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                                ONE DREAM.TXT

"It was chilly out there, bundle up you guys-" Namjoon passed out some heating pads so they could warm up their fingers

Bts successfully finished their concert in Soldier Field. A venue of 60,000. 

"We have a little surprise for you-"


"A surprise?" Jimin and V turned 

"Chicago pizza?" Jin questioned causing Minhee's tummy to rumble

"There some people here that want to meet you-"

"M-Meet us??" She repeated nerves starting to kick in

Was a celebrity at their show tonight?

Ughhh, her long pink faded out hair was straggly and she was in desperate need of a shower. She was in no decent state to meet some one right now.

A nice warm bath would do the trick to heal her tired bones.

"Tomorrow by Together was in the audience watching the show. They are here in the waiting room-" 

Her nerves instantly turned into excitement.

"The babies are here!!" Minhee jumped up squealing with joy 

The boys of txt were in the building. 

"Really?" Jungkook questioned with a bunny smile

Each member of bts were really proud of the boys of txt. Minhee thought they were totally adorable, loving them to the absolute core.

When they first met a few months ago around txt's debut, all of them were so nervous they barley spoke a word to them.

"Aishhh, let's go then!" J-Hope led the group over to the waiting room excited to see their protegés 

"They are here?" Namjoon kept turning around to the camera in disbelief that their dongsaengs came to see them

"They watched the show?" He smiled 

With Txt

"Aish, you guys I'm so nervous-" Taehyun tried to warm up his hands

"I'm a 20 year-old adult-" Soobin smiled about to show his true emotions

"But for today, I can be a baby-" His voice softened as he sat back down on the couch

They were all so nervous.

Beomgyu was currently flipping through the sketchbook, while the others were conversing trying to calm down their nerves. 

"No I'm good, I'm good you guys-" Beomgyu nodded reassuringly with confidence

But all that courage totally flew away once they heard a noise coming from the door. The blonde threw the book before casually striking the most 'natural' pose. 

"Aishhh i'm still nervous!!" The boy dramatically dropped to his knee's

"We met them before, but still-" Yeonjun went on until they heard a laugh that they knew all too well.

"Someone laughed-" Huening Kai spoke

"That was J-Hope sunbaenim-" Soobin turned

"Did you hear that?" 

Instantly, all five of them were up on their feet.

Jin was the first person to enter the waiting area as the rest of the members flooded in. 

"T-X-T!!!" J-Hope ran up to the boys followed by Jungkook who shook all their hands and lastly Minhee, who gave each one of them hugs. 

Taehyun's cheeks were absolutely flushed.

"Should we say hello first?" Soobin question

"We'll introduce ourselves-"

"ONE DREAM! Hello we are TXT!" They bowed as the bangtannies applauded 

"We have to do it louder then them now-"

"Don't be embarrassing-"  Minhee mumbled standing at the end of the line before doing their intro

"Hello! We are BTS!"

"We're from the same agency, why do we have to do this?" Jin chuckled as Namjoon turned to the younger boys before they all sat down 

"Thank you for coming today, even though it's cold outside-"

"Aren't you guys performing tomorrow?"

"Yes, here in Chicago for our showcase."

"That's exciting!! How are you guys doing??" Minhee clasped her hands as the boys turned bashful

Noticing their expressions, Jimin almost felt their emotions.

Yeah, they were one hundred percent nervous.

"You guys will be amazing I know it-" He smiled as Yeonjun turned to look at him in surprise

They just got praise from Park Jimin.

"So how did you like the show?"

"Jungkook sunbaenim was flying-" Taehyun smiled as the maknae's eyes widened upon hearing his name mentioned

"Yeah, I almost froze to death-" He let out a breath hanging on to his hand warmers

"So where were you guys seated?" Minhee questioned as RM continued

"In the skybox?"

The txt members nodded making the girl smile.

"Yah!! We were freezing out there while you were all warm and cozy!?!" Jin teases causing Minhee to comically shove his shoulders

"It's a good thing that they stayed warm Seokjinne-ah!!" The girl shouted making the boys laugh

After about ten minutes of chit chat, giving advice and bonding-

Beomgyu stood up.

"I-u-um..." He scratched the back of his head

"We had such a great time t-today a-and we wanted to do s-something in return-"

"Aish!! Why are my ears getting red!!" The boy shouted covering the sides of his face

Minhee couldn't help but to smile watching the txt boys. 

"We prepared something... we'd like to show you..." 

"Yes!! Show us!!" Namjoon shouted as all the boys got up

'They're soooo cute-' Minhee gushed

"Should we all sit here?" J-Hope questioned as Soobin nodded 

Bts moved sitting on the black couch across from them with Jungkook too excited, ran around to stand behind.

[Order: Namjoon, Jimin, Suga, (Jungkook behind) Jin, Minhee, V, J-hope]

(Namjoon and J-Hope sitting on the edges of the couch)

"Do you have the song ready??"

"Yeah, yeah it's ready-" Beomgyu pulled out his phone getting in position as Taehyun held up the sketch pad

"Sunbaenim-" Taehyun spoke as all of the members began to flip

Most of the boys were cringing as Minhee figuratively had hearts floating over her head. She was already in love with this.

"Wait you have to read the message-" Beomgyu spoke causing all their heads to turn towards the blonde

"Pay attention you guys-" Namjoon pointed as they all settled down

"we're in America-" They read out loud 

"So we'll say hello instead..." Taehyun flipped the page

"Hello~~" They all smiled and waved making bts' eyes brighten as they said hello waving back

"How have you been?"

