The Ellen Show

A/N: Namjoon and Minhee primarily speak English in this interview. Italics will be Korean. 



Today was the big day. BTS' first appearance on the Ellen show. Minhee herself and the other boys could attest to this, they were beyond excited. Being a guest on the Ellen Show in North America was a huge deal to most actors/actresses, musicians and public figures.

In their dressing room, Minhee and Namjoon were helping the rest of the members with their prepared english speeches and sentences. You could tell some were more nervous than others, but Minhee for example was the most nervous. 

She'd watch the show all the time growing up in Canada because it would be on tv when she'd get home from school. Never ever in the girls life did she expect to be a guest on the woman's talk show, but here she was. 

Minhee's long blonde hair was loosely curled at the ends as the front pieces of her hair were lightly pulled back tied off with a camo coloured ribbon.

She wore a short flowy army green dress that had beautiful retractable puffy sleeves so when they did their performance, she could take them off and dance with ease. 

Paired with her outfit, Minhee wore her statement pieces. Fishnet stocking and black doc martins.

(A/N: Pretend the dress is green)

Minhee's placement was in the front row, between V and RM with Suga to the left of V. Jimin, J-Hope, Jungkook and Jin all sitting behind the couch on stools.

"Okay, we have an interpreter just in case-" Ellen introduced the man sitting on the single chair next to her 

"Although RM, Minhee-" Hearing their names caused the duo's heads to perk up

"You two speak English pretty well correct?"

Namjoon answered first explaining how he watched the American sitcom 'Friends' to learn English. Once he finished, the attention was then turned to Minhee.

"I actually grew up in Canada before returning back home to South Korea when I was a child-"

"Oh really?" Ellen's eyes widened 

"Yes, in Vancouver-" Minhee proceeded to nod

"So I take it you're a Bieber fan, Eh?" The talk show host joked causing the girl to slightly twinge

Canadian jokes... Minhee really didn't like them. 

"As much as I love Justin, because he's ABSOLUTELY amazing-" Minhee gushed

You get the girl talking about her Canadian boys, she just won't shut up. 

"I really admire Shawn Mendes-" She admitted making the armies in the stands scream causing the other members to laugh

"Yeah, she really does-"  Yoongi agreed nodding along with a smile causing the other members to laugh

Minhee blushed in embarrassment hiding her face in her hands. Taehyung wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulders which caused armies to go wild.

"Now we want to know the burning questions-" Ellen rose her eyebrows directly at Minhee causing her so slightly shuffle on the couch

"Minhee, you're in a group with seven handsome men-"

Feeling her stomach drop, the girl knew where this was going. Why in America do they always do this?

"Well, what are you waiting for?!?" Ellen spazzed breaking out into laugher turning to the live audience as they proceeded to cheer.

Armies were too excited to listen to what Ellen was saying anyways when the members of BTS were practically sitting within arm lengths.

Minhee froze. Her body went numb. Was she really asking her that?

Noticing the pale and now clammy girl next to him, Namjoon instantly took hold of the conversation. 

"N-No, no, no nothing like that-"

"We're family-" Namjoon attempted to play it off with a smile

Although he was insanely angry.

"Oh, I'm sure things have happened behind close doors-" 

Ellen swatted her hand back and forth in disbelief as if she was right with her assumption.

The interpreter was a bit late at well... interpreting, so the questions Ellen asked was now being translated to the rest of the boys.

And with that, their smiles all dropped within seconds.

"How about this-" Ellen crossed her legs

"Have any of you hooked up with an ARMY?"

Since they were on live television, BTS had a reputation to ahold for being k-pop idols. Even though they may be upset about the interview questions, they had to be professional of course.

"Come on, explain what 'hooked up' means-" Ellen turned to the interpreter 

Namjoon and Minhee's eyes slightly widened before trying to cover their surprised expressions with bashful giggle being the first ones to understand.

If she didn't fake laugh when she did, Minhee would've bursted into tears.

The girl couldn't believe this. She's watched The Ellen Show before, knowing that the talk show host pushes for information... but this was ridiculous.

It made them all uncomfortable.

Namjoon gestured Taehyung to speak... and he did a great job.





After they performed Mic Drop, meeting some Armies, taking photos, the show was now over and Minhee couldn't wait to leave the Warner Brothers Studio lot. 

They all changed into their regular street clothes and returned to their hotel for the time being. Minhee's favourite. A hoodie and sweatpants. 

The girl was currently being accompanied by Namjoon who was stirring up their cups of Ramyeon while she grabbed beverages from the small refrigerator.

"Namjoon-" She sat down at the table next to him

"How could she say something like that?" Minhee retorted still heated about the interview

She was still appalled about how Ellen could assume such... actions. Here we go, 2014 is happening all over again. Except this time in America. 

"To say something like 'it happens behind close doors?!"

"Do people really think I'm-"




Namjoon's raised voice which actually startled the girl as he stood up.

"Park Minhee, you stop right there-" He put his cup ramyeon down

"You know it's not true, all seven of us know it too." He walked over to the girl

"Then why would the biggest talk show host on the earth suggest something of it?" She vented looking up to their leader

Remember, Namjoon is almost 6'0 and Minhee is 5'6.


"You are the brightest star in the sky, you know that right?"

Blinking in surprise by the sudden compliment, Minhee slightly blushed evading eye contact. 

Namjoon has such a way with his words... and hearing it from her bias...

Did make life a bit better.

"Everyone in the whole world is going to have opinions, if we like it or not. That's just the reality of it. It made me insanely angry as well-"

"But Minhee, the eight of us. We have each other." He wrapped his arms around the girls small frame giving her a hug.

"Thanks Namjoonie..." She reciprocated the embrace curling her fingers into his crewneck

Do to her reaction, Namjoon knew she was still hurting though. 

Nothing can get past him. 

But the question still whirled around in the girls brain. 




'Is that what International ARMIES think of me...?'


A/N: Ughhh the Ellen interview makes me cringe so bad, good thing the show is no longer on air~~
