbroken. Jin Qili even clamored to go to the parents of that bad boy and ask them to pay compensation.

 It's pitiful that Xia Yi has been bullied for so long, and this is the only time he heard that Jin Qili, a mother, was about to step forward.

 Xia Chen reported the names of all the murderers according to Xia Yi's memory. Da Xiong and this group of teenagers bullied the weak and feared the strong, but they were indeed quite arrogant in private.

 The impression Xia Yi left on the Xia family has been fixed. No one believes that he dares to tell lies. He can't even tell the truth smoothly. How could he make up these lies?

 Moreover, it was true that Big Bear and the others robbed him of a food card. When they blackmailed Xia Yi, the card fell out and was seen by others. The lie was half truth and half false. With Xia Cheng's character, he would just take it all as false. The truth.

 Xia Cheng had a gloomy face and said, "I have something to do. You don't have to wait for me for dinner." Then he went out.

 Jin Qili cursed a few more times, and Xia An impatiently urged her to wash the dishes. Xia Chen stood over, looking hesitant.

 "What else?" Xia An looked annoyed.

 Xia Chen whispered: "When I was beaten today, I vaguely felt my companion book."

 A child with a disability like Xia Chen has a very, very small chance of developing a companion book while growing up. The younger the age, the greater the chance. The latest recorded child to have a companion book is sixteen years old, which is currently the officially certified child. Final age baseline for disability reappearance companion book.

 But Xia Chen is already seventeen.

 Xia An was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Then take out the book and let me see how many slots are there?"

 Xia Chen suppressed his blush and said, "I can't let it go yet."

 Xia An had a straight face and said coldly: "Stop daydreaming."

 Jin Qili laughed at him loudly in the kitchen, saying that he was delusional and crazy.

 Xia Chen looked shocked. He went to the bathroom to wash off the blood stains on his body first, then lowered his head and entered his room. It was said to be a room, but in fact it was half of Xia's balcony with a bed. It was cool in winter and cool in summer. warm.

 Alone, Xia Chen couldn't hold on anymore and lay down on the hard wooden bed. This body had just been injured and lost a lot of blood. It was also malnourished. It seemed that it had not eaten enough for a long time. Now it was tired and hungry. Very tired too.

 After lying down for a while and catching his breath, Xia Chen dragged out a broken wooden box from under the bed and dug out a few fruit-filled buns that were tightly hidden.

 Because it had been left for too long, it had long since dried into pieces, and it was already too dry to swallow. Xia Chen was so hungry that he pinched a small piece and put it in his mouth, biting it down and almost eating it. I didn't break my tooth.

 Holding his sore cheek, Xia Chen cried silently in his heart. All the supplies he had saved were donated to Xia Tongban. It would be great if he could keep a little, even a brown sugar bun or an apple!

 Just as he finished thinking, a faint light suddenly flashed before his eyes, and two cards with brown sugar buns and apples appeared in front of him.

 The author has something to say: Xia Chen: Donate naked before death, and then I live again: (

 Xia Tongban: It was the first time I saw the donation and I wanted to return it.

Chapter 249 Extra 3 (3)

Xia Chen rubbed his eyes, almost thinking that he had been hit on the head and was hallucinating.

 He stretched out his hand tentatively, and the two suspended cards fell safely into his hands. The unique hard texture of the cards told him that his wish had truly come true.

 "Ban'er? Xia Tongban? Ban'er, are you there?" Xia Chen looked around and immediately began to summon his friends. The things he sent out can appear again. Has Xia Tongban not returned to his hometown yet?

 It's a pity that no matter how he called, whether he made a sound or called in his mind, he didn't get a response from Xia Tongban.

 With a disappointed sigh, Xia Chen took out the brown sugar steamed bun tool, and then took out the water hose that he had used a little before. With this little cold water, he swallowed the steamed bun whole.

 Although they are both steamed buns, brown sugar steamed buns and full-fruit steamed buns are completely different. One is soft and sweet, while the other has a bland taste that makes you choke.

 After eating a big steamed bun, his empty stomach finally stopped making cramps due to hunger. Xia Yi's body had probably never eaten anything good. The feeling from his taste buds made Xia Chen feel like he had eaten something delicious. tasty.

