The Protagonist

Margarethe Grimaldi

It might be about time that the Baron finds his long lost daughter Sofia Harrison.

If this world was a novel and my sister was the villain then Sofia Harrison would be the Protagonist.

If I remember correctly that commoner bred lady became the fiancee of the Prince around this time? But since Criselda is still alive and well, she should have no more reason to make my sister into the villain.

"Falias you are from Biarma Borea right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I need you to investigate something for me, I want to know everything about the lady in this portrait, she seems to be a daughter of a baron."

Sofia Harrison

"As for you Finias, I need you to give me profile and background of the Jameseville clan. Each and every one of them."

"Yes ma'am. I shall take my leave ma'am."

"Finias, try not to get caught."

"Yes ma'am."

"Goria, how is that wet nurse?"

"Her lips is sealed tightly ma'am. We cannot get her to talk."

"Bring me to her, I can get that clam lipped maid to pry her own mouth by herself."

Walking down the stairs the dungeon started to smell pungent.

"Does anyone not clean this filthy place? Where are the guards?"

"Young Lady! What are you doing here? This i-s n-ot."

"Silence. What is that smell?"

"Young Lady, this olace is not cleaned on purpose to further torture the prisoners.

"Pointless. Them dying from infections would be such a shame. Clean this place up once a month."

"Y-yes ma'am."

Mirna lay on the ground with her festering back.

"My lady. What ever have I done to you?"

I signalled for the gates to be opened, with my fan on the tip of my hand twirled it towards her festering wound, smelling the tip of the fan that gouged om her wounds, I smell a faint smell of herbs.

*smirks* It seems we have quite a lot of traitor in the house.

So all this time my innocent self was just swept uo into this fall of the Grimaldi because of a plot against the Grimaldi.



"Dear Mirna, I thank thee for taking care of my sister Mirna. Though I womder indeed were you ever there for me when mine mother educates me?"

"I-I am sorry Lady Margarethe it's just we werent allowed to go near you!!"

Lies. I remember no words from mother. I was always by her side, the maids stood by as they watched the education the wet nurse who among them was the only one with knowledge of medicine decided to play passerby as well.



I will unravel them all to smack in this innocent playing traitor.

I took a step on her hand and stared closely, her eyes holding anger but the face shows pain anguish asking for pity, none were given.

Waiting for her a bit to spit on me, when none came. With my gloved hands I squeezed her checks and with an open mouth I saw a glint. Inside, seems to be some kind of implant. Suicide pill? Suddenly with a flash of her tongue it disappeared.


"Take all her nails and teeth, to prevent whateven she may plan. Especially the back teeth. One may never know what is hidden beneath."

Back in the office with Finias and Falias absent the remaining 2 are in full alert. Afterall in just a few days there had been 9 visitors from different families. How lovely, they especially sent those high skilled assassins.

"Goria get me all the information you can gather with Mirna. All friends she hang out with in and outside the mansion."

"Ma'am I cannot leave my post unless another returns to change shifts with me."

"It is fine,I am not as weak as you think and I have Murias with me. Besides I am not their main target."

"Knock knock sister I am here!! I brought you Monte Grande! I baked it myself."

"Speaking of, come in. Freya my dear."

Taking a spoonful of the white pastry, I ignored her eyes full of expectations of praise, and looked at Goria signalling for him to go. He went immediately. Good boy.

"How was your bridal lessons?"

"Boring!! Sister I dont want to get married to that snub of a prince!"

I glanced at her raising my eyebrow about to put the dessert down.

"No!!! Sister keep on eating!! I worked hard on it."

"Then stop that, you can be imprisoned for bad mouthing a prince. Even the slightest bit of disrespect can be used against thee."

"Fine. You always side with anyone but me."

"Naturally, since you are my sister Freya, the troublemaker. The only time that I will side with you is when you behave."

"Whatever! My wet nurse is the only one on my side! She is the only one who is affectionate towards me!"

Raising an eyebrow,

"Oh, then is my shower of affection not enough come her you little fuddy duddy!"

I pinched her cheecks so much it turned red.

"Not this kind of affection! Sister you know what I meam!! Why dont you let me sleep beside you anymore? Before you would let me even though I find your room creepy! Now that I am used to it you keep me out!"

"You already have a fiance Freya, you are not MY Freya anymore. How could I possibly rob a you off a Prince?"

"Sisteeerrrrr!!! I am not yet married!!! You can do whatever with me until you get tired of meeee!!!"

"Playing cute won't work, go use that charm to your wet nurse."

"My wet nurse disappeared."

"Oh, what happened?"

"I don't know, Mirna just suddenly disappeared saying she was needed at home."

"Oh, is a wet nurse allowed to leave a baby like you around?"

"Sister stop teasing me!! She stopped coming around anyways ever since you showed favor in me. She would help me with my wounds and such but she never approached me as close but she is still the best maid in this household!"

"What was she like?"

"Hm... she was friendly with everyone. But you know sis I think she and the head butler is an item! They would sometimes sneak off in to the night and return at dawn. I mean like why dont they just go public! Until now they act like they are strangers in the morning but would still meet night after night. Its a wonder they didnt get caught."

"How interesting. How did you found this out by the way? Why is the young lady of the Grimaldi house still awake in such a time?"

My demeanor still smiling but my aura differs from the smile I had, my training is impeccable how could such a wet nurse taint my perfect sister?! She even let her see such rendevouz in the night.!

"S-sister!!! It was before!!! I dont do that anymore!!!"

"What were you doing?"


Silence, she must have been horse riding again. Why is this!!!

I hit her with my fan and sent her away but she stayed.

"Sister! Your using my gift! Finally! Where is that white fan you usually use?"

"Dirty. Keep quiet if you want to stay."

"Okie dokies!"

Flippin through the report Goria slipped in my desk while Freya and I talked I fpund some interesting stuff. Good job.

I flipped it and when I was at the last page the glass behind me broke in to pieces by men in black.

I opened my fan with a swift swing and covered my face from the shards.

Not the FACE!
