・BV2 Ep. 3 Purple Skys

Today was an interesting day for sure. One the girl would keep in her memory bank for long as she lived.

They went on an Hawaiian tour/trail that lets you witness the beautiful waterfalls of the island, exotic plants and the mountains off in the distance.

Besides the trail, the bts members honestly didn't do that much today considering they were site seeing and stuffing their bellies.

Speaking of food, after they had their 'brunch', the group traveled to a nearby grocery store. Although the catch was, that they could only buy items with the money they earned from their bottle caps game the night before.

Which Minhee oh so thankfully won four American dollars.

She felt bad for J-Hope and Jungkook, so with her small amount of money she bought two cups of ramen and a bottle of water.

It came out to $3.71.

Minhee declared she didn't need to eat stating she was 'still full on her macadamia nut pancakes'.

So she gave her cup ramens to the boys. 

Later after freshening up, It was now sunset time.

"Taehyungiee can you take a cool picture of me?" She questioned standing closer to the edge of the mountain 

"Minhee-ah be careful-" Suga pointed as she positioned herself on the rock

Night time up in the mountains was quite chilly.

The girl wore her cream coloured nike hoodie with a black vest on top of it paired with her go to leggings and boots.

Her hair was held in a high ponytail with a blue scrunchie. 

As for accessories, she wore a black Fjallraven backpack that carried her essentials, gold earrings (Studs & small hoops) and her go-to rings she wears every day.

With golden hour, it was definitely photoshoot time. 

As she opened up her arms, Taehyung snapped the photo.

One by one, each of the members took their photos.

"You like this angle?" Jimin turned as Minhee turned the phone horizontal to capture more of the landscape

"Jungkookie look at me-"

"Hyung, up here-" Namjoon climbed up the rock posing with Taehyung

"Let's come back later when were older-"

"What, when we're like 50?" Jungkook scoffed

"Can I drop the honorific's then?" Jimin commented causing all the others to laugh

(Cue spring day background music)

"Don't you guys have anything you want to achieve as BTS this year?"

"Let's not get injured-" Jin spoke

"Hot 100 this year-" Namjoon muttered

"Billboard?" J-Hope repeated

"That's a good goal-" Minhee turned with a smile

"For me it's my mixtape-" The boy went on 

"Do you guys have anything you want to achieve individually?"

"Mastering English-" Jungkook answered immediately

"This year?"

"No, lifetime-" The maknae smiled deeply

As each one of them went down the line listing off their goals, the youngest member of bts was completely stumped.

Did she really not have anything?

Every single day for them was an achievement... in her eyes at least. The US portion of the tour was a goal... wasn't it?

But what is a personal goal of hers?

Jungkook then appeared in her peripheral vision causing the butterflies in her stomach to flutter uncontrollably. 

'No, that could never happen...'

Thinking about such thoughts started to make the girl emotional watching the sun set across the horizon.

"Look look look!" Jin pointed, the sky now getting dark 

"Thanks for experiencing this with me you guys-" Her voice cracked as tears in her eyes began to form. 

"I'm just happy to be with the seven of you, here... together-"

"Yahhh Minhee-ah-" Namjoon and Suga smiled wrapping their arms around the tiny girls shoulder causing her cheeks to go red


At the Hotel

"Can you believe how bright the moon was?" 


Star gazing at the Observatory was a highlight for Jimin and Minhee. They were infatuated with the bright stars and constellations. Witnessing them with their own two eyes was just remarkable.

Oh, Hawaii is a place she'll definitely come back to. 

Gathering all up, it was time...

...to see who sleeps where. 

"So how are we doing this?" The girl questioned

Since she was sick and slept through the last time they picked rooms, Minhee was interested to see their ideas this time around.

"Yahhhhh Minhee-ah this time we're not being so nice!" Taehyung jumped 

"Anything but the couch again!!" Jungkook spazzed causing the rest of them to chuckle at the maknae. 

After multiple rounds of rock paper and scissors, the orders were decided to draw their lots.

Winning, Jin and J-Hope went and choose first.

Luck was definitely on Kim Seokjin's side because he ended up getting the nice room with the single beds once again.

"If he got that, then mine is bad-" J-Hope held the phone in his hands

"Just go!" They all shouted as the boy tapped the button

"It's going to be-"


Oh, how the plot thickens. 

"How did he get so lucky???" Jimin spazzed watching Jin and J-hope run into each others arms

Next was Suga followed by Jimin.

"NO way-" Minhee gasped

Both scored the big mattress.

"Well-" The rest of them faced each other consisting of Minhee, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook 

"Were doomed..."

"Okay, okay, I'm next-" Minhee grabbed the phone 

Once revealing the her location, Jungkook was beside himself racking with hands through his hair. Was he going to spend their entire Hawaiian trip sleeping on the couch???

His freak out shesh was the highlight of the episode.

Once Namjoon drew his lot, the golden maknae almost did a 360' of emotions. The leader got the couch-

Which means-

It was now between Taehyung and Jungkook.

The two that slept on the couches last time.

A 50/50 chance...

But unfortunately the gods were not on his side, because Taehyung got the ordinary room with Minhee. 

The four of them were in a group of mass hysteria dying of laughter. 

"See you guys in the morning!" Minhee waved, grabbing her backpack off the ground with Taehyung following behind with a smile 

"Sorry Jungkookie..." She turned apologizing to the boy who was wept on the floor

"Minhee-ah, can we cuddle?" Taehyung turned causing the girl to roll her eyes comically

"No way-" 

"but why not?" His shoulders dropped in disbelief with the frown 


"Taehyungieeeeeeeeeee-" She mocked causing the boy to laugh

As the night was coming to an end, all the members were getting ready for bed. Each one of them doing something different as the camera cut to their rooms.

Suga and Jimin were already off in dream land, Jin and J-Hope were relaxing on their phone's and computer while Namjoon and Jungkook were grabbing blankets. 

Minhee and Taehyung on the other hand... well, were in the midst of a pillow fight.

"Jeez, this is a small bed-" Minhee sat on one end of the mattress as Taehyung had his arms wide open in his pyjamas on the other side with his bandana still on from doing his skin care routine

The cuddle monster.

Her hair was down, wearing an oversized black t-shirt (That may or not not be Namjoon's) and a pair of shorts.

Grabbing her pillow, Minhee sighed and smacked him with it... causing the madness to begin.

They sounded like two hyenas in the wild both whacking each other with their pillows.

Jungkook still awake peeked his head in around the door frame. Since they were also on the first floor, he heard the commotion.

The boy silently laughed to himself watching Minhee physically beat up Taehyung.

Taehyung was laying down on the bed fighting for his life with Minhee, who was straddling his waist agressiving attacking him with the pillow.

He attempted to shield his face with his arms, but it was no use. 

The girl was too strong. 

"Hyung-" Jungkook silently whispered with a bunny smile 

"Minhee's beating up Taehyung-ah-" He laughed as Namjoon headed over to see what was going on

Namjoon had to cover his mouth almost blowing their cover due to the hilarity of the situation.

"Let's just leave them be-" The rapper walked away as the other maknae continued to watch the free paper view match

"Come on Jungkook-" He shouted making the maknae jump

"Yashh!! Okay okay-"Jungkook followed

"Minhee-ah!!" Taehyung squirmed knocking Minhee off the bed as a loud thump was heard due to the wooden floor boards

"Aish!! Taehyungiee!!" The girl groaned holding her elbow in pain 

"Good night Namjoon-ah-" Jungkook giggled hearing the on going commotion in the next room over before cuddling under his blanket 

"Night Jk-" He chuckled before shutting the lights. 