 However, a half-grown boy who is still growing is the time when he can eat. After eating a steamed bun with water, he is just not that hungry and is far from full.

 Xia Chen looked at the other Apple card and felt that what he needed now was more tangible staple food, so he clasped his hands on his chest and closed his eyes and prayed: "Almighty System God Xia Copper, please give me another one. , two big steamed buns!"

 There was nothing in front of me, and the buff that made my wish come true suddenly disappeared.

 After materializing the apple and smelling the sweet scent of the fruit, Xia Chen resisted his greed and transformed it into a card again, then put it into his magic book.

 His next plan required some start-up capital. He was originally worried about where the money would come from and whether he should sell two cards.

 But many of his cards are not found in this world. Because Xia Yi is a cripple and has a general understanding of cards, Xia Chen is not sure whether taking out his special cards will cause trouble.

 But food cards are different. Most card stores have the business of purchasing wild cards, especially food cards. Food cards are the least necessary to trace the source, and it is safest to sell them for money.

 After making up his mind, Xia Chen lay down and rested for a while. When he heard the door closing as Xia An went out to work, and after waiting for a while, Jin Qili started listening to the radio. Xia Chen gently opened the balcony door and slipped out.

 He had changed into clean clothes before leaving, but most of Xia Yi's clothes were those that Xia An and Xia Cheng didn't want to wear. Although Xia Yi was one year older than Xia Cheng, he was slightly shorter than his younger brother.

 Xia Cheng's old clothes are newer than Xia An's, and many of them are still 70% to 80% new. Usually Xia Yi chooses old clothes to wear first, but this time he deliberately picked the best one.

 After going out, Xia Chen found a secluded corner and pushed back Xia Yi's half-long hair that covered half of his face, revealing a pale, thin and handsome face.

 When Xia Chen was washing up at Xia's house just now, Xia Chen had taken a closer look. Xia Yi's appearance was somewhat similar to his own, but not exactly the same.

 His appearance is very friendly and good-looking, his eyebrows are delicate and beautiful, his eyes are slightly round, his nose is straight, his lips are red and his teeth are white, his complexion is particularly good, and he is very contagious when he smiles.

 At first glance, the outline of Xia Yi's facial features is somewhat similar to his, but in fact there are subtle differences. Xia Yi's eyes are long and narrow, with deep insets, the ends of the eyes are slightly upward, and the eyelashes are long and dense.

 The shape of his nose and mouth are similar to his original body, but his lip color is very light pink. Coupled with Xia Yi's own gloomy temperament, mixed with Xia Chen's noble and indifferent temperament brought about by being in a high position for a long time, when he doesn't smile, , very much like a pampered young master with a bad temper.

 He casually took a piece of the lowest-grade tangle and tied his hair back. The scattered hair hung on both sides of his forehead, adding a bit of unruliness.

 After packing up his appearance, Xia Chen walked for more than half an hour to the largest card store in the central area of ​​Linyan City. Fortunately, the place where Xia's family lived was not too remote, otherwise he would have spent most of the afternoon on the road if he didn't have the money to take a car.

 The name of this card shop is Ice Envoy. Although its name sounds strange, the main store of this shop is in the central city. The Han family it belongs to has a seven-star card master, and the signature seven-star card is frozen thousands of miles away.

 Once upon a time, countless mutated animals and plants were frozen in the First World War. Although the area did not really reach thousands of miles, it was definitely thousands of miles away.

 Xia Chen walked into the Bingshi card store calmly, and was immediately greeted by a clerk who stopped not far away and politely asked Xia Chen what he needed.

 "Let me take a look first." Xia Chen said calmly.

 "Okay, please, call me anytime if you need anything."

 Xia Chen walked around the store. It is indeed a famous store. It even has five-star cards. You know, seven-star cards are hard to come by. Some seven-star card masters may not have seven-star cards, only six-star cards. They are the main collection target for high-star card masters, and four- and five-star cards are their main source of filling card slots in companion books.

 There were three five-star cards released in the store, one of which was a treatment card with an inflated level. Xia Chen looked at the introduction and price and wanted to take out his fruit blood and sell two of them.

