London: Injuries


"Jungkook, the restroom is open-"

"Is it?" The boy stopped singing as he looked up from his phone immediately grabbing his belongings

J-Hope nodded leaning back in his chair. He was already changed ready to go in his concert fit.

"I'm going to choose shower over conditioning any day~" He laughed looking into the camera before closing the door. 

"Hobi-ah-" Minhee walked in wearing her stage outfit, which was an alternate version from the boys fits. 

She had on a puffy white long sleeve, tucked into her high waisted white skirt with knee-high boots and white fish nets.

Minhee, being the one who takes extra long in hair and makeup (compared to the boys) just finished getting her hair done. 

Her hair was half up half down with the ends loosely curled, held together with a white bow. Her long layered bangs were left out framing her (At the moment) bare face.  

"Look-" She showed Hobi a tweet, which had a picture with thousands of fans outside of the O2 arena all holding up their army bombs and signs with smiling faces

Performing in the UK was such a fever dream for the bangtannies, it was their first time here.

They were so excited...



Startled from hearing the voice, her and J-Hope's eyes averted to the golden maknae who opened the bathroom door.

'Jungkook was here?' She questioned before taking a good look at him 

He was hunched over and unresponsive, which was odd for the boy.

"Woah, Jungkook you're bleeding-" Minhee immediately jumped up from her chair as the boy hopped over to her 

"I'm bleeding-" He repeated in shock, face slightly pale as he bent over leaning on the table covering his face raising his heel 

"Someone needs call a doctor-" J-Hope turned

"I'll call him-" A staff member quickly pulled out his cell phone

From there on out, everything was in slow motion for the girl.

The only thing Minhee could focus on was the pale hunched over boy that was clenching onto the edge of her skirt. Although he was silent, he showed his expression through his physicality-

And Minhee always caught on quick.  

Jungkook was obviously in pain and didn't want to show it. The girl standing next to him, rubbed circles on his back in hopes to console. They were to perform in two hours.

2 Hours. 

'Don't cry Minhee, don't cry-' She tried to blink her oncoming tears away

They already went and did their sound check... this was unbelievably bad timing...

Her mind was starting to spin as her eyes locked on the door hoping a doctor would enter any minute. Forget her, imagine Jungkook's mental state right now. 

"Jungkook-" J-Hope walked around to look at his ankle

"That looks deep-"

"It's okay-" She whispered into his ear

"Everything is going to be okay-"


Once informed of the situation, many of the medical staff followed by the remaining bts members, entered the room.

Jungkook was placed laying on the ground with a towel over the top of his body as they began to assess his injury.

Minhee sat on the floor behind him, brushing the strands of his hair out of his face trying to at least bring some comfort. At this point, what else could she do?

"What happened?" Jin shouted entering last

He saw the text from Namjoon claiming that Jungkook was hurt... but that was it. Given no context. 

"What's going on?" He looked down at Jungkook on the floor

"It's 4 cm deep-" One of the medical staff confirmed causing all of the members to have a painful expression

"Does he need stitches?" Namjoon quickly questioned

"The doctor is on the way-"

"This is beyond belief right now-" Jungkook cracked a smile

"Well I'm glad you're laughing about it-" Jimin put his hand on his hip

"I ran here worried you'd be crying-"

"I almost did-" He admitted as Minhee glanced down at his expression

"It'll be okay as long as Jungkook can hold himself steady-" Namjoon spoke

"I just need to go up on stage... but I can't perform-" The maknae rubbed his eyes

"I've done that once-" Namjoon went on 

"No twice, twice-" He repeated 

"It's hard, but it's the same thing with every situation. There's always the possibility of injury-" Yoongi narrated

"His skin is torn-" The doctor arrived, assessing his injury 

"So we shouldn't let him step up on the injured foot?"

"It would be best... just to let him sit still-"

Hearing the verdict from the doctor himself, the golden maknae was now coming to terms of the reality of the situation.

He held it together for this long, but his walls were slowly getting torn down. 

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?" Minhee smiled ruffing up his hair

"Don't say that-" Taehyung softly spoke

MinSeok (Minhee & J-Hope) tried to cheer him up

"Jay kayyyyyy~" Hobi sung

"JAYY KAYYYYYYYY~~" They sung loudly together causing the boy to smile as the staff membered proceeded to help him up

"I need stitches?"


"I'm scared-" He smiled as a staff member gave him a piggyback ride before heading into the room where they would perform the 'surgery'

You could hear the grunts and weep's from Jungkook making Jimin flinch and look away. 

They were all in distress, anxiety filled in their stomachs. It was hard knowing that they can't do anything to help.


Jin watched as their female member got up from her chair heading to the open door.

His shout caused the remaining seven of them to turn in her direction as she halted.


"I'm sorry-" She quickly rubbed her eyes before turning back to face the rest of them

"But  I-" The girl locked eyes with Namjoon

"I-I'm going to go-" Minhee finish sternly, eyes becoming glassy 

"Minhee ah-" Jimin's voice softened as he stood up 

Her voice was tightened and by the way her hand was trembling, it was not a good sign.

Namjoon watched and proceeded to nod as the girl fluttered her eye lashes blinking away the oncoming tears that were beginning to form

"It's okay-" The leader placed a hand on the younger boys shoulder as their female member headed to get her makeup done

"Just give her sometime to cool off-" 


"Come on Jungkookie-ah-" Jin pushed the maknae sitting in his wheel chair going through the undergrounds of the stage

"Let's go find Minhee-ah-" He began 

"She was worried about you earlier-"

'Worried about m-me?' The maknae thought

I mean, they were all concerned for Jungkook's wellbeing-

But hearing Jin say Minhee's name specifically, made his chest thump a little harder.


"O Minhee-ah~" The eldest began to comically sing until he laid eyes on her bright ginger locks

"MINHEE-AHHHHH!!" He screamed causing Jungkook to break out into laughter

Leave it to Seokjin to brighten the mood.

"SEOKJINNIE-AH-" She shouted back from across the under stage hall walking towards the duo holding her yellow sparkly mic with a bright smile.

Crouching down she got to Jungkook's eye level placing her hands on his knees.

"You okay Jungkookie-ah???" She sweetly questioned causing the boy to smile and nod along

Weird, she seemed fine to him.

But for Jin, it didn't even look like she was the same person from an hour ago. 

Was his baby princess putting on a brave face?

Honestly between both Jungkook and Minhee, the way they were both acting was a bit concerning.


"Kim Namjoon!"

"You guys ready?" They all put there hands in excluding Jungkook who was already in position

"Kim Seokjin!" 

"Jungkook?" Namjoon shouted loudly

"Yeah!" The boy loudly replied already sitting in his position

Unfortunately due to the situation, he had to be prepared.

"Min Yoongi!"

"It's been a rough couple of hours, but we're here tonight with ARMY-" Namjoon began, staring at their seven hands

"Jung Hoseok!!"

"Let's try and remain positive and put on a great show-"

The silence between the eight of them was heavy. Heck, Namjoon couldn't even kid himself. 

He was fully embracing his leadership role at the moment because if he didn't, he'd probably lose it too.  

"Everything will be okay..."The leader let out a deep sigh understanding everyones emotions as his eyed darted over to Minhee

"Jungkook will be okay-" He repeated as his eyes locked with hers

"Park Jimin!"

"Park Minhee!"

"Now, let's put on a great show-"

"Kim Taehyung!!"

"Jeon Jungkook!"





A/N: Can you imagine the thoughts that were probably going through Jungkook's brain at that moment? Writing this chapter gave me such anxiety just thinking about it-  