"We've been great!!" Taehyung beamingly smiled

"We missed you guys-"

"Aweee they missed us-" Minhee held the sides of her cheeks

"We had Chicago pizza too-" Taehyun pretended to have a slice of pizza causing the members to laugh

"We wrote this letter because-" 

"After watching your show, we were really touched/impressed"  They respectfully bowed

"and Minhee-" Everyones heads suddenly turned towards her

Her eyebrows perked up as the rest of bts read the message out loud 

"Beautiful as always-" 

Her cheeks instantly burned red as the rest of the bts boys cooed and hollered.

"It was amazing-"

"Oh and-"

"we want to be friend with you!!"

"When are we going to exchange phone numbers?"

"You guys don't have our numbers?!?"

"and last but not least, we hope you finish your tour successfully-"

"We L"





"From lovely TXT~"

"That was really sweet-" Minhee individually hugged each one of them as the rest of bts followed in suit

"The cutest part was Taehyun, making gestures reading the letters while the others were like-" V posed as the other four nervous boys stood there causing Taehyun to giggle

"But really, that was nice-" Namjoon held his chest as the rest nodded in agreement

"Yeah, that was a first-"

"We love you guys too~~" Minhee spoke with her arms wrapped around Beomgyu who was covering his reddened ears

"Today was a great day, we should take a picture to remember this moment-" Suga spoke as all the members began to huddle up together. 

Jungkook slung his arm around Huening Kai, as Minhee was in the middle cheek to cheek his Yeonjun. Both holding up peace signs close to their faces.

"Chicago is really chilly, so stay warm okay?" Jimin put a hand on Hueing Kai's shoulder as the boy nodded

"Here-" Minhee notioned Soobin as she finished writing something on a napkin

"Forgive me I don't have my cell phone on me right now, but if you ever need something-" She offered the boy the napkin

"Please don't hesitate to call-" She smiled sweetly as the txt leader's eyes widened

"N-Noona!! Thank you-" The boy politely bowed trying to hold back the burning sensation that was forming in his cheeks

This time Minhee was at a lost for words. She stood in shock staring at the boy.


Never in her seven years of being in bts has someone called her noona...

Other then her own brother of course-

This... this was a big deal to Minhee.

Her and Jungkook have always been the maknae's. So to see the younger generation use formalities on them was something new.

"Did you g-guys hear t-that-?" Minhee stuttered looking all around

Comically, Namjoon began to clap followed by Jin and the rest who were in a fit of laughter.

Jin standing between Minhee and Jungkook put his hands on both of their shoulders.

"Noona-" He looked over at Minhee

"Hyung-" He comically turned the other way towards Jungkook causing the Maknae's to have the brightest smiles plastered on their faces

"Jk-" The female member squealed as the maknae's hugged comically jumping into each others arms as the cheers and laughter continued

"When were back in Korea altogether let's go out for dinner-" V suggested as all the txt boys nodded in agreement

"We wish you luck on your showcase-" Suga spoke

"I know you guys will crush it-" J-Hope smiled

"Thank you all so much-" Jungkook gave a round of hugs followed by Minhee and Jimin

Unfortunately they couldn't stay long do to their tour schedule, so it was now time for them to leave.

"Call if you need anything-" Jungkook turned before they left

"See you soon-"

"Thank you!!"

"Take care-"

And with the click of the door, they were gone.

Beomgyu instantly crouched down, Taehyun and Yeonjun both let out a breath sitting on the couch as Huening Kai and Soobin stood still.

"Yashhhh-" Beongyu blushed holding the sides of his cheeks

"They are literally incredible-" 

"Noona is even prettier in person-" Huening Kai said out loud without thinking causing Soobin to smile

"I want to sell out stadium's like them one day-" Taehyun confessed

"One day..." Yeonjun repeated 

"D-Did you see guy's that?" Soobin politely teased with a small smirk catching Beomgyu and Yeonjun's attention

"I Choi Soobin, have Park Minhee's phone number-" He pulled out the napkin from his pocket as the four boys eyes widened especially Taehyun's and Yeonjun's

Almost instantly the four boys bear tackled the leader. Unfortunately for them, Soobin was very tall and held up his arm with all his might

"Give it here!!"

"That's not fairrrrr-"

Hueningniee, grab his other arm-" Yeonjun notioned as the boy made his move

Taehyun had a better idea though. Giggling, he stood on the couch and lightly jumped on their leaders back as he finally fell down in a fit of laughter. 

It then turned into a 1v4 wrestling match. 

"Soobin-ah give it here!!!"


"Soobinnieeee!!" Beomgyu shook the boy

"She gave it to meeeeee~!" He held onto the napkin for dear life

Huening Kai and Taehyun tag teamed grabbing each one of his legs. As they pulled him, not expecting it Soobin lost his grip.

Eyes widening in fear reaching out, he watched the napkin get snatched from him.

Soobin laid in defeat as there was one left standing.

"VICTORY!!" Yeonjun cheered as he stood his his arms out

Although that glorifying moment didn't last that long as Taehyun, Huening Kai and Beomgyu shot him piercing daggers.

Oh how the tide has shifted. The eldest boy became the target as they teamed up to hunt down their predator.


"G-Get o-off-"

"It's mine!!!"

Five Minutes later

"This was ONE DREAM. TXT in Chicago." The five boys bowed looking towards the camera

"We were very surprised that we were able to attend our sunbaenim's concert today. We are very grateful, thank you-"

"It was an amazing performance and we will work hard to do the same." Huening kai smiled

"Everyone please stay healthy, and we will see you soon at our showcase-"



A/N: I LOVE TXT. I plan to write more chapters with the txt boys, what do you think?

I'm a Soobin Bias~~ ^.^