 The second card is called the violent card, which can greatly increase the user's strength and physique. It lasts for half an hour, and the user will fall into a state of fatigue for the whole day.

 This card has obvious flaws. It is a typical card used by melee card masters to fight for their lives, but its amplification is powerful. When it comes to really desperate times, this card may be able to save lives, as long as they can escape within half an hour. safe place.

 The price of this card was even higher than that of the healing card next door. Xia Chen was shocked when he saw it and couldn't help but compare it with his own big mushroom.

 His big mushroom can also increase people's strength, but the increase is probably not as large as this. The advantage is that there are no sequelae, and the mental power required is not as much.

 The last five-star card was something Xia Chen had never seen before. It was a spell card.

 Spellcasters are a very small branch of card masters. Spellcasting cards are characterized by delay and high explosive power. Spellcasting cards generally require a certain amount of time or complicated prerequisites to take effect, but as soon as the cards explode , it is taken away in one wave, extremely lethal.

 The effect of this spell card is to paralyze the nerves of the target. After a quarter of an hour, it will fall into violent chaos, its attack power will be doubled, and it will madly attack all creatures around it regardless of whether it is friend or foe.

 When fighting in a group, as long as you can evacuate a little bit, you can just sit back and watch each other kill each other.

 Xia Chen had never seen this kind of card before, and Xia Yi's memory only had the word "spellman". The other information was inferred by Xia Chen based on the cards and past experience.

 After walking around the store and learning about all the cards, Xia Chen called the clerk who had received him before: "I want to sell a food card."

 The polite smile on the clerk's face immediately deepened: "Okay, please show me the food card you want to sell."

 Xia Chen took out the Apple card. The clerk's eyes suddenly lit up and he exclaimed: "It's a rare fruit card."

 With Xia Chen's permission, the clerk showed the apple and observed it carefully. Xia Chen saw that he even used a ruler to measure the size of the apple, and finally gave Xia Chen a price that satisfied him.

 "Would you like cash or transfer?" the clerk asked after putting away the Apple Card.

 Although this world can be considered the end of the world, after all, human technological civilization has developed to a high level when the disaster broke out. Part of it still remains, and some new convenience measures have been developed together with the functions of various cards.

 For example, this transfer does not use a bank card, but is directly connected to the individual's companion book. The central city is responsible for building a currency network. All residents can load the companion book information at the bank in the city, and then use a special A special card for transferring money, which can record the currency in the companion book.

 Xia Chen couldn't take out the magic book and ask the clerk to transfer money: "Bring me five book covers and I want cash."

 The clerk didn't ask any more questions, and immediately took five book cards, and then put the remaining money in a small bag and gave it to Xia Chen.

 The book card was not originally called this name. It is a one-star disguise card with no other use. Just like its name, it is used to put a better-looking cover on the companion book. You can design the specific shape by yourself.

 This kind of card is of low grade and not very useful, and the price is low, but many people buy it. It is said that there are also two or three-star book pickup cards, which can change the appearance of the accompanying book and disguise its thickness.

 You should know that the thickness of the companion book is determined by the number of card slots. People with high talents tend to have thicker companion books, so this card is either used by people who pretend to be geniuses, or people who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

 However, because its camouflage ability cannot deceive card masters with three stars or above, its function is extremely useless, and its sales are not as good as those with one star.

 This is the opinion of others. Xia Chen thinks that this card, which he has never seen before, is extremely easy to use, especially suitable for him now.

 He needs a stable environment to recover his mental strength before he can find Zijian, but it is absolutely impossible for him to live like Xia Yi, so it is imperative to show his magic book.

 But his magic book can't be seen by anyone! He won't mention the pink color of the main body. He has gotten used to it after using it for so many years, but his book is so thick and gorgeous, and it looks different from other people's companion books at first glance.

 He was still very distressed at first, but after finding the existence of book pickup in Xia Yi's memory, he suddenly felt like he had found a treasure.

 The one- and two-star cards are useless and have poor camouflage ability. What about the seven-star cards? His magic book could contain cards, but he didn't believe it. Even if he created a seven-star book card, he couldn't fool the eyes of those card masters.

 Holding the small purse, Xia Chen turned around and entered the pharmacy again. He spent almost all his money and bought a bottle of low-level barrier-breaking potion that could slightly impact the mental barrier.

 This potion is used to help card masters break through barriers and expand the spiritual sea when they upgrade their stars. Only one bottle can be used for each star level, so those who have the conditions should buy a high-level potion as much as possible. If it is not possible, buy an intermediate-level potion. Yes, the low-level effect is really weak, not many people buy it, and the price is relatively low.

 But Xia Chen doesn't need to care about this. He's not using it to level up. As long as this potion can open up the cracks in the barrier that restrains his mental power, the speed of his mental power recovery can be greatly increased.

Chapter 250 Extra 3 (4)

In the semi-enclosed balcony apartment, Xia Chen sat cross-legged on a small and simple wooden bed, with his eyes closed and his brows slightly furrowed.

 After a long time, he let out a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of joy in his opened eyes.

 Although the bottle of barrier-breaking potion was only the lowest level, the effect was really good. In other words, it was very useful to Xia Chen. With the help of the potion, he doubled the size of the weak barrier crack in the spiritual sea. This meant that his spirit Force recovery speed has also been doubled.

 In the next few days, he has been trying to use his mental power to attack the cracks in the barrier. The effect is not as good as taking potions directly, but it is still somewhat effective. After only three days, his mental power has recovered to the point where he can use three-star cards.

 Card masters are divided into seven stars like card levels. Those with three stars and below are low-star card masters. Those who reach three stars are considered to be the mainstay with certain combat capabilities and social status. However, rising from two stars to three stars is a hurdle, and some people may spend their entire lives. Can't cross it.

 For example, Xia Cheng is considered to be extremely talented. At the age of twelve, he successfully stimulated his spiritual power and officially became a card master. A year later, he was promoted to a two-star card master again. However, three years later, he is still stuck as a two-star card master.

 As for the Xia family couple, they are stuck in the second star all their lives, with no hope of rising to the top in this life.

 When Xia Cheng coaxed Jin Qili, he said that he could be promoted to three stars before graduation, which meant that he was not sure of being promoted now, but Xia Chen has now become a three-star card master.

 Not every card master can exert the corresponding level of strength. If the mental power is enough but the cards are not enough, the mental power will still be useless.

 There are also some decks that are not as good as others, which will also affect the outcome of the battle.

 But Xia Chen doesn't have this worry. He has countless cards in his library. The only thing he has to worry about is that most of the cards are too high level, and whether his own cards are too special and suitable for use.

 If this news were known to the Xia couple, their first reaction would be disbelief, thinking that Xia Chen had gone crazy during the day and was going crazy thinking about the companion book.

 However, Xia Chen would not let them know that these parents did not have any affection for Xia Yi. Although they gave birth to Xia Yi, they started to help the family with the work when Xia Yi was five or six years old. , washing, cooking, mopping the floor, etc., you have to get good at it. If you don't do it well, you will be scolded lightly.

 Having to do all the housework at home, they still don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. What's even worse is that they have to accept their verbal humiliation, such as "God's fault", "trash", "living is a drag" and so on. Yi's memory was deeply impressed. Even Xia Chen, who was receiving the memory, could feel the inferiority, fear and despair of the young Xia Yi when he heard these words.

 Xia Yi didn't want to live for a long time. Xia Chen could feel the child's depression and despair. If it hadn't been for this accident, Xia Yi, who had been completely abandoned as an adult, would have ended up on a dead end.

 Therefore, Xia Chen has never thought about being filial to Xia Cheng's parents since he received Xia Yi's memories. This couple may be very good to Xia Cheng, but to Xia Yi, they are not worthy of being called parents at all.

 Even though Xia Chen said before that his hand was broken, Jin Qili not only didn't mention seeing a doctor for him in the past few days, but even tried to get him to continue doing housework. After Xia Chen broke two of her bowls and broke an ornament, this The woman roared and told Xia Chen to get lost.

 Because of this incident, Jin Qili found an excuse to deduct Xia Chen's rations, saying that since he was too lazy to move, he should eat less to avoid wasting food, and only gave him a fruity steamed bun one day that was so hard that it could kill someone.

 Xia Chen refused this thing. Fortunately, Xia Chen discovered it the next day. His wish came true skill was refreshed after the cooldown. When he made a wish, he gave him two food cards again.

 Because he couldn't forget the brown sugar steamed buns that he had never had enough of, Xia Chen was praying for this at the time, so two brown sugar steamed buns appeared at once. What surprised him even more was that one of them contained two!

 Three steamed buns were divided into three meals. Xia Chen used the little money he had left from selling his Apple Card to buy a few refined and upgraded versions of full-fruit steamed buns that were a little more expensive than ordinary full-fruit steamed buns. This is what Xia An makes. Work, this fruit-filled steamed bun is not so dry and chokes. It tastes a bit like dry steamed buns that have been left out for too long and have lost all their moisture, but they do not have the sweet texture of steamed buns.

 The combination of good and bad filled his stomach. Xia Chen knew that with the frequency of getting two food cards every day, if he wanted to be full, it was best to get raw materials, such as flour and rice. The minimum price for this kind of card was Half a catty, processing it yourself is more cost-effective than eating it ready-made.

 Unfortunately, Xia Chen didn't have the conditions for processing now. He didn't dare to open fire in Xia's house, so the next day he prayed seriously to get a steamed bun card and a dried meat card.

 This time, my luck was average, there was only one brown sugar steamed bun, the jerky was beef jerky, a thick handful, and there were more than ten finger-long beef strips.

 There is meat in this world, because most animals have mutated, and farmed animals can mutate easily, so eating meat is rare, and the price of meat remains high.

 What is more expensive is the meat of mutated beasts. Most mutated beasts cannot be eaten, because they have viruses or parasites in their bodies that cannot be eliminated by the human immune system, or they taste difficult to swallow, or they are poisonous and cannot be eaten.

 A small number of mutated beasts are not only edible, but also very delicious. Their prices are unimaginably high, and their prices are unmarketable.

 There are also some mutated animal meats, which contain energy and can be eaten after special processing. They are very good for the human body. The price of this kind is even higher. Xia Yiyi heard Xia Cheng mention it once and said that he would kill that kind in the future. Mutated beasts take meat to honor their parents.

 Xia Yi listened with envy at that time, feeling that his younger brother was indeed a genius and indeed capable, but Xia Chen had already discovered that Xia Cheng was just a smooth talker who spoke nicely.

 Due to the conditions of the Xia family, he always competed with his wealthy classmates for food and clothing. He would always talk to Xia An and his wife about which classmate had bought something good, and the companion book only had a few card slots, so he was very arrogant.

 Xia An and Jin Qili felt that their genius son had been wronged, so they tightened their belts and bought him luxury goods. On the contrary, Xia Yi, a silent son who only knew how to do things, was completely ignored.

 Having said that, Xia Yi would be sad for a while, but Xia Chen would just watch the show with a cold eye to see what kind of filial and promising genius son the couple raised.

 At least now, that family may not be able to eat meat once a year, but Xia Tongban, who is on Xia Chen's list, eats meat every day.

 This combination is more reasonable than just eating steamed buns. In fact, it is better to add some fruits and vegetables. However, he can only pray for two food cards a day, so it is more important to eat enough.

 What surprised Xia Chen was that after his mental power recovered to three stars today, the number of food cards he prayed for also became three. This means that if his mental power continues to recover, the number of food cards he can get every day There will be more and more.

 Originally, Xia Chen wanted to maintain Xia Yi's body for a while before making the next plan. Now that he has an extra food card, his plan can be implemented in advance.

 Three days later, Xia Chen stood in front of the building gate with the Linyan City Arena sign.

 It is said to be an arena, but in fact it is just a gambling arena, and Xia Chen's current appearance is completely different from his previous appearance.

 He has phoenix eyes, thin lips, and cold white skin. Except for his frame, which is too thin to look like, his face gives off the impression of Wen Shu in his teenage years.

 This is the card effect named Thousand Faces by Xia Chen. It can manifest a mask and stick it on a person's face, which will record the person's appearance. When other people put on the mask, they will become recorded appearance.

 This mask was very suitable for lurking and gathering information. However, at that time, Wangxiang City was fighting zombies, so there was no need for such cards. There were no human compatriots to deal with in the future. When Xia Chen left, he stayed There are many useful delay cards, but Qianmen didn't save any of them.

 Of course, Xia Chen wouldn't record many faces for this rarely used card, so he asked Zi Jian to wear it during the experiment. Then he put it on himself and found that the card mask could be made according to an individual's bones. Slightly adjust it so that the face and the person don't look out of place.

 This means that if you want to completely imitate a person with a thousand faces, it is best to find someone close to your own age and figure, otherwise it will be different from the real person.

 However, Xia Chen's own purpose is not to imitate Wen Shu. He simply needs to appear with a new identity to replace a large number of available cards, and the gambling arena is the perfect place.

 According to his age, he should go to the underage gambling arena. However, to enter the underage gambling arena, you have to have your bone age tested. It is impossible for a seventeen-year-old three-star card master to not be famous in a small city like Linyan City. .

 There are not so many rules in the fighting arena. Over the years, minors who are not afraid of tigers have also gone to the fighting place. However, few of these teenagers who have never experienced a formal battle can come down from the fighting arena completely. .

 Even if they are minors, if they go to the gambling ring, they will accept the adult gambling rules by default, and life or death will be determined, regardless of death or injury.


 The Howling Jungle Forest is located on the outskirts of the Yundang Mountains. It is named after a black-faced ghost ape mutated beast in the forest.

 The black-faced ghost ape has an ape-like body and often emits shrill screams that sound like ghostly howls. The screams can slightly shock the soul and make people fearful.

 Although the effect is slight, it cannot be resisted that ghost apes are social creatures. A group of ghost apes howls together. No matter how courageous the warrior is, his legs are trembling and his fighting spirit is completely wiped out. There are even unlucky guys who can't hold cards safely.

 At this time, a small team was fleeing in panic in the forest, and the screams of ghost apes kept coming and going, falling firmly behind them.

 Several people were running staggeringly, and it was no joke that they were so scared that their legs were weak. The ability of the ghost ape was not based on the will of the person. If the support in the team did not have a card to remove negative status, they would have been a team. I already told you this when I met the ghost ape group.

 "I, I can't run anymore"

 The female card master in the team was sobbing and out of breath, saying that she was scared to tears. She was originally an auxiliary card master, and her physical strength was much worse than her peers.

 "Ali, carry Xiaoke on your back." The leading man gave the order, and the tallest man in the team immediately picked up the girl on his back.

 The group of people ran with their heads down, trying to get rid of the group of pursuers behind them. A tall and thin man running at the front suddenly shrank his pupils and shouted: "Stop!"

 But it was too late. A group of ghost apes suddenly jumped out of the forest in front. As soon as they saw the group of intruders, the ghost howls immediately sounded, echoing with the pursuers behind them.

 Attacked from the front and back, doubly fearful, these poor survivors staggered two steps and fell to the ground one after another.

 The companion books were summoned one after another, and the leading man gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Ke, use the ring of purification again."

 Xiao Ke sobbed: "No more, just now was the last time."

 Ring of Purification, a four-star auxiliary card, can remove all negative conditions. Although it is not a one-time card, it has a limit on the number of times. Obviously this team is really unlucky. Without the Ring of Purification, their combat effectiveness cannot be half as good as usual.

 "Team, captain, maybe these two ethnic groups will fight? How about we hide, hide for a while?"

 Although ghost apes are social creatures, conflicts and wars often break out between different groups.

 The captain smiled bitterly and said: "It's too late, they will kill us first before that happens."

 "Come on, we have to fight whether it's life or death!" The captain said with great pride, but he was a close combatant, his hands and feet were weak, and he could hardly even carry a weapon.

 "Then, what is that?"

 The tall and thin man suddenly pointed forward and murmured to himself. The others followed his gaze and were stunned.

 I saw a red figure flashing quickly through the forest, as fast as flying. No, he was indeed flying. He only occasionally tapped the branches with his toes, and then jumped a long distance away.

 As he was moving forward, he happened to be blocking the group of ghost apes. Before they could tell him to be careful, they saw the figure flying into the group of ghost apes, and the corpses of the ghost apes fell down. This man It cut through the group of ghost apes blocking the road alive.
